Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Confessions of a Young Offender: The Great West Mountain Flood of 1967

While pondering a post on Facebook about the mountains of medical waste resulting from mask mandates and mask hysteria, I started to wonder if some of those billions of useless masks might be responsible, in part, for Hamilton's recent sewer woes.

And that reminded me of something I was involved in back in 1967.

The Creek's Raiders

"A worthless man devises mischief."

During the summer of 1966, I started to lose interest in the things I enjoyed doing at the time, like building skyscrapers and other structures with my girder and panel sets and Stalox mini-brick sets, reading about the universe, swimming up at the Westmount pool, and being a general shit-disturber in school.

I wanted something better. Something more exciting.

I wanted adventure.

Then I learned that a group of my old buddies had taken up smoking. That sounded pretty kewl to me at the time, so I ventured up to the spot where they were known to hang out and started bumming cigarettes from them to prove that I, too, could be super-kewl.

They hung out at the southeast corner of the intersection of the "Black Road" and the creek. We called it "The black Road" because it was a black road. It was composed of crushed black gravel and it ran south from Mohawk Road to Limeridge Road. The creek was simply known as, "The Creek." (later - Raider's Creek)

As I gradually became accepted as a member of the gang, I discovered they were involved in all sorts of exciting things to do, like playing football and baseball, building tree forts, hiking, and cycling, and other clean-cut activities like knocking on people's doors after dark and then hiding behind a bush (we even tried the old flaming bag of feces trick on one household,) or throwing snowballs at passing cars in the winter from behind the snow fence on the south side of Mohawk Road. When the snow was all gone we used wads of wet toilet paper.

We would even place phoney orders for taxis, pizza, and Chinese food and send them to the homes of people we didn't like, which turned out to be so much fun we started playing the same gag on people we liked, as well.

Years later I ended up driving a taxi and I can tell you that showing up at an address, only to discover that the pizza guy, the Chinese food guy, and the coroner's van were already there didn't seem so funny anymore. Talk about Karma!

In the taxi business, when you end up NOT getting a paying customer from the address, we call it a "dead trip."

Aside: I read once that NYC taxi regulations mandated that all taxis have grills on their trunks to make the contents visible. No explanation was given, but one intriguing opinion I heard was that, in those days, people could not afford expensive funerals, so they would just call a taxi and throw the deceased into the trunk. This would probably have been illegal, hence the grill, and possibly even the origin of the term, "dead trip."

"Cash in advance, please."

We decided to make up a name for our gang. We called ourselves "The Creek's Raiders."

It was our first step into organized crime. (Going into the cab business was my second.)

Most of the members, and associate members had colorful nicknames, like "Krawk," "Kraut," "Biggelo," "Tank," "Noodles," "Pig Boy," "Tubbie," "Bloat," "Fungus," and "Snotrag."

One night, as I was leaving the house my mother asked me where I was going. I told her Pig Boy and I were going to call on Bloat. She asked me why all of my friends had such unpleasant names. She said she didn't like those names and that I should find some new friends. I didn't.

I had nicknames as well, but too many to list here.

We weren't always into mischief though.

Sometimes we were just boys being boys. In those days, it meant something totally different from what it means today. Today it means uhm, ah, hmmm... fucked if I know!

Day 1: Busy Beavers

"Well, I built me a raft and she's ready for floatin' Ol' Mississippi, she's callin' my name."

Every spring when the snow finally melted, the water level in that creek would rise. Some years the water got deep enough that we could build and float rafts in it.

It was a lot of fun pretending to be Tom Sawyer floatin' out to Jackson's Island to have a few smokes with Huck.

1967 must not have been a very good year for snowfall. The creek's flow was barely a trickle. The climate, she was a changin'.

One of the Creek's Raiders ring leaders came up with a plan to raise the water level in that creek by building a dam at the mouth of the storm sewer at the intersection of Lynbrook Dr. and Millbank Pl.

At this point, let me be straight. This was NOT my idea. I was never one of the Creek's Raiders ringleaders. I vas zyust vollowing örders. I would have rather spent my time volunteering at the Idylwilde nursing home on San Road or doing my grammar homework, but I was afraid that, if I did not go along with the gang on this enterprise, they would have surely beaten me up.

We visited our supply depot at the housing development on the west side of Garth and grabbed a few sheets of plywood figuring the plywood and a few rocks would do the trick. The plywood approach didn't work. We could not establish an effective seal. The creek water just trickled around and through the cracks. What we needed was something that would really plug up that grate.

Some have conjectured that Tank was the ringleader because of his physical size and incredible strength. When he "pulled a hairy," the group would scatter. He once caught Leonardo Wolenski up the side of the head with one of his flailing arms and almost knocked his head clean off.

Nope. Tank was the brains of the outfit. He came up with the ideas and took care of the logistics. He was our combination IT/Myer Lansky guy. But he lacked ambition. While he might have conceived the plan, it was gang leader, BeBe Remortis (pronounced Bee-bee,) who ultimately called the shots.

I was there when the original plan was hatched.

Bebe: You know, the creek just isn't running fast enough. The plywood dam isn't working. We need something that will really seal up those cracks.

Tank: I think I know of a way we can fix that. I've seen a bunch of insulation over at "the houses." What if we borrowed some and used it to really seal off the water flow at our dam? Those nice workermen have the insulation tightly packed into bales that will be easy to transport. Of course, we will return it after the thaw dries up.

Remortis gave it the nod and before long we had installed one bale of insulation at the storm sewer opening.

[Not the original grate]

It didn't work. There wasn't enough insulation to create an effective seal.

So we went back and borrowed about ten more bales.

We plugged every crack and crevice we could find around that sewer opening.

Still, nothing happened. We covered the entire opening with as much insulation as we could find, which was lots thanks to the workermen, and really packed it tight.

And still, nothing happened!

The water level did not appear to change at all. It was disappointing.

So much for that plan. It was getting late and we had spent the whole day on this engineering project. And for nothing. After all of that hard work, we had absolutely nothing to show for our efforts. Still, you can't fault us for our inherited Anglo-European work ethic. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."

Tired, hungry, and disappointed, we accepted our failure, abandoned the job site, and went home for supper. After supper, we gathered at St. Vincent de Paul for a good game of punch-out. Some guy in a Mustang chased us right over the grass at Buchanan Park during one round.

The next day was a school day.

Day 2: The Surprise

I don't recall noticing anything on the way to school the next day, but on the way home for lunch - we used to get an hour and forty-five minutes for lunch in those days - when we got to the intersection of Millbank and Lynbrook, we could not believe our eyes. Millbank Place was gone. In it's place there was a river flowing north to Mohawk road. It wasn't very deep. The sidewalk was still navigable. But the water on Mohawk Road was much deeper; perhaps as much a twelve inches deep. Seeing a city bus plow through it was quite a sight. It was the Venice of South Hamilton. It would have been perfect for rafting, but we had moved on to other projects by then.

The cause of this mayhem was truly a mystery... to many people.

Day 3: Aftermath

City work crews managed to clean up the mess rather quickly. I don't think they had been unionized yet. Whether any of the insulation was ever returned to the job site for its original purpose remains unknown.

I was walking home from school that day with a friend named, "Karvey." He had acquired that nickname as a result of his excellent woodworking skills. We were going over the scientific concepts we would need to successfully write Mr. Ashbaugh's test the next day. It's difficult for me to remember the exact subject matter at the time. I think it was basic concepts covering freezing, evaporation, sublimation, and precipitation; all pretty basic stuff, unlike the sophisticated Al Gore movies kids would be forced to watch thirty years later. "Believe in the science!"

For the record, the Karve had absolutely nothing to do with the planning and construction of the hydro project recorded in this essay.

As we approached Lynbrook and Millbank, we noticed a city works truck was parked nearby. Some guy was walking down Millbank using a stethoscope to listen to the road. I was expecting a bunch of guys in white coats to show up and shuffle him back down to the facility at West 5th and Fennel.

It turned out he was a city worker. When he saw us he ran over and demanded to know our names. Did he know something?

There were just two sacred rules that applied to all Creek's Raiders members. The first rule was, "deny everything." The second rule was, "Always use a fake name."

I told the guy my name was "Gant Fane," from the novel "Iron Scouts of the Confederacy."

Karvey, being innocent, of course, provided his real name.

As far as I know, there never was an investigation.

Fast Forward to 2021

It was only recently that I paused to wonder if our little engineering project caused any damp basements in the vicinity of Millbank Place. At the age of about twelve, we lacked the foresight to see how much damage our perfectly laid plans could end up causing.

In the end though, what are a few bales of fibreglass insulation when compared to the hundreds of thousands of tons of medical waste that have been produced in order to pretend to fight COVID-19?

When I look at the actions of our so-called "leaders," I realize that most of them have no more foresight than a group of twelve-year-old boys.

["A worthless man devises mischief." ]

The joke is on Canadian Voters.


Tank you.

Climate Disaster

Filthy COVID-Breather Escapes!

Friday, October 29, 2021

Uncle Block's Flying Circus

What she says...

You can't make this shit up.

U.S. in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Families Separated at Border

And speaking of "lasting psychological trauma," how much does $450,000 per case add up to for all of the children suffering lasting harm from the insane COVID-19 policies of the last 19 months?

And how about the lasting psychological trauma suffered by people who were separated at the nursing homes?

Oh, I forgot - most of them are citizens.

Mayhem & Madness: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

I read John Whitehead's book, "A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State" back in 2013. Canada has the same problem, as does most of the West.

If there was ever any doubt, the events since the spring of 2020 should have erased it for any but the most hard core devotees of the Religion of the State.

"A citizenry that does not think for themselves, obeys without question, is submissive, does not challenge authority, does not think outside the box, and is content to sit back and be entertained is a citizenry that can be easily controlled."

No shit.

I wonder who else has been saying that all along?



Mayhem & Madness: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms


Another bone of contention I have with mainstream "news," or what I prefer to call "Junk News" is that even when they do publish the truth, it is always months or even years after it first came out.

"She said the family still believes in the efficacy of vaccinations and doesn’t want people to be paranoid."

"Everyone in the home tested positive for COVID-19, despite those above 12 years old being fully vaccinated."

"We took all the precautions."

"he developed signs and symptoms of a stroke,"

Fully vaccinated Ontario man dies after COVID-19 sweeps through his hockey league


From the brain damaged liberal mentality file, check out this opinion piece by Pulitzer Prize winner Leonard Pitts,

"Some of you seem to think freedom means no one can be compelled to do, or refrain from doing, anything. But that’s not freedom, it’s anarchy."

By pushing mandatory vaccination policy, Leonard is endorsing the notion that his opinions are so sacred that they can be imposed upon everyone else. Translation: in the mind of Leonard Pitts, freedom means that he can impose his preferences for risk upon everyone else. Bullying, therefore, is perfectly acceptable to Leonard Pitts according to his version of freedom. In other words, Pitts is a typical liberal.

All liberals seem to think freedom means that some people have the right to bully other people into conforming to their own personal preferences. But that's not freedom, that is anarchy.

It's possible some of Leonard Pitts' ancestors were slaves. Imagine the plantation owners of his ancestors telling them,

"Some of you seem to think freedom means no one can be compelled to do, or refrain from doing, anything. But that’s not freedom, it’s anarchy."

Of course, defenders of slavery, just like the defenders of lockdowns and mandates, have their reasons.

"Defenders of slavery argued that if all the slaves were freed, there would be widespread unemployment and chaos. This would lead to uprisings, bloodshed, and anarchy." [source]

"Freedom is essential, but...."

Reponse to a Facebook post.

Right. So just go ahead now and start poking your kids with politically driven, warp-speed, experimental new technologies. A vaccine so effective that those who have received it are deathly afraid of catching the Coof from those who haven't.

And all of this in aid of "protecting" children who are at ZERO risk of dying from COVID and, therefore, not likely to increase the number of baby graves at all.

Is that what you are saying?

You must be a member of MENSA.

The only thing written in/on/inside/outside stone here seems to be from the rocks in your head.



Worth Knowing

We Will Not Comply! - #NewWorldNextWeek

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Added Context

Check out the VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports page.

Note the disclaimer at the bottom: "OpenVAERS is a private organization that posts publicly available CDC/FDA data of injuries reported post-vaccination. Reports are not proof of causality." -- <italics mine>

The SAME DISCLAIMER should be added to every Junk News headline screaming about the daily "cases" and body counts.

It would go something like this, "This Junk News Report publishes available data on positive PCR tests and the number of people who died having had a positive PCR test. These reports are not proof of causality."

How many of those have you seen over the last 19 months?

When I posted the openvaers link to Facebook, I got the following psychological intimidation warning:

I shared it anyway despite the threat of reduced distribution and other forms of censorship.

After I posted the link, the following notice was attached to it,

So I went ahead and attached my own notice,

News Flash!

"Fact Check: A Vaccinated Person Is NOT Wrong To Think An Unvaccinated Person Is A Threat To Their Health"

But since the "fact-checkers" admit that "a vaccinated person can still be infected" then "A Vaccinated Person Is NOT Wrong To Think" a Vaccinated Person Is A Threat To Their Health too.

Likewise, an Unvaccinated person is NOT wrong to think that a Vaccinated person is a threat to their health, either.

Conclusion: everyone should be scared shitless of everyone else and lockdowns and mask mandates should go on forever. And even if the Coof should magically disappear, there are still another 200 or so viruses floating around that could kill you if you get infected by an infected person.

So what are these passports really about?

Ash Sarkar: Left and Right must unite against Big Tech censorship

Amish Covid | Full Measure

I like these people.

What we really need is a vaccine against leftism.


Yes. Absolutely. Forget about abolishing public sector unions, though if that is the best you can get then go for it.

Ideally, anyone who works for the government should not have the right to vote. Nor should those who don't work at all but receive an income from the government.

Voting should be a priviledge, not a right.

The politics industry should also be completely abolished. Government needs to be severely limited in its scope and power and elections should only be about the selection of competent government administrators. Any elected administrator that tries to steal money, or its equivalent, to hand over to private beneficiaries in exchange for votes should be arrested and, if found guilty, sentenced harshly. By this standard, most politicians would be behind bars.

And speaking of universal suffrage, "Guilbeault to become Canada's next environment minister as Trudeau unveils new cabinet.

They are well on their way to turning the Canadian economy back to where it was circa 1850. I have no doubt they are entirely competent in achieving that.

Will they be able to simultaneously achieve climate stasis, I.E. - A period of inactivity or equilibrium?

I think the science is settled on that question and the answer is NO.

The only good thing that can be said about universal suffrage is that, in the end, the majority get what they deserve.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Added Context

Check out the VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports page.

Note the disclaimer at the bottom: "OpenVAERS is a private organization that posts publicly available CDC/FDA data of injuries reported post-vaccination. Reports are not proof of causality." -- <italics mine>

The SAME DISCLAIMER should be added to every Junk News headline screaming about the daily "cases" and body counts.

It would go something like this, "This Junk News Report publishes available data on positive PCR tests and the number of people who died having had a positive PCR test. These reports are not proof of causality."

How many of those have you seen over the last 19 months?

When I posted the openvaers link to Facebook, I got the following psychological intimidation warning:

I shared it anyway despite the threat of reduced distribution and other forms of censorship.

After I posted the link, the following notice was attached to it,

So I went ahead and attached my own notice,

News Flash!

"Fact Check: A Vaccinated Person Is NOT Wrong To Think An Unvaccinated Person Is A Threat To Their Health"

But since the "fact-checkers" admit that "a vaccinated person can still be infected" then "A Vaccinated Person Is NOT Wrong To Think" a Vaccinated Person Is A Threat To Their Health too.

Likewise, an Unvaccinated person is NOT wrong to think that a Vaccinated person is a threat to their health, either.

Conclusion: everyone should be scared shitless of everyone else and lockdowns and mask mandates should go on forever. And even if the Coof should magically disappear, there are still another 200 or so viruses floating around that could kill you if you get infected by an infected person.

So what are these passports really about?

Ash Sarkar: Left and Right must unite against Big Tech censorship

Amish Covid | Full Measure

I like these people.

What we really need is a vaccine against leftism.


Yes. Absolutely. Forget about abolishing public sector unions, though if that is the best you can get then go for it.

Ideally, anyone who works for the government should not have the right to vote. Nor should those who don't work at all but receive an income from the government.

Voting should be a priviledge, not a right.

The politics industry should also be completely abolished. Government needs to be severely limited in its scope and power and elections should only be about the selection of competent government administrators. Any elected administrator that tries to steal money, or its equivalent, to hand over to private beneficiaries in exchange for votes should be arrested and, if found guilty, sentenced harshly. By this standard, most politicians would be behind bars.

And speaking of universal suffrage, "Guilbeault to become Canada's next environment minister as Trudeau unveils new cabinet.

They are well on their way to turning the Canadian economy back to where it was circa 1850. I have no doubt they are entirely competent in achieving that.

Will they be able to simultaneously achieve climate stasis, I.E. - A period of inactivity or equilibrium?

I think the science is settled on that question and the answer is NO.

The only good thing that can be said about universal suffrage is that, in the end, the majority get what they deserve.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Is It Time?

Vax-pass Defeated – Town Staff Standing Up To NH Council & Doug Ford – Complete Shutdown Threatened

The voice in the video reminded my of something I had heard before.

I had to do a bit of mind-fishing before the name came to me. It was Adam Kokesh from the speech he made in Washington back around 2008. Very kewl.

Is it time?

I lived in Kingston from 1983 to 1986. At the time, I could only pick up two FM radio stations. One was a rock station from Ottawa(?) and the other was CBC.

I listened to that CBC station a lot in those days and it was even nauseating then. It seemed like every program featured someone complaining about their problems. Without skipping a beat, the host would always get around to asking them if they had applied for any kind of "government funding" to help them out.

It was at that time I realized that there was ONE UNIVERSAL RELIGION that has more devotees than any of the other competing religions in the world. It has a rock-solid belief system that will take at least a thousand years to get rid of, if then. That religion is statism and their God is the government.

If you pray to the CBC, your prayers may be answered.

Putting a few dollars in their collection plate doesn't hurt, either.

I would always add my own feedback to the comments section - which in those days was either my TV set, my car radio, or anyone who happened to be withing earshot. "I've got problems of my own, you assholes! Where is my government funding?"

There was none.

Instead, every federal and provincial budget announced that my problems were just going to get worse as more and more of my paycheque was being leached away to help "solve" the problems of the whiners lucky enough to get a CBC interview.

If any of you have watched "Peaky Blinders," there was a great line by the artist who was having an affair with Aunt Polly. There was some question about his political allegiances. His answer was along the lines of, "I hate politics. All politicians do is make some people's lives better by making other people's lives worse."

Truer words were never spoken.

EU Parliament Reject Orwellian "Vaccine" Mandates In Favor Of Human Rights

Silent protest by frontline workers Quebec

Toronto students told not to speak during lunch to reduce the spread of COVID-19

This reminded me of my visit to the Eastern State Prison in Philadelphia, before the Mass Insanity.

If I remember correctly, the inmates were not allowed to speak for the entire duration of their sentences.

I thought this was a rather harsh punishment, even for convicted criminals. What they are doing to innocent children in the face of this grossly exaggerated "pandemic" is a thousand times worse.

Pay attention to the segment under COVID-19’S IMPACT ON YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH.

I never liked Chomski. People, after hearing some of my views, would ask me if I had ever heard of Noam Chomsky. I was told that he was a "left wing" libertarian. It sounded like an oxymoron to me, unless he was advocating voluntary membership in communes, which I doubted.

He has some brilliant insights but, in the end, like all leftists, he's a vicious, sociopathic animal once he takes off his face diaper.

Resist Movement Leader Demands Compliance

If when YouTube erases the above video, you can see it here.


If when YouTube erases the above video, you can see it here.

Update: October 26, 2021.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Let's Make Canada Comfortable

I am so sick of the cold Canadian weather. I was actually thinking of buying a CO2 generating machine for my backyard and running it 24/7 except there is no gas hookup in my area. If every Canadian bought one, maybe we could turn the areas where most Canadians live into a place like Florida, with palm trees and the whole thing.

And as the northern part of this very big country warmed up we would have so much more space to live and grow as the southern parts get evermore crowded with newly imported Liberal voters.

"They refer to those sent to the secure isolation site as clients, not detainees."

The dishonest love to play with words. They should call the secure isolation sites "holiday resorts without pools."

Let's face it though. Whether you are inside, or outside one of these holiday resorts, we are all "clients" now.

COVID Enforcement Team and Secure Location for COVID Isolation.

‘It’s absolutely appalling’: Unvaccinated Canadians become social outcasts and the new persecuted minority


"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...