Saturday, October 23, 2021

Open Prison : The Future is Here

Digital integration of our lives and the resultant ability to control us all has been in the works for a long time now.

And for many more years before that, I have well understood how fanatical those of the leftist persuasion are about forcing the population to modify their behavior in accordance with their personal values and preferences.

Carrot Rewards

What is the meaning of high taxes? It means the transfer of individual economic decision-making into the hands of the predators and parasites who seek and hold public office. They decide how your earnings should be spent, not you.

The elimination of freedom of choice, freedom of association, and private property rights attending universal smoking bans were a perfect tip-off, a pilot project if you will, of the degree of acceptance on the part of the bovine masses of the collectivization of decision-making. It was enthusiastically embraced by the majority having been "nudged" in that direction by saturation of the infowaves with fear porn about second-hand smoke.

Recall that in the six months or so leading up to the May 31, 2008 Smoke-Free Ontario Act which wiped out private property rights, the freedom to associate, and the freedom to choose one's own level of tolerable risk, television and radio were saturated with fear porn propaganda in the same manner as COVID-19 fear porn dominated the Junk News media beginning in early 2020.

It was a brainwashing jackhammer.

At first they said it was to protect innocent bystanders from ETS. Embolded by the "nodding dog acquiescence" of the public, the prohibition was later expanded to outdoor areas. The mask had come off. It was never about protecting the innocent. It was always about imposing personal preferences on everyone else.

The COVID fear campaign was no different than the second-hand smoke fear campaign - all bogus. Not to mention the exploitation of the fact that climate changes.

Since I was already familiar with the process, it was not hard at all to see the same dynamics at play with the scamdemic.

The Open Prison is Now Here.

First the deluge of propaganda. Then the appeals for voluntary compliance. Then the whip. And the digital matrix no longer needs human overseers to apply the lashes.

The point was really driven home, for me, about ten years ago when I bought a used car. After contacting my insurance broker to have the policy switched to my new car they sent me a copy of the pink slip via email, followed by the pink copy in the mail.

When I went to Service Ontario to get a new sticker I was refused. The clerk told me my new policy wasn't showing up in the IBC database, and that therefore I could not get a sticker.

"But, but, but.... I have the pink slip right here! The car is insured." I started getting hot under the collar, which is not uncommon for me when dealing with government bullshit.

"There is nothing I can do," the clerk told me. "If the policy doesn't appear in the IBC database, your sticker package cannot be printed.

"Aha!," I thought, "this is how it's going to work." The computers will eventually control every transaction. Arguing with humans will be pointless since they will have no power to circumvent the insanity no matter how much they may sympathize with your plight.

I had to purchase temporary stickers for the next month or so before my increasingly angry phone calls to the insurance company got the matter sorted.

Mission Creep

And it won't just apply to getting your license sticker. It will be expanded, and expanded, and expanded until you won't even be able to access a public restroom without some sort of digital permission. With the climate fanatics pushing for ever more control over every aspect of life involving energy use, I.E. every aspect of your life, you will have been seamlessly transitioned into an open prison. (And forget about buying smokes on the reserves.)

And then there are those inevitable glitches.

Sort of like the "something went wrong" messages you get from Facebook when trying to post links questioning the official COVID narrative.

No soup for you today!

Along with the abolition of anonymous cash, the enforcement of compliance with the collectivist's agenda will be absolute. You will be completely powerless and they will be happy.

And the insouciant sheeple will just swallow the whole wad without the slightest gag reflex.

If there was any question about whether there would be effective popular resistance to the outcome, the scamdemic removed every last shred of doubt. "Wear a mask, line up in the wind and rain, stand on the circle, follow the arrows, don't celebrate Christmas with your family, kneel down, bend over, kiss the politician's asses, and finally, get vaccinated."

Digging back through my blog entries, I found this article I wrote about the role the Uber taxi company was playing in this process. Reflecting back on the Uber phenomenon - the lives and small businesses it destroyed, just as millions of lives and small businesses have been destroyed by governments in response to the scamdemic while making the uber-rich even richer, Uber was designed to accomplish exactly the same thing and was able to do so with the willing compliance of almost every political decision-maker.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Uber and the Surveilance Society

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Coming Soon: Shock Collars for Population Control

“The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.” —Ludwig von Mises

Whether you like it or not, this is going to be our future. The covergence of highly organized, richly financed group of sociopathic opportunists, useful idiots in government-funded institutes of "higher learning," and an insoucient mob of elligible voters there is no stopping it. I don't want to be on this ship of fools.


Some humour.

More humour.

Too fat to fuck?

I watched a bit of that controversial Dave Chappelle comedy special a week or so back. I barely cracked a smile. Not funny. In fact, boring as hell.

On the other hand...........

every episode of Gerald Celente is worth a few good belly laughs. Now that he's spiced up his stylings with profanity, he's even better. He reminds me of George Carlin.

Lithuania vaccinated ~75% of its adults and instituted a very strict vaccine pass program… You’ll never BELIEVE what happened next. (Or maybe you will.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Friday, October 15, 2021

Is the Ontario Government Website Intentionally Misleading?

October 13, 2021

What the F***!

Did this just happen or am I just losing my mind?

What happened to the tab for the daily death chart?

It's been altered. Now it only shows the cumulative body count. Where did the daily body count go? If I am, in fact, losing my mind the daily death chart never existed.

On the other hand, they could be manipulating the site in order to mislead. But they wouldn't do that, would they? I checked the WayBackMachine for August 10, 2021, and took a screenshot.

No. I am not losing my mind.


WayBackMachine for Aug 10, 2021 All Ontario: Case numbers and spread.

WayBackMachine for Oct 13, 2021 All Ontario: Case numbers and spread.


Could it be that in deliberately hiding the daily death data, the intention is to focus upon the phony threat of casedemic?

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Ding Dong!

And, as I predicted years ago, the intense indoctrination and obedience training all public school children are exposed to during their sentence is the REAL purpose of compulsory education.

The "nodding dog acquiescence" on mass display since the scamdemic was launched attests to the stunning success of politically controlled "education." The graduates have been trained to remain lifelong children.

No wonder those with "higher" education are able to smoothly embrace their role as life-long public school kids. "You literally had a 'vaccine passport' all through school. Relax."

By the time young citizens have completed the fifteen or so years in these reeducation camps. their minds are so completely chained to statist ideology that whips and chains are rarely needed.

Stand up. Sit down. Raise your hand when you need to pee. Don't talk to your neighbours, and when the bell rings, salivate.

The medium is the message.


John Taylor Gatto

John Taylor Gatto's book - The Underground History of American Education

Program of the Komsomol

Child paratrooper training in the Soviet Union.

I'm a Young Pioneer for the Soviet Union!

North Vietnam

"The French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser has argued that a government, in order to survive, must perpetuate itself by (re)producing subjects with the knowledge, skills, and submissiveness appropriate for the established order and ruling ideology, that is, raising new generations in the mold defined by the authority.[SOURCE]" -- <italics, mine>

It's just two weeks to "flatten the curve."

It's just a mask.

It's just a poke.

What will it "just be" next?

Is Atlas Shrugging?

Most Mask Studies Are Garbage

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Coof ODD

For a moment, yesterday, at about 11:30 a.m. I thought I was finally free of my obligation to try to provide the other side of the story to other Facebook users who have not been completely hypnotized by the massive scamdemic propaganda assault we have been deluged with for the last 19 months.

Then I found out the entire site was down. I thought maybe it had been shut down to do a thorough purge of those members whose "opinions" about "the science," etc. had not simply been derived subliminally via the multipronged government, Junk News, social media octopi info jackhammer.

Surprisingly, I am still here this morning.

The message has been loud and clear though. Cat videos, the contents of your dinner plate, photos of your vacations & fishing trips, and mindless recitation of whatever soundbites infiltrate your subconscious mind while you are putzing around the house or driving your car with the radio or TV "news" playing in the background are okay.

Anything else is strongly discouraged or outright verboten.

"Das darft's du nicht!" (you must not.)

Unfortunately, I was born with a disability. The DSM-IV calls the condition ODD. This condition represents a barrier to full participation in a society that demands universal compliance with whatever the established knowledge keepers have decreed to be the truth, at least for this day, or week.

I think those of us in the ODD community should get our own flags and crosswalks. Instead, we are marginalized and now face severe systemic barriers in terms of access to bars, restaurants, sports venues, and a slew of other activities compliant "normies" purchase by just wearing a disguise or getting pricked.

In this new normal, the late-night knock at the door will not be heard. ODD sufferers will simply be disappeared.

Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.'

I am somewhat hesitant about posting this link because of what I learned back in 2019 about how poorly some of these lists are vetted. (See link to Spectator article below.)

It is my fervent hope that those who signed THIS list are being properly vetted and do, in fact, have the requisite qualifications.


Retired Hamilton cabbie gets himself on list of fake scientists declaring climate emergency

Facebook Communication Sabotage

More ODD

Haha! I wish I could have had that excuse the last time I got called up for jury duty. In truth, I wouldn't mind serving on a jury. It would have been interesting.

What was not at all interesting was sitting in a corral for the whole day.

What a fucked up experience that was. We were all herded into a big room and the doors were closed. Of course, in addition to being forced to waste a whole day in that shithole, no smoking was allowed. I met a girl I recognized from high school and we chatted for a while. Funny. She was in a lot of my classes at Westmount and we never said boo to each other.

There were periodic smoke breaks where the unclean were escorted outside by a court officer like a bunch of kindergarteners on a school trip.

At one point I said to myself, "fuck this - I am not the criminal here," and snuck outside for a smoke. At the elevator on the way back up, as the door opened, another group of the unclean were being allowed out, escorted by the same officer. He recognized me and looked at me with pure shock, but didn't say a word as I made my way back up to the stockyard.

At the end of the day, most of the inmates were not selected and they gave us all parole. I resolved that it would be the last time I ever show up for jury duty with or without an excuse.

Jurors in murder trial must be vaccinated to prevent potential mistrial caused by COVID-19, judge says

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Project Veritas Censored by Facebook

Update: October 4, 2021


That screenshot was from yesterday. Here are the two I have already received today.

I am counting down the days (hours) until I get sent to the Facebook gulag. I don't really care. I first joined the club back around 2007 out of curiosity. After toying around with it for a while, looking for old acquaintances, "poking" people, and getting digital Tim Horton rims from strangers I decided to move on. This type of nonsense wasn't for me.

But then I had an idea. What if I searched for and "friended" as many people as I could find who had similar political interests such as libertarians and conservatives? Could I use Facebook as one of my soap boxes? It worked. In the process, I discovered many new sources of information and opinion.

It doesn't really work anymore.

Things have really changed since then. I don't know what Facebook is anymore other than a platform designed to mold public opinion in the direction of ever greater state/corporate control of people's thinking. The ebb and flow of information and debate is now controlled by shaddowy info bullies (so called "fact-checkers") who are becoming increasinlgy aggressive with their asymetrical power.

I am not going to stop saying what I think on Facebook and I am not going to stop posting information and opinions so long as I think there is the slightest possibility that I might be reaching a few of those "normies" out there who know something very sinister is going on right now and maybe change a few minds, or at least, get some people thinking.

Moments ago I got the odious warning pictured above. These interventions have greatly increased in frequency and have become a daily insult. I've had a fourteen year run on this platform. I have no regrets. It has become really ugly lately. They can de-person me if they like. I will consider it a form of retirement.

Embedded below is the "misinformation that could cause physical harm." Or maybe not, but you're not even allowed to think that. I have also included parts 2 and 3 of the Project Veritas "Exposed" series.

I expect YouTube will de-platform Project Veritas very soon, so I have downloaded the three videos in the series with the intention of reposting them on one or more of the free speech video platforms I currently use.


"Nodding dog acquiescence."


"Know the outcome and you'll see the journey."

I have been non-cooperating for most of my adult life. Scratch that. Now that I think of it, I never received a single Citizenship Award in public school and even in kindergarten, the teacher used to take me behind the piano and slap my hands from time to time.

Sometimes David Icke comes across as a bit of a lunatic. On the other hand, I am a bit of a lunatic too. What I find intriguing though, despite having paid little attention to David Icke, is that much of what he says is exactly what I have been thinking. What are the odds that two lunatics would follow much the same path in their thinking?

Listen to Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer, talking about the pandemic and the COVID vaccine. I think it's an older video because at the time of the interview, Dr. Yeadon notes that none of the vaccines have been "approved" by the FDA, they're still under EUA, but that "approval" was granted to Pfizer after pressure from old Joe's Whitehouse.

And here is a Facebook "Whistleblower" who makes the ridiculous claim that Facebook doesn't do enough censorship! And her solution is to have like Justin Trudeau et. al. the power to decide what the public shall be allowed to say, or hear on the entire internet.

She makes me want to vomit.

Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....