Monday, November 27, 2023

Disagreeing with Authority

I started thinking and disagreeing with authority at first.

But, after ~fifty years of thinking, observation, and study, I have come to the conclusion that if the 'authority' is a politician, a bureaucrat paid by the government, an academic subsidized by the government, a scientist, or 'health expert' funded by the government, or a report from a sleazy corporate Junk News outfit, you can pretty much skip the thinking part and reject authority with a 90% chance of having made the correct choice.

I believe this is a natural human response. Think of all the people you have known, or been acquainted with, over your lifetime who are unrepentant thieves, liars, scumbags, sleazeballs, opportunists, sociopaths, and mooches. Maybe you are lucky and don't know many. I drove a taxi over a span of forty years, so there's that. How much 'thinking' do you still have to do when one of them asks to borrow money or makes some purportedly honest declaration, like 'trust me' before you reject THEM?

When I went to public school in the 1960s, there were two awards handed out at the end of each school year - scholarship awards for academic achievement, and citizenship awards for nodding dog acquiescence.

I received five or six scholarship awards but not one citizenship award. And I am proud of that.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Addendum to Confessions of a Hamilton Cab Driver

Addendum to Confessions of a Hamilton Cab Driver

Smoking in the Cab

Before you read further, I recommend you read these books:

For Your Own Good: The Anti-Smoking Crusade and the Tyranny of Public Health

Jacob Sullum

Slow Burn: The Great American Antismoking Scam (And Why It Will Fail)

Don Oakely

Dissecting Antismokers' Brains

Michael J. McFadden

TobakkoNacht - The Antismoking Endgame

Michael J. McFadden

Or, if reading entire books is not your thing, then take a ride through some of Dave Hitt's astute analysis of the Second-Hand-Smoke scam.

The Facts About Second Hand Smoke (Finally)

Statistics 101

Statistics 102

Before I read any of these books, my own skill at bullshit detection had led me to the same conclusions. They said Mark Twain was an "Enormous Noticer."

Well, so am I.

One of the things I noticed was this: If second-hand smoke is such a deadly threat, why is it that so many of my Baby Boom cohort have been able to live such long and relatively healthy lives despite growing up at a time when about 50% of the adult population were smokers and just about every child born during that era was absolutely marinated in second-hand smoke?

I knew it was bullshit from Day 1.

Day 1

An intimate of mine came out as a radical anti-smoker back in the 1970s. We had many arguments about smoking in those days, but it always came down to how smokers were only hurting themselves and costing the taxpayers money for premature (socialized) medical care. In those days, though, personal choices were considered to be basic individual human rights.

Times were changing though. Individual autonomy was gradually being replaced by collective authoritarianism. In theory, a 51% vote was all that was needed to force everyone into the same boat.

Even so, there remained a lingering respect for people to choose their own risk tolerances and to bear the consequences should their choices lead to bad results.

It wasn't enough to really get tough with recalcitant smokers.

Then one day, my intimate approached me with a triumphant expression.

"I saw a news report the other day that said even if you are a non-smoker, you are still smoking if you are around other people who smoke."


That would be their Ace in the Hole. Smokers were not only hurting themselves. They were hurting the people around them. The doors to total anti-tobacco authoritarianism had been thrown wide open.

From that instant, I knew exactly how the confluence of collective decision-making and increasingly lucrative anti-tobacco activism would play out over the next few decades.

"Just wait," I used to say, "eventually, they will ban smoking in bars."

People would laugh. They told me I was nuts. In the end, though, I was 100% bang-on correct. I am an enormous noticer.

As the 1990s wore on, and the anti-smoking activists became increasingly powerful I studied the process. I saw the patterns that later made it easy to spot what was going on with the #ClimateScam. When the COVID-19 scam hit, it only took me a couple of weeks to figure it out. The patterns were by then all too familiar.

When I returned to the taxi business in 1989 it was pretty much the same Wild West scenario it had always been. But, when the 1990s rolled around, the control freaks in the local government had come to focus more on the taxi business - with a stronger commitment toward "fixing" it. And the tobacco issue was not going to escape their attention.

Prior to this period, the only mention of smoking in the taxi bylaw conformed to traditional, individualistic Western values.

It said so right on the tariff card that was supposed to be on display in every taxi,

"Smoking by mutual agreement."

As collectivization continued its assent, smoking by mutual agreement was replaced by "No Smoking" by dictate, supposedly based on the will of the majority. Mutual agreements were gradually being relegated to the collective memory hole. Subsequently, they would be replaced by political dynamics.

You are already familiar with my opinion of the second-hand smoke scam, so my response to this new taxi edict ought not to surprise anyone. It was basically a middle finger and an enthusiastic FUCK YOU!

I didn't change a thing. I continued to smoke at will. Without doing anything differently, the state was gradually turning me into an inveterate lawbreaker. I am a stuborn fucker. When "they" start to tell me how to live my life, I have a tendency to resist for no other reason than principle. EVEN IF DOCILE COMPLIANCE MIGHT EARN ME A FEW MORE YEARS OF LIFE IN A NURSING HOME.

Before the edict, if someone requested a non-smoking cab, the dispatchers would inquire as to the smoking status of the first cab in line for the trip. If the first driver was a smoker, the dispatcher would go to the next car, and the next, until he found a non-smoking cab.

The customers were happy.

The drivers were happy.

The Liberal, socialist, woke, control freaks were God damned miserable.

After the smoking ban, the question would still come up from time to time but now, if a driver reported being a smoking cab, he could end up in a world of shit. Not only from the brokers, who would suck any amount of schlong from City Hall as long as it wasn't them who had to swallow the cost, but from the City's enforcement apparatus.

So one night I was making one in 22 office when a call came out. It was for a woman who lived in a retirement complex up on Twenty Road. She was a regular caller and everyone knew she always requested a non-smoking cab.

Before the ban, the process was seamless. After the ban, it became complicated. Pattern-wise, it was typical of what happens when governments attempt to impose uniform opinions, expressions, and behavior on the population.

When the dispatcher asked me if I was a non-smoking cab, I lied. What choice had the government left me with? There was no out.

Despite having already consumed several packs of Camels prior to that call, I was sent to pick the lady up. Of course, I opened all the windows for the trip to her address. And the car had just been through an inspection, so it was very clean.

I had driven this woman before and she was the stereotypical domineering, anal retentive woke leftoid personality. I braced myself as she approached my cab. She got in.

Some obnoxious anti-smokers claim to have a clairvoyant ability to detect the sinful behavior.

Imagine my surprise when she opined, "This is one of the cleanest cabs I've seen!"

Then there was the day I was working a day shift. I was sent to a high school up around Quigley and Albright. I forget the name of the place.

I usually drive with my window open, especially since they stopped putting ashtrays in new cars. But it was a miserable, cold, windy, rainy fall day and I had been driving around with my windows closed. Of course, there was a cloud of tobacco smoke in my cab.

So, I did the usual thing. Tried to air out the car with the windows open, wind and rain notwithstanding, and I had some coconut air freshener which I sprayed around.

When the students got into my cab, one of them commented on how nice it smelled. The rest expressed enthusiastic agreement.

I took them to the Hamilton Convention Center on Summers Lane. As we approached the front door I noticed (noticed) the posters that were strewn about the place. It was some kind of government-funded student "education" convention aimed at stamping out tobacco use.

I didn't laugh out loud.

Finally, the psychopath.

Another night, I was dispatched from the same sub as for the Twenty Road lady. This was for a different pick-up address.

As soon as the lady got into my cab she started going nuts.

She smelled smoke. Not only was it nuts, it was hysterical. She was obviously an avid CHCH TV "News" consumer. She started coughing and gagging. She opened the window and stuck her head out. She was so terrified of a whiff of smoke that she was willing to risk being decapitated. And she was fucking angry.

"I decide to treat myself to a taxi ride once in a blue moon and I have to put up with this!"

I wasn't going to argue with her. I would just as soon get into an argument with someone about Israel vs. the Palestinians. Plus! I WAS breaking the law by smoking. Any honest response on my part would have just made her even angrier. I wanted to avoid it getting to the point where she might actually call the company, or the City, to complain.

Even when she opined that she should not have to pay for the cab, I kept my mouth shut. She paid me.

And she said one other thing which I found highly significant. "I thought all cabs were supposed to be smoke-free!"

After that fiasco, I asked myself how this scenario might have played out under the old bylaw - smoking by mutual consent?

Rather than assuming all cabs were smoke-free, she would have explicitly requested a smoke-free cab.

And gotten one.

Finally, about ten years ago, I got nabbed. A smiley-faced, sociopathic taxi enforcement officer snuck up on me as I had just lit up a flavored cigar. "I am just protecting the public," he said with a straight face. I had to go to fucking court for my crime. And I was fined about $350.

In the habit of annualizing costs, I did a quick, back-of-the-envelope calculation. I figured it cost me about $15 for every year I ignored their obnoxious mandate.

At that price, I would have happily paid $15 annually for a license to smoke.

A final note.

One stormy night, a woman flagged me down. After she got in, she asked me if she could smoke.

"Go ahead," I said, "I don't mind if you smoke, just keep it down so as not to draw the attention of the taxi Gestapo."

She nodded and said, "I know what you mean. I would rather stoop than bend over."

And people wonder why this once prosperous and happy nation is now soaked in misery and splitting apart at the seams.

I had a friend in the cab business who was all wrapped up in this Free Man on the Land philosophy. Aware that I was sympathetc to some of their aims, he badgered me relentlessly to join in. I told him quite simply, "The day I see you driving your car without license plates or insurance - and getting away with it is the day I will take a greater interest in your 'movement.' Until that day comes, quit bothering me with this BS."

An anti-government tobacco farming family's last stand

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Happy Hour at the Holiday Inn

Wait until they start opening electronics banks for people who can't afford TVs and computers.

Back in 1980, I spent most of the summer in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The group I was with started going to the Holiday Inn at Surfside Beach every day. We would hang out on the pool deck, listen to the live band play Southern hits, swim in the pool, and buy drinks from the gazebo bar.

[The gazebo bar at the Holiday Inn, Surfside Beach, S.C.]

At around 5 pm. we would walk back to the campground for supper, then return to the Holiday Inn to spend the evening in their disco bar.

Most of us had no jobs to return to, so we tried to stretch our dollars out for as long as they would last. Eventually, this meant scrounging around in the showers for leftover soap bars, regaling our campground neighbours with sob stories in exchange for free dinners, and switching from mixed drinks to beer at the gazebo bar by the HI pool. We didn't tip and, at first, that didn't go over too well with the wait staff, but once they became acquainted with our circumstances, they accepted it and we became friends with them. They understood that the few dollars we had left were reserved for essentials like beer and tobacco.

When we learned about the Happy Hour in the disco we started going there for dinner. We ate as much as we could. The menu was limited to a big round of cheddar cheese, crackers, peanuts, and pickles. Instead of buying drinks at that hour, we would just ask for glasses of ice water.

The bar staff in the disco were not as friendly as the gazebo staff. We got dirty looks as we gobbled up half of the Happy Hour freebies, and ordered our ice waters without tipping. But they tolerated us, for some reason.

Then one evening, as John from Detroit helped himself to an extra large triangle of cheddar, one of the waiters couldn't resist. "Hey! Why don't you leave some for the paying customers?"

Finally, when the band started playing we would start buying drinks.

One by one, our colleagues exhausted their coin and went home. John and I managed to hang on until well into September.


A food bank in Ontario is turning away international students looking for free food

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Global Race to Net Zero is Democide

The global race to net zero is a global race to democide.

Enough with this Liberal-directed, centrally planned existence. To hell with COMMUNISM.

Instead of bringing workers to the table, we should be forcing those lazy politicians sitting around tables, thinking they are the masters of the universe when in reality, they are a bunch of worthless Turds - to the work.

Did you see that clip a few years ago of that flaming charlatan, Trudeau, hammering a small nail into something? It reminded me of when I was four. The guy is a fleeking spaz. This is the guy we picked to fix the planet?

I realized years ago that just because I can flip a switch for light, turn a tap for flowing water - hot or cold, and shit in a toilet I had no right to feel smug or superior in comparison to South African hunter-gatherers, or North American Indians.

None of it was my doing.

It may have been around the same time when I made a hypothetical bet with myself. If I were parachuted into a forest wilderness somewhere in Ontario, with nothing but the clothes on my back and a knife, how long could I survive, assuming I was not immediately ripped apart by a grizzly bear or eaten by a hungry wolf?

Twenty-four hours?

Three days?

A week?

Could I even make a fire?

With all of my education and sophistication?

But if a native Indian, raised 500 years ago without one penny's worth of government education were dropped, say ten miles from me, who would survive the longest?

Who, under those circumstances, would have the better education?

So here we are, under the direction of a bunch of politicians who, if dropped another ten miles away would not last one day. They would waste all of their resources searching for someone to tax, or a table to bring people to. Trudeau would be too busy taking selfies.

It's a gargantuan scam that people in politics are never the ones making sure we all have food, clothing, fuel, and housing. NONE of the things we truly need and value are created or produced by politicians. Politicians sit at a table and divvy up everything that someone else created.


The fact that a majority of mankind has seen fit to tolerate this massive fraud for so many centuries simply boggles the mind.

Net Zero

The global race to net zero is a global race to democide.

Enough with this Liberal-directed, centrally planned existence. To hell with COMMUNISM.

Instead of bringing workers to the table, we should be forcing those lazy politicians sitting around tables, thinking they are the masters of the universe when in reality, they are a bunch of worthless Turds - to the work.

Did you see that clip a few years ago of that flaming charlatan, Trudeau, hammering a small nail into something? It reminded me of when I was four. The guy is a fleeking spaz. This is the guy we picked to fix the planet?

I realized years ago that just because I can flip a switch for light, turn a tap for flowing water - hot or cold, and shit in a toilet I had no right to feel smug or superior in comparison to South African hunter-gatherers, or North American Indians.

None of it was my doing.

It may have been around the same time when I made a hypothetical bet with myself. If I were parachuted into a forest wilderness somewhere in Ontario, with nothing but the clothes on my back and a knife, how long could I survive, assuming I was not immediately ripped apart by a grizzly bear or eaten by a hungry wolf?

Twenty-four hours?

Three days?

A week?

Could I even make a fire?

With all of my education and sophistication?

But if a native Indian, raised 500 years ago without one penny's worth of government education were dropped, say ten miles from me, who would survive the longest?

Who, under those circumstances, would have the better education?

So here we are, under the direction of a bunch of politicians who, if dropped another ten miles away would not last one day. They would waste all of their resources searching for someone to tax, or a table to bring people to. Trudeau would be too busy taking selfies.

It's a gargantuan scam that people in politics are never the ones making sure we all have food, clothing, fuel, and housing. NONE of the things we truly need and value are created or produced by politicians. Politicians sit at a table and divvy up everything that someone else created.


The fact that a majority of mankind has seen fit to tolerate this massive fraud for so many centuries simply boggles the mind.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Great Travel Reset

If you are someone who has not seen this coming for at least the last twenty-plus years, you have not been paying attention. If, on the other hand, you fully understand the implications of the authoritarian collectivist ideology that has the minds of a majority of Canadians in its grip, you have seen it coming for at least five or six decades and will not experience one iota of surprise by what James Corbett reports in his latest podcast.

You can't call something that is unfolding right in front of your own eyes a 'conspiracy theory.'

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Climate Wokery


Climate wokery is the second most powerful religion in history. The first is state idolatry.

I am not going to read the 533 page pdf. What is the point? My guess is it will consist mostly of what will happen IF the dire predictions of the climate priesthood do come true. For example, if the glaciers and the ice in the Antarctic melts, the oceans will rise, and the celebrities who bought multi-million dollar homes in coastal areas will have to move inland displacing the Third-World immigrants who displaced the host population. Shit like that.

In the Spec report accusing ME of being the fraudster for signing that list of "fake scientists" they include the following paragraph,

"The final two signatories from McMaster are working scientists. Sebastian Irazuzta is a an environmental biologist and PhD candidate. Daniel Traylor is a postdoctoral fellow in the department of kinesiology"

Fucking kinesiology!

Throw in a few dentists and proctologists and presto! Bad breath and anal leakage will be linked to climate change.

Ezra Levant exposed a number of other signatories on that list of "fake scientists" whose scientific credentials were equally, if not more suspicious than my own.

What I have noticed about many, if not most so-called "climate experts" is that their knowledge and training is in some field other than climate science who, having swallowed the climate change koolaid, attribute observations of any anomalies in their field to the given climate change postulate. Their scientific assessments are no different than some African tribal medicine man with bones through his nose blaming the famine and floods on the angry Hippo God or some such tripe because the plebes didn't give him a big enough portion of their grub and grasshopper stew.

Climate Fact Check: August 2023 Edition

10 bogus climate claims from August 2023 debunked here.


"Critics say that these proposals could allow government authorities to impose a social credit score system and decide how their citizens can spend their money."

This is exactly what government authorities will do once they have the people's balls firmly in their grip. Of this there is absolutely no doubt. The principle is already deeply embedded in the philosophy of high tax welfare statism.

In Canada, for example, the various levels of government grab about half of the earnings of private sector workers in order to spend them in accordance with the preferences and priorities of a proportionately small number of elected politicians. Canadian politics at every level is nothing but a permanent civil war between groups of individuals all vying for a favourable distribution of the dollars that are funneled through the politician's sticky hands.

Try reading through your income tax return for any year. It could all be done on one page but instead it is a fantastically complicated mish-mash of what are the exact equivalents of social credit scores. It is a solid testament to the maniacal impulse of the vast majority of politicians for absolute and complete control of how the earnings of the people are spent.

The money you have left over after taxes is nothing more than an allowance. Don't give these power-hungry zealots the power to control how you spend that pittance too.

G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Meta Censored #ClimateScam Video - September 7, 2023

In case you haven't noticed, the Junk News fear porn machine has been running in overdrive this summer in a effort to jackhammer the #ClimateScam into the brains of as many somnambulists as possible. This has all been going on as the Hamilton area has experienced one of the mildest summers in memory. Note that whenever the Junk News weather broadcasts highlight pleasant weather, they NEVER append the familar "Experts say it is linked to climate change" mantra to those reports.

The clear purpose of this summer's massive brainwashing effort is to provide lubrication for the massively destructive, possibly even lethal policies (see video) of "green" politicians everywhere. Their goal is crystal clear. They want to completely de-industrialize the planet, driving billions into poverty while they themselves float comfortably above it all with their fancy dinners, private jets, and oceanfront mansions.

The #ClimateScam has reached a critical point. If the population doesn't wake up, wake up soon, and start ferociously pushing back, there will be hell to pay. This March of Folly has to end!


Saturday, September 2, 2023

More Meta Censorship Sep 2, 2023

Regardless of whether it's news, commentary, or comedy, Meta is now blocking all posts from and blaming it on the corrupt Trudeau government's fascistic Bill C-18.





Blocked by C-18 September 2, 2023


Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday, September 1, 2023 Posts Blocked by Trudeau's C-18: Pre-noon Edition

EXCLUSIVE: Trans teacher Kayla Lemieux shows up as a MAN with a scruffy beard for the new school year.



It's Always The EXACT OPPOSITE of What They Say!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Thanks to Trudeau and C18

How Meta handles this post.




August 26th Episode

On Friday, 25 August 2023 23:24

Monday, August 21, 2023

These Posts Can't be Shared on Facebook - Aug 21, 2023

Vucic believes Ukraine conflict crushing EU economy – Tucker Carlson

(Click Here.)

Dependency on the State Is the Core of the Takeover Plot of Humanity By Gary D. Barnett (Click Here.)

August 18, 2023

Menstruation not just for women – UK’s fourth-largest party (Click here.)

Vucic believes Ukraine conflict crushing EU economy – Tucker Carlson

(Click Here.)

Sunday, August 20, 2023

This Post Can't be Shared Aug 20, 2023

Why San Francisco is dying and what it has to do with George Soros. (click here)

I read Silverglate's book when it first came out.

It contains shocking accounts of innocent people being railroaded by the corrupt US justice system. It's enough to make you sick. It's also why I am absolutely fucking amazed the cocksuckers haven't already successfully prosecuted Trump for .... something, anything! God! Trump must be the squeaky cleanest American in history if they haven't got him yet.

Paul Craig Roberts mentions it in his latest essay, From the Rule of Law to Weaponized Law. I could not post the link on Facebook due to their absolutly moronic decisions about what constitutes "news."

Friday, August 18, 2023

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Con of our Lifetime

Update: from July21, 2023.

"Beat it to death."

And obviously, CNN isn't the only Junk News platform to beat the climate fear porn machine to death. Canada's Trudeau-backed legacy media outlets are marching right in tune.

Earlier this week a friend, an enthusiastic consumer of corporate news, told me he had some hefty rain in his neighborhood. As a true believer in "the science" as related to him by Steven Guileault and the CBC et. al., he was able to confidently state, "Yep, the climate is definitely changing."

Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair's statement, "Unfortunately, the fire season this year started earlier and has been more widespread across the country than in recent memory," could almost qualify as a rare example of Liberal honesty. (an oxymoron.) Keyword: "recent memory."

Given the insouciance of most Canadians, their attention span is barely sufficient to remember what they had for breakfast, and since about half of our bulging population of about 40 million (that's some carbon footprint!) was born after 1990, "recent memory" seems relatively insignificant in terms of planetary climate history.

Examining the National Forestry Database, and not for the first time since the #ClimateScam has been pumped up to replace the #Scamdemic (which was quite predictable - even a simple cab driver could see THAT coming,) in the continuing psyop to cultivate a compliant population, a suspicious individual might wonder why their graph for forest area burned and the number of forest fires only goes back to 1990 (see graph.) And even that short period belies the message being jackhammered into the public mind by Liberal politicians and the Junk News media since that graph shows a DECLINING trend in forest fire frequency and burn acreage.

I would prefer to see a more complete chart covering the years from 1916 to the present to compare it to Tony Heller's chart for the U.S.

Maybe if Google and Meta paid Canada's Junk News industry for linking to their trustworthy information, such data might be forthcoming?

In the meantime, dear reader, if you know of a place where I might be able to see the corresponding data for Canada from 1916, or what the heck, even earlier, please include it in the comments section below!

If the above video doesn't play, click on the link below.

Climate Fakery Part 11

Update: July 19, 2023.

I just came across this report.

Behaviour change on climate can be driven by TV, says Sky

Tucker Carlson in Florida for a big speech at Turning Point USA.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Ticked Off Yet?

The #ClimateScam is coming on thicker and heavier than ever and it is being pushed to the hilt by Trudeau's bought and paid-for Junk News media.

Don't let them get away with it.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

The French Civil War

As a result of recent changes at Twitter, I can no longer share links to tweets.

I will embed tweets here to see if that works.

Riots spreading to Belgium and Switzerland.

But first, there's this:

Now to the mostly peaceful protests in France. As far as I know, no bank accounts have been frozen.



Monday, June 19, 2023

The Piranha Brothers Party of Canada

“Canadians need to be able to access news. It’s fundamental to their democracy. We’re not going to put up with Facebook’s bullying,” Trudeau told reporters on June 13.

Ponce Trudeau and his gaggle of psychotic apparatchiks have outdone themselves with this latest demonstration of their rectal/cranial "thinking." In their utterly twisted minds, they sincerely believe that if Google and Facebook choose not to pay "protection money," to the Trudeau bullies, that THEY are the bullies. That is typical woke liberalism. Always blame the other guy for what YOU are guilty of.

This issue reminds me of that old Monty Python skit where two criminal brothers devise an operation whereby they threaten to beat their victim up if he pays them the "protection money."

Google and Facebook have been helping the struggling Canadian news organizations by providing free links to their bullshit content on their platforms. But the Trudeau Piranhas think that is a problem.

Trudeau said tech companies are making skyrocketing profits while “local journalism has struggled in terms of getting news out to people in ways that matter locally.”

So, whereas, before Liberal rectal/cranialism was applied, tech companies that were helping local journalists get their Junk News propaganda out to the public - for free - Trudeau's Liberals are now threatening NOT to charge them "protection money" if they DON'T post links to Canadian Junk News.

They should change the name of the Liberal Party to the Piranha Brothers Party.

You just can't make this shit up!

But Monty Python could.

Meta Tests Blocking News Content for Some Canadian Users in Response to Liberals’ Online News Bill

An Offer I couldn't Understand

Monday, June 5, 2023

Abolish Compulsory Government Schooling

I just finished reading my second book by John Taylor Gatto (December 15, 1935 – October 25, 2018.)

He advocates for the abolition of compulsory schooling and his reasons make for an amazing read. And he's a great writer.

I first questioned compulsory education when I was about nine years old, in Grade 4. It was November.

How can I remember it was in November?

Because it was on, or slightly before Remembrance Day and we were being treated to the standard lecture about why Remembrance Day was so important.

The story went like this.

Canadians had fought and sacrificed their lives in two world wars to defend our freedom.

I already knew that my attendance in that classroom had been mandated by the state, so I put up my hand as I had been trained to do, and asked the following question:

"If Canada is a free country, then how come we are forced to be in school?"

I can't remember the answer I received and, at that age, I didn't dwell on the subject for more than a minute. But I still remember asking that question. Something about what we were being "taught" seemed to be full of BS.

Barely ten years later I stumbled into libertarianism which prompted me to reject the legitimacy of compulsory government education for two reasons.

1 - in a free country, the state should be prohibited from compelling obedience,


2 - in a free country, the state should be prohibited from forcing some people to pay for other people's education.

People called me every name in the book, including dumb, naive, and stupid, but no one was able to provide a credible rebuttal to my assessment that the basic morality of compulsory government education was corrupt. And I was never able to shake the conviction that any system based on moral corruption would result in anything but misery and failure in the long run. (And look at where we are today!)

Call me a confirmation bias addict, but John Taylor Gatto's book just gave me a whole bunch of reasons to believe that I was right all along.

Weapons of Mass Instruction

Saturday, May 27, 2023

A Small Slice of Hamilton History

Confessions of a Hamilton Cab Driver

I wrote a book.

"Now, Hans Wienhold has published to Amazon his first full book, “Confessions of a Hamilton Cab Driver,” and it is a blast."

(See Rita Smith's review in Road Warrior News here.)

It's about my experiences over the years in the Hamilton taxi business. I threw a few opinions of mine into the mix.

From the description:

This is the story of one man's adventures in the Hamilton taxi business spanning the years from 1977 to 2018.

There is nothing particularly unique about my story. Every cab driver has his own. Not every cab driver gets around to writing a book about it.

Over the years I drove thousands of customers to their destinations. Most were happily satisfied with my service, if not downright euphoric.

While the stories told in this manuscript are derived from the way the taxi business operated in Hamilton, Ontario in those times, I am confident that any taxi driver, just about anywhere in the world will be able to relate to them.

Some will find my tactics in the trade disagreeable. Others will nod their heads knowingly. Politicians and their regulatory staffers will be outraged. They will certainly want to drag me in front of one of their tribunals to cancel my taxi driver's license and prohibit me from ever driving a cab again.

Too bad for them. I already quit.

Over the last four plus decades, I don't know how many times people have told me, "You should write a book."

Well, okay.

I just did.

Now all you need to do is buy it, and read it.

Confessions of a Hamilton Cab Driver.

(Also available in French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.

Facebook's "Community standards."

Don't mock Kamala.