Sunday, November 28, 2021

Omicron and On and On

I just noticed some new wonky stuff on the Ontario COVID-19 website for case numbers and spread. You may recall that, back in October, I did a video on the sudden dissapearance of the daily deaths chart.  


  I would occasionally download the numbers from the site and run them through a spreadsheet to see what I could see. The change didn't present a big challenge, as I was still able to calculate the daily body count from the cumulative totals. The last time I went through this exercise was on November 23, 2021.  

[click for larger image]

    It can be seen from my chart, that there were three major body count humps. The third one, peaking in May 2021, was obviously lower and milder than the previous two. Yet the panic and the Nazification of our society continues to gallop along. Austria and Germany are re-adopting the habits of the 1930s and early 1940s, and Australia has jumped all the way back to 1783 with their re-establishment of the penal colony model.  

    As a suspicious-minded observer of media/government bullshit, I quite naturally conclude that these changes in the presentation of the data are not the result of random chance. If the chart showing deaths over time shows no alarming hump as we move closer to the second year of this media/government fuelled nightmare, it stands to reason that this is the type of information they might not want us to see. Or at least, not to see easily.    

      I can still generate the chart, but I had to fish around for a data download link on the site. The CSV file contains about 29 columns of data, requiring a little more work to generate the chart. Basic economics predicts that the more work that is involved, the fewer people will be inclined to perform it.      


[click for larger image]

          Using the WayBackMachine, I have actually been able to zero in on the exact time the change was made. It was on November 24, 2021 at 1:56 p.m. (EST). The site was updated twice on that day. As of November 24, 2021 at 10:34 a.m. (EST), the download drop box was still available.          


[click for larger image]

            Why the hinkie games with the data presentation and availability? Is it because they don't want anyone taking too close a look?    

I have consulted the Wikipedia entry on Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi three times now. The latest is larger than the previous ones because it goes to greater lengths to discredit him.

It strikes me as odd that someone who received eleven professional awards between 1979 and 2009 should suddenly be viciously attacked from all corners because he has a very different opinion on COVID-19. Yet, obviously, he is not the only one this has been happening to.

Professional awards

1979 Justus Liebig University Giessen Prize

1980 Konstanz Medicine Prize

1987 German Society for Microbiology Prize

1988 Dr. Friedrich Sasse Prize

1989 Ludwig Schunk Prize for Medicine

1989 Robert-Koch-Förderpreis of Clausthal-Zellerfeld

1991 Gay-Lussac Humboldt Prize

2001 Aronson Prize for „wegweisende Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Komplementsystems und bakterieller Toxine“ tr. "pioneering work in the field of the complement system and bacterial toxins"

2005 H. W. Hauss Award

2005 Verdienstorden des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz

2009 Rudolf-Schönheimer Medal of the German Society for Arteriosclerosis Research

source - Wikipedia

Then, as the last domino of traditional Western freedom - the freedom of speech - collapsed, Dr. Bhakdi was scrubbed from YouTube and given an insulting "most astonishing pseudo-scientific nuisance" of the year award in December 2020.

Since I have no training in "the science" relevant to COVID-19, I have no way of determining whether he is shooting a lot of BS, or whether the BS is coming from the establishment. ("Establishment" is what radical dissenters, especially on the left, used to call it back in the 1960s and 1970s before they BECAME the establishment. As a libertarian, that makes me kind of unique, since I have always been anti-establishment.) However, what is plainly evident to anyone who has been closely following this political crisis, is what happens to any professional who dares to step out of line by questioning the official story.


[click for larger image]

And knowing this, I can't even be confident that if I ask my family doctor for advice, I will be getting an honest medical opinion, or a de facto coerced opinion. As the West becomes increasingly nazified we can only expect it to get worse. For the time being, the vaccine passport can be seen as the first tentative steps into a world where all good citizens will be clicking their heels and performing the Nazi salute, or some variant thereof.  

  We are not far away now from the way "confessions" were elicited about well-poisonings and other mischief by Jews and witches during medieval "interviews."


    Here is the direct link to the video in case it doesn't play here or if you want to read the comments.  

Other Stuff  

Update on the Omicron scariant.

The Movie

Here is the link to the movie that was mentioned by Ivor Cummins and Donal O'Neill above. I made a small donation to Kickstarter to help get the film made, so I already have my copy. If you want to watch it, it will cost about 9 Euros.

And get this,

In Germany, You Must Be Fully Vaxxed before Your Death by Assisted Suicide

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

CHCH "News" Disables Live Chat

While my local "news" channel is not unique in any way, I monitor them often to see what kind of lies, distortions, context-dropping, omissions, and other transparent tricks they play in order to reinforce the major political frauds of our time.

Recently, I started to engage in their live chat. I would use the feature to point out the glaring dishonesty of their reporting by pointing out the omissions, distortions, etc.

As it turned out, I was not the only one capable of seeing the nature of their scam and before long, there were several of us monitoring and commenting on the stream of BS they were serving up.

Not wishing to have their shanigans revealed, they initially resorted to shadow-banning anyone whose comments deviated from "how about those Tiger Cats," "she's hot," "I like Phil Perkin's hair," and so on. It didn't take long for those of us being shadow-banned to get wise to what they were doing so we all started making up new identities allowing us to carry on as before.

I made a point of predicting, more than once, that since their impotent shadow-banning stunt was just creating a running game of Whack-A-Mole, that they would eventually resort to disabling the live chat entirely.

Last night they disabled the live chat. It happened sooner than I expected.

For more on the reliability of Junk News media, I recommend this video by AwakenWithJP,

The Kyle Rittenhouse Case - 7 Things You Should Know!

Kyle Rittenhouse speaks to Tucker Carlson in first TV interview

On the Brink of Chaos

Here is a sample of the live chats over a few days,

6:07 PM

Star Bright


6:08 PM

eric sambrook

"effective" does seem to be a word that is achanging though..

6:08 PM


Apparently Chapman's are giving out free ice cream cones for every child that gets their shot.

6:09 PM


Every shot is checked for safety

Can I see the safety stats"\

6:12 PM

Lily Pad

To date Pfizer has not given the FDA a single page of data related to the safety and efficacy of their vaccine

6:12 PM


Marvin Ryder the economist? What a joke.

6:13 PM

Lily Pad

The FDA asked a federal judge to withhold until 2076 the release of Pfizers vaccine data on safety and efficacy. Why would they do that? BTW the FDA and CDC are private companies.

6:13 PM


You want to stop demand and high prices of housing. Have the central bankers raise rates....better still let the free market determine the cost of money. Marvin Ryder is clueless.

6:13 PM


That's not fair! Why have they only shadow-banned Joeane?

6:14 PM


The FDA and CDC are suppose to be for public health no drug dealers for Big Pharma

6:15 PM

Lily Pad all been shadow banned. They never say why

6:15 PM


Looks like a lot of the business owners on Locke St. are confused. They think the virus shut them down. Duh!

6:15 PM

Shaun Nixon

shes hot

6:16 PM

Lily Pad

In 2009 Pfizer was penalized 2.3 billion dollars in the biggest settlement in US history for FRAUDulent marketing(bribing Drs) J&J also heavily fined for putting asbestos in baby powder.

6:16 PM


The shadow banning is a fascist tactic originating in communist China....Turdope is very familiar with it and why he likes their system.

6:16 PM


Truth hurts. "If you're not receiving flack, you're not over the target."

6:17 PM

Lily Pad

A Stanford University study by Dr John Lanatis concluded the covid survival rate for kids 0-19 is 99.9973%. It also said more kids in this age range die from diarrhea than covid. Where’s the science?

6:19 PM


Lily Pad....if they don't get their shot they won't get free Chapman ice cream.

6:19 PM

Shaun Nixon

bulldoze hamilton build disneycanada

6:19 PM

Lily Pad

It's kind of a badge of honour to be shadow banned but the message is lost. It just proves your point KK Z

6:19 PM


Allowing the state to indoctrinate the children is a BIG mistake.

6:20 PM


Bulldozing should start at 71 Main Street West

6:20 PM

Lily Pad

Anne When the FDA approved the jab for kids “Dr.” Rueben on the CDC panel said “ We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it”. What kind of statement is that?

6:21 PM


"We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it."

6:22 PM

My Pot's Boiling

The kid’s vax is STILL under Emergency Use Authorization. Where is the big emergency for kids 0-19

Science please! This makes no sense to me. Don’t the health tables study their own science data

6:23 PM


What the people desperately need to understand is that politicians DON'T GIVE A **** about them. It's so easy to understand, yet a gullible public continue to place their trust in them.

6:24 PM

Lily Pad

Why are double jabbed elite athletes having heart attacks when they are in the best of shape and healthy? Rare? Not so much now it seems!

6:24 PM


I think the dog has the WuFlu

6:25 PM


There is a good interview on Rumble with Kennedy on James Corbett explains the government corruption and collusion with Big Pharma, etc.

6:26 PM

Lily Pad

And.... I'm shadow banned about covid info from the UK gov't. You'll have to look it up yourselves. Mentions deaths in fully vaxxed. Why hide this CHCH it gov't stats?

6:27 PM


Cameltoe Harris says the Justice System is not equitable.....

6:27 PM


There never was an emergency for kids. It was obvious as early as Apr. 2020 that the government was making a catastrophic mistake - fueled by panic-stoking news coverage. But they'll never admit it.

6:28 PM


How do you know if a shadow is following me

6:29 PM


You have to figure that, if the double poke stats are right, many children are going to suffer. It make my gut wrench.

6:29 PM

Lily Pad

open an incognito window, if your comment appears there you are not being shadow banned

6:29 PM


Ironically, Harris is correct. But not in the way she dishonestly implies. @KK Z you have to load a separate browser using a different ID. Then monitor both.

6:30 PM

Lily Pad

I had a great Kyle joke but I've been shadow banned again

6:30 PM


Go figure that Portland is rioting....such a sound government.

6:31 PM


Thanks A.R. Will get a geek to help me but first I think I will open some wine.

6:32 PM


I haven't used incognito but it probably works for monitoring. Anthony Huber - convicted felon. Street thug who got exactly what he deserved. Justice was done.

6:33 PM

Lily Pad

Wow 3 shadow bans for me on the same chat a new record

6:34 PM


I have four browsers loaded right now. They shut me down on one, I come back on another. It's a whack-a-mole infowar.

6:34 PM

My Pot's Boiling

You must have been going against the Kyle trial narrative @ lily Pad

6:35 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Wait until you get up to a dozen AnneRand...some subjects are protected by CH cowards

6:36 PM

My Pot's Boiling

I want to hear Lily Pads joke...must have been a doozy

6:37 PM


Again, I predict CHCH will kill the live chat before long unless they figure out a more efficient censorship tech.

6:37 PM

Lily Pad

I thought it was hilarious

6:38 PM

Lily Pad

Joke involved a bar and the punchline was "shots are on me"

6:39 PM


Currently, CH is pushing three dominant frauds - ubiquitous racism, climate change, and the scamdemic. They are terrified of dissent from the party line.

6:40 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Does it involve 3 felons walking into a bar?

6:40 PM

Lily Pad

You got it Pot

6:41 PM


oh, and I almost forgot, the "insurrection" on Jan 6 where "4 people were killed." Never a word about who and how. Who killed Ashli Babbit?

6:42 PM


and she didn't even have a skateboard.

6:43 PM

Lily Pad

Jan 6 was an FBI false flag event, the truth is slowly trickling out AnneRand

6:44 PM


it was a cold-blooded, extra-judicial execution. But nothing but crickets from Hamilton's "Trusted News Leader."

6:43 PM


Wu killed Ashli Babbit

6:45 PM


@Lily Pad yes. And they have identified the killer but he gets off scott free.

6:47 PM


what does Kamala say about that?

6:47 PM

KK Z was equitable.

6:47 PM

Lily Pad

Why the media blackout of the massive anti vax mandate protests happening all over the world? Alt media does but not the lamestream media.

6:48 PM

Lily Pad

Heels up Harris and Poopy Pants Joe, the most popular duo in US history. Ask Willie Brown

6:48 PM


yes, the Democrat version of "justice." When the Bolshevicks took over Russia, they abolished capital punishment. In no time they were dishing [it] out willy-nilly.

6:49 PM

My Pot's Boiling

The Turd and Freeland in second place

6:51 PM


CHCH is content to control the opinions of those who stay comfortably within their sheep pen. It's not for those who desire to know what is happening.

6:51 PM

Lily Pad

CHCH the best indepth reporting in the country

6:52 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Use bitchute. Odysee rumble and others for real reporting

6:54 PM


@My Pot's Boiling Absolutely. But wait until sockboy and Gilbloat get their nefarious info iron curtain imposed in Canada.

6:56 PM


They may be utterly useless at serving the true interests of Canadians but when it comes to employing sleaze to shut down their critics, they're ingenious and very competent.

6:56 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Freeland was on the board of directors at the WEF. Now you know why our economy is tanking. She also friends with Soros

6:57 PM


and with the right palms greased in the corporate media....

6:57 PM

My Pot's Boiling

New world order train chugging along

6:58 PM

Michael Falla

Don’t give your kids the Covid vaccine they didn’t test it properly they don’t know what is going to happen to us or our kids and I have my full vaccine

6:58 PM


later - maybe?

6:58 PM

Lily Pad

the turd gave 1.5 billion to CBC and 600 million to everyone else

6:59 PM

My Pot's Boiling

More kids have killed themselves than died from (with) covid 7:00 PM

Lily Pad

7 kids under 20 died from the coof in ontario November 21, 2021

6:00 PM

Star Bright

here we go.. again.

6:01 PM

Lily Pad

And not one ticket handed out

6:04 PM


testing, testing, 123

6:05 PM


all systems go.

6:09 PM

Star Bright

3 minutes of news I'm done. see ya

6:09 PM


I have a solution to the gas pipeline protests. Get everyone who believes in the climate hoax to put their money where their mouths are and stop using everything that contains hydrocarbons.

6:10 PM

Lily Pad

Yes they can heat their homes with their hot air

6:12 PM


Solution 2: hydrocarbon user passports. I would buy one. Those without a hydrocarbon passports would be prohibited from travelling in vehicles, home heating fuel, & any product containing oil products

6:13 PM

Lily Pad

Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla said people who spread vaccine misinformation are “criminals”. Who is he talking about? MSM or him?

6:13 PM

Shaun Nixon

i dont like mario Carr

6:14 PM

Ana Long


6:15 PM

Shaun Nixon

chapmans sucks

6:16 PM

Ana Long

Chapman's ice cream is excellent.

6:17 PM

Lily Pad

Hewitt,s the best

6:18 PM

Darcy Collins

Hewitts all the way

Editor's Note:

The six comments above comply with CH's "values in [their] journalism and in [their] online communities."

6:19 PM


The problem with ice cream is that it's full of sugar. Eat enough and you will get fat. If you're too fat, you are at high risk from severe outcomes if you catch the Wu.

6:19 PM

Shaun Nixon

I love the moffatts

6:20 PM

Izabelle Steele

this vaccine is sketchy, since they need to threaten us to take it and punish and shame those who refuse.. I'm not an 'anti vaxxer', my kids got all their vaccines as babies..

6:20 PM

Lily Pad

They’re going to blame the people who didn’t get the boosters next. The people are going to learn real quick that you can not comply out of this

6:21 PM


the bridge report is probably true. The weather reporting is more trustworthy than anything on the Wu, climate change, or white supremacy.

6:21 PM

Izabelle Steele

itll never end, big pharma needs to stay in buisness and make rich people richer !

6:22 PM

Lily Pad

Check out the IPSOS poll about what Canadians think of the media. The survey was carried out among a sample of 1,002 Canadian adults from May 6-19, 2021. I doubt the numbers have improved since

6:22 PM


The Azteks sacrificed their children to irrational beliefs too. Ooooh! 4th day over 700! Hide under your coffee table.

6:22 PM

Izabelle Steele

all the media does it stoke fear in weak minded people

6:23 PM


Poke your kid and get a free ice cream from Chapman's draconian ice cream company

6:23 PM

Lily Pad

The "news" media and politicians and public health are trying to stoke fear yet again, hoping that the public doesn't look at the year-over-year figures for themselves. The truth is out there

6:24 PM


the weak-minded, government workers, welfare recipients, and federally subsidized media outlets all form a coalition supporting the covid narrative.

6:24 PM


The Wu is everywhere Lily Pad....even in peoples' cars thus masking

6:25 PM

eddie van haskell

it would easy to hear Mario if it weren't for that obnoxious background music

6:25 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

the earth orbits the sun at 66,600 mph

6:25 PM

Lily Pad

Poke your kid to keep granny safe. BS on top of BS

6:25 PM

Izabelle Steele

the truth is in ignoring all the propaganda.. most people believe anything that comes out of their phones and into their eye balls and ears

6:26 PM


Let the boomer

6:26 PM


Don't allow yourself to be pulled by the CH nose-ring. For some perspective on what a real health crisis looks like, as opposed to a contrived media hoax, try "The Great Mortality" by John Kelly.

6:26 PM

Lily Pad

Turn off your tell-a-lie-vision

6:27 PM


I believe in the almighty Wu

6:27 PM


It's about the Black Plague that ravaged the globe in the 14th century. They didn't have to use sly innuendo and context-dropping for the population to know something really bad was happening.

6:28 PM

Lily Pad

A real pandemic doesn't need propaganda

6:28 PM


The "unvaxxed" of the times were the "witches," the Jews, and their poor cats.

6:29 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Why does the population grow during a deadly pandemic?

6:30 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Thanks Mrs Obvious Nicole

6:30 PM


and of course, there were the opportunists who knew exactly how to cash in on the situation - like the mask and vax manufacturers of today. Mike Yeadon called it, "convergent opportunism."

6:30 PM


Show proof of stupidity to enter Parliament

6:30 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

hey it's Fauci

6:31 PM

My Pot's Boiling

If our “health table” hasn’t figured out that the jab is causing hospitalizations then they all deserve to be fired. BTW how many of them have connections to Big Pharma

6:31 PM


@KK Z just make masks voluntary. The stupid will be easy to spot.

6:31 PM


Wear your masks when going to the washroom....urine spray. What....I thought vaccines worked....duped again

6:31 PM

Lily Pad

Florida rocks

6:32 PM

Izabelle Steele

I'm sure during the black plauge people didn't need convincing or be threatened into compliance

6:32 PM


Wu is racists...I knew it....nothing to do with Vitamin D levels..

6:33 PM


DeSantis for pres. 2024!

6:33 PM

Lily Pad

Maye climate change KK z

6:33 PM


HaHa....forgot about that....

6:33 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

i need a raise

6:34 PM

Lily Pad

Thanks Turd, put away our wallet

6:35 PM


I bought my grandkids a Poke Me Elmo doll as an investment

6:35 PM


"The Great Mortality" describes the impact of climate change in the 14th century. Who knew those serfs were driving SUVs?

6:35 PM

My Pot's Boiling

All in the plan

6:36 PM


I guess the Saudis hate vomit music

6:36 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

CHCH News has the best chat

6:38 PM


Will the sports cover the planned Wu protest at the Canucks game tonight

6:39 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

cancel the biebier bites what?

6:39 PM


All you need to know is that the climate ... changes. Always has. Always will. Charlatans that promise to deliver climate stasis are spectacular frauds. And Junk News consumers are the perfect target.

6:39 PM

Lily Pad

It's a great chat until you say something verbotten and get shadow banned or banned completely

6:40 PM


that's why they will eventually disable the live chat.

6:40 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

tahnsk for the pro tip Lily Pad, i had to look up forbotten...forbidden or prohibited by or as if by authority. ahahahhaah

6:41 PM


King Con Fauci spewing it liberally.

6:42 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

i was going to sat it's the best chat because it is the only chat lol...i found this channel because they hosted the Yates cup football game. Good Job CHCH.

6:42 PM


Putin offers himself for new vax....Sputnik light

6:42 PM


Hurray for Fla! - Oh, and now connecting both race and Coof to push their narrative.

6:43 PM


CHCH is homegrown greatness

6:43 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

hey since i'm here Go Arrrgggoooooss!!!

6:43 PM

Lily Pad

The Gov't and MSM race baiting has got to stop

6:44 PM


I don't believe the CH anchors are deliberately misleading us. They have been trained to just let the narrative run through their minds without giving is a second's worth of thought. Embarrassing.

6:44 PM


Trudeau is the biggest race baiter in this country

6:45 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

hey it's JustinDunk

6:45 PM

Lily Pad

Dustin's junk

6:46 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

ive never met him lol

6:46 PM


The United States has been Invaded. This is no BS.The Schwab Consortium Has Seized Control of the White House

6:47 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

KK Z you want to talk about important things eh

Is the world not under the same Consortium in LockStep

6:48 PM

Lily Pad

When conspiracy theories come true is it still a conspiracy theory?

6:50 PM


Shortages, shortages, shortages. Just like the old Soviet Union.

6:50 PM

Lily Pad

CDC website, look up vax deaths by year

6:51 PM

My Pot's Boiling

A modern era engineered holodomor (great famine) is happening right before our eyes to starve us out. Stock up on food and grow a garden next year. Store shelves starting to thin out

6:52 PM

Lily Pad

Yes Pot too bad the plebes can't see it

6:53 PM


who will they blame after they have forced everyone to get jabbed? I wonder if they have thought that far ahead.

6:53 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

Hamilton people know what time it is eh? i knew i like this chat

6:54 PM

Lily Pad

Good question AnneRand, but no jab for me

6:54 PM


one candidate - straight white males.

6:54 PM

Fear The Conspiracy

4D chess

6:55 PM

Lily Pad

The Swine flu jab in 1976 was halted in the US after 55 million were jabbed and 52 people died. The CDC’s V.A.E.R.S. report is up to 18,000+ deaths and 875,000+ Severe Adverse Reactions

6:57 PM


two parent families

@Lily Pad Maybe if CH etc. started blasting the daily vax body counts... but I forget - they would never do that.

6:58 PM

Lily Pad

No they won't Anne, like vax status unknown. they know but don't want to say

6:59 PM


notice the sports-style scoreboard of daily Coof deaths has sunk into the memory hole. They've conditioned the sheeple to salivate at the case counts. Body counts no longer required.

[Editor's Note:]



Unsubbed 7:02 PM


they used similar sleaze to get the young into their info-web when "Global Warming" morphed into "climate change." Apathetic youngsters grpw up accepting it as "normal." 7:04 PM


"The Ministry of Environment and *Climate Change.*" A permanent new branch of government to tax and mandate forever. Kids will be born into it and never question it. Public schools will reinforce it. Nov 22 21

6:00 PM

Panthers Post

man, phil so awesome at news reading

6:01 PM

Elaine cat

what ajoke Ford is

6:02 PM

Lily Pad

Lord help the children

6:03 PM

Vaeh Patrick

is it safe for there hearts

6:04 PM


Up the parents to say NO....the children are not at risk. Do your job CHCH.

6:05 PM

Lily Pad

According to the FDA in the USA, Pfizer added a heart attack drug, Tromethamine, to the children’s version of it’s Covid-19 jab. Why would Pfizer do this? Myocarditis?

6:06 PM


2 for 1 deal from Pfizer....maybe Viagara for boys.

6:06 PM

Lily Pad

Heart problems in kids are the new normal

6:07 PM

My Pot's Boiling

The kids won't be able to reproduce anyway KK z

6:08 PM


Our MPs all vaxed and masks....wonderful

6:08 PM

My Pot's Boiling

They had placebos KK Z, masks are theater

6:09 PM


Who knows MPB....but why give it to them. They are NOT at risk.

6:10 PM


Why are they complaining....You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy

6:11 PM

My Pot's Boiling

I agree KK Z 7 count em 7 kids under 20 died of covid in ontario and they probably had a comorbidity

6:12 PM


You got it MPB...parents responsibility now.

6:12 PM


testing, testing 1 2 3

6:12 PM

My Pot's Boiling

More bucks so big pharma can pay their fines for previous maleficence

6:13 PM


AR is going to give us a liberty report

6:13 PM

My Pot's Boiling

loud and clear Anne

6:14 PM


I'm about ten minutes behind the effluent stream. Pardon me if my comments don't sync.

6:14 PM


Everyone is so angry these days. Hugs

6:15 PM


@Bil "I've got my sixpack. I've got my hockey game on Tv. Why should I care?"

6:16 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Same old same old Anne

6:17 PM


Hey Rand: Hockey doesn't start yet....did you tape the game or are you drunk already

6:17 PM


Vaccinating kids, known to be at very low risk, with a new experimental substance makes me cringe. It's a shot in the dark. Pray it doesn't have severe consequences over time.

6:17 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Hockey beats the "news"

6:18 PM


The major pollution comes out of the mouths that live at 71 Main St. West

6:18 PM


@Anne- Care bear stare.

6:19 PM

My Pot's Boiling

More kids in hospital with heart problems from the jab than covid. Jab your kids parents, don’t you love your kids

6:20 PM

Lily Pad

LOL KK Z too true

6:20 PM


I think we need to get the Six Nation group to protest vaccine passports

6:21 PM


Oops! I posted this from one of my shadow-banned test accounts. @KK Z Are you questioning my expansive sport knowledge?

6:21 PM

Lily Pad

1 arrest


6:21 PM


Yep....just crack a beer.

6:23 PM


They would beat you if you painted NO POKES FOR CHILDREN on the street

6:24 PM

Lily Pad

Or protest the mandate at city hall KK Z

6:25 PM


My favourite part of CHCH is the live of Niagara Falls

6:25 PM


my favourite part is the weather. More accurate than the propaganda.

6:26 PM

Lily Pad

Fred's goons hide inside City Hall until the protesters show up unless you are in a "special" group

6:26 PM


I have joined the WuChuChu tribe....maybe Fred will hear me out.

6:27 PM

Lily Pad

Cases aren't infections and don't mean anything with a flawed PCR test

6:28 PM


Dr. Hirji let's do an Austrian poke or gulag.

6:28 PM


Reading about the Black Plague. One "expert" told people to stick their noses into the latrines. They did it. 800 years have passed and people are just as gullible as they were then.

6:28 PM

Lily Pad

How much was Hirji bribed to spew this BS

6:28 PM

My Pot's Boiling

His name is Darrell Edward Brooks Jr a convicted sex offender and BLM supporter out on $1000 bond for running down his ex girlfriend a week prior

6:29 PM


LP he is part of the health bureaucracy getting orders down through the ranks starting with CCP WHO.

6:29 PM


No one needed to be bribed. The corruption is systemic. As Michael Yeadon put it, "convergent opportunism."

6:29 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Facebook Twitter Facebook etc already purging Darrell Edward Brooks Jr’s posts on social media.

6:30 PM


I thought he was just leaving a crime scene.....he is innocent.

6:30 PM


If the protesters were sincere they would boycott all oil-based products and hydrocarbon fuels. Yet we see them driving pickup trucks.

6:31 PM

My Pot's Boiling

I thought CH would say he was acting in self defence

6:31 PM


I loved the WU stats they spewed out.....reminds me of finger painting in kindergarden.

6:32 PM

Lily Pad

Legally obtained pickup trucks no doubt

6:33 PM


Same old medieval prescriptions. Jackboot medicine won't accomplish anything but it will cause a lot of collateral damage - already has.

6:34 PM


The bigs keep getting bigger....we will own everything and you will be happy

6:34 PM

Lily Pad

Good for them, everyone should abandon social media

6:34 PM


and there is only so much confetti money they can create before the con falls flat. "What good fortune for politicians that the people do not think." -- AH

6:35 PM


Blackrock is buying up all the houses.

6:35 PM


Just keep telling the same lie over and over and people will believe it. -- Goebbels, McKenna

6:36 PM


Financial diarrhia

6:36 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Backrock and Vanguard own almost everything and everybody

6:37 PM


@KK Z I haven't got to that part yet. Marvin Ryder?

6:38 PM


@AR No...that would be vomit

6:38 PM


"active cases" - they can no longer be forgiven for making a mistake. Repeat after me, Taz, "cases" are not infections. PCR over 35 cycles is a fraud. Even St. Fauci said so.

6:39 PM

My Pot's Boiling

St Fraudci said covid hospitalizations are rising among fully vaccinated people who have not had a booster shot. (Daily Mail Nov 19th, 2021)

6:40 PM


"What good fortune for politicians that the people do not think." Fauci has read his AH.

6:40 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Gibraltar is 100% fully vaxxed. Has had a huge increase in cases and cancelled Cristmas. How could that be?

6:42 PM


Biden said that vaxxed people would neither catch nor spread the Coof. As Lionel says, the American people have the attention span of a gnat. Canadians too.

6:42 PM


My Pot's Boiling a virus will virus. You can't escape the Wu propaganda

6:43 PM

My Pot's Boiling

CDC and FDA are not gov't agencies, they are private companies. Research who finances them.

6:43 PM


The bovine masses are putty in the hands of the new priesthood - Junk News. As natural an alliance with corrupt politicians as was that between the church and the Kings.

6:43 PM


Trudeau said he would not introduce vaccine passports....morale always trust a politician to lie

6:44 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Elks....get woke go broke

6:45 PM


The fact they deny it means it's already been decided.

6:45 PM


HaHa...MPB. Should have kept the racist name

6:45 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Why does CHCH allow IHN to post. that offends me

6:47 PM

My Pot's Boiling

CHCH ban IHN please

6:47 PM


A week before Ontario's Apartheid pass system was implemented, the Ont. Covid website STOPED providing charts on the daily body counts. Why? Observe also, CH no long screams out the daily body counts.

[Editor's Note]

6:49 PM


It's all about "cases" now. And the bovine masses just suck it dry. I hate being tied to mental corpses.

6:50 PM


I wonder does anyone know did Bubba get poked after he got over the WU

6:50 PM


People who come here expecting relevant news are no different than 14th century plebes sniffing the latrines.

6:53 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Look at CDC website deaths from vax by year. You won't be surprised.

6:53 PM


seen it

6:54 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Ch shadows bans legit vax death info but lets a racist channel post

6:54 PM


I like the financial analysis.

6:54 PM

Ben Kalika

Nothing surprises me anymore....

6:54 PM


It looks like Al Gore's hockey stick, only much more credible.

6:55 PM


No toys for donations as they must be sprayed with anti Wu juice....all dolls to be poked

6:56 PM


@My Pot's Boiling According to "wokism" we are all racists. They've diluted the meaning of the word.

6:57 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Mask those dolls KK Z

6:57 PM


Carbon-based energy is racist too. Sally Am firing unvaxxed employees.

6:58 PM

My Pot's Boiling

Damn CH not only is my pot boiling but your making my blood boil as well with your shadow banning

Presenting a brand new Harvenut Puritan guest rant.

Mostly Peaceful Protests

“They shot at protesters, people were injured,” Aboutaleb said. He did not have details on the injuries. Police also fired warning shots.

Seriously? In which direction did the cops fire those warning shots? I saw an episode on some silly TV show a few years back that reported on people who were killed by bullets that had been fired into the sky because what goes up must come down. So, and you physicists out there, correct me if I am wrong, but if a bullet goes up at least 1,500 feet, it will be traveling at about 120 mph when it returns to the earth. How much damage can a ten-gram bullet traveling at 120 mph do to a human skull?

I don't know about you, but if these peaceful protests continue, I think I'm going to start wearing a hard-hat along with my mask.

Anyway, now that BLM and Antifa have defined our "New Normal," it's reassuring to know that the protest was mostly peaceful.

Dutch police open fire on rioters protesting COVID restrictions

Friday, November 19, 2021

What Will Living in an Open Prison Look Like?

This question has been answered. The libertarians and conservatives saw it coming.

Why keep pretending? We might as well all start saying "Heil Hitler!"

Martin Lichtmesz on the Dystopic Vaccinator Dictatorship of Austria

The public have become so befuddled they will probably buy into this one, too.

Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong!


Now sit back and watch the pinkoid schizophrenics go haywire.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A Pandemic of the Vaccinated

When I read about the practice in the response to the Black Plague, I thought to myself, if the TV and the politicians told the masses to kill their pets to fight COVID, they would!


by Mike Lyons

Professor Block, a retired taxi driver with a Ph.D. in Bullshit Detection and Analysis would rather be spending his leisurely retirement years out on the uhm, ah, in the uhm, er, ... okay, sitting in a bar smoking cigarettes and drinking beer but he is not allowed to do that anymore ostensibly to protect innocent bystanders (which itself, is bullshit) even if they are wearing masks.

Up until the spring of 2020, it was common knowledge that most politicians and the entire corporate Junk News media are nothing but a bunch of pathological liars. Then it all changed overnight. The masses now swallowed every BS line they disgorged. That alone is worth an historical study.

How did this all change so rapidly? The population panicked. They saw videos of people dropping dead in the streets of China and heard about the entire population of Italy developing dark buboes around their groins and armpits, and choking to death on their own dark and bubbly blood as dark vans drove around the cities with megaphones blasting "bring out your dead."

So, panicky people all over the world started to do what panicky people always do. They went out and bought shitloads of toilet paper.

It didn't get any better. Driven by Junk News hysteria, cowardly politicians did what they always do when faced with a media-hyped problem. They did cartwheels. They huffed and they puffed. And then they got dangerous. They shut everything down without a millisecond's worth of thought as to the damage they were causing. The cost will be enormous.

This led to a twenty-one-month odessy of absurdities culminating, to date, in the scapegoating of a vulnerable minority in order to deflect the mass anger that should be directed at them and their Junk News enablers.

What is a retired taxi driver suppsed to do when he knows the "authorities" are lying through their teeth, other than try to figure it out for himself? Block may be way off base with his line of inquiry but someone has to find out what is really going on.

The latest horrific phase in this tragic saga is now being called a "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated."

"Pandemic of the Unvaccinated."

Have you seen what is going on in Austria? The unvaccinated are being forced to stay at home to protect them all from the vaccinated disease carriers. (See "Chicken Coup.")

If you haven't been "vaccinated" please try to avoid contact with those who have been jabbed as they may be sick with the Coof while displaying reduced or no symptoms.

Now check out yesterday's hospitalizations pie chart for Ontario. Those who have had at least one of the experimental injections now form a majority of those in hospital. Old Beijing Biden was wrong. The experimental mRNA injections do not provide sterilizing immunity. "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations." Even the Junk News industry admits that now.

So as the asymptomatic Ontario disease-spreaders with broken legs and gunshot wounds flood into Ontario's hospitals, the cursed Coof will follow them, inducing a possibly deadlier nosocomial replay of the earlier viral waves, not to mention the generation of an infinite number of variants.

I feel sorry for those in the ICUs though. The majority of them are unvaccinated. So far. They are being blamed for the latest uptick in positive PCR tests in Ontario even though they only represent about 15% of the eligible Ontarians (12+) who have not yet availed themselves of the opportunity to virtue-signal on Facebook about their selfless heroism. "Daddy, what did you do in the Great Panicdemic?"

Now take a look at this chart and tell me if you notice anything strange:

Did you see it?

The previous two pie charts clearly showed the breakdown of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated "cases" with nice colour-coding.

The daily "case" chart does not provide the same colour-coded breakdown. Why not? If the claim that the Coof has now morphed into a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is true, wouldn't you like to know what portion of the daily positive PCR tests are applicable to the vaccinated? I sure would.

Junk News does the same thing, no colour-coding.

Curiously, Junk News chose NOT to report the relative numbers of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed in this evening's "news."

My memory is terrible. I can't remember for sure whether CH has been screaming out the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed hospitalizations in the recent past and whether, when the numbers stop reinforcing their pro-vax story, they omit them. They quickly erase each evening's news broadcast on YouTube. I don't know why they do that but I do know that it makes it difficult to compare what, and how, they are reporting today's "news" with the way they did it yesterday.

As of this evening, the third YouTube ID I use to hold their feet to the fire, in addition to my real name and Arshlock Kumbork, in the live chat has now been shadow-banned.

Here is last night's Live Chat on CHCH "News." Mike Lyons, BeeFree, teddy fromoutside, and Missy bee are ALL GONE on tonight's "news" flush. Mike Lyons is moi. "Lesko Brandon" appears to be the sole survivor of this latest purge.

Lesko Brandon==>

Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.

Jamie Barnes==>

just shot 3people killing 2....done!

Elaine cat==>

yea more money for the government

Mike Lyons==>

Good Evening.

Missy bee==>

how many false positives was there in those numbers. people being forced to test and they are not even sick, another money grab for the government.

Mike Lyons==>

Lotsa moola for the testing labs & their suppliers.

Missy bee==>

numbers don't mean much. just to the scare the people who believe everything they hear on the news

Mike Lyons==>

ten bucks a day to have the government indoctrinate the kids.

Missy bee==>

yeah something strange about that. what's the scam.

Mike Lyons==>

and when they get out of the system a decade and a half later, they will be obedient little Liberal voters.

Missy bee==>

yeah, I shake my head when talking to my kid, she thinks so much different than I do.

Mike Lyons==>

the nuclear family has already been severely damaged. Not much left to do. Look for more crime and poverty.

Missy bee==>

The queen is in the news alot lately. maybe we will soon see some shocking news about her, lol

Mike Lyons==>

Read "Losing Ground" by Charles Murray for some insight. Welfare state demolishes families. Government cultivates obedient dependents.

Mike Lyons==>

Subsidized "news" purveyors fuel the agenda. Ditto for the climate/covid scam.

teddy fromoutside==>

communism: a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products( factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property

Mike Lyons==>

UBI and climate lockdowns are coming.


A study in October in the New England Journal of Medicine says the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against infection declines to 20 percent between five and seven months after the second dose.

Missy bee==>

they do things like that slowly so people don't even notice it happening.


Too many leftwing loonies have seized power and have run Canada into the ground.

Mike Lyons==>

Listen to the way B.C. rain storms are being covered. As if there were no such phenomena in the past. Population is being buttered up for full spectrum dominance.

Missy bee==>

I heard they are putting blood thinners in the kids vaccines to reduce the risk of blood cloths


According to the FDA in the USA, Pfizer added a heart attack drug, Tromethamine, to the children’s version of it’s Covid-19 jab. Why would Pfizer do this?? Myocarditis?

Missy bee==>

yes! thats the drug I was talking about.


Big Pharma recently introduced athe first ever oral blood thinner for kids. Coincidence?

Missy bee==>

apparently it thins the blood

Rick Parnell==>

CHCH says "MOST" are un-vaccinated. 141 ICU cases 64 unvaccinated. That's less than half, NOT most. 3 had 1 shot 13 had 2 so 61 are unknown. UNKNOWN if in ICU don't you think ICU would ask and know.

Missy bee==>

get ready, they will say heart attacks are common in children

Mike Lyons==>

Vaccinate kids to protect seniors?

The Aztecs used to sacrifice children too. And during the Black Plague they burned the vaccine hesitant... I mean witches. Killed their cats by the thousands.


I just read that in Italy they did a recount of people who died specifically of covid, not of something else with covid, and it reduced the previous claim of covid deaths by 97%.

Missy bee==>

14 days until your concidered vaxxed, could that be the reason for the missing numbers

Mike Lyons==>

Pay attention. This era will go down in history if the population ever escapes the hypnotism.


The majority of bad events occur within days of the jab. Why are you considered unvaxxed until 2 weeks after the second shot for reporting purposes? Maybe to make it seem the unvaxxed are the problem?

Mike Lyons==>

Some windmills and solar panels will be preserved as historical curiosities. "They really did that?!?!)

Missy bee==>

yes, makes sense to me.


If they got the jab they are already brain washed. There is nothing you can say or do to change their mind even with proof!

Mike Lyons==>

One doctor recently declared a death from "climate change."


I saw that Mike what a crock

Mike Lyons==>

the covid scam will simply merge into the climate scam. Legacy media doesn't even require Trudeau bribes. "If it bleeds, it leads."


Narrative falling apart and they're getting desparate and grasping at straws. They can't admit the vax doesn't work

Mike Lyons==>

I have to continually remind myself not to unconsciously normalize the wearing of my Coof disguise in the stores.

Missy bee==>

in 1970 they said we would have an ice age, in the 80s they said we already be under water by 2000 now its 2021 and we are all still here above water. lol

Chrons Black==>

biggest tax heist in history

Mike Lyons==>

Facebook censorship is becoming hysterical. YouTube is useless unless you like cat videos.


All the elites have waterfront property, they don't seem worried about "climate change"

Missy bee==>

no, not worried they all have private jets and yahts too.

Mike Lyons==>

"Global cooling" was a dog that wouldn't hunt. There was no way to blame the success of the capitalistic West. "Global warming" was a brilliant move. It had millions of ready-made Marxist supporters.

Missy bee==>

6uild 6ack 6etter.

Mike Lyons==>

"talk about it" she says. What a joke. When they switch from the Coof to the climate you WON'T be allowed to talk about it. True action on CO2 would drive most of us into grinding poverty.


Shoving climate change BS down our throats under the guise of a B.S pandemic . It’s not coming it’s here!


Internet censors on high alert

Mike Lyons==>

The true believer commies "recycled" themselves into climate alarmists. The "solutions" remained exactly the same. Global communism.

teddy fromoutside==>

Maybe look to Venezuela to catch a glimps of Canada in the future.

Mike Lyons==>@teddy fromoutside yes. Yes. And yes.


Soros funded professional protesters

Mike Lyons==>

I'm old enough to remember when you could wash your hands in a public restroom with real water flow. These days, with flower sprinklers it's a joke. Subtle, incremental deterioration in living stds.


Trydeau running Canada into the ground. Why are we importing oil?


Biden doing the same in the US


We’re all going to wind up in the “quarantine facility” gulag for questioning the UN agenda group think.

Mike Lyons==>

Ayn Rand called it back in the 1960s with her "Return of the Native." A.K.A. "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution." Biden and Trudeau are misanthropic saboteurs.

Mike Lyons==>

Open Prison dot Ca


And doing a mighty fine job of it Mike

teddy fromoutside==>

Khrushchev called it in a quote in 1959."your childrens children will live under communism "etc...

Mike Lyons==>

but they wouldn't have a snowballs hope in hell if not for mass acquiescence on the part of the sheeple induced by publicly funded "education" and a corrupt corporate media.


We’ve been misled and lied to about these jabs from the get-go.from incompetents purporting to be medical experts. Unfortunately the political agenda is more important now than safety issues.

Mike Lyons==>

Look up Soviet KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, if he hasn't already been scrubbed from YouTube. In order to win, the misanthropes MUST erase history.


There is something that the UNVAXXED will always have in common with the VAXXED. Neither of them will ever be FULLY vaccinated.


tearing down statues for a start Mike

Mike Lyons==>

Again, I predict CHCH will soon disable commenting on this channel. Can't have dissent. Their shadow-bans are, obviously, not very effective.


That will be their loss Mike, chat best part of the news

teddy fromoutside==>

screwtube pays CHCH


What do you call a med student with a 60% average in med school?.........Doctor. Might explain our “health table” of “experts”. When did they last see a real patient?

Mike Lyons==>

with 85% of the population "fully vaccinated" and now creeping up on the portion of those in hospitals it's becoming hard to deny that the vax was a total con job.

teddy fromoutside==>

not a vaccine.


If the vaccines work why don't they work?

Mike Lyons==>

It's too stupid to be stupid yet, still, the people continue to indulge in "nodding dog acquiescence" as David Icke recently described it.


Deaths and cases are up since the jab, go figure. I thought this was a conspiracy theory?

Mike Lyons==>

good night all. Maybe we'll see each other tomorrow???

And tonight's Live Chat looked like this:

Lesko Brandon==>

Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.

"No man? No problem." == Joe Stalin.

"The majority of new infections is among unvaccinated individuals."

If that is true then show me!

The majority of hospitalizations are currently among the vaccinated. The majority of those in ICU are currently unvaccinated. Where is the data for the majority of positive PCR tests? The CTV report from which I took the above screenshot does not provide a source for the claim, other than a doctor who does not provide a source, either. Is he referring to actual data or is he just expressing an "expert" opinion off the top of his head? If you saw Joe Rogan's interview with chief medical correspondent for CNN, Sanjay Gupta you had a front-row seat to an "expert" flying by the seat of his pants.

Also, keep in mind that, as we have already seen what happens to any credentialled expert who dares question or oppose the dominant narrative, what do you think would happen to this doctor if he said anything different? (see here and here.)

I have a prediction. If the clear majority of people in the hospitals AND in the ICUs start to consist of vaccinated individuals, the Ontario government website will STOP providing those pie charts. (As they stopped providing the daily body counts a week or so before the Apartheid pass system went into effect in Ontario.)


You can't trust the government and you can't trust the Junk News media, especially now that Junk News is being bribed by the Trudeau government. If you think you can just sit back on the couch and get your recommended dose of intellectual nutrition from the Junk News industry your brain will just get fat and lazy. And that is exactly what they want.

But at least you will be able to wipe your ass.

More on the Pandemic of the Vaccinated

Fully vaccinated seniors made up nearly half of B.C.’s COVID-19 deaths in October

This just in from fellow scamdemic watchdog, KK.

"Notice no mention that they were know damn well if they were unvaccinated it would be a headline."

With numerous players in COVID protocol, NHL postpones Sens games through Nov. 20

Official Data Proves There Is A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated

Vaccinated people make up 75% of recent COVID-19 cases in Singapore, but few fall ill

Nudge Tyranny

Are Vaccines Making the Pandemic Worse?

Booster Doses are Extremely Dangerous and They Will Make Everything Worse

'Most vaccinated' place on earth cancels Christmas'

Gibraltar Situation

Unlock the Skull Bridle
Break the Chains

Join me on Gab @Richard_Mack

Monday, November 15, 2021

Friedman on Bureaucracy

This is something I wrote at least twenty years ago. Unfortunately, I didn't date it.

My how government does grow!

I came across a newsletter recently that reminded me of something I had read many times, in one form or another in the libertarian literature, over the last twenty years. I dug through my little book collection and came up with the following, from "The Tyranny of the Status Quo" - by Milton and Rose Friedman (copyright 1984, 1983):

"The key characteristics of bureaucrats are these: first, they spend other people's money; second, they have a bottom line, a proof of success, that is very distant and difficult to define. Under those conditions, a major incentive for every bureaucrat is to become more powerful --and this is true whether the bureaucrat is dominated by broad and unselfish interests or by narrow and selfish interests. In either case, being more powerful will enable the bureaucrat to pursue those interests more effectively. In most cases, the way for a bureaucrat to become more powerful is to have more people under his or her control --to expand the scope of whatever piece of the gigantic governmental structure is that bureaucrat's domain."

Here's what I read that made me think of this. It pertains to the Disabled and Aged Regional Transit System of Hamilton-Wentworth. This is just one relatively small manifestation of the disease which afflicts this country:

A SPECIAL THANK YOU Thirteen years ago, D.A.R.T.S. provided 90,000 trips to 1500 registered passengers using 16 vehicles and a staff of 25. The budget at that time was $700,000. This year D.A.R.T.S. has provided 525,000 trips to our 13,000 passengers using 45 vehicles, 35 minivans and taxis and a $7,000,000 budget. D.A.R.T.S. has successfully accomplished this growth over the years under the leadership and guidance of our Executive Director,..." etc. etc.

from the newsletter 'On Target with D.A.R.T.S.' November 1993.

Based upon the numbers for 1993, the average DARTS trip costs about $13.33. This is at least twice the average taxi fare for Hamilton. DARTS customers pay $1.70 per trip regardless of the length of that trip. Taxpayers pay the rest. In addition to the taxpayers being ripped off by this system, the artificially low fares are siphoning passengers away from the private (though regulated) taxi business which has already been devastated by the recession. Many of these ex-taxi patrons can easily afford taxi fare but choose instead to let their neighbours pay the bill. Who can blame them? They have learned, as increasing numbers of Canadians are learning...... in a cannibalistic system, it's 'eat or be eaten.'

Saturday, November 13, 2021

They Used to Burn Witches

Who is dying in Canada?

"Healthy young adults, adolescents and children who contracted the virus have been the least likely to develop severe complications from COVID-19, including death. In fact, 100% of the COVID-involved deaths of Canadians under the age of 45 as of July 31 had at least one other disease or condition certified on the medical certificate of death. The proportion of those with at least one other disease or condition decreases with age, ranging from 93% for those aged 45 to 64 to 89% for those aged 85 years or older." -- [Source]

Check out the following graph showing all cause mortality for Canadians of all ages since 2014. The pink line shows deaths in 2020. The incomplete dotted line shows deaths in 2021. It's easy to see that the pink line indicates excess mortality in Canada beginning at about the same time the Junk News media mounted it's terror campaign to induce panic in the population and spur cowardly politicians to overreact while giving ambitious health bureaucrats the opportunity to expand their scope and power. (Which is exactly what Milton Friedman said bureaucrats do.) Their primary ambition is to increase their own power and influence. Solving actual problems is a direct disincentive to problem solving.

Take just one example. How many government "jobs" in Canada are ostensibly aimed at the elimination of poverty? And how many of them would still have jobs if they were successful? Ditto for the climate warriors. These people need insoluble problems for their own comfort and prosperity. And if there isn't a problem in the first place, they will create one. (See climate warriors - big money in that artifical "job" - and that's why they slyly renamed the problem "climate change" instead of "global warming." They couldn't lose. If every molecule of human generated CO2 were terminated tomorrow, how much of your own money would you be willing to bet that the climate would just stop changing? Don't answer if you buy lottery tickets.)

Here is a screenshot of the numbers, by age for deaths in Ontario of people dying with positive PCR tests.

Out of a total of 9926 deaths in Ontario of people whose ages are known, 282 or 2.8% occurred in that group under the age of 50. The remaining 97.2% of deaths occurred in people 50 and older with positive PCR tests.

"Some deaths may have involved COVID-19 but were ultimately attributable to another disease such as ischemic heart disease, or an accidental injury such as a fall. These deaths do not consider COVID-19 as the underlying cause, but the virus was reported as being present on the medical certificate of death, either as a contributing cause or condition." -- [Source] [Italics mine]

Are these deaths being included in the overall body count? The six COVID deaths for people under the age of 20 reported in Ontario says they are.

"but the virus was reported as being present on the medical certificate of death"

Here is the Statcan chart for mortality in people aged 85 and over. There is a spike in deaths during the first wave. There is also a visible second wave corresponding to the 2020-2021 fall/winter flu season. If you compare this second wave to the fall winter lines for 2017-2018 flu season (red and purple,) they are almost identical. The peak in deaths for people in this age cohort occurs in week 17 (April) of 2020.)

Here is the same chart for Canadians aged 0 to 44.

The peak in deaths for people in this age cohort doesn't occur until week 29 (July,) well after the mandates and lockdowns exposed the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a total fraud.

"During the fall of 2020, younger people under the age of 65 accounted for 35 per cent of excess deaths — an increase from 14 per cent in the spring. About 95 per cent of deaths from COVID-19 during that time period involved people aged 65 and older." -- [Source] [Italics mine]


"However, more recently, the number of excess deaths has been higher than the number of deaths due to COVID-19, and these deaths are affecting younger populations, suggesting that other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic, are now at play." -- [Source] [Italics mine]

What does "other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic," mean? Junk News purveyor Global doesn't say. But it's not difficult to figure out what those "other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic," are.

Those other effects are the catastrophic, kneejerk, and ultimately inneffective response people in government imposed to externalize the cost of care for those hospitalized with positive PCR tests atributed to the virus and to pretend they were "doing something." Symbolism over substance is what we saw. "When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."

Jurisdictions like Sweden, South Dakota, and later Florida, chose not to kill the younger members of their populations with these "other factors."

I saw this happening at least as early as May, 2020. If a retired cab driver/climate scientist could see what was going to happen as a result of Jackboot medicine, how come the so-called "experts" did NOT see it? Did they even think about it? For one millisecond?

With the enthusiastic approval of crazed mobs, they used to burn witches too.

Not satisfied with the harm they have already done, they now want to vaccinate defenseless children. This is classic medieval stuff.

Explosive! Dr. Robert Malone: They’re Rushing Into Killing Children

Nov 11, 2021

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Chicken Coup

Toilet Ladies

It never escapes my attention when I hear a friend or acquaintance patronizingly recite the same bumper-sticker soundbites I heard the previous evening on the six o'clock edition of subliminal programming from "Hamilton's news leader," CHCH, while they pretend it's their own educated opinion. It's amusing and irritating at the same time. How can people be so lacking in self-awareness? Do they not know they are unconsciously parroting the soundbites that are embedded in their minds by establishment propaganda?

Last summer I spoke with a woman who told me she doesn't bother watching the corporate junk news. What she said next struck me as significant. "I just let it play in the background while I am doing something else."

That's even worse! You are letting their slime ooze into your mind unconsciously. After that, I pretty much stopped listening to my car radio and started wearing a mask while driving. I don't want their toxins getting past my critical faculties.

Another example of this is the number of friends and acquaintances I have who sagely advise me to "follow the science" even though I know them to have next to zero scientific knowledge. The last four years of formal schooling I took were almost exclusively math and science. It's not hard for me to spot complete scientific illiterates. I remarked to a lady passenger in my cab one day about some dishonest soundbite from the car radio on the climate scam. She replied, "Well they have to do something about pollution." I note that Let's Go Justin and his leftoid cronies prey heavily upon scientifically illiterate voters like her by dishonestly conflating CO2 emissions with "pollution."

Follow the science. Follow the yellow brick road. Follow the fucking Pied Piper.

What, exactly do most of the incurious masses mean when they pontificate, "follow the science?"

I got a hint back when my son was in Grade 8. One day, I asked him what he was learning in science class. His answer stunned me. "Global warming." That's not science, that's anti-prosperity political propaganda.

This provides some insight into what people like high school dropout Greta Thunberg means when she says "follow the science." In her world, "science" means something very different from what is used to mean. It means the propaganda that was jack-hammered into her brain by a predominantly government-funded crypto-communist collection of "teachers." It might be a surprise to learn how many other high school dropouts are giving political and scientific advice to the masses.

I was speaking with an old friend last week with whom I had not spoken for a while. Ordinarily, he seems to be well informed. Unfortunately, like too many others, he has been completely duped by the dominant establishment narrative on COVID-19. He told me to follow the science. Double vaccinated himself, he tried to pressure me into getting vaccinated as well, "not to protect you, but to protect me." (incredible!) When I told him vaccinated people can spread the virus just as efficiently as the untermensch, he replied, "Well, that just isn't true."

Oh, really?

Then he got to the funny part. He said the only people he has seen expressing any doubts or misgivings about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines are women filming YouTube videos while sitting on the toilet. If I had any prior doubt as to the source of his reliable information, this removed it. Women on toilets are a perfect smear-tool used by Junk News media and authoritarian social media platforms. (My own analogy is of some tattoed, toothless guy filming his YouTube video while wearing a black Jack Daniels T-shirt and sitting on a Harley Davidson motorcycle with a pack of Export "A" tucked into the sleeve of his T-shirt, and a confederate flag waving in the background.) Or this guy.

As the conversation went on, I continued to remind my friend that none of the experts I had consulted to form my own opinion were sitting on toilets.

Doesn't it seem odd that, despite 85% of the Ontario population over the age of twelve now being classified as "fully vaccinated," Junk News propaganda distributors continue to spew out panic-inducing stories about new restrictions being needed to "gain control" of the spread that the miracle, warp speed, absolutely safe and effective vaccinations haven't "gained control" of?


"Gain control."

Just like that flaming charlatan in Ottawa's con about "gaining control" of global temperatures. I mean, who buys this horseshit? Answer: Too many voters.

Of the remaining 15% of the unclean, the untermensch, a portion of them will have already recovered from the Coof therefore, even more than 85% of Ontarians should be "protected."

Yet we must still tolerate the dictatorship of the "experts" as they continue to rail against the restoration of freedom in this province.

Despite my educational grounding in science, I never went much further than the basics. I don't have any credentials in epidemiology, virology, vaccinology, or microbiology, etc. Because of this limitation, I have no choice but to fall back on my tried and true skillset - Bullshit Detection.

Hang on a second. I have to wipe my ass....

The Chicken Coup

The Marek's Vaccine

"The Marek’s vaccine is “imperfect” or “leaky.” That is, it protects chickens from developing disease, but doesn’t stop them from becoming infected or from spreading the virus. Inadvertently, this made it easier for the most virulent strains to survive. Such strains would normally kill their hosts so quickly that they’d die out. But in an immunised flock, they can persist because their lethal nature has been neutered." [Italics mine.] -- [source]


"This problem, where vaccination fosters the evolution of more virulent disease, does not apply to most human vaccines. Those against mumps, measles, rubella, and smallpox are “perfect:” They protect against disease and stop people from transmitting the respective viruses. “You don’t get onward evolution,” says Read. “These vaccines are very successful, highly effective, and very safe. They have been a tremendous success story and will continue to be so." [source]

“You don’t get onward evolution.”

-- An "informed" TV watcher.

One more,

“The candidate Ebola vaccines are also foremost in my mind,” he adds. “Some of the monkey trials suggest that they may be perfect, but we need to be very confident that they don’t leak. If they do, and some vaccinated individuals are capable of passing on Ebola, that might lead to the evolution of very dangerous pathogens.” [italics mine] [source]

“the evolution of very dangerous pathogens.”

"There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster." -- Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

It should be clear by now that the "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccines are leaky, like the Marek’s vaccine. The statists pushing jackboot medicine over the last 20 months through knee-jerk, state idolizing prohibitions and mandates may have created a monster.

"Read and Nair also found that the “lethal” strains could spread from one vaccinated individual to another, and that unvaccinated chickens were at greatest risk of disease and death if they were housed with vaccinated ones." [source]

Wouldn't it be ironic if Ontario's apartheid-style internal pass system implemented to protect vaccinated people from getting infected(!) winds up, unintentionally protecting the unvaccinated?

As Ontario moves into traditional cold/flu season it promises to be a very interesting time.

Other Items.

Study May Prove This Is a Pandemic of the VACCINATED


Deputy #PrimeMinuster Chrystia #Freeland at the Toronto Global Forum on November 10, 2021. #vaccination

♬ original sound - user5784799146595

Herd Immunity: For COVID-19, scientists estimate the percentage falls between 50% to 70%.

Facebook's "Community standards."

Don't mock Kamala.