I slammed this one together a while back, before YouTube started censoring all of its content producers. Then, when YouTube obviously started to take sides in the political debate, I looked for another place to post my thoughts. So far, BitChute has been a pretty good alternative, so much so that my consumption of BitChute content has almost completely replaced the time I spend on YouTube when it comes to serious content.
YouTube is still a great resource if you are looking for information that does not impact the political message YouTube is now actively promoting. I have downloaded some great documentaries in the last while. One reason I download the really interesting ones is because, these days, you just never know when they, too, will be flushed down the memory hole. A very good one I recently downloaded was about the Black Death in the fourteenth century - Yersinia pestis. I wanted to get some perspective on what a real pandemic looks like as opposed to the hyped-up scamdemic we have all been exposed to, and had our lives turned upside-down by for the last two years. Yersinia pestis, at the time, was powerful enough to change the population's world view. In 2020, Yersinia pestis had been replaced by CHCH "News," and other Junk News purveyors.
YouTube also remains a great source for music. You can download full albums and watch all kinds of great live performances from the days when people were not scared shitless about gathering together in large crowds.
And while there is still some excellent analysis of the scamdemic available on YouTube, if you really want to drill down, you will have to look elsewhere. And since you have no way of knowing whether these channels will be de-platformed at any time, it gives you a heads-up on what to look for on the free speech video platforms.
Anyway, I originally published the video embedded below on YouTube and I can't remember the exact date I posted it. After I saw the YouTube trajectory, as the Jews who got out of Europe early enough to avoid Nazi persecution saw, I figured it was a good idea to find another host for my stuff. The video below was posted on March 4th, 2018. It is actually older than that. I deleted most of my serious stuff from YouTube and just left, mostly, less radical material. If I were to do Acclimation over again, I would make a lot of changes but, I am satisfied that I made the point I was trying to make and that it has become even more relevant since the scamdemic grabbed the attention of the masses.
I'm thinking of re-doing it though, to bring it up to date with the New Normal in the age of COVID. I could see where,
"Two weeks to flatten the curve, (so we're shutting your business down,)
and a
"STAY HOME, - (you will be safe,)
"wear a mask, (it's just a mask)"
"stand six feet apart, (save lives)"
"don't have Christmas with your family or visit your loved ones in nursing homes, (you might kill granny)"
or ....
"get vaccinated, (it's just a poke,)" And keep on getting poked as long as necessary for the rest of your life,
and so on, and so on .... might fit in.
It's the New Normal.
Actually, it's not that new. In fact, it is as old as history.
Be happy to die for King and Country, etc. "Daddy, did you get vaccinated during the Great Pandemic?"
And then I will top it off with a message.
"Trust what the politicians, the media, Facebook, and YouTube tell you the 'SCIENCE' is." And trust their so-called "fact-checkers." They don't have an agenda. They care about you."
"But we care about you. We love you." Just like that guy that beats up his wife every day, knowing she will never leave him so long as he keeps telling her how much he "loves" her.
The best thing of all is you don't have to know anything about science to confidently repeat it. Just like you no longer need to know how to add and subtract to use a calculator. Just say, "I follow the science," and people will automatically know what you mean. Even though the "science" has been constantly changing over the last two years. Oh, but I forgot, science changes... almost every day. It's called "science change," but this kind of change is good for you, because it's based on science.
"We're all in this together,"
When they tell you what the science is, you KNOW what the science is. And you can repeat the mantra to your recalcitrant friends. Show them who is informed.
Seriously though. All you are really doing is trusting the very same people whom you FUCKING KNOW lie to you all the time.
I was able to post it to the #EndTheLockdown group but NOT to the main feed. In an effort to circumvent Facebook's Nazi-style interference with the flow of information and expert opinion, I have decided to post the link here and then post THIS page to the Facebook feed. At some point, it would not surprise me if Facebook outright blocks posts from openprison.ca as well.
While, personally, I am not ready to buy into the idea that what has been going on is a deliberate attempt to depopulate the world, even though I know there are many, especially in the deep-Green community of open misanthropes, who would like nothing better than to see mass human extermination, I find the rest of Dr. Yeadon's presentation to be right on target.
There is one big mistake in the following video. It assumes that cash will still be an option in the Orwellian future. It won't be. Once cash has been eliminated, the central computer will be programmed to determine what you can and cannot buy with your money. You won't be able to argue with the cashier, if there even is one, either. That T-bone you just picked up for dinner? "Sorry, you've already hit your quota of red meat. Your digital transaction cannot be completed at this time. You are saving the planet. We all win! <smiley face>"
Well, it looks like I was wrong about the way CHCH Evening "News" was going to spin the story this evening. Could it be they are finally realizing that their credibility is in the dumpster? Even their "experts" were, more or less, admitting that Omicron is looking more and more like the common cold. And McMaster's Martha Fullford knocks another one out of the park with her admission that many of the "cases" in the hospital are "incidental." In other words, someone could be admitted for injuries sustained in a car accident, who tests positive is recorded as a "case," and that this should be changed. Martha must read my rants because she said the same thing I have been saying forever now, "It's a pandemic of positive PCR tests." Are you telling me she just found out about this? Or maybe, she has been given the nod that it's okay to publicly state this, even though many of us "Nazis, Deplorables, Q anon supporters(?), white supremacists, and anti-vaxxers," have known this for ages.
Here is a screenshot of the "cases" chart for the last thirty days that you can still see on the All Ontario: Case numbers and spread page. This is similar to the one you will see blasted across the screen if you watch the CHCH Evening "News" report tonight at 6 p.m.
I doubt, very much, that you will see anything like the following chart which I just generated, since the Ontario page no longer provides it.
As I write, the current time is 3:10 p.m.
It remains possible that the trajectory of the deaths chart may shoot skyward in the next week or two. This is a possibility that CHCH Evening "News" will, no doubt, screamingly emphasize at 6 p.m. to keep the fear going. They will probably drag out one of their regular "experts" to reinforce the fear. Two weeks from now, we should have our answer. In the meantime, don't forget to wear a safety helmet because you never know when you are going to get hit by a flying manhole cover. (personhole? Naw, sounds too much like asshole. Theyhole?)
For reference, here is a screenshot of the epi curves for incidence of various cold viruses.
Well, it looks like I was wrong about the way CHCH Evening "News" was going to spin the story this evening. Could it be they are finally realizing that their credibility is in the dumpster? Even their "experts" were, more or less, admitting that Omicron is looking more and more like the common cold (that is spreading like a forest fire). And McMaster's Martha Fullford knocks another one out of the park with her admission that many of the "cases" in the hospital are "incidental." In other words, someone admitted for injuries sustained in a car accident, who tests positive - is recorded (and widely publicized) as a "case," and that this should be changed. Martha must read my rants because she said the same thing I have been saying forever now, "It's a pandemic of positive PCR tests." Are you telling me she just found out about this? Or maybe, she has been given the nod that it's okay to publicly state this, even though many of us "Nazis, Deplorables, Q anon supporters(?), white supremacists, and anti-vaxxers," have known this for ages.
I can think of two reasons why someone would click their heels, raise their arm in the form of a Nazi salute, and say, "Heil Hitler."
1 - That person is a supporter of Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler, and the party which ruled Germany from 1933 until 1945.
"There will no longer exist any individual arbitrary will, nor realms in which the individual belongs to himself. The time for happiness as a private matter are over."
Do you see a familiar pattern to those words?
Yeah, that is an idea I can really buy into. Not. (How dare you!) <Sorry>
2 - As a form of mockery from someone who absolutely abhors Nazism and any of its malicious statist variants (fascism, communism, socialism, modern liberalism, etc.) The truth hurts.
When a person from this latter group clicks their heels, raises their arm in the form of a Nazi salute, and says, "Heil Hitler," it is not to praise statism, but to expose it for what it is. Only simple-minded, historically naive people would fail to grasp that the Nazi salute, in this context, is not an act of praise, but an expression of revulsion.
I've performed the ritual myself. Last year, while waiting to cash out at a Dollarama, I stepped too close to the display just before the line of registers to get a closer look, and one of the uniformed employees barked at me, "Stand on the green circle!" My blood pressure skyrocketing, I looked at him and loudly said, "Yes Sir! Heil Hitler!" Only someone with their head planted firmly up their ass could possibly interpret my response as being pro-Nazi. Actually, I think I've used it a few other times over the last two years.
“When the tide goes out, you get to see who’s swimming naked," said Bill Gross.
And when the masks came on, the masks came off. The astute observer was able to see all of the Nazis that walk among us.
Of course, Hitler wasn't wrong about everything, as current events aptly demonstrate.
Save lives. Wear a mask. Get vaccinated. Get boosted. Believe in the science.
This morning, when I went to post a link to Facebook, I got Hitlered.
The link that triggered my digital arrest included in the offending post was to a Eugyppius blog entry describing conditions in Adolf Hitler's country of birth and Europe’s first population-wide vaccine mandate.
This decision by Facebook's camp guards puzzles me. It says my post goes against Facebook's "standards" on dangerous individuals and organizations. While I wholeheartedly agree that the Austrian government is currently a very dangerous organization, and that it is populated with extremely dangerous individuals, I can't understand why Facebook would want this information hidden from its users, unless... Facebook itself is a supporter of said dangerous individuals and organizations and is providing cover for them. This supports the conclusion that Facebook has obviously thrown all of its powerful information control into support of the New Nazified Normalism.
On the other hand, it could be argued that either Facebook's "moderators," or its algorithms are just mind-numbingly stupid. Consider this post I made on December 1, linking to another Eugyppius post - Austria Plans Enormous Fines, Incarceration For Vaccine Refusers
A conspiracy theorist might actually see some method behind this madness. Superficially, it makes no sense. But when you pummel the mass mind with absurdity, the average Junk News consumer becomes helpless. They live in a world where there is no solid ground. Their minds have been filled with communist ideology throughout the time they spent in formal education. Then they continued committing intellectual suicide through their fixation on mindless entertainment spewed non-stop from their television sets and social media accounts.
Those with some strength of mind will resist this attempt to program their thinking, but not all will succeed. At first, they will become frustrated by the onslaught, and many will be overcome. They will retreat into apathy.
You can see it in their eyes. I have made three or four impromtu speeches in grocery store lines since the mass formation first manifest itself. When everyone is wearing a face-diaper, I find myself focusing more intently on people's eyes. What I saw in most of the eyes of those other proles in the line was fear and helplessness - as if - as if they no longer felt they were standing on solid ground. One or two sets of eyes deviated. They showed amusement. Usually, the only eyes that revealed hatred were those of the Nazi that triggered my inflamatory behavior. Sinkholes are everywhere. "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."
I believe the Hitlerism Facebook just imposed upon me is an attempt to nudge me into self-censorship. The message is clear. Either I get on board with the narrative they are trying to promote, or I risk being sent to the camps.
Well, I have no intention of bending to their malicious agenda. I will not self-censor. I will keep saying what I think until they put me up against the wall and pull the trigger.
I have been a bad boy (1:16 a.m. Xmas day.)
I just found out I have multiple account restrictions.
If you know me at all, does this surprise you?
Well, Feil Hucking Fitler to you, too.
Let's start being honest with ourselves. I know we can't go around greeting each other with "Heil Hitler." That one is out of date. On the other hand, salutations like, "Wear a mask," or "get vaccinated" lack oomph. Perhaps we should use a placeholder into which we can place our favourite authoritarian, like Brandon, or Justin, or Tam, or Fauci, or Moore. Until someone gives me a better example, I think I'll just go with "Hail, The Führer!"
Man Seen in Video Saying 'Heil Hitler' at Mask Mandate School Board Meeting Loses Job
As I read through "Ontario’s new curriculum claims math 'normalizes racism,'" in The Post Millennial, I paused at this claim, 'The 2021 grade 9 curriculum for Ontario's math program depicts math as a subjective method that normalizes racism and reinforces "Eurocentric mathematical knowledge."'
I thought to myself that if this claim is true, then the Ontario Educational system has really hit the shitter. Most of my own formal education from Grade 13 on was concentrated on math and science. It is difficult to be certain of anything these days, but I am absolutely certain, having been immersed in the subject in the past, that math and science is NOT RACIST, in any way, shape, or form. Furthermore, if math is racist, then all of the STEM disciplines are racist. The attempt by psychotic leftists now at the top of Ontario's educational hierarchy to racialize math and science will end up destroying one of the most important foundations of human prosperity if this lunatic assault on science is not stopped dead in its tracks. Actually, it's not just an attack on math and science, it's an attack on humanity.
To confirm, I clicked on the "grade 9 curriculum" link. Using F3, I could not find a single occurrence of the word "Eurocentric."
Is the Post Millennial lying to its readers?
To double-check, I ran the URL. "https://www.dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/curriculum/secondary-mathematics/courses/mth1w/course-intro" through archive.today. It was no surprise to me to discover that the word, "Eurocentric" did, in fact, appear twice in the 10 Jul 2021 snapshot of that same page.
Just as Government of Ontario continues to change its presentation of the data on COVID-19 (see here, and here,) in suspicious temporal proximity to political edicts and SCREAMING HEADLINES, it appears the Ministry of Education is doing exactly the same thing.
If you can force yourself to read through the crud in the revised Ontario Grade 9 curriculum policy page it will become obvious to the critical reader that the authors have been absolutely marinated in racism. Hence, unconsciously, they reveal their own deeply-rooted belief in European intellectual superiority because, what they are really saying, is that those students who lack European ethnicity are not capable of mastering unadulterated math and science. Therefore, for example,
"All students bring their mathematical experiences from various contexts to school. Educators can value and build on these lived experiences so that mathematics classrooms become spaces that honour diverse mathematical ideas and thoughts, and incorporate multiple ways of knowing and doing. Such spaces allow all students to become flexible and adaptive learners in an ever-changing world."
What are the "multiple ways of knowing" what the sum of two plus two is? How does a2 plus b2 = c2 compare to "diverse mathematical ideas and thoughts?"
Or is this all just a con-job intended to give everyone a passing grade thus attesting to the "success" of Ontario Government schooling?
On the other hand, here is my personal contribution to the science of "lived experience" math.
If you call a cab and ask the driver to use the shortest distance to your destination, on a scale of one to ten, how happy will you be if he takes a more "flexible and adaptive" route that ends up costing you twice as much? Likewise, on a scale of one to ten, how happy do you think he will be if you offer to pay him, not the amount displayed on the meter, but a lesser amount, including possibly zero, that takes into account your "lived experiences?" (In my own "lived experience," this happened many times.)
The End.
6:00 p.m. - Not quite the end.
ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT RULES that non-whites are less intelligent than whites.
I chose that title to see if it would generate more than the two or three clicks I normally get for my efforts to expose the BS behind the scamdemic.
After scrolling through just a few entries in this feed, it appears to contain exactly the kinds of titillating details the public just loves to gobble up.
Ontario is reporting 1,290 new "cases" today. Get ready for more histrionics from the politicians and their bureaucratic advisors. The George Clooney blow job affair will probably not upstage this terrifying news.
Note that the drop box for downloading the raw data is no longer available. Note also, that there are still tabs that allow you to switch from "daily" to "cumulative" counts.
Here is the chart that immediately follows the "cases" chart.
Note that the casual visitor no longer has the option of a "daily" deaths tab. This tab disappeared on September 17, 2021, just before Ontario's internal passport system took effect on September 22. Why did they do that?
I took the time to download the data this morning to produce my own chart for daily deaths.
Unlike the frightening "cases" curve, the deaths curve remains flat. I predict that the daily chart option will be resurected if there is a dramatic increase in deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the future.
We're hurtling towards a Totalitarian Technocracy.
I have no idea whether Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche knows what he is talking about, but I think it's worth knowing what he is saying in case he turns out to be right. He hasn't been smeared on Wikipedia yet, which is not a good sign.
It seems that Wikipedia only goes after those whom it perceives to be a real threat to their informational hegemony. To wit, the hatchet job they did on Professor Sucharit Bhakdi when he rocked the boat on the dominant COVID-19 story, or the smear job they did on Stefan Molyneux. I am very familiar with Stefan Molyneux's work until a few years ago, and I am glad I was able to read this Wikipedia entry about him, not for anything it reveals about Molyneux, but for what it reveals about the depths extremist "wokists" will go to destroy anyone who threatens to reveal their truly misanthropic nature. In other words, nothing inflames wokists like the truth. It really hurts.
It also demonstrates why free speech is so important. As disgraceful as the authors of that article are, I would never advocate censoring them. Their kind of evil should be on display for the world to see.
Now on to Vanden Bossche.
Renowned Virologist Warns of ‘Collapse of Our Health System’ Due to Complications from COVID Vaccines
From the so-called "Fact CheckFact Check,"
"Vanden Bossche, who is trained in veterinary medicine,"
A quick glance at his resume suggests that the "fact-checker's" fact check is either dishonestly incomplete, or that Vanden Bossche is a stone-cold liar. These "fact checkers" look an awful lot like Wikipedia authors to me.
Note: when I first clicked on the link for Vanden Bossche's resume, I received a scary warning from the Malwarebytes browser guard extension in my Brave browser. It says,
Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocks pages that come from websites with relatively light traffic and have been reported to have malicious activity. If you trust this website, please click CONTINUE TO SITE. Otherwise, choose GO BACK.
We strongly recommend you do not continue.
I don't know about you, but I have been seeing a lot of these kinds of dire warnings over the last two years. They seem to have taken on a whole new meaning. They used to apply to malware, exclusively, but it seems they have now branched out into protecting users from malthink as well.
I clicked on "CONTINUE TO SITE" and a PDF file containing a resume loaded into my browser.
My computer did not explode.
More from the "fact check,"
“If we’re worried about the Covid-19 becoming some ‘super-virus,’ the best way to stop that is to stop it from replicating and the best way to do that is vaccines,” he added.
This was also confirmed by Scott Halperin, director of the Canadian Centre for Vaccinology.
“If we rapidly achieve high levels of population immunity through vaccination, the risk of variant emergence is decreased because there are insufficient numbers of susceptible individuals to continue the propagation of the virus and spread through the community,” he said.
Is this really a "fact check" or is it a differing opinion?
It was published on 31 March 2021.
In the Province of Ontario since that time, 87% of the residents 12 years old and up have been "fully vaccinated,"
yet https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data is reporting 1,009 new "cases" of COVID-19 as of today, (Dec, 8, 2021.) If 87% is not a "high level of population immunity through vaccination," then what is? Has the virus stopped replicating as the "fact check" said it would?
Hospitalizations in Ontario are currently running at about 50-50. Superficially, it appears that the vaccines are currently effective at reducing the severity of outcomes, since the 50% of unvaxxed hospital patients represent only about 13% of the population. What happened to the protection this minority should be getting from the 87% "high level of population immunity through vaccination?"
If we are to believe the propaganda currently coming from those at the top, this failure to achieve population immunity can be blamed on the 13% who have not been double-jabbed.
Note that, if 100% of the population were fully "vaccinated," there would be no control group with which to compare outcomes.
Look at this spectacle. A room full of knowledgeable politicians, and NOT ONE OF THEM can answer a simple question that ALL OF THEM should know the answer to BEFORE spending $7 BILLION.
Before watching the video below, be warned that it may contain severe malthink.
... and ...
Update: December 9, 2021.
We're hurtling towards a Totalitarian Technocracy.
and remember.....
"There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster." -- Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)
Freedom includes the freedom not to be harmed avoidably by others' choices. Vaccine mandates for health care workers and others, indoor mask mandates where Covid is spreading, and better protection of health care workers are ethically required.
Your "standard," consistently applied in the context you are using, would prohibit an entire spectrum of human activity including driving a car, playing sports, and even walking down the street since it's always possible you might bump into someone.
Just dumb.
Looking back.
I went on to write,
Global population adjusted to 2020 deaths ~ 66 Million (making some estimates as high as 390 Million.)
Global deaths from COVID-19 as of July 28, 2020 according to Coronavirus dashboard - 660,000
Conclusion: COVID-19 is similar to a bad flu.
If the political response is going to be the "new normal" to "save lives" then we shall never be free again.
Note re: 1957-58 Asian Flu
"It caused many infections in children, spread in schools, and led to many school closures. However, the virus was rarely fatal in children and was most deadly in pregnant women, the elderly, and those with pre-existing heart and lung disease." -- (source: Wikipedia citing Clark, William R. (2008). Bracing for Armageddon?: The Science and Politics of Bioterrorism in America. Oxford University Press. p. 72. ISBN 978-0-19-045062-5.)
The body count has increased since I wrote the above, to 5,262,331 as of today. What is also known, today, is that the body count has been dramatically inflated because anyone who dies for any reason is counted as a COVID death if they happened to have a positive PCR test prior to passing. The actual number of people who died from COVID is closer to 10% of the reported sum, putting it down around 500,000, making it far less deadly than both the Asian and Hong Kong Flu pandemics.
The first chart shows the trends for deaths from all causes in Canada for 2014 to 2021. [SOURCE]
Chart 1: All Age Mortality in Canada
The pink line for 2020 really stands out because of the large peak on week 17 (6,940 deaths) which coincides with the beginning of the scamdemic. After that, the weekly body count continues to exceed those for the previous six years. The dotted line for 2021 shows all-cause mortality numbers returning to the herd. There is a spike in week 26 of 2021.
Also noteworthy, is the purple line for 2018. It peaks in week 2 (6,630 deaths) and if you look at the red line for December 2017 the line shows a clear upward trend. There were 310 more deaths in Canada at the peak of the great scamdemic than there were in 2018 peak when the A(H3N2) viruses predominated.
Is that why Canada adopted full-scale authoritarianism? Is that why the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was slyly abolished, only to re-emerge as the Charter of Perks and Privileges? More alarming is the ease with which Canadians embraced this new normal.
Here are some more charts from the same source, showing the breakdown for several age cohorts.
Chart 2: Ages 45 to 64
Chart 3: Ages 65 to 84
Chart 4: Ages 85 and Over
In the 45 to 64 age group, there is no large peak for April/May 2020. It certainly does not stand out as in the two charts for those over the age of 65. That makes sense because the older you get, the more vulnerable you become. It also comports with the Case Fatality Rates (CFRs) seen in the different age cohorts for ontario.
I took that table and stuck it into a spreadsheet to calculate the CFRs for different age groups.
Now look at the chart for those between the ages of 0 to 44.
Chart 5: Ages of 0 to 44
The under 45 peak doesn't occur until well after the Trudeau Virus and its variants CERB-20 and CRB-20 along with the provincial disease vectors - large corporate shopping venues, and other "essential" gathering places like liquor, beer, and pot stores succeeded in funneling the population through these boxes full of exhaled breath - masks notwithstanding.
During this period, as many as 8 million Canadians in those age groups, most of whom would otherwise be either in school or at work, had been forced to stay home where they were content to gorge on "essential" booze and pot along with junk food, junk entertainment, and junk news, destroying both their bodies and their minds.
Though I retired, more like quit in disgust, from the taxi industry in 2018 I still had contacts in the business. Some of the drivers I knew personally continued to drive all the way through the media-hype and the toilet-paper mania but a majority of Hamilton's drivers were either scared into staying home, or lured into staying home by the $2,000 a month Uncle Justin was generously creating out of thin air which, for many cab drivers, constituted a big raise from the post-Uber pittance they were making before the scamdemic.
For a couple of months, starting around March, 2020, the drivers I knew told me they were making a killing. Every night was like New Year's Eve. Nor were their passengers too scared of the Coof. They were partying it up like there was no tomorrow on their CERB money, smiling from ear to ear. One driver told me his passengers were saying "this is the most fun I have ever had!" He also noted that many of them were only casually acquainted with the world of work, if at all. They were living like 20ish rock stars who, overtaken with staggering success before they ever learned what it's like to struggle to buy goceries and pay rent, gorged themselves with booze and drugs and died young.
Is it any wonder that the mortality rate in those under the age of 45 increased markedly after the lockdowns were imposed and the counterfeit money started flowing?
What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Months of COVID
I love Dr. Bhattacharya. He knows his stuff and he can keep his cool regardless of the absurdities and the ugly smears he has been forced to endure since the beginning of this whole scam. If it were me, I would be wanting to rip someone's eyeballs out. If I were going back to school, I would want teachers like Jay.
On the Austrian front, the persistent rumours that Hitler did not die in the bunker on April 30, 1945, but managed to escape with the help of Martin Bormann have received a new boost. It looks like old Adolf has actually been hiding out in Austria this whole time. Heil Fucking Hitler!
Which reminds me if my old lab partner at Mohawk College from 1981 to 1983. After a number of conversations with him, I had started to question the value of the highschool diploma he had been awarded. One day, to test his knowledge, I asked him if he knew who Adolf Hitler was. He confidently replied, "Of course! Hitler was an Australian who defected to the Nazis." I laughed at him at the time but now, having seen the developments in Australia, maybe he was the smart one.
Just this afternoon I received a few junk mail items. I noticed the familiar McDonald's design on one of them so I thought, "Oh, look! Some coupons. I might want to use one to get some relief from Uncle Justin's counterfiet money deluge!"
Upon taking a closer look, I noted with some disappoinment, that it was not a coupon booklet. It was a digital seduction. Another increment in the drive to corral the population into a digital money prison. If McDonald's is reading this, I have a brief message for you.
Fuck you and fuck your app.
Besides, I got rid of my smartphone and bought a flip-phone.
Does McDonald's even realize that once the walls of the cashless prison are fully in place, beef rationing to "save the planet" will not be far behind? Then no matter how many apps you develop, or even if you revert to coupon books, you will have a hard time selling your junk food when the average citizen will be limited to one quarter-pounder per month. And though you are resourceful and flexble, I think you will have a tough time selling bug-burgers and worm salads to the average consumer.
Before writing this edition, I had never heard of Melissa Ciummei, but if you take the time to listen to this interview, you ought to be able to recognize that this is what I have been warning about for at least 15 years now and, not coincidentally, why I chose the domain name for this website.
Just say no.
Tucker Carlson: What Really Happened in Wuhan (EXCLUSIVE)
I would occasionally download the numbers from the site and run them through a spreadsheet to see what I could see. The change didn't present a big challenge, as I was still able to calculate the daily body count from the cumulative totals. The last time I went through this exercise was on November 23, 2021.
[click for larger image]
It can be seen from my chart, that there were three major body count humps. The third one, peaking in May 2021, was obviously lower and milder than the previous two. Yet the panic and the Nazification of our society continues to gallop along. Austria and Germany are re-adopting the habits of the 1930s and early 1940s, and Australia has jumped all the way back to 1783 with their re-establishment of the penal colony model.
As a suspicious-minded observer of media/government bullshit, I quite naturally conclude that these changes in the presentation of the data are not the result of random chance. If the chart showing deaths over time shows no alarming hump as we move closer to the second year of this media/government fuelled nightmare, it stands to reason that this is the type of information they might not want us to see. Or at least, not to see easily.
I can still generate the chart, but I had to fish around for a data download link on the site. The CSV file contains about 29 columns of data, requiring a little more work to generate the chart. Basic economics predicts that the more work that is involved, the fewer people will be inclined to perform it.
Why the hinkie games with the data presentation and availability? Is it because they don't want anyone taking too close a look?
I have consulted the Wikipedia entry on Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi three times now. The latest is larger than the previous ones because it goes to greater lengths to discredit him.
It strikes me as odd that someone who received eleven professional awards between 1979 and 2009 should suddenly be viciously attacked from all corners because he has a very different opinion on COVID-19. Yet, obviously, he is not the only one this has been happening to.
Professional awards
1979 Justus Liebig University Giessen Prize
1980 Konstanz Medicine Prize
1987 German Society for Microbiology Prize
1988 Dr. Friedrich Sasse Prize
1989 Ludwig Schunk Prize for Medicine
1989 Robert-Koch-Förderpreis of Clausthal-Zellerfeld
1991 Gay-Lussac Humboldt Prize
2001 Aronson Prize for „wegweisende Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Komplementsystems und bakterieller Toxine“ tr. "pioneering work in the field of the complement system and bacterial toxins"
2005 H. W. Hauss Award
2005 Verdienstorden des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz
2009 Rudolf-Schönheimer Medal of the German Society for Arteriosclerosis Research
Then, as the last domino of traditional Western freedom - the freedom of speech - collapsed, Dr. Bhakdi was scrubbed from YouTube and given an insulting "most astonishing pseudo-scientific nuisance" of the year award in December 2020.
Since I have no training in "the science" relevant to COVID-19, I have no way of determining whether he is shooting a lot of BS, or whether the BS is coming from the establishment. ("Establishment" is what radical dissenters, especially on the left, used to call it back in the 1960s and 1970s before they BECAME the establishment. As a libertarian, that makes me kind of unique, since I have always been anti-establishment.)
However, what is plainly evident to anyone who has been closely following this political crisis, is what happens to any professional who dares to step out of line by questioning the official story.
[click for larger image]
And knowing this, I can't even be confident that if I ask my family doctor for advice, I will be getting an honest medical opinion, or a de facto coerced opinion. As the West becomes increasingly nazified we can only expect it to get worse. For the time being, the vaccine passport can be seen as the first tentative steps into a world where all good citizens will be clicking their heels and performing the Nazi salute, or some variant thereof.
We are not far away now from the way "confessions" were elicited about well-poisonings and other mischief by Jews and witches during medieval "interviews."
Here is the direct link to the video in case it doesn't play here or if you want to read the comments.
Other Stuff
Update on the Omicron scariant.
The Movie
Here is the link to the movie that was mentioned by Ivor Cummins and Donal O'Neill above. I made a small donation to Kickstarter to help get the film made, so I already have my copy. If you want to watch it, it will cost about 9 Euros.
While my local "news" channel is not unique in any way, I monitor them often to see what kind of lies, distortions, context-dropping, omissions, and other transparent tricks they play in order to reinforce the major political frauds of our time.
Recently, I started to engage in their live chat. I would use the feature to point out the glaring dishonesty of their reporting by pointing out the omissions, distortions, etc.
As it turned out, I was not the only one capable of seeing the nature of their scam and before long, there were several of us monitoring and commenting on the stream of BS they were serving up.
Not wishing to have their shanigans revealed, they initially resorted to shadow-banning anyone whose comments deviated from "how about those Tiger Cats," "she's hot," "I like Phil Perkin's hair," and so on. It didn't take long for those of us being shadow-banned to get wise to what they were doing so we all started making up new identities allowing us to carry on as before.
I made a point of predicting, more than once, that since their impotent shadow-banning stunt was just creating a running game of Whack-A-Mole, that they would eventually resort to disabling the live chat entirely.
Last night they disabled the live chat. It happened sooner than I expected.
For more on the reliability of Junk News media, I recommend this video by AwakenWithJP,
The Kyle Rittenhouse Case - 7 Things You Should Know!
Kyle Rittenhouse speaks to Tucker Carlson in first TV interview
On the Brink of Chaos
Here is a sample of the live chats over a few days,
6:07 PM
Star Bright
6:08 PM
eric sambrook
"effective" does seem to be a word that is achanging though..
6:08 PM
Apparently Chapman's are giving out free ice cream cones for every child that gets their shot.
6:09 PM
Every shot is checked for safety
Can I see the safety stats"\
6:12 PM
Lily Pad
To date Pfizer has not given the FDA a single page of data related to the safety and efficacy of their vaccine
6:12 PM
Marvin Ryder the economist? What a joke.
6:13 PM
Lily Pad
The FDA asked a federal judge to withhold until 2076 the release of Pfizers vaccine data on safety and efficacy. Why would they do that? BTW the FDA and CDC are private companies.
6:13 PM
You want to stop demand and high prices of housing. Have the central bankers raise rates....better still let the free market determine the cost of money. Marvin Ryder is clueless.
6:13 PM
That's not fair! Why have they only shadow-banned Joeane?
6:14 PM
The FDA and CDC are suppose to be for public health no drug dealers for Big Pharma
6:15 PM
Lily Pad
We.ve all been shadow banned. They never say why
6:15 PM
Looks like a lot of the business owners on Locke St. are confused. They think the virus shut them down. Duh!
6:15 PM
Shaun Nixon
shes hot
6:16 PM
Lily Pad
In 2009 Pfizer was penalized 2.3 billion dollars in the biggest settlement in US history for FRAUDulent marketing(bribing Drs) J&J also heavily fined for putting asbestos in baby powder.
6:16 PM
The shadow banning is a fascist tactic originating in communist China....Turdope is very familiar with it and why he likes their system.
6:16 PM
Truth hurts. "If you're not receiving flack, you're not over the target."
6:17 PM
Lily Pad
A Stanford University study by Dr John Lanatis concluded the covid survival rate for kids 0-19 is 99.9973%. It also said more kids in this age range die from diarrhea than covid. Where’s the science?
6:19 PM
Lily Pad....if they don't get their shot they won't get free Chapman ice cream.
6:19 PM
Shaun Nixon
bulldoze hamilton build disneycanada
6:19 PM
Lily Pad
It's kind of a badge of honour to be shadow banned but the message is lost. It just proves your point KK Z
6:19 PM
Allowing the state to indoctrinate the children is a BIG mistake.
6:20 PM
Bulldozing should start at 71 Main Street West
6:20 PM
Lily Pad
Anne When the FDA approved the jab for kids “Dr.” Rueben on the CDC panel said “ We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it”. What kind of statement is that?
6:21 PM
"We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it."
6:22 PM
My Pot's Boiling
The kid’s vax is STILL under Emergency Use Authorization. Where is the big emergency for kids 0-19
Science please! This makes no sense to me. Don’t the health tables study their own science data
6:23 PM
What the people desperately need to understand is that politicians DON'T GIVE A **** about them. It's so easy to understand, yet a gullible public continue to place their trust in them.
6:24 PM
Lily Pad
Why are double jabbed elite athletes having heart attacks when they are in the best of shape and healthy? Rare? Not so much now it seems!
6:24 PM
I think the dog has the WuFlu
6:25 PM
There is a good interview on Rumble with Kennedy on James Corbett report....it explains the government corruption and collusion with Big Pharma, etc.
6:26 PM
Lily Pad
And.... I'm shadow banned about covid info from the UK gov't. You'll have to look it up yourselves. Mentions deaths in fully vaxxed. Why hide this CHCH it gov't stats?
6:27 PM
Cameltoe Harris says the Justice System is not equitable.....
6:27 PM
There never was an emergency for kids. It was obvious as early as Apr. 2020 that the government was making a catastrophic mistake - fueled by panic-stoking news coverage. But they'll never admit it.
6:28 PM
How do you know if a shadow is following me
6:29 PM
You have to figure that, if the double poke stats are right, many children are going to suffer. It make my gut wrench.
6:29 PM
Lily Pad
open an incognito window, if your comment appears there you are not being shadow banned
6:29 PM
Ironically, Harris is correct. But not in the way she dishonestly implies. @KK Z you have to load a separate browser using a different ID. Then monitor both.
6:30 PM
Lily Pad
I had a great Kyle joke but I've been shadow banned again
6:30 PM
Go figure that Portland is rioting....such a sound government.
6:31 PM
Thanks A.R. Will get a geek to help me but first I think I will open some wine.
6:32 PM
I haven't used incognito but it probably works for monitoring. Anthony Huber - convicted felon. Street thug who got exactly what he deserved. Justice was done.
6:33 PM
Lily Pad
Wow 3 shadow bans for me on the same chat a new record
6:34 PM
I have four browsers loaded right now. They shut me down on one, I come back on another. It's a whack-a-mole infowar.
6:34 PM
My Pot's Boiling
You must have been going against the Kyle trial narrative @ lily Pad
6:35 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Wait until you get up to a dozen AnneRand...some subjects are protected by CH cowards
6:36 PM
My Pot's Boiling
I want to hear Lily Pads joke...must have been a doozy
6:37 PM
Again, I predict CHCH will kill the live chat before long unless they figure out a more efficient censorship tech.
6:37 PM
Lily Pad
I thought it was hilarious
6:38 PM
Lily Pad
Joke involved a bar and the punchline was "shots are on me"
6:39 PM
Currently, CH is pushing three dominant frauds - ubiquitous racism, climate change, and the scamdemic. They are terrified of dissent from the party line.
6:40 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Does it involve 3 felons walking into a bar?
6:40 PM
Lily Pad
You got it Pot
6:41 PM
oh, and I almost forgot, the "insurrection" on Jan 6 where "4 people were killed." Never a word about who and how. Who killed Ashli Babbit?
6:42 PM
and she didn't even have a skateboard.
6:43 PM
Lily Pad
Jan 6 was an FBI false flag event, the truth is slowly trickling out AnneRand
6:44 PM
it was a cold-blooded, extra-judicial execution. But nothing but crickets from Hamilton's "Trusted News Leader."
6:43 PM
Wu killed Ashli Babbit
6:45 PM
@Lily Pad yes. And they have identified the killer but he gets off scott free.
6:47 PM
what does Kamala say about that?
6:47 PM
AR....it was equitable.
6:47 PM
Lily Pad
Why the media blackout of the massive anti vax mandate protests happening all over the world? Alt media does but not the lamestream media.
6:48 PM
Lily Pad
Heels up Harris and Poopy Pants Joe, the most popular duo in US history. Ask Willie Brown
6:48 PM
yes, the Democrat version of "justice." When the Bolshevicks took over Russia, they abolished capital punishment. In no time they were dishing [it] out willy-nilly.
6:49 PM
My Pot's Boiling
The Turd and Freeland in second place
6:51 PM
CHCH is content to control the opinions of those who stay comfortably within their sheep pen. It's not for those who desire to know what is happening.
6:51 PM
Lily Pad
CHCH the best indepth reporting in the country
6:52 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Use bitchute. Odysee rumble and others for real reporting
6:54 PM
@My Pot's Boiling Absolutely. But wait until sockboy and Gilbloat get their nefarious info iron curtain imposed in Canada.
6:56 PM
They may be utterly useless at serving the true interests of Canadians but when it comes to employing sleaze to shut down their critics, they're ingenious and very competent.
6:56 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Freeland was on the board of directors at the WEF. Now you know why our economy is tanking. She also friends with Soros
6:57 PM
and with the right palms greased in the corporate media....
6:57 PM
My Pot's Boiling
New world order train chugging along
6:58 PM
Michael Falla
Don’t give your kids the Covid vaccine they didn’t test it properly they don’t know what is going to happen to us or our kids and I have my full vaccine
6:58 PM
later - maybe?
6:58 PM
Lily Pad
the turd gave 1.5 billion to CBC and 600 million to everyone else
6:59 PM
My Pot's Boiling
More kids have killed themselves than died from (with) covid
7:00 PM
Lily Pad
7 kids under 20 died from the coof in ontario
November 21, 2021
6:00 PM
Star Bright
here we go.. again.
6:01 PM
Lily Pad
And not one ticket handed out
6:04 PM
testing, testing, 123
6:05 PM
all systems go.
6:09 PM
Star Bright
3 minutes of news I'm done. see ya
6:09 PM
I have a solution to the gas pipeline protests. Get everyone who believes in the climate hoax to put their money where their mouths are and stop using everything that contains hydrocarbons.
6:10 PM
Lily Pad
Yes they can heat their homes with their hot air
6:12 PM
Solution 2: hydrocarbon user passports. I would buy one. Those without a hydrocarbon passports would be prohibited from travelling in vehicles, home heating fuel, & any product containing oil products
6:13 PM
Lily Pad
Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla said people who spread vaccine misinformation are “criminals”. Who is he talking about? MSM or him?
6:13 PM
Shaun Nixon
i dont like mario Carr
6:14 PM
Ana Long
6:15 PM
Shaun Nixon
chapmans sucks
6:16 PM
Ana Long
Chapman's ice cream is excellent.
6:17 PM
Lily Pad
Hewitt,s the best
6:18 PM
Darcy Collins
Hewitts all the way
Editor's Note:
The six comments above comply with CH's "values in [their] journalism and in [their] online communities."
6:19 PM
The problem with ice cream is that it's full of sugar. Eat enough and you will get fat. If you're too fat, you are at high risk from severe outcomes if you catch the Wu.
6:19 PM
Shaun Nixon
I love the moffatts
6:20 PM
Izabelle Steele
this vaccine is sketchy, since they need to threaten us to take it and punish and shame those who refuse.. I'm not an 'anti vaxxer', my kids got all their vaccines as babies..
6:20 PM
Lily Pad
They’re going to blame the people who didn’t get the boosters next. The people are going to learn real quick that you can not comply out of this
6:21 PM
the bridge report is probably true. The weather reporting is more trustworthy than anything on the Wu, climate change, or white supremacy.
6:21 PM
Izabelle Steele
itll never end, big pharma needs to stay in buisness and make rich people richer !
6:22 PM
Lily Pad
Check out the IPSOS poll about what Canadians think of the media. The survey was carried out among a sample of 1,002 Canadian adults from May 6-19, 2021. I doubt the numbers have improved since
6:22 PM
The Azteks sacrificed their children to irrational beliefs too. Ooooh! 4th day over 700! Hide under your coffee table.
6:22 PM
Izabelle Steele
all the media does it stoke fear in weak minded people
6:23 PM
Poke your kid and get a free ice cream from Chapman's draconian ice cream company
6:23 PM
Lily Pad
The "news" media and politicians and public health are trying to stoke fear yet again, hoping that the public doesn't look at the year-over-year figures for themselves. The truth is out there
6:24 PM
the weak-minded, government workers, welfare recipients, and federally subsidized media outlets all form a coalition supporting the covid narrative.
6:24 PM
The Wu is everywhere Lily Pad....even in peoples' cars thus masking
6:25 PM
eddie van haskell
it would easy to hear Mario if it weren't for that obnoxious background music
6:25 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
the earth orbits the sun at 66,600 mph
6:25 PM
Lily Pad
Poke your kid to keep granny safe. BS on top of BS
6:25 PM
Izabelle Steele
the truth is in ignoring all the propaganda.. most people believe anything that comes out of their phones and into their eye balls and ears
6:26 PM
Let the boomer
6:26 PM
Don't allow yourself to be pulled by the CH nose-ring. For some perspective on what a real health crisis looks like, as opposed to a contrived media hoax, try "The Great Mortality" by John Kelly.
6:26 PM
Lily Pad
Turn off your tell-a-lie-vision
6:27 PM
I believe in the almighty Wu
6:27 PM
It's about the Black Plague that ravaged the globe in the 14th century. They didn't have to use sly innuendo and context-dropping for the population to know something really bad was happening.
6:28 PM
Lily Pad
A real pandemic doesn't need propaganda
6:28 PM
The "unvaxxed" of the times were the "witches," the Jews, and their poor cats.
6:29 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Why does the population grow during a deadly pandemic?
6:30 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Thanks Mrs Obvious Nicole
6:30 PM
and of course, there were the opportunists who knew exactly how to cash in on the situation - like the mask and vax manufacturers of today. Mike Yeadon called it, "convergent opportunism."
6:30 PM
Show proof of stupidity to enter Parliament
6:30 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
hey it's Fauci
6:31 PM
My Pot's Boiling
If our “health table” hasn’t figured out that the jab is causing hospitalizations then they all deserve to be fired. BTW how many of them have connections to Big Pharma
6:31 PM
@KK Z just make masks voluntary. The stupid will be easy to spot.
6:31 PM
Wear your masks when going to the washroom....urine spray. What....I thought vaccines worked....duped again
6:31 PM
Lily Pad
Florida rocks
6:32 PM
Izabelle Steele
I'm sure during the black plauge people didn't need convincing or be threatened into compliance
6:32 PM
Wu is racists...I knew it....nothing to do with Vitamin D levels..
6:33 PM
DeSantis for pres. 2024!
6:33 PM
Lily Pad
Maye climate change KK z
6:33 PM
HaHa....forgot about that....
6:33 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
i need a raise
6:34 PM
Lily Pad
Thanks Turd, put away our wallet
6:35 PM
I bought my grandkids a Poke Me Elmo doll as an investment
6:35 PM
"The Great Mortality" describes the impact of climate change in the 14th century. Who knew those serfs were driving SUVs?
6:35 PM
My Pot's Boiling
All in the plan
6:36 PM
I guess the Saudis hate vomit music
6:36 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
CHCH News has the best chat
6:38 PM
Will the sports cover the planned Wu protest at the Canucks game tonight
6:39 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
cancel the biebier bites what?
6:39 PM
All you need to know is that the climate ... changes. Always has. Always will. Charlatans that promise to deliver climate stasis are spectacular frauds. And Junk News consumers are the perfect target.
6:39 PM
Lily Pad
It's a great chat until you say something verbotten and get shadow banned or banned completely
6:40 PM
that's why they will eventually disable the live chat.
6:40 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
tahnsk for the pro tip Lily Pad, i had to look up forbotten...forbidden or prohibited by or as if by authority. ahahahhaah
6:41 PM
King Con Fauci spewing it liberally.
6:42 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
i was going to sat it's the best chat because it is the only chat lol...i found this channel because they hosted the Yates cup football game. Good Job CHCH.
6:42 PM
Putin offers himself for new vax....Sputnik light
6:42 PM
Hurray for Fla! - Oh, and now connecting both race and Coof to push their narrative.
6:43 PM
CHCH is homegrown greatness
6:43 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
hey since i'm here Go Arrrgggoooooss!!!
6:43 PM
Lily Pad
The Gov't and MSM race baiting has got to stop
6:44 PM
I don't believe the CH anchors are deliberately misleading us. They have been trained to just let the narrative run through their minds without giving is a second's worth of thought. Embarrassing.
6:44 PM
Trudeau is the biggest race baiter in this country
6:45 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
hey it's JustinDunk
6:45 PM
Lily Pad
Dustin's junk
6:46 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
ive never met him lol
6:46 PM
The United States has been Invaded. This is no BS.The Schwab Consortium Has Seized Control of the White House
6:47 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
KK Z you want to talk about important things eh
Is the world not under the same Consortium in LockStep
6:48 PM
Lily Pad
When conspiracy theories come true is it still a conspiracy theory?
6:50 PM
Shortages, shortages, shortages. Just like the old Soviet Union.
6:50 PM
Lily Pad
CDC website, look up vax deaths by year
6:51 PM
My Pot's Boiling
A modern era engineered holodomor (great famine) is happening right before our eyes to starve us out. Stock up on food and grow a garden next year. Store shelves starting to thin out
6:52 PM
Lily Pad
Yes Pot too bad the plebes can't see it
6:53 PM
who will they blame after they have forced everyone to get jabbed? I wonder if they have thought that far ahead.
6:53 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
Hamilton people know what time it is eh? i knew i like this chat
6:54 PM
Lily Pad
Good question AnneRand, but no jab for me
6:54 PM
one candidate - straight white males.
6:54 PM
Fear The Conspiracy
4D chess
6:55 PM
Lily Pad
The Swine flu jab in 1976 was halted in the US after 55 million were jabbed and 52 people died. The CDC’s V.A.E.R.S. report is up to 18,000+ deaths and 875,000+ Severe Adverse Reactions
6:57 PM
two parent families
@Lily Pad Maybe if CH etc. started blasting the daily vax body counts... but I forget - they would never do that.
6:58 PM
Lily Pad
No they won't Anne, like vax status unknown. they know but don't want to say
6:59 PM
notice the sports-style scoreboard of daily Coof deaths has sunk into the memory hole. They've conditioned the sheeple to salivate at the case counts. Body counts no longer required.
[Editor's Note:]
7:02 PM
they used similar sleaze to get the young into their info-web when "Global Warming" morphed into "climate change." Apathetic youngsters grpw up accepting it as "normal."
7:04 PM
"The Ministry of Environment and *Climate Change.*" A permanent new branch of government to tax and mandate forever. Kids will be born into it and never question it. Public schools will reinforce it.
Nov 22 21
6:00 PM
Panthers Post
man, phil perkins....so so awesome at news reading
6:01 PM
Elaine cat
what ajoke Ford is
6:02 PM
Lily Pad
Lord help the children
6:03 PM
Vaeh Patrick
is it safe for there hearts
6:04 PM
Up the parents to say NO....the children are not at risk. Do your job CHCH.
6:05 PM
Lily Pad
According to the FDA in the USA, Pfizer added a heart attack drug, Tromethamine, to the children’s version of it’s Covid-19 jab. Why would Pfizer do this? Myocarditis?
6:06 PM
2 for 1 deal from Pfizer....maybe Viagara for boys.
6:06 PM
Lily Pad
Heart problems in kids are the new normal
6:07 PM
My Pot's Boiling
The kids won't be able to reproduce anyway KK z
6:08 PM
Our MPs all vaxed and masks....wonderful
6:08 PM
My Pot's Boiling
They had placebos KK Z, masks are theater
6:09 PM
Who knows MPB....but why give it to them. They are NOT at risk.
6:10 PM
Why are they complaining....You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy
6:11 PM
My Pot's Boiling
I agree KK Z 7 count em 7 kids under 20 died of covid in ontario and they probably had a comorbidity
6:12 PM
You got it MPB...parents responsibility now.
6:12 PM
testing, testing 1 2 3
6:12 PM
My Pot's Boiling
More bucks so big pharma can pay their fines for previous maleficence
6:13 PM
AR is going to give us a liberty report
6:13 PM
My Pot's Boiling
loud and clear Anne
6:14 PM
I'm about ten minutes behind the effluent stream. Pardon me if my comments don't sync.
6:14 PM
Everyone is so angry these days. Hugs
6:15 PM
@Bil "I've got my sixpack. I've got my hockey game on Tv. Why should I care?"
6:16 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Same old same old Anne
6:17 PM
Hey Rand: Hockey doesn't start yet....did you tape the game or are you drunk already
6:17 PM
Vaccinating kids, known to be at very low risk, with a new experimental substance makes me cringe. It's a shot in the dark. Pray it doesn't have severe consequences over time.
6:17 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Hockey beats the "news"
6:18 PM
The major pollution comes out of the mouths that live at 71 Main St. West
6:18 PM
@Anne- Care bear stare.
6:19 PM
My Pot's Boiling
More kids in hospital with heart problems from the jab than covid. Jab your kids parents, don’t you love your kids
6:20 PM
Lily Pad
LOL KK Z too true
6:20 PM
I think we need to get the Six Nation group to protest vaccine passports
6:21 PM
Oops! I posted this from one of my shadow-banned test accounts. @KK Z Are you questioning my expansive sport knowledge?
6:21 PM
Lily Pad
1 arrest
6:21 PM
Yep....just crack a beer.
6:23 PM
They would beat you if you painted NO POKES FOR CHILDREN on the street
6:24 PM
Lily Pad
Or protest the mandate at city hall KK Z
6:25 PM
My favourite part of CHCH is the live of Niagara Falls
6:25 PM
my favourite part is the weather. More accurate than the propaganda.
6:26 PM
Lily Pad
Fred's goons hide inside City Hall until the protesters show up unless you are in a "special" group
6:26 PM
I have joined the WuChuChu tribe....maybe Fred will hear me out.
6:27 PM
Lily Pad
Cases aren't infections and don't mean anything with a flawed PCR test
6:28 PM
Dr. Hirji let's do an Austrian mandate....no poke or gulag.
6:28 PM
Reading about the Black Plague. One "expert" told people to stick their noses into the latrines. They did it. 800 years have passed and people are just as gullible as they were then.
6:28 PM
Lily Pad
How much was Hirji bribed to spew this BS
6:28 PM
My Pot's Boiling
His name is Darrell Edward Brooks Jr a convicted sex offender and BLM supporter out on $1000 bond for running down his ex girlfriend a week prior
6:29 PM
LP he is part of the health bureaucracy getting orders down through the ranks starting with CCP WHO.
6:29 PM
No one needed to be bribed. The corruption is systemic. As Michael Yeadon put it, "convergent opportunism."
6:29 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Facebook Twitter Facebook etc already purging Darrell Edward Brooks Jr’s posts on social media.
6:30 PM
I thought he was just leaving a crime scene.....he is innocent.
6:30 PM
If the protesters were sincere they would boycott all oil-based products and hydrocarbon fuels. Yet we see them driving pickup trucks.
6:31 PM
My Pot's Boiling
I thought CH would say he was acting in self defence
6:31 PM
I loved the WU stats they spewed out.....reminds me of finger painting in kindergarden.
6:32 PM
Lily Pad
Legally obtained pickup trucks no doubt
6:33 PM
Same old medieval prescriptions. Jackboot medicine won't accomplish anything but it will cause a lot of collateral damage - already has.
6:34 PM
The bigs keep getting bigger....we will own everything and you will be happy
6:34 PM
Lily Pad
Good for them, everyone should abandon social media
6:34 PM
and there is only so much confetti money they can create before the con falls flat. "What good fortune for politicians that the people do not think." -- AH
6:35 PM
Blackrock is buying up all the houses.
6:35 PM
Just keep telling the same lie over and over and people will believe it. -- Goebbels, McKenna
6:36 PM
Financial diarrhia
6:36 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Backrock and Vanguard own almost everything and everybody
6:37 PM
@KK Z I haven't got to that part yet. Marvin Ryder?
6:38 PM
@AR No...that would be vomit
6:38 PM
"active cases" - they can no longer be forgiven for making a mistake. Repeat after me, Taz, "cases" are not infections. PCR over 35 cycles is a fraud. Even St. Fauci said so.
6:39 PM
My Pot's Boiling
St Fraudci said covid hospitalizations are rising among fully vaccinated people who have not had a booster shot. (Daily Mail Nov 19th, 2021)
6:40 PM
"What good fortune for politicians that the people do not think." Fauci has read his AH.
6:40 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Gibraltar is 100% fully vaxxed. Has had a huge increase in cases and cancelled Cristmas. How could that be?
6:42 PM
Biden said that vaxxed people would neither catch nor spread the Coof. As Lionel says, the American people have the attention span of a gnat. Canadians too.
6:42 PM
My Pot's Boiling a virus will virus. You can't escape the Wu propaganda
6:43 PM
My Pot's Boiling
CDC and FDA are not gov't agencies, they are private companies. Research who finances them.
6:43 PM
The bovine masses are putty in the hands of the new priesthood - Junk News. As natural an alliance with corrupt politicians as was that between the church and the Kings.
6:43 PM
Trudeau said he would not introduce vaccine passports....morale always trust a politician to lie
6:44 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Elks....get woke go broke
6:45 PM
The fact they deny it means it's already been decided.
6:45 PM
HaHa...MPB. Should have kept the racist name
6:45 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Why does CHCH allow IHN to post. that offends me
6:47 PM
My Pot's Boiling
CHCH ban IHN please
6:47 PM
A week before Ontario's Apartheid pass system was implemented, the Ont. Covid website STOPED providing charts on the daily body counts. Why? Observe also, CH no long screams out the daily body counts.
[Editor's Note]
6:49 PM
It's all about "cases" now. And the bovine masses just suck it dry. I hate being tied to mental corpses.
6:50 PM
I wonder does anyone know did Bubba get poked after he got over the WU
6:50 PM
People who come here expecting relevant news are no different than 14th century plebes sniffing the latrines.
6:53 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Look at CDC website deaths from vax by year. You won't be surprised.
6:53 PM
seen it
6:54 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Ch shadows bans legit vax death info but lets a racist channel post
6:54 PM
I like the financial analysis.
6:54 PM
Ben Kalika
Nothing surprises me anymore....
6:54 PM
It looks like Al Gore's hockey stick, only much more credible.
6:55 PM
No toys for donations as they must be sprayed with anti Wu juice....all dolls to be poked
6:56 PM
@My Pot's Boiling According to "wokism" we are all racists. They've diluted the meaning of the word.
6:57 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Mask those dolls KK Z
6:57 PM
Carbon-based energy is racist too. Sally Am firing unvaxxed employees.
6:58 PM
My Pot's Boiling
Damn CH not only is my pot boiling but your making my blood boil as well with your shadow banning
Presenting a brand new Harvenut Puritan guest rant.