Friday, August 10, 2018

How to Save the Ontario Basic Income Program!


Leftist Ontario virtue signallers have been freaking out over the Ford government's cancellation of the Basic Income free money project that was cooked up by the Wynne government to build up their voter base.

I follow a few of these caring individuals on Twitter to study their self delusions. They've all been afflicted lately with Ford Derangement Syndrome, peacocking their indignation at the cancellation of Wynne's free money giveaway "program."

But does the program really have to be cancelled?

Of course not. All it would require to be saved is for the virtue signallers, and there are loads of them, from Deb Matthews and Andrea Horwath, to a parade of obscure, Twitter addicts, and their offended fans.

The good news is that the program can easily continue on a voluntary basis. The only difference is that the leftists would have to reach into their own pockets to show how committed and compassionate they are, rather than trying to pilfer the earnings of all Ontarians.

I threw a few numbers together in pursuit of the perfect solution.

- Number of basic income recipients in Ontario - 4,000

- Average annual welfare payment to each recipient $17,000

- Estimated cost of program per year - $50,000,000

- Total number of leftist voters in June 6 Ontario election - 3,000,000


If all of the people of Ontario who voted for one of the leftist parties on June 7th were to reach into their own pockets, and make some very modest donations, the program could easily continue.

The $50 million cost divided by 3 million "caring" left wing voters = $16.67 per year, or about $1.40 per month. Less than the price of a Tim Horton coffee. Per month.

Who needs a government for this?

Next Steps:

Get on Twitter, get on Facebook, phone your leftist MP, talk to your virtue-signalling friends and send them the link to this page. Then they can set up a account or something. If the program is really as important as they seem to believe it is, they should all jump at the opportunity to preserve it.

Everybody ends up happy. Those who think this giveaway is a waste of their money won't have to donate. Those who think the program is vital, can put their money where their mouths are.


Facebook's "Community standards."

Don't mock Kamala.