The Right to be Racist
I just had a brand new thought. I haven't had much time to mull it over yet, but I think I'll just throw it out there in its raw form. (and wait for any hateful invective it might generate.)
Racism is a normal, and natural human characteristic.
That is why it is such a useful political tool.
Since almost everyone is a racist, almost everyone is guilty. Guilty people are easy to control. Socialism (and religion) loves guilty people. (So does Kathleen Wynne.)
The politically correct position is that everyone is the same regardless of the superficial attribute of skin colour. Anyone who questions this belief is automatically considered evil, a fascist, a Nazi, a KKK Dragon etc. etc. even as the left continually tries to use race as a primary determinant of one's success and happiness in life. (Duh!)
The result is that everyone feels a need to publicly oppose racism, while privately practicing it.
Why do they privately practice it? Because they know, through their own experiences that certain racial attributes can be remarkably predictive tools.
Not everyone has the time, money, or resources to do a full statistical analysis on their daily observations as they apply to race. The average person, therefore, is left to rely upon their experiences.
Each individual will have a different view depending on the context of their lives. Someone who rarely interacts with a variety of racially different people will, necessarily, have a different experiential inventory than those, like say, big city cops, health care workers, waiters and waitresses, collection agents, and taxi drivers who, in highly multicultural settings will have enough experiential data that, if it were to be counted, sorted, and analysed, it would certainly yield statistically significant results.
Cab Driver's View: A Real World Example
Hamilton has a lot of Chinese students living here. They take a lot of cabs, both exempt (Uber,) and non-exempt (the rest.)
Over the years I have driven thousands of Chinese students.
This is what I have learned, and if I could turn this into some kind of a casino game, with say, two to one odds, I would be a billionaire in no time.
- Chinese students are never drunk
- Chinese students never eat in the car
- Chinese students never insist on you turning the music up, or changing the station
- they don't deal drugs
- Chinese students are always polite
- Chinese students always respect you and your property
- Chinese students ALWAYS pay the fare
Based upon the thousands of experiential data points I have gathered and stored in my neurons over the years I can confidently predict that the next 100 Chinese students I drive in my taxi will:
- be sober
- refrain from eating
- not bother you about the music volume or station
- there will be no drug deals
- they will be polite
- they will respect your property
- and you WILL get paid
Oh, and they won't puke in your cab.
Chinese students rarely tip. Even so, they never have a problem flagging down a taxi. Because all taxi drivers are racists.
And because race is often a reliable predictor of behaviour.
Politicians can try to use all of the coercive tools at their disposal in an attempt to FORCE reality to conform to their fantasies, but they can never be successful. In fact, as with every other problem politicians purport to "solve" they almost always make the problem worse.
To wit, just LOOK at all of the racial acrimony that now dominates so much of Canadian (and Western) public discourse.
Nice job, politicians!
It took millenia before western civilization understood the wisdom in separating religion and state. It took a thousand years before western civilization adopted freedom of speech as a fundamental human right (and only a few decades to discard it.)
It is now time to recognize that racism is a natural human trait, and that, as such it ought to be afforded the same protections as freedom of speech used to be, and should be again.
To paraphrase Voltaire, "I may not agree with your racial prejudices, but I will defend to the death your right to have them."
At the same time, so far as the law goes, it should be totally colour blind. The rights to equality under the law ought to be applicable to all human beings.
You almost never hear anyone of prominence talk about equal rights anymore. It's now time to forge a consensus that demands equal rights for all citizens regardless of racial, ethnic, or religious background. (For those who don't realize it, I am advocating libertarianism here.)
If we can accomplish just this much in the next few years, we can truly Make Canada Great Again.
What's that I hear you saying? Check my privilege?
You mean, shut my mouth?
You know what the weirdest thing about all this is? (And Ayn Rand predicted this, in terms of the altruistic idealization of self immolation.... just look at how many people now deface themselves with nose rings and other cringe-worthy forms of auto-disfigurement.)
The weirdest thing of all is the number of white people who embrace this fake guilt, and overtly applaud and support the demonization of other people of whiteness.
You could not come up with a better idea for a dystopian fiction novel.