Saturday, March 28, 2020

Proven Right.

I remember something that happened during my second year in the Chemical Technician's program at Mohawk College.

It was in the Organic Chemistry course. We were doing a routine lab experiment when I noticed the teacher had made a huge mistake with one crucial equation. It was off by an order of magnitude or more. (I'm going back to 1983 here. Finer details are entirely lost to me.)

The first thing I did was to consult a couple of nearby classmates, and they agreed with me. Funny too. They were a couple of total pot-heads. They smoked pot like cigarettes, every day.

They completed the entire two-year program stoned. Also funny, I think they were among the twelve or so of us who graduated from an original class of about forty-three.

Yet they knew there was something wrong with the formula. Take that, Tucker Carlson!

When I asked them what they did after their discovery they told me they just fudged a few numbers and handed in their lab reports. Then they went outside to smoke a joint. I was puzzled by that behaviour.

I wasn't going to do that. That's just not me. And it's not because I am endowed with any saintly gift of holiness. I just like to know what is up, and what is down. I wanted to get to the bottom of it. So I took my paperwork up to the teacher and told her what I was thinking. Of course, at first she told me I was mistaken, followed by me saying "yes, but."

We ended up kicking it back and forth for perhaps a half an hour.

Never once, not even for a micro-second, did I entertain the notion that because we had a serious disagreement it meant she had an impure motive. Nor did she give any indication that she was thinking that either. That half-hour debate has to be the most congenial debate I have ever experienced. We even wrote notes and diagrams for each other.

In the end, it turned out to be one of the very few times in my life that I was right about something.

I thought that what happened next was kind of funny, even though I hadn't planned it, nor did I expect it.

Within seconds of the conclusion of our debate an angry look came across her face. She rushed over to the other side of her lab bench to where the completed lab reports were stacked and pulled one of them out.

I recall noticing that they had received a high mark for their submission. Realizing that their report had been falsified, she crossed out the original mark and gave them a zero.

She might have been wrong that one time, but she certainly wasn't stupid.

It was the report the two pot-heads had submitted.

In my humble opinion, that is how science should be done. It's too bad it has become politicized. That alone may be our undoing. The priority of science should be the impersonal pursuit of truth, AND NOTHING ELSE.

I've probably told this story a hundred times already and, no doubt, some are getting sick of hearing it. My memory ain't so good any more. Sorry about that.

They will leave you drifting in the shallows
or drowning in the oceans of history


"The bigger the government gets, the smaller the people get." -- Mark Steyn


Oh, and one more thing.

Thinking about the countless, non-organic chemistry debates I have had with people over the last four decades, where I would paint a scary scenario, and they would respond with that familiar, listen-to-this-nutbar facial expression, while saying "that will never happen here!"

Well, it's happening now. And it gives me no pleasure to have been proven right on that, either.

Now I am seeing dead people.

The order also means that funerals “would be permitted to proceed with up to 10 people at one time.”

And by the way, even though no one knows how BIG the numbers might get, the numbers in the report ain't that scary.

If it were customary to report the hourly statistics of flu-related deaths in any given year, the effect would probably be just as dramatic.

Of car accidents.

Or overdoses.

Heart attacks.

CO2 emissions. (joke)(not really)(include reports of calving glaciers.)

Or suicides.

The media has more power than the politicians.

Ontario government bans gatherings of 5 or more people in bid to stop coronavirus spread

In a way, it's deliciously ironic because these guys probably have no real insight into the real problems. The images in the background suggest as much.

But in an almost "Typing Monkeys" sense, they strike a real chord.

Oh wait!

What's this?

Oh! It's one of my old videos.

The Schlock Thickens

Here's another example of the lunacy this media-driven virus panic has inspired.

This morning, I made my third, and final, attempt to take advantage of the butter sale at No Frills.

It is my custom to wait for butter to go on sale. When it does, I buy about ten pounds and store them in the freezer. I've been running low lately, so I have been keenly scanning the flyers for a butter sale for some weeks.

Sure enough, Thursday's flyer advertised butter at No Frills at $2.97 a pound.

The first time I went, there were no grocery checkpoints at the door but there was no butter either. So I left.

The next time I went, people were dutifully lined up outside the doors like a mob of Soviet serfs. So I left again after waiting for about thirty seconds and snapping a photo.

Today, I decided to give it one more try, and, being there was no lineup I went in and grabbed the limit of two blocks. Then, on my way out I went down the aisle leading to the self-checkout until I realized there was a backup. I figured the backup was because of the panic over the virus, and people were therefore choosing the self check-checkout, so I decided to use one of the regular check-outs. Then when I turned the corner I discovered that EVERY checkout had the same Soviet style lineup.

What a fantastic spectacle the whole thing was. It looked like people Christmas shopping in days of old. "Social Distancing" my ass!

Since all I had were the limited two pounds of butter I decided it wasn't worth going through this utterly retarded exercise, so I left again and went to Fortinos where it's also on sale for a little more ($3.33 today's limit 4.)

And to think that all of this nonsense is the result of what may well turn out to be yet another media-driven false alarm, just like the second-hand smoke hoax, and the climate fraud.

I think I'm going to drink some beer tonight.

The Data Doesn't Fit the Model

The Panic of 2020


This is very sad.

Though I can't understand a word of what they are saying I can feel the pain and anger in their voices.

Keep in mind, this is a snapshot of what is going on in that country our turdboy of a Prime Minister has expressed such glowing admiration for.

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Panic of 2020

Updates: March 26, 2020

12:04 p.p. (ET)

Dr. Birx Admits Initial COVID Predictions Were Extreme

The suicide count has begun.

Is that report Fake News? Google it.

Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds.

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic

2020 03 26 IQ Up Or Down

Best Explanation of the Wuhan Virus Scam Totally Exposed - Dr. Ted Noel

Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.27.2020

The COVID-19 tally board.

Quick facts: Every year an estimated 290,000 to 650,000 people die in the world due to complications from seasonal influenza (flu) viruses. This figure corresponds to 795 to 1,781 deaths per day due to the seasonal flu.

Global death count from COVID-19 as of 14:08 (ET) on March 25, 2020 - 20,497

Global death count from COVID-19 as of 23:56 (ET) on March 26, 2020 - 24,086

Global death count from COVID-19 as of 07:12 (ET) on March 28, 2020 - 28,286

March 28

The Schlock Thickens

From March 25.

COVID-19: The Data Doesn't Fit the Model

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID-19: The Data Doesn't Fit the Model

It took several decades before my bullshit detector really started to go into the red zone over the alleged Global Warming crisis.

The experience with the Coronic Plague happened in the span of weeks, not decades. But along the way, I started to notice that exactly the same pattern of BULLSHIT seemed to be polluting the media and political atmosphere at an exponential rate.

Whereas countless billions (trillions?) have been squandered by politicians over the last three decades on a changing climate, we are now seeing a similar squandering of TRILLIONS in just a couple of weeks.

This is bat-soup crazy!!!

And then our fucking sock-boy tried to use this "crisis" to sneak in his own version of the 1933 Enabling Act to turn himself into a dictator.

You never let a serious crisis go to waste,” said Emanuel. “And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you could not do before.”

Trudeau as dictator? That is a real crisis.

As I listened to Karl Denninger's podcast just now, I was struck by what he said about the data not fitting the model in the case of the Diamond Princess, and yet, the so-called "experts" ignored that fact and continued to scream that the model was still correct, hence the dire predictions of global mass death from this flu mutation.

The data doesn't fit the model.

The data doesn't fit the model.

Of course, as I heard that, I thought to myself, "the data didn't fit the model with the climate change hoax either."

And then around the 43-minute mark, Karl says exactly the same thing.

I think he's worth listening to.

2020 03 25 Models v Data

Personal Note:

The Cuba Experience

I visited Cuba back around 1995. It was only the second time I had ever been in a country where communism was visible in its purer form.

I was at a resort near Camguay, I think it was in a town called Playa Santa Lucia. And among other things, one thing that caught my attention was the lack of toiletries in the public washroom in the resort I stayed at.

I went to a beach bar with my dad in the resort. He ordered a steak dinner from the open kitchen behind the bar. While he was eating it, I visited to the washroom. It was disgusting. No soap, no paper towels, and no toilet paper.

As I walked out, the chef walked in.

Talk about a place with a low carbon footprint!

The COVID-19 tally board.

The Italian Connection

Quick facts: Every year an estimated 290,000 to 650,000 people die in the world due to complications from seasonal influenza (flu) viruses. This figure corresponds to 795 to 1,781 deaths per day due to the seasonal flu.

Global death count from COVID-19 as of 14:08 (ET) on March 25, 2020 - 20,497

Global death count from COVID-19 as of 23:56 (ET) on March 26, 2020 - 24,086

Updates: March 26, 2020

The suicide count has begun.

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic

2020 03 26 IQ Up Or Down

Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.27.2020

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Social Distancing

It strikes me as being a little bit, something or other, now that the term "social distancing" has become a thing.

Because this is something I started wondering (worrying) about in 2007. It had already been happening for over a decade.

One advantage of being old(er) is that you have the benefit of "lived experience." You know what life was like before the internet. People communicated face to face. That was the norm.

Norms change.

It was once "normal" to enslave people based upon the colour of their skin. Then it became normal to enslave anyone who produced economic goods and services, regardless of their skin colour.

For the Boomers, face to face protocols lasted for about four decades. Then dial-up bulletin boards started to get clogged up by people wanting to "chat" instead of just calling each other on the fucking phone. Social distancing had started happening.

So I had been thinking about the growing phenomenon of social distancing long before I learned to put it in those words.

"Social Networking," has paradoxically caused social distancing.

The term, "basement dweller," became part of our lexicon.

In my day, NO ONE would spend all of their time sitting in basements.

Except those with serious mental disorders. (!)

Which begs the question, is insanity merely a sane response to an insane situation?

Friday, March 20, 2020

Do We Really Need Government Teachers?

Even though I think most of the responses from my favourite institution have been totally disproportionate to this new variant of the common cold, I do see one silver lining.

Most of the resources commandeered by the various governments to "fight" the Chinese virus will be misallocated.

This is an iron law of political economy. For example, they will go hog-wild buying respirators when, perhaps the money spent would be better spent on Hydroxychloroquine. The result will be typical of socialist lived experience; not enough resources to allocate to real solutions.

A bunch of rusting respirators. A shortage of drugs.

Pots and pans being donated to meet steel production quotas, etc.

Pigs being slaughtered by the millions and left to rot, in order to support pork prices. That sort of thing. (Then they'll print more money.)

When governments are put in control of the disposition of all resources, inanimate and man-made, they end up wasting them. As Milton Friedman said, "People are never as careful with other people's money as they are with their own." Do you disagree?

Many, if not all, of the FEW apparent exceptions to socialist waste and failure will be emphasized as evidence of the success of socialism, as calving glaciers are touted as evidence of CO2 induced global warming. But when socialism operates on the back of a capitalist base, it can be made to perform miracles, like the socialist medicare regimes in most Western countries. The costs can be fudged, hidden, and politicized. The enterprise won't collapse because of its irrationality because it is "backed" by taxpayers.

It can even begin to deliver a product that has zero, or negative real value. The old Soviet Union might have boasted that they had universal and free medical care but the people weren't fooled, it was just as available as all of the other goods people living in capitalist countries took for granted, NOT.

The public education system in Ontario is entirely based upon the communist model.

And under all variants of communism there is fear.

Think about the degree of fear this Coronaville celebration has generated in some people. I have seen people wearing surgical masks in the supermarkets. And just LOOK at how willing they are to embrace communistic solutions to the perceived threat.

From the perspective of a free market purist, it's truly frightening.

But it really must be striking fear into the hearts of the teacher's unions and their membership. A warming planet doesn't mean that EVERYONE is going to suffer. But a mass insanity response to a flu variant has already shown us how MILLIONS of people have been harmed.

But like I said, maybe it's not all bad. Just as the end of the Dark Ages roughly ended with the Bubonic Plague, the era of socialist education may be ushered out by our new, kinder, gentler plague.

"Ontario is launching a new Learn at Home portal."

Oh! Oh!

A "learn at home portal." The internet version of homeschooling?

Imagine that same headline if there were no Corona holiday.

The teacher's unions would be GOING BALLISTIC!!!

But they can't say fuck all now. Social distancing is becoming the new normal. The classroom is, therefore, obsolete.

Because it won't end with the Coronavirus, virtual homeschooling has gotten its foot in the door.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

May the left eat their own words.

What if Ontario's new Learn at Home portal turns out to be a stunning success?

And it turns out we didn't need those teachers after all?

Ontario will launch phase one of “Learn at home Portal”

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Barney and Friends

Update: March 18, 2020 10:20 a.m.

I started to see reports from other people suggesting the censorship was a glitch.

Glitch or not though, it does show us exactly what things have come to. One of my Twitter accounts was blocked as a result of a sarcastic remark I made, and remains so as long as they think they will get a confession and an apology from me.

I've already self-quarantined most of the comments I would otherwise make on CBCs website given my experiences with that Sovietized information and opinion venue. The reports of demonetizations, and now summary executions of certain videos on YouTube are a daily affair.

Glitch or no glitch, we are now living in a censorious nightmare. Some reports I saw said that the glitch was the result of human censors being sent home for the Coronaville holiday and the robots decided to have a party. That doesn't make me feel much better.

What I am afraid it will come down to is a return to the dark days of writing letters to the editor and having some human censor there decide whether your two cents shall be permitted to see the light of day.

On the bright side, imagine what if might have been like of our roads were heavily populated with self-driving cars!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

At about 7:15 this evening, I tried to post a link to Facebook and I received the message, "Your post couldn't be shared because it goes against our Community Standards," and the text I wrote disappeared into the ether.

This was the first time I ever received such an intervention from Facebook.

I prefaced the link with some remarks about the brief respite we've all had from the deluge of climate propaganda as the virus scare has reached epidemic proportions.

This morning, for example, I wrote on Facebook, with respect to the reactions to the virus panic, "Greta's dream world is becoming a reality."

At about 7 p.m., I watched James Corbett's newest report, "CORONAVIRUS AND CLIMATE CHANGE."

It's very interesting, so I decided to share it on Facebook only to discover that this video goes against Facebook's "community standards."

Even though I am a boomer, I haven't yet felt any real fear over this virus, but after I watched Corbett's report my blood ran cold. And then when I got silenced by Facebook, I had fire running in my veins.

It feels like the walls are really closing in.

For anyone who is interested, I have embedded the offending video here,

Other stuff.

Teen Vogue Op-Ed: ‘Coronavirus Response Should Be a Model for How We Address Climate Change’

Facebook's "Community standards."

Don't mock Kamala.