Tuesday, December 1, 2020

If You are not Angry, You're not really Paying Attention

If You are not Angry, You're not really Paying Attention

I have learned a lot this year which I was able to integrate with what I already knew - that mixed economy welfare statism is an unstable affair that ultimately leads to disaster.

Though it's still too early to know if the moral panic surrounding the Coronavirus will be the death blow to our western economies and our way of life, I think it is becoming increasingly clear to those who have eyes that we are experiencing the worst media-driven, government-propagated human catastrophe since the Second World War.

I hope I am wrong, yet, as I review some of the things I wrote back in April of this year, I have become more convinced that I am not wrong.

And most of those who arrogantly demean anti-lockdown/anti-mask activists as being "anti-science" probably haven't even spent more than about the length of a CHCH News segment studying the ins and outs of this Scamdemic, almost certainly have next to zero real interest or understanding of science.

For those of us who actually have an interest in the science, I offer you this presentation. It lasts over an hour, so, don't waste any of your time on it unless you really committed to comprehending the magnitude of the crime that is being perpetrated against humanity at this time.

From my Facebook page on April 3, 2020

Another irritant has now entered my daily life. I have been watching CHCH and CTV - Barrie over my rabbit ears, for the...

Posted by Hans Wienhold on Friday, April 3, 2020

From my Facebook page on April 1, 2020

He made a mistake with one of his calculations. Fifteen percent of two million is three hundred thousand - not...

Posted by Hans Wienhold on Thursday, April 2, 2020

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