Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Immigration and Environmental Degradation

Aside from John Meyer having succumbed to the #ClimateScam, hook, line, and sinker, he has some very important insights into the utter hypocrisy, indeed corruption of Canada's ruling elites on the #ClimateScam issue.

I and others have been hammering away at this hypocrisy for years already.

1 - while Trudeau, his rent-seeking cronies, and a wide assortment of pink-haired, nose-ringed "activists" continue to scream bloody murder over Canada's CO2 emissions, they remain utterly mute over the emissions of countries like China and India, even though Canada's emissions are a drop in the bucket compared to these other countries. Instead of screwing up traffic, why aren't they engaging in "insurrections" at the Chinese and Indian embassies?

Conclusion: They do not seriously buy into the #ClimateScam. They have ulterior motives.

2 - also, while Trudeau, his rent-seeking cronies, and a wide assortment of pink-haired, nose-ringed "activists" continue to pull their hair out over Canada's CO2 emissions, they remain utterly mute over the mass importation of people from alien cultures, each of whom quadruple their contribution to the amount of CO2 they generate.

According to Mr. Meyer, the pressure being imposed on Canada's environment by irrational expansion of the Canadian population is the Number One issue when it comes to environmental degradation.

Conclusion: Trudeau, his rent-seeking cronies, a wide assortment of pink-haired, nose-ringed, road-blocking, art-defacing "activists" and naked old men rubbing their asses on rented bicycle seats don't give a rat's ass about the environment and the #ClimateScam. They have ulterior motives.

For more detail, watch the video.

The environmental case against mass immigration

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