Wednesday, June 12, 2024

META Censors News about Russian War Ships Near Florida

Look at their lame reason for censoring this item.

Let's be clear about something, my post is not misleading. Characterizing it as misleading is dishonest, and downright sleazy. True, it does suggest the possibility that we may be dangerously close to full out nuclear war, so why would anyone be fishing for likes, follows, shares, or views on such a spammy topic? On second thoughts, why does anyone bother to post on Meta if they are not trying to get likes, follows, shares, or views?

What would Meta be if it did not attract people trying to get likes, follows, shares, or views? Maybe they should re-program the entire site and remove all "like," "follow" and "share" buttons?

And, after all, WW III is clearly spam when compared to the plethora of dog videos available on Meta.

The offending video appears below. Decide for your yourself if this is misleading or spam.

Russian Nuclear Sub & Navy Group Skim FLORIDA, US On HIGH ALERT, New Cuban Missile Crisis Feared

I don't usually contest Meta's abuses because it is about as effective as arguing with a KGB agent about the value of free speech. I went through the charade just to collect screenshots of the fraud.

I don't expect any change in their attitude, if they repond at all.

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