Sunday, June 23, 2024

Canada is a Legacy Brand County.

Back around 1991, I made friends with a new immigrant from India.

Business was slow and we had lots of time to chew the fat down in "Four Office," just outside the CNR station. After he had been here for a couple of years, he said to me, "You know, Hans, what I really miss about India?"

I didn't know. The weather? The food?

Nope. It was "the freedom."

That surprised me... for about five seconds before I thought, "Of course!" Keep in mind, this was back in the early 1990s. We had not yet reached the point in Canada where you needed a license to take a piss. We still don't need a license to take a piss, but just give it a few more years.

He also told me about the corruption in India. Five year waiting lists for a telephone, unless you could bribe someone. Then you could have one in a few days.

Then after a few years as a taxi fleet operator, he said, "Do you know what I just realized, Hans? It's just as corrupt here as it is in India. That did not surprise me. In Canada, corruption does not manifest itself so much in bags of cash changing hands under tables. It's totally out in the open. Canadian politics is nothing but a massive kleptocracy. It might be legal, but it's still theft.

He told me that before he came to Canada he had a certain pre-conceived notion. "Canada!" he said, eyes wide, with an expansive hand gesture. A shining city on a hill. The reality proved sobering.

The next clue came from an Israeli expat I briefly worked with in a lab back around 2001. We were both doing the same menial work.

As I grew to know him better, it became obvious that he was very unhappy in his new country. A marine biologist back in Israel, here he was working beside me for the same $9 an hour or so. He had to have a second job to make ends meet.

Then he told me something I didn't find surprising. He told me that before he came to Canada he had a certain pre-conceived notion. "Canada!" he said, eyes wide, with an expansive hand gesture. A shining city on a hill.

If that paragraph sounds reduntant, it is.

Over the succeeding years, I started to develop a nascent theory about the mass influx of settlers now arriving in Canada. They are not coming here because of the way Canada is. They are coming here because they too, like my cabbie friend, and my Israeli co-worker, were inspired by the legacy brand. They are attracted by an image of what Canada was.

People are Fleeing Canada. Is Civil Unrest Next?

Completely off topic.

While working at that lab, my co-worker told me about the worst job he had done yet for this company. It involved being assigned to do some work in/at the nuclear reactor at MacMaster University. He said it was the kind of work that might last beyond eight hours and that it required your constant attention, and that you had to stay put until it was completed. He stressed that you could not even leave your post to eat lunch or take a piss. (With or without a license.) And if you couldn't even leave to take a piss, the implications about smoke breaks were truly terrifying.

Shortly thereafter, my supervisor handed me some forms to fill in. It turned out they were to go to the RCMP or CSIS, or something for some kind of security clearance. It didn't take me long to figure out what that meant. HINT: NUCLEAR REACTOR.

I quit a few days later.

I felt bad about that, but I had accepted that job based on a prior notion of what a job in Canada was like.

People are Fleeing Canada. Is Civil Unrest Next?

#ClimateScam Update

Another entry in the endless jackhammer of climate propaganda referenced a new "Study" finding that politicians use "simpler language" and "less complicated thought" on warmer days. It appeared on CHCH "News" this evening, (Sunday, June 23/24.)

The "report" ended by saying "More study is needed." You know what that means, right? More government funding is needed.

I have my own theory. I should apply for a government grant to study it. My theory is that, on warmer days, almost everyone starts to get anxious about climate change. After decades of incessant brainwashing, the association between warm weather and climate change has been thoroughly automatized in the minds of everyone, subject and ruler alike. Warm weather = climate change. Anxiety ensues.

My study, with sufficient government funding, would explore the nexus between "simpler language," "less complicated thought," and climatephobia. I would use study participants succeptibility to some of Jagmeet Singh's Twitter posts for measurement of stupity while closely controlling room temperatures.

Finally, do we really need "More study" to tell us that warmer weather makes us all a bit sluggish?

What a load of fucking bullshit. No wonder we are living in such a clown show.

Do you guys just identify as cops?

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