Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Ontario: The Unmasking

"Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked." - Warren Buffett.

I hope those who believe the face diapers protect them from coof continue to wear them after the jackboot is lifted. It will help to sort out the sane from the whack-jobs. Attire-freedom was very useful to me as a cab driver. I would avoid picking up people wearing their baseball caps sideways or backwards, and anyone who wore their jeans around their thighs. It was a good ballpark indicator of who would cause you trouble or rip you off.

Oh! And back then, I would definitely NOT pick anyone who was wearing a mask, unless it was Halloween, or they were Chinese.

I'll bet that some people will never take them off for the rest of their lives. I was in Grade 1 at Mohawk Trail School. One of the teachers, I think her name was Mrs. Coates, still wore dark-coloured Victorian era clothing. It was 1961! She reminded me of the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz. I never had her as a teacher, and I tended to avoid her. Even at the age of 7, I thought there was something off about that woman.

Friday, March 4, 2022


I don't really like sending emails to people I barely know, or haven't seen for many years, but I have been doing it lately because of the importance of the COVID-19 issue and what it means for all of us. If you would rather not receive correspondence from me on this, or any other issue please either reply with a simple "unsubscribe" or a "FOAD," depending on your disposition. Alternatively, you can simply flag my emails and have them sent to your junk folder. I would like to ask you though, if it's not too much, to resist the temptation to flag my email as spam. It's not spam. I am not trying to sell you razor blades or genital waxing.

The interview with Dr. Waters embedded below is one of many I have watched over the last two years with medical doctors who have had their careers ruined for daring to have a different medical opinion on the COVID-19 phenomenon. In many of them, as in this one, when asked how they ended up on the path they took, their answers bear a remarkable similarity to my own thought processes as this disaster played out.

In the beginning, around February 2020, I took the early reports of the pandemic seriously, even to the point of taking some preparatory measures like stocking up on canned food and water. I had plenty of toilet paper already. While I did not expect anything as severe as the Black Plague of the fourteenth century, I did think it might approach the severity of the Spanish Flu. Stocking up seemed a reasonable precaution in the event of widespread illness. Businesses might be distrupted as a result of the absense of sick and dying employees and I might decide to hunker down at home rather than risk being exposed to a deadly infection.

I have been a critical observer of the Mainstream Media, or what I call Junk News industry for almost half a century now. I have become quite adept at spotting BS stories when I see them, and Junk News never fails to provide them. Then when CHCH started posting their mortality scoreboard on every one of their "news" broadcasts, I smelled a flea infested rat. The numbers didn't add up. It was mostly the elderly who were dying, followed by people with serious co-morbidities like diabetes and obesity. Few of the victims were in the labour force. Economic disruptions were likely to be mild. That is, until politicians decided to "flatten the curve" by flattening the economy.

So I started doing my own research.

I started with an exploration of the mortality numbers. Not satisfied with the overall mortality estimates, I did my own calculations to derive population-adjusted mortality rates. The Spanish Flu, for example (see image below) is estimated to have killed 40 to 50 million people, world wide. Some estimates put the toll as high as 100 million, or more. Taking the lower estimate of 40 million and adjusting for population,

world population 1918 - 1.8 billion.
world population 2020 - 7.8 billion.

The global population had increased by a factor of 4.33 since 1918. A proportionate death toll from a Spanish Flu-like pandemic in 2020 would have thus been about 173,000,000 using the low 40 million estimate and 433 million using the high estimate. The current death toll from COVID-19 is reported to be about 6 million, or about 3.5% as severe as the Spanish Flu.

For comparison, the Hong Kong Flu of 1968, with a death toll of 1 million in a total population of 3.6 billion, would be about 2 million in 2020. Considering that the 6 million figure attributed to COVID-19 is highly suspect due to the corrupting influence of politics, and Junk News media, on the counting, it is very likely that COVID-19 mortality is in the Hong Kong Flu ballpark. Yet most of those of us who were alive during the Woostock era, were barely impacted. Half a million maskless, even stark naked hippies partied it up on Max Yasgur's farm and not one of them died of the flu.

Yet here we are in a situation that is comparable in scale to the Hong Kong Flu, yet acting, en masse, as if this were the Black Plague.

Self quarantine and mandatory masks didn't have to be mandated in 1918. And there were only newspapers, many of which were trying to downplay the impact of the influenza in the United States, for fear of impeding enthusiasm for the war effort. (Come to think of it, I am catching a whiff that the same phenomenon is kicking in now - along with a recent notice I got from LinkedIn which was a recruiting ad for the Canadian Armed Forces.)

One of the things the people relied upon at that time, were the lists of the NAMES of the people who had succumbed to the flu. Not that they even needed those in some of the hardest hit areas. Every neighbourhood knew of at least one home where someone had died.

Just like today, the Spanish Flu drove families apart, but not because of some crud they saw on the TV, or some choreographed press conference by a politician, or something they read on heavily censored social media. It was because of what they saw happening right around them. It was death. People had a good reason to be scared. It was reality TV without the cameras. It was the pre-capitalism-fossil-fuel-driven reality for most of human history.

If not for the Junk News media exploitation of this Coronavirus event, most people would have lived through it without noticing a thing. And the only people wearing masks would be the Chinese students who wore them anyway, regardless of mainstream panic porn.


... of my unsolicited opinion.

Listen to DR GERRY WATERS. He has inappropriate views. He is obviously an extreme misogynistic racist. Tell me how his professional opinion differs from my own, in any essential way.

By the way, I knew very early on that the ventlator obsession was a complete scam which would end up costing taxpayers a bundle, probably did more harm than good, but made a LOT of MONEY for some people.

Was I off base?

Well, how many times have you seen the Junk News media mention ventilators lately? Not a f*cking peep.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Personal email address of Hamilton health-care leader used to make $1,000 ‘Freedom Convoy’ donation

A friend sent me this screengrab this afternoon,

I recognized the name of the doctor named in that screengrab, so I decided to search for more information. I found a report on Hamilton's Junk News, The Spec website. It was written by another name I recognized, Joanna Frketich. After reading the article, I replied to the people on the list, and CC'd a copy to the author of the "report," Joanna Frketich.


(slightly edited)

Yep. I found the entry in my spreadsheet containing the information stolen from GiveSendGo.

F*cking disgusting muckrakers at the Spec.

You will recall that Martha Fulford honestly and bravely admitted on a CHCH Junk News broadcast back around September 4, 2021 that people admitted to hospitals for broken legs, etc., and who also tested positive for COVID-19 were counted as "cases."

Having been involved, myself, in acrimonious debates for the previous 18 months about the hospital and fatality case numbers and how they were being inflated, Dr. Fulford's statement on CHCH was a bombshell.

I see Joanna Frketich is up to the same dishonest propaganda in this article, trying to smear the freedom protesters, or "freedom protesters," as she would put it, as a bunch Nazis and Confederates who desecrate statues, etc.

The last two paragraphs in the Frketich "News" report state,

"It’s not the first time Fulford has been the target of people on social media. She has been outspoken about her views on COVID — including in interviews with The Spectator.

At various points in the pandemic, she has questioned lockdowns, school closures, vaccine mandates and certain types of masking, particularly for kids in class."

How dare she!

Whether Martha Fulford made a donation to the freedom convoy or not, she is a rare breed in Ontario's medical system. She is a doctor who is willing to speak her truth, regardless of what muckraking reporters like Frketich do to try to harm her reputation.

Shame on you, Joanna Frketich. Hopefully, now you understand why there was no way I was going to talk to you on the phone back in 2019 about my successful exposure of the "climate scientists list" fraud.

And perhaps you also understand why so many people are hostile to the disgracefully dishonest legacy media in this country.

Thinking About Going Cashless?

Finally, a book I read almost forty years ago that gave me some insight into how the medical industry operates.

Canadian medicine: A study in restricted entry - Paperback – Jan. 1 1984

Thinking About Going Cashless? Part I.

Update: March 25, 2022

It's what I've been saying for years.

(click on images to enlarge)

October 12, 2020

More propaganda from the Spec.

A cashless society. Wet dream of every authoritarian tyrant.

Get ready for it.

First - no cash

Next - absolute control of behavior and consumption.

You just won't be able to buy what they don't want you to buy.

Note: the video ends with an option to "bring cash, okay!" Not if cash has been banned.

November 29, 2012

April 12, 2016

Uber gave data on 12 million people to U.S. law enforcement

October 21, 2011


June 24, 2014

April 2, 2016

"Homeless street vendors carry mobile credit-card readers."

Cashless: Fascism With a Friendly Face

April 22, 2016

dec 14 2018

"After doing all the good deeds, like donations and such, to gain points, I can now buy high speed train tickets."

"I am finally a normal person."

Can you hear it?

I can.

Let me put it this way,

"After doing all the good deeds, like wearing a face diaper and getting an experimental injection, to gain points, I can now buy high speed train tickets."

"I am finally a normal person."

He reminds me of the respondent who didn't mind the TSA grabbing his testicles because he let his doctor do it too. To "keep him safe."

And who will be making decisions about whether you get your points?

Someone like this guy,

I could go on, but I doubt that I was able to hold anyone's attention, other than yours to this point. I will leave you with the brilliant James Corbett.

Personal email address of Hamilton health-care leader used to make $1,000 ‘Freedom Convoy’ donation

Update: 10:52 PM

Update: March 8, 2022.

Update: March 12, 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Gangster Government

Who knows what the next "crisis" will be. One obvious candidate is the earth's changing climate. The climate alarmists are watching current events and itching for the opportunity to have their turn at lockdowns and other restrictions, like how many people can gather at your home for Christmas and Thanksgiving, etc.

If all you use social media for is to post cat videos, cheers for your favorite sports team, and photos of what you had for dinner, you probably don't have anything to worry about for now, but... what if we have a heat wave next summer? Use all of the Liberal-funded media hype we have witnessed over the last two years and change the word "COVID-19" into "climate crisis." The numbers flashing on the 6 o'clock news, and every fifteen minutes throughout the rest of the day, will consist of temperature readings, and climate deaths. To "save lives" the jackboot will be applied again.

Will you think twice about posting images of the barbeque you held, with all of the visitors you had, and the steaks and burgers enjoyed if, under the declared "climate emergency," gangster governments start to dictate when and where you can travel, or drive your car, or how much meat you can eat in a week?

I donated $10 U.S. to the Freedom Convoy through GiveSendGo AFTER GoFundMe froze the donation accounts. I did so in confidence that making a donation to a political cause was a rock solid human right. Subsequent actions by the little emperor now have me constantly checking to see if my bank account and credit cards have been frozen. It's not a good feeling, yet I see hundreds of ordinary people on social media applauding such gangster tactics. NONE of them realize that the normalization of such government terrorism can, and will be turned on THEM at the slightest change of media-driven hype and circumstance.

Sadly, if it does get to the point where posting a photo of your last steak dinner becomes a radical act of "climate terrorism," will you dare to protest it then?

This IS the "new normal." It's the nail that sticks up that gets it's fundamental rights privileges hammered down?

If you want to resist the Nazification of Canada, please sign.

I hate to brag, but I have seen all of this coming for decades. Here are some of the books I have read on the topic that tipped me off to the patterns and signs of where our society was going. It's no longer a matter of signs, patterns, and trends analysis. We have arrived.

A Government Of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State

Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them

Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent

Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty

Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen

Atlas Shrugged

The Gulag Archipelago

Plus! Two books we read back in high school.


Fahrenheit 451


Friday, February 18, 2022

Introducing MP Peter Julian

At a time when children as young as 5 are being jabbed with experimental "vaccines," to "protect" aging adults, he says this,

Let that sink in.

I responded,

He said this,

I logged on to my alternate Twitter account and said this, along with the 3 screenshots above,

His response was this,

These authoritarian collectivists just can't stand it when someone exposes them for who they really are.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Did Someone say, "Bank Run?"

At the same time,

I didn't need the cash, but today I went to my ATM and withdrew my allowed daily maximum.

Am I just paranoid?

After all, I did make a $10 U.S. donation to the Trucker Freedom Festival that's been happening in Ottawa, much to the chagrin of the livestockian public hoards who have visceral hatred for anyone who demands respect for their human rights.

"What about MY RIGHT to force you to see things my way?" THEY SCREAM with absolute moral certainty. "Get off of MY LAWN!"

Ironically, these are the same people who complain about Bible-Thumpers.

Facebook won't allow me to post the link that inspired this mini rant.

To see the verboten link, you will have to go here.

If this sockcucker gets away with this latest shot at an enabling act, "emergencies" will become a valuable political commodity.

Be forewarned.

Listen to this guy.

Is he on the verge of going Kulak?

And this,

from Armstrong Economics.


Oh man! Listen to this horseshit from Facebook's "fact checkers."

I happen to be quite familiar with all of the quotes in the following meme. If you seriously believe this post is "missing context," then I can't help you. You are seriously f*cked.

Turn off your TV, Stop reading newpapers that are subsidized by Justin Trudeau, stick your head up your ass, and inhale. Just make sure you are wearing a mask.

Introducing collectivest authoritarian NDP member of parliament, Peter Julian.

"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...