Saturday, October 9, 2021

Ding Dong!

And, as I predicted years ago, the intense indoctrination and obedience training all public school children are exposed to during their sentence is the REAL purpose of compulsory education.

The "nodding dog acquiescence" on mass display since the scamdemic was launched attests to the stunning success of politically controlled "education." The graduates have been trained to remain lifelong children.

No wonder those with "higher" education are able to smoothly embrace their role as life-long public school kids. "You literally had a 'vaccine passport' all through school. Relax."

By the time young citizens have completed the fifteen or so years in these reeducation camps. their minds are so completely chained to statist ideology that whips and chains are rarely needed.

Stand up. Sit down. Raise your hand when you need to pee. Don't talk to your neighbours, and when the bell rings, salivate.

The medium is the message.


John Taylor Gatto

John Taylor Gatto's book - The Underground History of American Education

Program of the Komsomol

Child paratrooper training in the Soviet Union.

I'm a Young Pioneer for the Soviet Union!

North Vietnam

"The French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser has argued that a government, in order to survive, must perpetuate itself by (re)producing subjects with the knowledge, skills, and submissiveness appropriate for the established order and ruling ideology, that is, raising new generations in the mold defined by the authority.[SOURCE]" -- <italics, mine>

It's just two weeks to "flatten the curve."

It's just a mask.

It's just a poke.

What will it "just be" next?

Is Atlas Shrugging?

Most Mask Studies Are Garbage

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Coof ODD

For a moment, yesterday, at about 11:30 a.m. I thought I was finally free of my obligation to try to provide the other side of the story to other Facebook users who have not been completely hypnotized by the massive scamdemic propaganda assault we have been deluged with for the last 19 months.

Then I found out the entire site was down. I thought maybe it had been shut down to do a thorough purge of those members whose "opinions" about "the science," etc. had not simply been derived subliminally via the multipronged government, Junk News, social media octopi info jackhammer.

Surprisingly, I am still here this morning.

The message has been loud and clear though. Cat videos, the contents of your dinner plate, photos of your vacations & fishing trips, and mindless recitation of whatever soundbites infiltrate your subconscious mind while you are putzing around the house or driving your car with the radio or TV "news" playing in the background are okay.

Anything else is strongly discouraged or outright verboten.

"Das darft's du nicht!" (you must not.)

Unfortunately, I was born with a disability. The DSM-IV calls the condition ODD. This condition represents a barrier to full participation in a society that demands universal compliance with whatever the established knowledge keepers have decreed to be the truth, at least for this day, or week.

I think those of us in the ODD community should get our own flags and crosswalks. Instead, we are marginalized and now face severe systemic barriers in terms of access to bars, restaurants, sports venues, and a slew of other activities compliant "normies" purchase by just wearing a disguise or getting pricked.

In this new normal, the late-night knock at the door will not be heard. ODD sufferers will simply be disappeared.

Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.'

I am somewhat hesitant about posting this link because of what I learned back in 2019 about how poorly some of these lists are vetted. (See link to Spectator article below.)

It is my fervent hope that those who signed THIS list are being properly vetted and do, in fact, have the requisite qualifications.


Retired Hamilton cabbie gets himself on list of fake scientists declaring climate emergency

Facebook Communication Sabotage

More ODD

Haha! I wish I could have had that excuse the last time I got called up for jury duty. In truth, I wouldn't mind serving on a jury. It would have been interesting.

What was not at all interesting was sitting in a corral for the whole day.

What a fucked up experience that was. We were all herded into a big room and the doors were closed. Of course, in addition to being forced to waste a whole day in that shithole, no smoking was allowed. I met a girl I recognized from high school and we chatted for a while. Funny. She was in a lot of my classes at Westmount and we never said boo to each other.

There were periodic smoke breaks where the unclean were escorted outside by a court officer like a bunch of kindergarteners on a school trip.

At one point I said to myself, "fuck this - I am not the criminal here," and snuck outside for a smoke. At the elevator on the way back up, as the door opened, another group of the unclean were being allowed out, escorted by the same officer. He recognized me and looked at me with pure shock, but didn't say a word as I made my way back up to the stockyard.

At the end of the day, most of the inmates were not selected and they gave us all parole. I resolved that it would be the last time I ever show up for jury duty with or without an excuse.

Jurors in murder trial must be vaccinated to prevent potential mistrial caused by COVID-19, judge says

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Project Veritas Censored by Facebook

Update: October 4, 2021


That screenshot was from yesterday. Here are the two I have already received today.

I am counting down the days (hours) until I get sent to the Facebook gulag. I don't really care. I first joined the club back around 2007 out of curiosity. After toying around with it for a while, looking for old acquaintances, "poking" people, and getting digital Tim Horton rims from strangers I decided to move on. This type of nonsense wasn't for me.

But then I had an idea. What if I searched for and "friended" as many people as I could find who had similar political interests such as libertarians and conservatives? Could I use Facebook as one of my soap boxes? It worked. In the process, I discovered many new sources of information and opinion.

It doesn't really work anymore.

Things have really changed since then. I don't know what Facebook is anymore other than a platform designed to mold public opinion in the direction of ever greater state/corporate control of people's thinking. The ebb and flow of information and debate is now controlled by shaddowy info bullies (so called "fact-checkers") who are becoming increasinlgy aggressive with their asymetrical power.

I am not going to stop saying what I think on Facebook and I am not going to stop posting information and opinions so long as I think there is the slightest possibility that I might be reaching a few of those "normies" out there who know something very sinister is going on right now and maybe change a few minds, or at least, get some people thinking.

Moments ago I got the odious warning pictured above. These interventions have greatly increased in frequency and have become a daily insult. I've had a fourteen year run on this platform. I have no regrets. It has become really ugly lately. They can de-person me if they like. I will consider it a form of retirement.

Embedded below is the "misinformation that could cause physical harm." Or maybe not, but you're not even allowed to think that. I have also included parts 2 and 3 of the Project Veritas "Exposed" series.

I expect YouTube will de-platform Project Veritas very soon, so I have downloaded the three videos in the series with the intention of reposting them on one or more of the free speech video platforms I currently use.


"Nodding dog acquiescence."


"Know the outcome and you'll see the journey."

I have been non-cooperating for most of my adult life. Scratch that. Now that I think of it, I never received a single Citizenship Award in public school and even in kindergarten, the teacher used to take me behind the piano and slap my hands from time to time.

Sometimes David Icke comes across as a bit of a lunatic. On the other hand, I am a bit of a lunatic too. What I find intriguing though, despite having paid little attention to David Icke, is that much of what he says is exactly what I have been thinking. What are the odds that two lunatics would follow much the same path in their thinking?

Listen to Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer, talking about the pandemic and the COVID vaccine. I think it's an older video because at the time of the interview, Dr. Yeadon notes that none of the vaccines have been "approved" by the FDA, they're still under EUA, but that "approval" was granted to Pfizer after pressure from old Joe's Whitehouse.

And here is a Facebook "Whistleblower" who makes the ridiculous claim that Facebook doesn't do enough censorship! And her solution is to have like Justin Trudeau et. al. the power to decide what the public shall be allowed to say, or hear on the entire internet.

She makes me want to vomit.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Applied BS Detection

It will be interesting to see if the theories about ADE turn out to be correct. I think it will take a few more months before we get a signal. Keep in mind that the current crop of phase 3 trials for the Coof vaccines are not slated to end until 2023.

The much-ballyhooed Delta scariant looks like it's turned the corner and is now going away. Of course, the media hypnozombies, when they tire of milking it as the "fourth wave" will credit the vaccinations.

I was talking to someone whose mother had to go to the Nora (Nora Francis Henderson, A.K.A. the Jurivinsksy which is confusing because there is a Juravinsky on Charlton Ave., and a Jurivinsky on the site of the old hospital for "hopsy topsy people" as my father once described it) over the weekend because of heart failure. Her mom is okay (yes, she was double jabbed) but she told me the Nora was absolutely packed, with people waiting in the halls and others having to wait outside. I'm curious as to what the other Hamilton hospitals were like. I have a theory that a lot more people than usual have held off going to the hospital unless they are really fucking sick.

Remember Alvin Toffler's thesis in "Future Shock?" It was that massive changes in people's lives can have serious adverse consequences. I mean, it's been half a century since I read that book but, unless my memory is totally shot, there was something about how accelerating change can have a massive impact on people's lives and not necessarily in a good way. Just think about automation. Or Smartphones. (In my humble opinion, the smartphone addiction phenomenon will kill an order of magnitude more people than the Coof. If you've got kids - you already know this.) Instead of thinking about the number of people, past the age of normal life expectancy, and in a very short period of time, many under DNR orders died, (how did that happen?) think about the number of life years that will be lost as a result of the new authoritarian paradigm. Your rulers are not your friends. Let that sink in, FFS.

Future Shock

To back it up he cited examples of people dying, or becoming ill, shortly after a divorce, retirement or moving to a new home or city, or going to university, etc. (To say nothing about the impact on the immune system of prolonged isolation. Veterans of the American Civil War and WWI learned a thing or two about that.)

And Canada certainly changed in 2020. It went from a nation with a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to a nation with a Charter of Perks and Privileges - almost overnight - de facto if not de jure, by sleazy political stealth. We didn't have to move to China. We became China. We didn't even have to import half, or sixty million more people from the third world to accomplish that, though progress to date has certainly helped.

All it took was a cold virus, unprecedented reporting of "cases" and deaths from a single alleged cause, power hungry, cowardly, and opportunistic politicians, a zombified population, and voila! The "science is settled." Communism wins. (Actually, it was fascism that won, but how many drive-time radio listeners would ever make that distinction?) I note also that they delete their broadcasts within a few hours of posting them. Why? To erase the record so none of their BS can come back and bite them in the ass? Or, is there another reason? Ditto for their "live chat comments," most of which are from people who can seee through their bullshit.

I missed the vomit CHCH pukecast this evening. Well, I didn't really miss it, but I try to watch it daily to see what kind of horseshit they are spewing. Often you can infer actual "news" both from what they are reporting - largely half-truths - and what they are NOT reporting - lying by omission.

Canadian immigrants or refugees from former communist regimes know this well. They have "lived experience." That is why a disproportionate number of them attend pro-freedom rallies, voted PPC, and are suspicious of the allegedly prophylactic injections.

Even if, in the end, the c**ksucking Liberals get away with censoring ALL speech, those of us trained to read bullshit will still be able to get a picture of what is true because it will be the opposite of what the c**ksuckers are spreading on us. [1]

Was the situation at the Nora Francis Henderson Hospital reported on tonight's Junk News edition? And if not, was it because too few of the patients had positive PCR tests?

If you were educated in the 1960s, do the math.

Of not, whip out your smartphone.


[1] 1966

I remember when we all went up to that radio antenna just south of Limeridge and a little east of the apple orchard, to smoke some cigarettes.

Then, when we saw a cop driving along Limeridge slow down and pull a U-turn, tossed our lit smokes away, and stuffed the packs down our nuts. When we got to Limeridge the cop started asking us what we were up to at that tower.

I still can't imagine what his suspicions were unless he thought we were stealing bits of metal for our radio projects, were unvaccinated individuals exceeding the prescribed gathering limits, a group of homosexuals engaging in group sex, (a cop's gotta do what a cop's gotta do) or a bunch of pre-teens smoking cigarettes.

Dan Fordson (not his real name) told the cop we just went up there to take a leak.

I'll never forget the look on the cop's face as he looked at Dan and said, "Spread it on me, kid. Spread it on me."

Dan could have been a CHCH newsreader if he had wanted.

Tonight I broke my alcohol-free streak. I bought seven seltzers even though I only wanted to buy six. (Vizzo Hard Seltzer - 5% alc, zero-carb) I've had one, no two, so far, and a bit of spliff, but I already feel the juices "squirting through my capillaries," as Stephen King put it in "The Shining." Brilliant writer. Political moron.

Hence, this desultory rant.

Where are the Facebook censors when you need them?


Not that these guys really have clue about the manner in which they have absorbed the commie horseshit they have gobbled, they made great music,

Monday, September 27, 2021

A Conspiracy Theory

2030 UnMasked - For those Preparing for what's Coming After Covid-19

Now Facebook is blocking my blog entries.

This is what Trudeau plans to impose on the entire internet. Only "the truth" can be published.

Meanwhile, despite Facebook's heroic efforts to block "spam," I get at least a half a dozed of these "friend requests" every single day.

Good morning, Australia!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Two Words

I have two words for Facebook's censors.

This interference by the Facebook commisars was sparked by a discussion comparing the current Vax Passport regime with the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler.

In reply to a comment stating, "we are definitely not headed for the cruelty of internment camps and gas chambers!" I wrote,

"Once the practice of identifying the "Untermensch," or the "unclean," or the "disease spreaders," as was done to vilify Jews in Nazi Germany becomes normalized, it will also be expanded. (It's called "mission creep.")

This trend has been active and growing in Canada since long before the Coof panic started. Vax passports are just one more step in the direction of life in an open prison. Keep an eye open for the coming carbon credit ration cards, to address the "climate emergency," quietly waiting in the wings to take over when the scamdemic finally subsides. (Those evil people with their SUVs!)

It's one of the first signs of an eventual boxcar ride.

The Jews who got the hell out of Europe in the 1930s could read the writing on the wall. The ones who stayed were the ones who believed "that would never happen here."

One key benefit that derives from studying history is that it gives you the ability to recognize trends.

Ignore those trends at your peril."

To add emphasis and to demonstrate that there are people who are currently advocating the implementation of Nazi practices in response to those with different opinions on the efficacy and safety of the vaccines, along with a different personal assessment of the risks of not getting vaccinated, I took two screenshots from a recent Global News tweet and pasted them together.

This is what Facebook is calling, "spam."

"two words... concentrations <sic> camp."

Just two words.

and more....

When I went to share George Dance's post, Facebook once again employed its increasingly malicious psychological intimidation tactics to deter me from sharing this opinion.

I have two words for Facebook.

Update: September 27, 2021

Censored again.

So, I recorded the experience with the Facebook commissars and posted on my own blog.

They blocked that one too.

They really don't want the dinner and cat video posters to see this stuff.

Consequences of Covid immunity denial

“How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative”, asks Ontario ER doctor

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

"expert says"

"As pandemic wanes, PPC support may too: expert"

I doubt it.

I went to a secret meeting in a Hamilton church back in May or June of 2021 that was organized by No More Lockdowns Hamilton. Having been to many libertarian (pro freedom) meetings over the decades, I was accustomed to seeing mostly men in attendance. What struck me at this secret meeting was the fact that about 80% of the attendees were women.

Why the disparity all of a sudden? Why the sudden interest in freedom?

It is because the libertarians could clearly see where the dominant statist/collectivist political philosophy was eventually going to take us but when the people were finally slapped down hard with the results half a century of statist/collectivist thinking, it was women who suffered the most. People who were not interested before the scamdemic have had their eyes opened wide.

Once the anti-lockdowners reached a critical mass, it became obvious to them that the PPC was the only major party speaking for them.

So-called "expert," Lydia Miljan, a University of Windsor political science professor thinks that,

"Two to four years from now, there will be different issues and I think it's going to still be a challenge for the People's Party to galvanize around them ... if they're a protest party, they've got to have something to protest."

but she(?) fails to take into account what these newly politicized individuals have learned over the course of this pandemic. The majority of them are just ordinary folk with good intentions and serious questions, yet they have been dishonestly smeared and vilified in the Junk News media as "anti-vaxxers," "white supremacists," "neanderthals," and "granny killers." And they know it.

They have had their social media posts and their accounts deleted and, in pursuit of second expert opinions on the nature and threat of the Wu, have been denied access to those opinions by social media sheepdogs and biased algorythms.

They now have "lived experience" to galvanize them.

While the Coof panic may eventually slip into a black hole, the things these folks have learned about the sleaze that dominates Canadian politics and media will not soon be forgotten.

And while the "expert," Professor Miljan thinks that in two to four years there will be different issues (like climate lockdowns?) the sleaze from the dominant thought manipulators will still be going strong.

Once this phenomenon is seen, it can't be unseen.

"If they're a protest party, they've got to have something to protest."

They will.

Here is the Trudeau bought and paid for CBC's "report" that motivated this edition of BS Detection on

Rise in People's Party support 'very concerning' even if its future is uncertain, expert says

And the corrupt establishment just keeps on giving more and more people the gift of lived experience that can only add fuel to the fire of a growing pro-freedom movement in canada. Finally.

172 Windsor, Ont., hospital staff suspended without pay for not getting COVID-19 shots

More fuel.

More people being "galvanized."

Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....