Monday, August 24, 2020

Forced Confession

The first time I was called a racist was before I even used or knew about the internet, back in the early 1990s. It was on the dial-in Compuspec bulletin board. Then, as now, I enjoyed writing and publishing my political opinions to circumvent the censors in the Letters to the Editor departments.

My offense was advocating the abolition of welfare. I was immediately attacked as being a racist, which struck me as supremely ironic since it revealed the biased racial assumptions about welfare recipients that my attacker held.

Around the same time, I recall, there was a debate in Hamilton about changing the taxi bylaws to address the epidemic of fare fraud that had struck the city. The taxi industry wanted the bylaw changed so that drivers could request up-front payment of the fare.

I laughed out loud when I read a report about our local councilor, Sam Merulla's opposition to up-front fares. He said something like, "It would fuel racism." What racial assumption was he making to arrive at that conclusion?

So, it was clear, even thirty years ago, that racial issues would permeate and pollute all political dialogue from then on.


August 2020

I had never heard of Brian Petz before a friend sent me the link I posted and commented on yesterday.


"I am a white man. I must confront my own racism" by Brian Petz.

from the Hamilton News, Aug 23, 2020.


My comment on the link was,

"What a pathetic schmoo.

Notice he gives not a single example of the allegedly anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQIA+ statements that he has made.

That is not helpful, especially in 2020, when saying something as innocuous as "all lives matter" can get you branded as a "racist" and ruin your life.

And where defending freedom of speech, or the right to self-defense, or the right to own private property, or free markets, [or historical statues] can get you de-platformed and beat up for being both a "racist" and a "Nazi."

The kind of self-hatred this guy spews really makes me puke.


Update: I want to apologize to Mr. Petz for calling him a schmoo. I now realize that he was acting under duress, no different from the gulag-bound serfs who were forced to sign "confessions" in the basement of the Lubyanka prison, or the religious dissenters having their muscles and bones stretched and their eyes gouged out in the Tower of London in order to extract "confessions."


Here is my latest comment:

Brian Petz says in his article, "If you googled me right now, you’d probably conclude I’m a racist."

So I thought I would google the guy to get a little more background as to why he wrote this embarrassingly self-debasing "opinion" piece. I put that in quotes because it is apparent that he wrote this "opinion" not because it is actually his opinion, but because he has been attacked and threatened, by left supremacists, with losing his job.

If I were in the same boat, I would probably crawl along the floor and lick the boots of the people who wield the real power in this country too.

(One good, non-leftist reason to phase out urinals is this - have you ever noticed all of the splash-back that goes onto your shoes? Though I have noticed some recent improvements in urinal design, designed to minimize shoe splashing. The newer ones look like those recovery cones – typically used to keep dogs from scratching or biting injuries - that Maine wait staff have been forced to wear lately. This device is particularly handy for politicians who piss in your face and tell you it's raining.)

I had already imagined such a scenario when I owned a taxi license. Knowing the types of cowardly, low-integrity public officials who sat on Hamilton's taxi tribunal, it was obvious to me, years ago, that all it would take was a complaint from some race-baiter over almost any of my social media posts and I, too, might be forced to lick the feet of these low-character politicians.

Number one on the Google results page links to Ryerson University’s independent student newspaper, The Eyeopener. (Oh, boy! Here we go!) It IS an eye-opener.

Here is one of his "racist" comments,

“Giving away money for nothing is exactly what is wrong with our immigration system. We need people to come here who are motivated to succeed, not motivated to receive.”

As I suspected, his support of the traditional Western formula for success makes him a "racist." Of course, I do have a bias on this issue as an immigrant myself. When my parents came to Canada in 1955-56, there was no massive welfare state. Therefore, there was absolutely no question as to the motives of most immigrants at that time.

"The west has been so successful because of the virtues and values of Christianity. The left hates Christianity. This is why it supports both Islam and LGBTQ. The only thing they have in common is that they bother Christians - LGBTQ not so much anymore - I'm not religious but I see the values and traditions of the West as founded upon."

Well, it's pretty clear, unless you've been hiding under your coffee table during this whole pan___ic, that the left hates Christianity. So I guess telling the truth is also "racist." (and "Nazi.")

The Eyeopener goes on to say,

"In another public comment from November 2016, Petz wrote that people “coexist peacefully” until they feel their culture and identity is “threatened.”"

I like the way the reporter put the quotation marks around the word, "threatened," as if only a racist, or an insane person, could make such an observation while rioting mobs destroy every vestige of the culture and history of the West in cities all over the U.S.A., and elsewhere.


"He also wrote that, “importing millions of third world immigrants” into North America “will not end well, just like the attempt to colonize India and Africa didn’t work out. The [I]ndigenous people rejected being supplanted and bred out of existence and you’ll see the same thing here.”"

I guess the author is not aware of the misery and turmoil cultural, economic, and racial diversity has already caused, not just in the west, but globally, universally, and throughout history.

The report goes on,

"In the same comment, he wrote that “cultural Marxism” and a “false construct of a hierarchy of oppression” makes white people feel “ashamed of their heritage” and “will backfire violently.”"

Again with the quotation marks, as if only an idiot or a Nazi could hold such a view, despite a campaign of white demonization that has been escalating all over the West ever since, at least, the 1960s.

I know it. I have the "lived experience."

There's more in that report but I'll end with this one,

"Petz also made a public comment in October 2016 about former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “She should be hanged by the neck until dead. I really hope if Trump wins, she goes to jail, and dies there. None of this Gerald Ford type amnesty shit,” he wrote."

I'll admit, the part about capital punishment is a bit extreme. If I were King, I would sentence Hillary to spend the rest of her life doing something of actual value to humanity - like cleaning toilets at a bus terminal.

The message is clear. If you have an opinion today that does not conform to the dominant leftist ideology, keep your mouth shut, especially if you have anything to lose.

In poorer societies throughout history, the average Joe had nothing much of value that could be taken away from him, hence the widespread use of torture and murder. In our kinder, gentler age, those in power no longer need to resort to such draconian measures. They don't even need to exile or lock you up. All they need to do is take away everything you have and ruin your life.

Be warned.

I am a white man. I must confront my own racism


Friday, August 21, 2020

The Typical Politician - From Mein Kampf

I've heard a great deal over the years, from apparently knowledgeable people, about what Adolf Hitler supposedly stood for. It was mostly bad, of course, but occasionally, someone would tell me that Hitler was actually right about some things. That usually surprised me. "Some things like what?" I would ask.

I finally decided to go to the source to see for myself what this man actually said.

And boy, I found myself laughing out loud as I read some of it. Hitler actually was right about some things.

Consider the following paragraph and, while reading it, think of today's typical politician.

Do these three paragraphs describe the kinds of people who get elected into positions of power all over the West today? I think they do.

"TODAY it is my conviction that in general, aside from cases of unusual talent, a man should not engage in public political activity before his thirtieth year. He should not do so, because up to this time, as a rule, he is engaged in molding a general platform, on the basis of which he proceeds to examine the various political problems and finally establishes his own position on them. Only after he has acquired such a basic philosophy, and the resultant firmness of outlook on the special problems of the day, is he, inwardly at least, mature enough to be justified in partaking in the political leadership of the general public.

Otherwise he runs the risk of either having to change his former position on essential questions, or, contrary to his better knowledge and understanding, of clinging to a view which reason and conviction have long since discarded. In the former case this is most embarrassing to him personally, since, what with his own vacillations, he cannot justifiably expect the faith of his adherents to follow him with the same unswerving firmness as before; for those led by him, on the other hand, such a reversal on the part of the leader means perplexity and not rarely a certain feeling of shame toward those whom they hitherto opposed. In the second case, there occurs a thing which, particularly today, often confronts us: in the same measure as the leader ceases to believe in what he says, his arguments become shallow and flat, but he tries to make up for it by vileness in his choice of means. While he himself has given up all idea of fighting seriously for his political revelations (a man does not die for something which he himself does not believe in), his demands on his supporters become correspondingly greater and more shameless until he ends up by sacrificing the last shred of leadership and turning into a 'politician; in other words, the kind of man whose only real conviction is lack of conviction, combined with offensive impertinence and an art of lying, often developed to the point of complete shamelessness.

If to the misfortune of decent people such a character gets into a parliament, we may as well realize at once that the essence of his politics will from now on consist in nothing but an heroic struggle for the permanent possession of his feeding-bottle for himself and his family. The more his wife and children depend on it, the more tenaciously he will fight for his mandate. This alone will make every other man with political instincts his personal enemy; in every new movement he will scent the possible beginning of his end, and in every man of any greatness the danger which menaces him through that man."

This is the interview that made me think of Hitler's assessment of the typical politician.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

What a Fucking Nightmare!

THIS is what I have been writing and ranting about FOR YEARS!

The People We Are Becoming

Ordering Pizza

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"The following media includes potentially sensitive content."


"The following media includes potentially sensitive content."

No Bagels

The Globally Immunocompromised Mind

Lockdown protests break out in Europe

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Globally Immunocompromised Mind

In these dark days, as the West spirals into despotism, I have one consolation - comic relief in the form of Joe Biden, a guy who doesn't even know he's alive.

I'm really looking forward to the show, especially the presidential debates. Aren't you?

But even my more pleasant thoughts are infected with worry these days. The curve for the spread of GOVINC-19 has been creeping along on an upward trend for a very long time now.

Since Trump beat Hillary, fair and square in 2016, the spread of communist idea pathogens has gone parabolic. The public no longer has any immunities. Attempts to provide intellectual antibodies are being attacked everywhere. The global mind has become immunocompromised.

It's no wonder we are experiencing an unprecedented clampdown on all basic liberties in response to the latest flu-like virus. Not only has there been almost zero pushback, but the compliant masses have embraced their incarceration. The governor of New York has a stunning 77% approval rating despite having pushed COVID-19 into the state's nursing homes, killing thousands. They have applauded it. And woe to anyone to dares question it.

I doubt they would have gotten away with turning society into an open prison back in '57 - '58 when the Asian Flu killed about 1.1 million people, or in '68 - '70 when the Hong Kong Flu killed another million. Woodstock would have been canceled.

But by 2020 the population had been psychologically stripped of any prior cultural and political resistance to collectivist tyranny by half a century of intensive communistic brainwashing on every thought-shaping front.

When you drill down to the roots of commie collectivist ideology what you find is a burning hatred of mankind which also explains why leftists are so opposed to people telling jokes and having fun.

As part and parcel of preventing people from having fun, what if the commie left manages to cancel the presidential debates like they are canceling dissent everywhere else?

This is why I don't have Corona-Phobia.

US Crowds Defy Lockdowns

Stay Home and Go Outside.

The Not So Novel Coronavirus

Saturday, May 23, 2020

May 22, 2020 Review

Censorship Update. May 23, 2020

Another comment was censored by the Liberal Party's propaganda platform. From their page about retail surcharges to recover damages caused by GOVINC-19 lockdowns.

Stay Home and Go Outside

A friend wrote to me this morning saying,

"Check out Doug Ford's Mussolini style rant about more testing. "We need to test all taxi drivers, Uber, transit, random...on and on. He sounds like a psychopath. Wouldn't surprise me if they hire by-law testers that will have the authority to stick a squab up your nose or your arse."


I replied,

They already set the stage for all of this as far back as when they mandated seat-belts and motorcycle helmets. It was a violation of basic human rights back then, which is why people like me opposed it, but the counter-argument as was perfectly stated, re seat-belts by then Ontario Attorney General, Roy McMurtry I believe went,

"In a free society, rights imply responsibilities."

The "right" in that case was free medical care. The "responsibility" was in submission to government edicts aimed at keeping medicare costs down.

THAT WAS ALWAYS THE MAIN REASON I WAS AGAINST SOCIALIZED MEDICINE from the start. I recognized the principle that was being established and that you could not have your cake and eat it too. You can't have socialism AND freedom. It's one or the other.

Ironically, it was the generation of Canadians who supposedly fought for FREEDOM in two world wars who then came home and voted themselves into slavery, in exchange for "safety" and other free stuff.

I used to joke that, if ever they adopted government-funded dental care, mandatory tooth brushing would follow, along with roadside checkpoints where cops with tongue depressors would order us to "say ah!"

And here we are. Almost.


Something I wrote way back around the time Ontario's NDP government-mandated bicycle helmets,

Intrusive Freedom

Republished on this site:

Intrusive Freedom

My reply to a tweet defending the insufferable air-head, Catherine McKenna's touchy-feely video of her swimming exercises.

Orange County Dr. Jeff Barke Breaks His Silence on COVID 19

Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....