Sunday, May 3, 2020

Keep the schools open. Keep the businesses open. Isolate the immune-compromised.

Keep the schools open. Keep the businesses open. And isolate the immune-compromised.

That is all we had to do.

It's basically the flu.

Okay. If this were something like the Bubonic plague or that movie with Matt Damon, with people foaming at the mouth and breaking out with swollen and painful lymph nodes, yeah, I would really buy into the idea of wearing masks and hiding under my kitchen table. I would even consider painting a white "X" on my front door to keep the postman away.

But this whole scene is a complete joke.

"The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots." -- H. L. Mencken

But Justin is not a demagogue. At best he is a draftee. At worst he is a megalomaniac. A true bubble-boy who has lived a life completely separate from the lives of those he, preposterously, assumes he has the wisdom to manage.

That he can be trotted out by Canada's Liberal-subsidized media as someone who has something important or relevant to say, ought to be dispositive in answering the question about whether the popular vote (median IQ - 100) can be relied upon to pick a competent leader - especially at a time when there is a national crisis, or even worse! When there is a non-crisis, like COVID-19.

Jesus Fucking Christ! Sorry to all you Christians out there. I would say the same thing about Mohammed if it didn't mean I were risking the wrath of pc hell raining down on my head and a registered letter from one of the Canadian "Human Rights" commissions.

It sickens me to have to witness all of the vile and cowardly attacks against Donald Trump when, flawed as he is, he is head and shoulders above Canada's sickest and possibly the most destructive accident in Canada's electoral history.

If Canadians have not figured out by now, what a complete IDIOT they have elected to be their Prime Minister, they never will.

The other day, a rather non-engaged acquaintance of mine surprised me. A light bulb went off in their head. They suddenly asked me, "Where is Trudeau getting all of this money from?" Now, I am not that sophisticated when it comes down to the subject of monetary economics, but I do know one thing for sure... it sure ain't coming out of his pocket. So far, other than the April 1st carbon rip-off, he's not getting it from taxes. He could be borrowing the money but then, who is lending it to him? I wouldn't trust the bastard with $5. Or the bank of Canada could be backing up his courageous actions by creating all of that money out of thin air.

In other words, all of those cheques he's writing are being fraudulently withdrawn from the real value of everyone else's bank accounts.

What a savior. He walks on water! Not.

But none of that matters to him so long as enough people are fooled.

But I repeat myself for the one-thousandth time. I've been calling out the Canadian voter for my whole life. Half of the voters have an IQ less than 100, and a significant number of voters are on the government payroll, one way or another.

Liberals are good at math when it benefits them. They know how to win elections. Sub-100 IQ voters plus those on the government payroll = electoral victory. It's as simple as that. ("This ship will sink. It's a mathematical certainty.")

And I don't totally blame the Canadian voter for their aversion to thinking. I was on a perfect trajectory to become a perfect Canadian when I was in High School. I've been there and done that.

Then I was struck by a weird combination of experiences that led to a 90-degree pivot in my mind.

One of them was Ayn Rand. The other was LSD. (Which, I am most sincerely NOT recommending.)

Not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

What the Heck is Going On in Sweden?

One interesting thing about the numbers out of Sweden that I noticed, is that out of of the top twenty-five countries in terms of mortality rates, Sweden is the only country that reports fewer recoveries (1005) than deaths (2653.)

Some quick and dirty spreadsheet work:

★United States 65753 161563 2.5
★Italy 28236 78249 2.8
★United Kingdom 27510 Unknown unknown
★Spain 24824 142450 5.7
★France 24594 50212 2.0
★Belgium 7703 11892 1.5
★Germany 6736 126900 18.8
★Brazil 6410 38039 5.9
★Iran 6091 76318 12.5
★Netherlands 4893 Unknown unknown
★China 4633 77685 16.8
★Canada 3391 22751 6.7
★Turkey 3258 53808 16.5
★Sweden 2653 1005 0.4
★Mexico 1972 12377 6.3
★Switzerland 1754 23900 13.6
★Ireland 1265 13386 10.6
★India 1223 10007 8.2
★Russia 1169 13220 11.3
★Peru 1124 11129 9.9
★Ecuador 1063 1913 1.8
★Portugal 1007 1647 1.6
★Indonesia 800 1591 2.0
★Romania 744 4328 5.8
★Poland 651 3491 5.4

source: ncov2019 dot live (May, 1, ~10:30 P.M.)

This apparent anomaly adds credence to the Angry Foreigner's claim that in socialist Sweden, many of the sick are just being left to die, as was the practice in some primitive hunter-gatherer societies where capitalist greed was allegedly unknown.

Also, Sweden is taking a lot of heat for its refusal to destroy its economy over COVID-19. Sweden has recorded a proportionately higher number of deaths, 2,653, than its Scandinavian neighbors. 2,653 out of about 10 million people represents .027% of its entire population so far.

To the extent that this information is reliable, the death count is ball-parking at a much lower sum than the numbers of deaths originally predicted - 2.2 million dead people in the United States (0.65%) and 500,000 in the U.K. (0.79%) from COVID-19 if no action were taken to slow the virus and flatten the economy. In other words, assuming a similar mortality rate for Sweden of 0.65%, we should have expected about 65,000 deaths in Sweden.

Using the Swedish data to date, of a 0.027% mortality rate without flattening the economy, the corresponding death count for the U.S. could be expected to have been in the neighborhood of 91,000 instead of 2.2 million. This puts the U.S. fatality rate in the same ballpark as the 2017/2018 flu season in the U.S. which had a reported 80,000 deaths.

If the numerous claims about the falsification of death certificates in the U.S. turn out to have any merit, the COVID-19 mortality rate could indeed put it in the ballpark of a severe seasonal flu, or even lower.

If an accounting of the number of deaths caused by the media-driven panic, the closure of businesses, and the failure of people to get timely help for other serious medical conditions is ever to be made, well who knows? The cure might indeed turn out to have been worse than the disease.


More CBC dishonesty.

These CBC reporters are either totally dishonest or completely clueless.

(May 2, 3:00 p.m.)

  • Total "confirmed" cases in South America - 189,958
  • Total "confirmed cases in Brazil - 92,109
  • Brazil's share of "confirmed" COVID-19 cases - 48.5%

  • Population of Brazil - 212,000,000
  • Population of South America - 430,121,065

Brazil's share of population of South America 212,000,000 / 430,121,065 X 100 = 49.3 %.

Brazil has a share of "confirmed" cases proportionate to its share of the population of the continent.

So what?

Notice there are no comments allowed below the CBC "report."


Brazil reports 6,750 deaths, so far, attributed to COVID-19. If Canada currently had the same proportional death rate, it would equal 37/212 X 6,750 = ‭1,178 deaths. The current death rate in Canada is 3,564 with measures in place to flatten the economy. That is more than TRIPLE Brazil's death rate.

The Focus on COVID-19 Is Hurting Other Patients: Dr. Jeffrey A. Singer

And this just in:

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How spoiled we have all become.

As I read this I thought about the Irish potato famine.

Ironic, isn't it?

At one time, a good crisis was simple. No potatoes and a million Irish people starved to death. Now the problem is far more complicated. There are too many potatoes. And because the government has declared that certain businesses are essential, but millions of people's jobs aren't, and, in response, our courageous leaders are willing to put themselves out so far as to conjure up billions of dollars out of thin air to "protect" everyone from disaster, we end up with the problem of TOO MUCH food. In some places. (Of course, the liberal scolds come out of the woodwork and remind everyone that eating French Fries is bad for you, anyway. And the Gretas are out there telling us that people can even drink out of the Ganga river because a few weeks of low carbon economics have resulted in environmental miracles.)

I won't say I would never have believed it. I do believe it. This is how governments work. They pretend to be capable of solving problems, but in the end, they always make things much worse. I am an aficionado of Twentieth Century historical documentaries. I have seen this all before.

The cure IS worse than the disease.

There is something very Soviet Union about this picture. There was food, but the supply chain had been totally politicized. So people starved.

But then, too much food today might be not enough food tomorrow, especially if "millions of pounds of potatoes are at risk of being thrown away."

But it can't happen here, right? (he says, winking. We're too advanced to allow something like that to happen. After all, we live in a democracy, he says while wearing his mask in the grocery store line. "The people are the government.")

My parents grew up during the Great Depression and World War II. I've never been hungry in my whole life if you don't count the three days I was stuck hitch-hiking outside of Kamloops back in '76. And even then I had a package of Rye-Vita to get by on. Thankfully, a retired couple with a trailer picked us up and drove us as far as Banff. The guy kept on stopping along the way and buying six-packs of beer, which he shared with us. Who needed food?

But my parents would freak out if food was wasted. It just wasn't done.

My old man had a very weird souvenir.

It was a peanut butter jar (I think the brand was "Dare.") with a potato, a piece of bread, and some salt in it. The potato had been totally desiccated. It was the size of a small walnut and it looked like one. The bread was as hard as a rock. You could have smashed a window with it. When I was knee-high to a grasshopper I pondered that weird possession of my dad's.

The potato had been totally desiccated. It was the size of a small walnut and it looked like one. The bread was as hard as a rock. You could have smashed a window with it.

I asked him once, why he kept this odd souvenir. He told me he kept it to remind himself that he would never forget what it was like to be hungry. I never even remotely understood that. I had no "lived experience."

The first time I saw it, the stuff seemed semi-edible. But he kept it for a long time, and if I had been thinking straight, I would have kept it too. To remind me that hunger is very real to some people. It's something they never forget. It's something I don't ever want to really understand.

Now we find ourselves in a situation where the government is so deeply entwined in the allocation and distribution of goods and services, and social behaviour, (defacto communism) that those tons of food are at risk of being wasted or destroyed. Cattle will be cremated and burned. Milk is being dumped. Produce is being buried. And they are running out of spaces to store our fuel.

But "essential" businesses, like beer and liquor stores, are allowed to remain open.

It bothers me.

But hey, if it "saves lives," who would complain?

Who would even question such a strategy?

What sparked this rant?


Canadians urged to eat more fries as 200 million pounds of potatoes become latest food victim of COVID-19

Do you see how dishonest the title is?

The virus didn't cause this. The government did.

COVID-1984: Can You Find this Video?

"Anything that would go against World Health Organisation recommendations would be a violation of our policy." -- Susan Wojcicki, CEO of Google subsidiary YouTube.

I use a program called "ClipGrab" to download videos from YouTube and other places. I avoid installing software on my computer these days because so much of it comes bundled with malware that the risks aren't worth it, but because I also like to produce my own videos from time to time I absolutely need a tool for downloading. So far I have not had any problems with ClipGrab.

As a last resort, I will use a paid program I have, called "Debut," from NCH. I don't like the company because it uses misleading ads and "update" prompts to try to get you to spend more $$$, but the version I have does what it's supposed to do and I have learned to NEVER click on the "update available" link when I load it. I think it cost me about $15 or $20.

Corbett calls it COVID-1984. I am going to start using that term.

The videos are available on BitChute. There is lots of debate about whether these doctors know what they are talking about and one could spend hours trying to sift through all the claims and accusations, but for me that is not the point. The point is that YouTube is censoring every version of this news briefing they can find and I seriously do not like the idea that access to information and opinion ought to be controlled by corporate and government gatekeepers.


Part 2

Epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski & Dr. Dan Erickson

And on we go with this game of Whack-A-Mole. As soon as I noticed the above video had been censored by YouTube I did a search and another one popped up. Let's see how long this one lasts.

Epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski & Dr. Dan Erickson

Reopen U.S.A.


By the way, it was because of Styxhexenhammer666's early coverage of COVID-1984 that I decided to hedge my bets weeks before the toilet paper panic by stocking up on nonperishable foods and water just in case this virus was either another version of Bubonic plague, or that it would spark exactly the kind of panic that we have seen unfold.

I continue to stock up on nonperishables in the event that the economic damage wrought by the government's sledgehammer approach to "keeping people safe," and to persist with harmful economic policies, even if the whole fiasco turns out to be a massive over-reaction, just to cover their asses, actually ends up vindicating those who are currently being maligned, and ridiculed for saying THE CURE IS DEADLIER THAN THE DISEASE.

The alternative would be for the politicians and their media enablers to come out and say, "Opps! We did a boo-boo. Sorry." As if THAT would ever happen.

From my "Never Let a Good Virus go to Waste" file:

Repeat after me,

The virus didn't cause this. The government did.

If that doesn't work, start writing out lines.

Hillary Clinton Says Coronavirus ‘Would Be A Terrible Crisis To Waste’

Ventilators seldom saved lives

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

ChiComms Censor Dissenting Doctors

Wait a minute, the ChiComms didn't censor it. YouTube did!

Other experts disagree with these two doctors, saying their calculations and methodology was all wrong.

Still. Why the censorship?

Why no debate?

Is it because these doctors have harmful opinions?

Harmful to whom?

Is it because only one side can be right these days?

I first published this news conference on my Global Quarantine Report on April 24, 2020.

Another copy has been upload to YouTube. Watch it now before it, too, is removed.

Part 2

My rebuttal to Sue Dewer's unfunny cartoon.

  • Herd Immunity - Good
  • Herd Mentality - Deadly

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Cabin Fever Check-valve

This past week I have been noticing that the lineups have been getting worse. Intolerably worse.

I've always HATED communism, so standing in mindless, government-created queues actually nauseates me. It's not creeping anymore, it's here.

It's getting so bad, that I am tempted to break into my hoard of canned foods before the real crisis hits.

I have a theory.

While it could just be an anomaly, this is what I think is going on.

More people are waking up to the scam, and yes, it is a scam. The virus is real, but anyone who has been seriously paying attention should know by now that COVID-19 is more like the seasonal flu than Bubonic plague.

Shortly after the toilet paper craze, people hunkered down in their basements, under their kitchen tables, or in their closets. They would timidly venture out, maybe, once a week to buy groceries.

It doesn't take long before that routine gets real old. So in spite of what their Television news repeaters and terrified politicians tell them, they begin to feel the need to get out of the house, and they will use just about any excuse they can think of to do so.

Unfortunately, the knee-jerk political response has left many with the fear that, no matter what they do outside of the house, they run the risk of getting fined or arrested.

But there is one freedom their parents, I mean their rulers, still grants them.

The right to go shopping.


Good morning, fellow mushrooms.

Don't try to walk up those walls. You will only fall down.

You've been naughty. You still haven't learned, despite a mountain of evidence, that politicians are pathological liars, and the mainstream media enable and cover for them.

So this is what I want you to do this morning:

I want you to get a piece of lined paper and start writing out lines. (Lines! Get it?)

This is what I want you to write:

"The virus didn't do this, the government did."

Write this down 100 times.

Do this as soon as possible before you dream up another excuse to evade confinement for "essential" travel.

If you were born after 1990 click on the windows icon on your computer and select or type "notepad."

Notepad is the text editor that comes bundled with Windows.

Start typing, "The virus didn't do this, the government did." (carriage return)

Repeat it 100 times.

NO CHEATING! Use of ctrl-C and ctrl-V are not allowed.

At 6 p.m. or whenever your local news program comes on the air be sure to watch it.

Count the number of times the news repeater blames the economic catastrophe that is unfolding around us on COVID-19.

Then ask yourself if you still believe what the politicians and the media are telling you.

If you still do, then this is what I want you to do as soon as you wake up tomorrow:

Get a piece of lined paper and start writing out lines.

Three Words Politicians Never Say.

"I was wrong."

What's next?

Friday, April 24, 2020

COVID-19: Global Quarantine Report

Facts, not Theory

As Karl Denninger said on March 25, 2020, "the data doesn't fit the model."

Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing

Part 2

Global Quarantine Report

Sweden - not crazy.

Russia - a model for Trudeau.

Germany - good old-fashioned German common sense.

Spain - communism. What would you expect?

Miami and Denmark - socialism is wonderful, at least until you run out of other people' money, or it becomes worth less than toilet paper.

Thailand - make sure you have some savings.

Slovenia - just like Canada.

Australia - "COVID-19 FLU ASSESSMENT CLINIC." Flu??? - so far, very quiet.

The lines are at the grocery stores, not the clinics.

Scotland - If you've ever watched the television series, "Foyle's War," you might have found yourself wondering why the people were so afraid of the Nazis, considering the degree of social control that was ubiquitous in Britain at the time. Snitch lines. A population of barely sentient automatons. A lot like Canada. in 2020.

Japan - population 127 million (2018)
- confirmed cases of COVID-19 - 12,368
- deaths - 328 (!)

"Japan is currently the world's oldest country.
The number of elderly people aged 65 or older accounts for 26.7 percent of the 127.11 million total population." -- source

Japan looks like a country where the people are free and the government is restricted. Government of the people, by the people, and all that old-fashioned, outdated Americana, seems to prevail.

Panama - possibly worse than Canada. The kind of country Justin would admire.

Romania - very low carbon footprint. How dare they not?

Netherlands - great environment.

LA - people are waking up.

"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...