Monday, June 10, 2019

Dodgeball is a tool of ‘capitalist oppression’ used to ‘dehumanize’ others

A team of communist "professors" from government subsidized Canadian universities argued that dodgeball teaches students to dehumanize and harm their peers at a recent (no doubt government subsidized) bullshit-fest in Vancouver.

One of the "researchers," was quoted as saying “[Physical education class] should be an arena where teachers are helping [students] control their aggression and move on instead of expressing themselves through anger.” But is dodgeball really an expression of anger? Or is it just good old-fashioned fun? Maybe I am just a white-supremacist or something because I just can't remember ever feeling anger when I played dodgeball in public school. I do remember it being a whole lot of fun though. The next question, obviously, is what are these professors really targeting? Anger and aggression? Or fun? The answer should be a no-brainer.

"Researchers set out to interview middle-school-age students about broader questions in physical education courses, but kept hearing the same thing from certain students: They hated dodgeball."

"Kept hearing."

The problem with people whose minds have been caught in the steel trap of Cultural Marxism is that, in the end, they only "keep hearing" what they want to hear.

I can't help wondering what the percentage of dodgeball players who hate the game vs. those who love it is. Did these tax-subsidized "researchers" conduct a scientific survey in pursuit of this earth-shaking knowledge? Or did they merely focus their study on the .04% or whatever of students who hate the game?

The "researchers" then "dug deeper" with their negative respondents to plot their answers against the (almost certainly Marxist) Iris Marion Young’s “Five Faces of Oppression,” which are:

  • Exploitation: Using other people’s labors to benefit for oneself.
  • Marginalization: Relegating a group of lower standing to the edge of society.
  • Powerlessness: Those relegated have a lack autonomy.
  • Cultural imperialism: Establishing the rules and customs of the ruling class as the norm.
  • Violence: Members of a group of lower standing know they may be subject to random, unprovoked attacks.

What ought to strike the objective observer is the staggering kack of self examination and moral hypocricy involved when taxpayer funded Cultural Marxist "professors" invoke these Five Faces of Oppression without even pausing for one millisecond to measure themselves against it.

Therefore, I will do it for them:

Exploitation: Using other people’s labors to benefit for oneself.
Think of the number of private sector workers who via taxation are forced to have their labors benefit these Cultural Marxist researchers.

Marginalization: Relegating a group of lower standing to the edge of society.
To taxpayers, "We are the experts. Pay up and shut up."

Powerlessness: Those relegated have a lack autonomy.
An apt description of the millions of taxpayers having their income extorted from them and going into the pockets of these social parasites for the manufacture of utterly worthless and downright offensive "research."

Cultural imperialism: Establishing the rules and customs of the ruling class as the norm.
Of course, one of the study authors, ruling class member Joy Butler, fails to see the irony here. This means banning dodgeball.

Violence: Members of a group of lower standing know they may be subject to random, unprovoked attacks.
Taxpayers well understand that if they do not submit to the financial oppression these Cultural Marxists depend upon for their very existence, the state will not flinch in resorting to violence to get their hands on the cash. And, more than ever before, anyone who dares question the dominant Cultural Marxist narratives are finding themselves de-platformed on social media and subject to numerous random attacks from their militant wing activists with bike locks, pepper spray, roundhouse kicks, bats, bricks, and even milkshakes.

And This is Rich

"When Butler in a focus group asked a class to create a brand new game — the only requirements were that it involved a ball and two goals and that the entire class had to form a consensus about the rules — the same group of students split off to develop a game without consulting peers. She said that showed the culture established by dodgeball spills into other activities in physical education."

"Kept hearing."

"kept hearing the same thing from certain students."

What about their peers?

As if Butler and her little group of crypto-commie "researchers" don't use the exact same tactics, which end up spilling into every other nook and cranny of education.


There is nothing more "dehumanizing" than being a typical taxpayer in a typical welfare state and being oppressed by the tax collector only to have your money used to provide sustenance to these fraudulent intellectuals along with the funding for the never-ending stream of excrement they produce.

Final Note

A sensible and humane approach to eliminating the "oppression" of students who hate dodgeball would be to simply allow them to opt out of playing the game. But that solution is just too easy. Even a simple cab driver could figure it out. Who needs a bunch of pompous left-wing, tax-sucking "professors" and their featherbedding Rube Goldberg "solutions?"

Saturday, June 8, 2019

A short lesson in the meaning of Liberaleze.

Definition: Liberaleze


1 - the standard language of all leftists, based on the speech of Communism

2 - a group of languages of the Communist family, including standard Liberaleze and most of the other languages of Crypto-communists. Abbreviation: Pinko

3 - any of the leftist languages, which vary among themselves to the point of mutual unintelligibility.


1 - of or relating to crypto-communism, its adherents, fellow travelers, "Social Justice Warriors," street bums, mooches, thieves, pickpockets, and other criminals, or one of their languages.

2 - noting or pertaining to the ideology that an individual's earnings and achievements do not belong to them, that instead, they belong to those who did not earn them, and consisting of policies like income taxes, expropriation, affirmative action, free stuff including abortions, and other left-wing demands.


Democrat, New Democrat, Progressive, Communist, Socialist, Nazi


1 - "Last week, Gould unveiled what the government is calling a Declaration of Electoral Integrity, which will see Ottawa work with online platforms to address online attempts to disrupt the upcoming federal election."

Translation: The Liberals want to rig the election in their favor by impairing the ability of individuals and parties with opposing views to communicate via social media.

2 - "Gould's announcement of the Declaration of Electoral Integrity last week came just before an international coalition of MPs dedicated to fighting the spread of disinformation and hate speech online met in Ottawa to grill officials from various tech companies, including Facebook, Twitter and Google."

Translation: Gould's announcement of the Declaration of Electoral Integrity last week came just before an international coalition of MPs dedicated to enabling the spread of disinformation and anti-white, anti-Western, anti-male, anti-capitalism hate speech online met in Ottawa to grill officials from various tech companies, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

Important words to know when traveling to Liberalandia:

Justice - Justice for some, not justice, injustice - depends on context, something somebody else always has to pay for

Hyphenated Justice - same as above

Human Rights - special privileges for some, denial of rights to others

Truth - anything Liberals say, especially when they say it loud and often (eg. CO2 is a "pollutant")

Freedom and consent: the right to be left alone if you meekly comply with Liberal edicts

The right to own property: a form of theft

Government handouts: the right to own property that belongs to someone else


A Living Example

Another example

The actual video that was banned by YouTube.

So, what else is there to talk about?

Friday, June 7, 2019

Mayor Eisenberger Steps in Dog Poo, Again

I have never agreed with "human rights" laws mandating that cab drivers accept passengers with service animals. The last thing you want is a cab driver who is driven to panic and distraction for reasons similar to those cited by Susan Creer.

It's unsafe.

When I once voiced my opinion on a cab driver forum I was solidly denounced with some people declaring that people who are afraid of dogs should not be driving cabs in the first place. I wonder if the same logic will be applied to Susan Creer's complaint?

Over a forty-plus year span of experience in the cab business, I can say with confidence that there are always plenty of drivers willing to take animals. I never had a problem with it. I love dogs. I often used to joke with the dispatchers that I would rather take dogs than many of our human passengers.

The problem with so many SJW-based "human rights" these days is that they inevitably come into conflict with each other.

The Mayor defends his behavior by stating that he likes his dog. I like my smokes. I wish I could have used the same excuse when I got fined for smoking in my cab.

It will be interesting to see where this case goes. Maybe cab drivers will finally have their rights respected too.


cynophobia/ (ˌsaɪnəˈfəʊbɪə) /

1 - an irrational fear of dogs [source]


"Any alleged “right” of one man, which necessitates the violation of the rights of another, is not and cannot be a right." -- Ayn Rand [source]


Mayor Fred Eisenberger Flings the Poo in Comedic fashion.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pride season is back, and it’s time to make your demands heard. Oh, really?

As government metastasizes, parasites scurry out of the cracks and crevices with increasing demands upon the pocketbooks of hapless taxpayers.

Case in point: radical left-wing LGBTQ^n rent-seekers.

"We need more flag-raisings and rainbow crosswalks providing the backdrop to our demands."

At whose expense? (Brazen pinko leftists - always with their hands in other people's pockets.)

"Yes, there should be more intention to hire and appoint people from minority or vulnerable communities."

How did we arrive at the point in our history where equal rights are no longer considered a cornerstone of our society?

How did we arrive at the point in our history where blatant power-seeking megalomaniacs have the audacity to demand privileged access to taxpayer-funded jobs and appointments on the basis of their abnormal sexual orientations?

I say, "equal rights for all," regardless of race, religion, political and sexual orientation, or mental health. Equal rights and demands for "inclusion" are mutually exclusive. There is no such thing as a "right" to barge into other people's faces and demand that they express fake servility to your particular departures from behavioral norms. The "demand" that normal community members be forced to do so, and to pay for it is pure narcissism. I am offended!

You want rainbow flags? Go ahead and install them on your own front lawns, or paint rainbows on your driveways, AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE. In a free society where everyone has equal rights, no one can stop you.

LGBTQ^n activists need to learn a thing or two about boundaries. And some basic manners.

Deirdre Pike: Pride season is back, and it’s time to make your demands heard

More on LGBTQ Narcissism.

And from Calgary, just a few examples of the "jobs" and salaries these newly minted aristocrats have been encouraged to believe they have a right to "demand."

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Mississauga woman alleges she was blocked from buying a Fergus home because she is Black

Whether the complaint is true or not, given the deluge of anti-white hatred spewed by subsidized Canadian media, subsidized academia and their ilk, the desire of far-thinking white people to seek refuge from their increasing marginalization ought to surprise no one.


In a just and free society, obviously, the right of people to exercise in-group preference by building and living in their own segregated communities would not be questioned. On the other hand, in a society dominated by leftist thinking, which any objective observer will note is saturated with moral hypocrisy, only members of certain "protected" groups or POS (People of Status) are allowed to exercise these rights.

The first item on the agenda for anyone who truly believes in human rights, therefore, is to abolish all communist inspired "Human Rights Commissions" in Canada.

"Any alleged “right” of one man, which necessitates the violation of the rights of another, is not and cannot be a right." -- Ayn Rand

Mississauga woman alleges she was blocked from buying a Fergus home because she is Black

White Peoples and Their Achievements Are Headed for the Trash Bin of History

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Global Warming Religion Scam

When this global warming scam first started to get publicity, about thirty or so years ago now, I can still remember my exact thoughts, "Well, if this is true, it will be the end of the debate about communism vs. freedom."

I don't think it's a coincidence that it all started at around the time the Soviet Union cracked up. That represented a kind of turning point.

Prior to the Soviet crack-up, the debate was that communism was incapable of delivering the high standards of living "the masses" in capitalist countries had come to take for granted. After the crack-up, that debate seemed to have been finally settled for most people. But the die-hard communists, not willing to let go of their sick ideology, "recycled" themselves into global warming alarmists. The whole premise of the debate was switched into - not that capitalism delivered a high standard of living - but that a high standard of living would destroy the planet - so we couldn't have it anyway. And since we couldn't have a high standard of living, we would have to settle for communism. It was really quite a brilliant bait and switch.

Even though the Soviet Union had collapsed, the communist ideology had already totally infiltrated most of the educational institutions in the West. The use of propaganda and public school brainwashing techniques thus took on the aura of a new religion due to religion's brilliant track record of trapping human minds into believing the babbling fools of the Marxist priesthood.

As Ayn Rand famously stated, more or less, "Faith - that alleged shortcut to knowledge - is nothing more than a short-circuit destroying the mind."

The rest is history.

Greenpeace Founder: Global Warming Hoax Pushed by Corrupt Scientists ‘Hooked on Government Grants’

Monday, May 20, 2019

More Uber BS

Again with the mega BULLSHIT in reporting on the crisis in the taxi industry. Consider this disgusting paragraph from the NYT report:

"The medallion bubble burst in late 2014. Uber and Lyft may have hastened the crisis, but virtually all of the hundreds of industry veterans interviewed for this article, including many lenders, said inflated prices and risky lending practices would have caused a collapse even if ride-hailing had never been invented."

If the article were truthful, it would have instead said,

"The medallion bubble burst in late 2014. Uber and Lyft CAUSED the crisis, but virtually all of the hundreds of industry veterans interviewed for this article, including many lenders, said inflated prices and risky lending practices MAY HAVE caused a collapse even if ride-hailing had never been invented."

Why do they publish such misleading BS? Are the writers ignorant? Or are they dishonest?

For those who still don't understand, here is the skinny. The crisis was precipitated when governments allowed corporate power to buy and muscle their way around existing taxi regulations.

It's that simple.

NYC Taxis Medallions and Suicides

"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...