Saturday, June 8, 2019

A short lesson in the meaning of Liberaleze.

Definition: Liberaleze


1 - the standard language of all leftists, based on the speech of Communism

2 - a group of languages of the Communist family, including standard Liberaleze and most of the other languages of Crypto-communists. Abbreviation: Pinko

3 - any of the leftist languages, which vary among themselves to the point of mutual unintelligibility.


1 - of or relating to crypto-communism, its adherents, fellow travelers, "Social Justice Warriors," street bums, mooches, thieves, pickpockets, and other criminals, or one of their languages.

2 - noting or pertaining to the ideology that an individual's earnings and achievements do not belong to them, that instead, they belong to those who did not earn them, and consisting of policies like income taxes, expropriation, affirmative action, free stuff including abortions, and other left-wing demands.


Democrat, New Democrat, Progressive, Communist, Socialist, Nazi


1 - "Last week, Gould unveiled what the government is calling a Declaration of Electoral Integrity, which will see Ottawa work with online platforms to address online attempts to disrupt the upcoming federal election."

Translation: The Liberals want to rig the election in their favor by impairing the ability of individuals and parties with opposing views to communicate via social media.

2 - "Gould's announcement of the Declaration of Electoral Integrity last week came just before an international coalition of MPs dedicated to fighting the spread of disinformation and hate speech online met in Ottawa to grill officials from various tech companies, including Facebook, Twitter and Google."

Translation: Gould's announcement of the Declaration of Electoral Integrity last week came just before an international coalition of MPs dedicated to enabling the spread of disinformation and anti-white, anti-Western, anti-male, anti-capitalism hate speech online met in Ottawa to grill officials from various tech companies, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

Important words to know when traveling to Liberalandia:

Justice - Justice for some, not justice, injustice - depends on context, something somebody else always has to pay for

Hyphenated Justice - same as above

Human Rights - special privileges for some, denial of rights to others

Truth - anything Liberals say, especially when they say it loud and often (eg. CO2 is a "pollutant")

Freedom and consent: the right to be left alone if you meekly comply with Liberal edicts

The right to own property: a form of theft

Government handouts: the right to own property that belongs to someone else


A Living Example

Another example

The actual video that was banned by YouTube.

So, what else is there to talk about?

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