Monday, June 10, 2019

Dodgeball is a tool of ‘capitalist oppression’ used to ‘dehumanize’ others

A team of communist "professors" from government subsidized Canadian universities argued that dodgeball teaches students to dehumanize and harm their peers at a recent (no doubt government subsidized) bullshit-fest in Vancouver.

One of the "researchers," was quoted as saying “[Physical education class] should be an arena where teachers are helping [students] control their aggression and move on instead of expressing themselves through anger.” But is dodgeball really an expression of anger? Or is it just good old-fashioned fun? Maybe I am just a white-supremacist or something because I just can't remember ever feeling anger when I played dodgeball in public school. I do remember it being a whole lot of fun though. The next question, obviously, is what are these professors really targeting? Anger and aggression? Or fun? The answer should be a no-brainer.

"Researchers set out to interview middle-school-age students about broader questions in physical education courses, but kept hearing the same thing from certain students: They hated dodgeball."

"Kept hearing."

The problem with people whose minds have been caught in the steel trap of Cultural Marxism is that, in the end, they only "keep hearing" what they want to hear.

I can't help wondering what the percentage of dodgeball players who hate the game vs. those who love it is. Did these tax-subsidized "researchers" conduct a scientific survey in pursuit of this earth-shaking knowledge? Or did they merely focus their study on the .04% or whatever of students who hate the game?

The "researchers" then "dug deeper" with their negative respondents to plot their answers against the (almost certainly Marxist) Iris Marion Young’s “Five Faces of Oppression,” which are:

  • Exploitation: Using other people’s labors to benefit for oneself.
  • Marginalization: Relegating a group of lower standing to the edge of society.
  • Powerlessness: Those relegated have a lack autonomy.
  • Cultural imperialism: Establishing the rules and customs of the ruling class as the norm.
  • Violence: Members of a group of lower standing know they may be subject to random, unprovoked attacks.

What ought to strike the objective observer is the staggering kack of self examination and moral hypocricy involved when taxpayer funded Cultural Marxist "professors" invoke these Five Faces of Oppression without even pausing for one millisecond to measure themselves against it.

Therefore, I will do it for them:

Exploitation: Using other people’s labors to benefit for oneself.
Think of the number of private sector workers who via taxation are forced to have their labors benefit these Cultural Marxist researchers.

Marginalization: Relegating a group of lower standing to the edge of society.
To taxpayers, "We are the experts. Pay up and shut up."

Powerlessness: Those relegated have a lack autonomy.
An apt description of the millions of taxpayers having their income extorted from them and going into the pockets of these social parasites for the manufacture of utterly worthless and downright offensive "research."

Cultural imperialism: Establishing the rules and customs of the ruling class as the norm.
Of course, one of the study authors, ruling class member Joy Butler, fails to see the irony here. This means banning dodgeball.

Violence: Members of a group of lower standing know they may be subject to random, unprovoked attacks.
Taxpayers well understand that if they do not submit to the financial oppression these Cultural Marxists depend upon for their very existence, the state will not flinch in resorting to violence to get their hands on the cash. And, more than ever before, anyone who dares question the dominant Cultural Marxist narratives are finding themselves de-platformed on social media and subject to numerous random attacks from their militant wing activists with bike locks, pepper spray, roundhouse kicks, bats, bricks, and even milkshakes.

And This is Rich

"When Butler in a focus group asked a class to create a brand new game — the only requirements were that it involved a ball and two goals and that the entire class had to form a consensus about the rules — the same group of students split off to develop a game without consulting peers. She said that showed the culture established by dodgeball spills into other activities in physical education."

"Kept hearing."

"kept hearing the same thing from certain students."

What about their peers?

As if Butler and her little group of crypto-commie "researchers" don't use the exact same tactics, which end up spilling into every other nook and cranny of education.


There is nothing more "dehumanizing" than being a typical taxpayer in a typical welfare state and being oppressed by the tax collector only to have your money used to provide sustenance to these fraudulent intellectuals along with the funding for the never-ending stream of excrement they produce.

Final Note

A sensible and humane approach to eliminating the "oppression" of students who hate dodgeball would be to simply allow them to opt out of playing the game. But that solution is just too easy. Even a simple cab driver could figure it out. Who needs a bunch of pompous left-wing, tax-sucking "professors" and their featherbedding Rube Goldberg "solutions?"

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