Sunday, April 11, 2021

Dear Diary

I went to the anti-lockdown rally in Simcoe yesterday. Three was a pretty good crowd. 

I didn't see a single mask and everyone was practising "old style" social distancing instead of the now common anthrophobic distancing. 

On my way home I stopped by the res to buy some fishing tackle, and then the liquor store for some beer. What a let-down after the fresh air in Simcoe. BOTH of the fucking cashiers were hysterical anthrophobes with BOTH of them insisting I stand behind the fucking commie barrier. 

I am so sick of this BS. 

I might go to another protest next week in St. Kitts or Niagara. Being around sane people is the kind of shot in the arm that I am really into.

So About Herr Goebbels

Note the stat on weight gain... Millennials as a group fared the absolute worst, with 48 percent reporting unwanted weight gain, at an average of forty-one pounds!

A fat chance of dying with Covid

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