Saturday, May 19, 2018

I am probably going to vote Conservative on June 7th. (if I vote at all.)

It's not that I like the Conservatives. It's just that they give me the least taste of political sewage in my mouth.

For example, just look at Kathleen Wynne. Never have I witnessed such unabashed moral corruption. She is so consumed by her own hubris, that she truly believes she is capable of "building" Ontario, and giving out oodles of free stuff.

What kind of idiot actually believes that shit?

Well, apparently lots of idiots. Enough to make her a political force to be reckoned with.

I recommend everyone join Twitter and subscribe to Kathleen Wynne's Tweets. Here is Kathleen's smiling face as she "gives" free prescription drugs to a certain demographic group. There she is, smiling again, as she "gives" millions of dollars to some private company to "create jobs" and other such bullshit. Oh, and here she is pretending she gives a fuck about some minority group or religious sect.

When I read that puke in the Toronto Star (where else?) about Ontarians "not deserving" Kathleen Wynne, because she is such a genius when it comes to re-allocating other people's spending priorities, I asked myself, "Why do I dislike this woman so much? And what exactly do I know about her legislative and spending record, other than that she is hubristic enough to imagine she can also control the climate?"

It was then that I realized, I don't need to know any of that. All I need to do, to get a perfect understanding of her, is to read her Tweets. She sees herself, or portrays herself, as "The Great Giver." And knowing she has diddly-fucking-squat of her own resources to hand around.... she's not the one producing the prescription drugs, nor is she the one who will be babysitting the kids in daycare, etc. etc. .... she isn't the one paying for any of it ... I find her moral posturing obnoxious.

I can't remember the movie I watched which contained this line, "All politicians do, is make some people's lives more pleasant, by making other people's lives more miserable." And that is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

I couldn't vote for this woman even if I agreed with her.

And not that she is any worse than the rest of the politicians. Most of them are cut from the same cloth. They enter the profession in order to either get revenge, or counterfeit adulation (a statue or a sport venue named after them, etc.,) or to avoid legitimate employment. (The politicians call the shots, while the people do the hauling, planting, nailing, and healing.)

It's pretty hilarious when you think about it.


  1. Unfortunately she will have the vote of ALL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES which is a large number in this province. If you don't vote against her you might as well have voted for her.

    1. This proves that government workers, ,along with welfare recipients, convicts, and the mentally ill, should NOT have the right to vote.

    2. I agree whole heartily with you. I would take it one step further as well and say you must write and pass a logic written by mathematicians and not government employees.


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