Sunday, November 6, 2022

Canada: Human Rights Joke

This rant is from an email I sent on May 6, 2009. Was I over the target?

In Canada there is no right to own property. (You can own it in name, but the government tell's you how to use it. It seems to me there is not much point in being the "owner," if you can't decide how to make use of your property.)

The only people standing up for property rights in Canada these days are the socialists! That may seem ironic to some of you but it's so true. No one is more adamant about the right to property than the socialists... so long as it is property belonging to someone else.

In Canada there is no right to privacy. (If you don't believe me try telling the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency to mind their own business when they demand you reveal your income to them.)

There is no right to freedom of association in Canada. There are many laws now which force you to deal with other people even if you would rather not. And if you disobey any of these laws, you can get into a lot of trouble.

Freedom of speech is severely restricted in many ways. It is illegal to advertise certain legal products. Through the CCRT, Canadian radio and TV stations are required to air a lot of home grown crap regardless, even, of whether their Canadian audience wants it. Various, so called, "Human Rights Commissions," in Canada have launched serious attacks on free speech in recent years as Ezra Levant (see link) and Mark Steyn, among others, have painfully discovered.

I think it goes without saying that if you are not free to say what is on your mind then you are not really free to think.

Hmmm... but no matter how the minutiae of our lives become ever more a matter of government control we can always derive some comfort from knowing, "Die Gedanken sind frei."

Well, that's how it worked for millennia. I am not so sure even this last refuge will remain secure.

If I go into sci-fi mode I see this: there will come a day when we won't need keyboards, mice and screens etc. to connect with the world wide web. Our minds will be directly connected somehow... maybe with some micro chip. (I think something like this is already happening.)

It will be great! We will be able to have instant, real-time chats with the billions of other web users. We will be able to check the spekking of words, (sic - he he, I meant spellig.) not that there will be any need to spell. If we want to know if there was a lot more asteroid activity before life appeared on earth, all we will have to do is wonder... and the best answers available will be right there in our mind, courtesy of The cyber-sex will be awesome!

Forget about sticking those earbuds in.... just close your eyes and listen to The Doors man! (or mon, depending on your era... maybe also "dudes," or "buddy," or "bro.") Wanna watch a movie? No problem. Just make sure you are not driving a car. (car?) Certainly, if the technology advances this far... the communication highway will be a two-way street. At first it will be voluntary... like the first ISP you signed up with. Then it will become a Human Right.

"today, there is a big push by the United Nations to make internet access a human right." -- source.

Oh no, not another human right! "Right's imply responsibilities," say the statists.

The connection between socialized medicine and the loss of personal liberty ought to be well understood by now. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Increasing political involvement in the provision of health care has gone hand-in-glove with increasing control of personal behaviour, from the wearing of seatbelts and helmets to the enjoyment of tobacco and the pleasure of pizza and burgers.

The same thing will certainly apply once the government starts pretending that it is supplying people with cerebral content via the internet.

And again, being a two way street, those in authority will come up with a million very persuasive reasons as to why they should have access to the content of your mind, just as they now have access to the content of your bank account.

Internet connection will become mandatory ... just like government funded education.

Most people won't have a problem with this. Why should we expect them to? They already bend over, without question, at the demands of the income tax man. (Who would build the roads and "educate," our children?)

And most of them won't have to worry because, the government just won't have enough resources to monitor every thought of every single human being, just as today they don't monitor every single bank account... unless the transaction involves more than $10,000 or whatever it is right now.

No, the thought monitoring will concentrate more on keywords.

We already have a pretty good indication as to what some of these keywords might be, courtesy of our Canadian Human Rights commissions and the DHS. They would be words like,

- Ron Paul

- libertarian

- Islam

- Constitution

- global warming is a scam

- mmmmm Marlboro!

Keywords like, "He shoots, he scores!" will be ignored. Or "nice boobs," wait... no that one might offend feminists.

How about, "I could go for a nice juicy steak right now." Well, this one would depend, not so much as whether the Greens object to it, as to whether their agenda has been met and we are all living (dying) in caves, eating raw meat (uhm, I mean vegetables.... unless the new group PETV has also sprouted up.) No, if the Greens finally prevail we'll be back to communication through smoke signals (Ooops... fire... CO2) ... make that drum beats (so long as the skin is not made from an animal or a petro-chemical.)

Well, we can always eat bugs. Pesticide bans will ensure there will be lots of those around. Yum.

"None Are So Enslaved as Those Who Falsely Believe They Are Free."

Friday, October 28, 2022

What Makes the Muskrat Guard His Musk?

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

You would have to be someone like me to understand exactly how momentous this issue is. I have, in my small way, been solidly in the trenches in this inforwar ever since Donald Trump decided to run for president. I won't go into details here, as they have already been fully documented elsewhere in this blog, and on the free speech video channels I occupy, other than to present this screenshot:

My impression is that, since the vast majority of the population are not engaged in these issues, and especially not from my perspective, they don't even know this has been going on. They have absolutely no comprehension of how they are being manipulated.

And then they go out and vote. You know what that means, right?

Spectacular Opening Monologue by Tucker Carlson

I was never very enthusiastic about Elon Musk. I saw him as another crony capitalist making good on political economics rather than market economics. But if his purchase of Twitter really means a return to free speech on that platform, and judging by the hysterical reaction of the authoritarian collectivists currently dominant across all government, Junk News, social media, "entertainment," and academic platforms, that's EXACTLY what it means, then Musk is one of my heroes.

This might be very good news.

That didn't take long at all.

Since the above YouTube video is no longer be available by the time you read this, I have taken the liberty of posting his opening monologue, and interview, here.


May all of you muskrats out there guard your musk!

For more insight and comprehension of exactly where we are heading, consider watching the following video documentary series.The difference between the consquences I have embedded the first episode below, and what we are experiencing today, is mereley a matter of degree, not principle. "No man, no problem."

Monday, October 3, 2022

Uber Dairy and Taxi Quotas

The solution to ever higher dairy prices is obvious.

Uber Dairy.

Instead of selling dairy products, they could hire an army of gig workers to buy, or lease, cows and "share" dairy products using "disruptive technologies." The mistake the Greek Orthodox nuns made was that they didn't have an app. Nor did they have the entire Junk News apparatus singing praises to their totally innovative new industry.

Taxi industry "quota owners" never received a cent in compensation. The politicians just threw them under the bus. They were the "unvaxxed" of 2012.

It was easy enough for politicians to do. The difference between the taxi quota owners and the dairy quota owners was that the taxi quota owners had nowhere near the political clout, nor public sympathy, of the dairy quota owners. Even the homeless have more political clout than anyone in the taxi industry.

As far as I know, no one in the Hamilton taxi business committed suicide over what the politicians did to them. Considering the magnitude of the crime, and the degree of devastation it caused, I find that surprising.

I have a theory, though. Since the taxi business is heavily populated with immigrants from corrupt and war-torn Third World countries, having everything they worked for destroyed in the blink of an eye was not unfamiliar to them.

And they learned a valuable lesson: that Canada is, in many ways, just as corrupt as the countries they fled from.

One of my friends in the business immigrated from India back around 1990. When we first became acquainted, he would tell me stories of the ubiquitous corruption in his native country. "If you want a telephone installed, you will wait five years. But if you know the right palms to grease, you can get one in twenty-four hours." After several years of building up his taxi business in Hamilton, he told me he had had a realization. "You know, Hans, it is just as corrupt here as it was in India." I finished his thought for him—"it is just less visible here." Perhaps that is one reason he never invested as heavily in "taxi quotas" as some others did, and was thus able to weather the storm better than most.

As I read through the following report on the plight of dairy farmers, I could see numerous parallels between their regulated industry, and the one I left in 2018.

Milk mystery: As prices soar, dairy farmers plead poverty

Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Potentially Harmful Link

It's been quite a while since I joined a Facebook group where participants who believed they, or their loved ones, had been injured by the mRNA vaccines would relay their experiences. I would browse through the feed to see what they were reporting. It didn't take long, perhaps a week, before Facebook erased that group.

Because of that, and other sleazy tactics employed by behind-the-scenes Facebook censors, I stopped using Facebook last May. Its prior usefulness as an information and networking tool had been completely gutted. I still use the messenger app to keep in touch with some people. My last post was on May 19, 2022.

I still use Twitter as an information source, and to blow off steam. Where Facebook uses a sledge hammer to suppress speech, Twitter has a lighter touch. But there are some things Twitter just doesn't want its users to see. Keep in mind the fact that governments in the West fully intend to codify this censorship into law.

This afternoon, I tried to post the story about Maddie de Garay on Twitter. It didn't work.

Here is the "potentially harmful" link.

Rigged: Pfizer Trial Hid Injuries, Maddie's Story

Click on it, if you dare.

Update Sept. 11, 2022: I just received a message telling me the above link is now behind a paywall. If you encounter the same problem, check here.

Monday, August 8, 2022


At first, we were told that if we got vaccinated with the mRNA shots, we would neither get COVID-19, nor spread it to grandma.

Then we were told that no one ever promised we would not catch or spread COVID-19. They insisted that from the beginning they only said that the mRNA shots would reduce illness and death from the virus. If your memory told you different, you were branded as an anti-science, racist, misogynistic knuckle-dragging conspiracy theorist with inappropriate views.

When people started posting screenshots from the Ontario COVID-19 website ( showing large numbers of "fully vaccinated" patients in the hospitals and ICUs, they called you innumerate. They even had a clever Venn diagram to illustrate your innumeracy.

It was a strong argument back on November 8, 2021, when only 21% of the people in the ICUs with COVID-19 were "fully vaccinated."

[click on images for larger image view]

But if you were a regular visitor to the website, as I was, you would notice something weird happening. The proportion of "fully vaccinated" patients in both the hospitals and ICUs kept creeping higher. (“It creeps,” Watson warns.)

By June 8, 2022, 81% of Ontarians in the ICUs were classified as "fully vaccinated," while 82.3% of the Ontario population were now "fully vaccinated." This inconvenient data kind of detonated the Venn diagram argument. Now, the proportion of ICU patients was roughly equal to the proportion of people in the entire population who had been vaccinated.

By gosh! By golly! What might this chart look like in another month or so? (“It creeps,” Watson warns.)

Well, the casual visitor to the Ontario COVID-19 website ( would never know, because, the last time the page was ever updated was on June 10, 2022, followed by an announcement:

"WTF???" I wondered. Where would I get these numbers and charts now?

The announcement referred visitors to or this page, neither of which contains the charts and graphs in the same easily accessible format as the pre-June 10 pages.

Why was this done?

Now, let me say that I have always placed great trust in the veracity of information coming from governments at every level, so I was certain there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for the sudden disappearance of these illuminating charts.

A suspiciously-minded, anti-science, racist, misogynistic, knuckle-dragging conspiracy theorist with inappropriate views might come up with an altogether different explanation of why this significant change was made.

They would say the data was following a trajectory that directly contradicted the official, science-following narrative. Maybe it was creeping in a direction that would seriously embarrass the politicians and their "experts," along with the Junk News media? Possibly even the most compliant normies would start to ask inconvenient, racist, or inappropriate questions?

Like, perhaps these vaccines were a massive failure?

Yet we are still deluged with "experts" in social media and on the Junk News purveyors urging us to get fourth, fifth, and how many more jabs?

And there is this.

Here is a graph showing infection rates in Ontario as of June 8, 2022,

As of June 7, 2022, there were 3.49 (per 100k) "not fully vaccinated" cases, 2.86 (per 100k) "fully vaccinated" cases, and a whopping 6.6 (per 100k) "vaccinated with booster dose" cases. The boosted population appeared to be getting infected at twice the rate of the disease-carrying unvaccinated! Where was this data going to creep to from here? I don't know, because that was the last graph that would publish.

I fished around a bit on the page that replaced that one, downloaded one of the CSV files, and imported into a spreadsheet back on July 9, 2022. This is what my chart looked like,

It looked like the infection rate for the people who had been boosted was getting worse.

Recently, there has been a lot of debate in the Twitterverse about death rates between unvaxxed and vaxxed. Focusing only on the comparison between unvaxxed and boosted, I wondered if there might be a similar creeping trend in mortality as is seen in the infection curve.

So, today, I went through the same bullshit exercise and downloaded the CSV file from Deaths Involving COVID-19 by Vaccination Status. I sorted the data to graph the "all ages" deaths.

This is what that graph looks like now,

Note: My graph covers the short period from June 1, 2022 to Audust 4, 2022 so that recent progress would be easier to see.

If you can see what I see here, then you must be an anti-science, racist, misogynistic, knuckle-dragging conspiracy theorist with inappropriate views.

This segment of an interview between Russian KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, and Edward G. Griffin back in 1984, reveals how absolutely the Soviet seeds worked, not just in the United State, but all over the West.

Also, it would be very well worth your time, if you are at all curious about what is going on today, and perhaps more importantly, why, I highly recommend you watch the whole interview, before YouTube takes it down. Don't worry if they do. I have a backup. It might be a while before the YouTube censors grasp just how powerful this interview is. They're not the sharpest pencils in the case.

I saw it coming.

Friday, August 5, 2022

I Saw it Coming

April 18, 2022

The anecdotal evidence is starting to roll in. I knew this was going to happen. That is why I get pissed off when some supermarket Nazi tells me it's all about "saving lives."

I can't say I have been strongly affected by this insanity. Yet. I've had a doctor's appointment, a physiotherapy session, and a dental appointment canceled because of it, but none of my issues were critical.

But I visualize a spectrum of conditions, from mild to severe. And though I don't have any numbers to support it, I am certain that people on the extreme margins are dying because of the delays, disruptions, and cancellations. NOT because of the virus. And there is no scoreboard for them. They go down the memory hole. They don't have an entry on the balance sheet.

I have seen two reports of teenaged girls who have committed suicide over the fear and social isolation wrought by the media/government exploitation of this flu variant. Ron Paul mentioned in his Liberty Report an old guy who delayed going to the hospital because of the chaos surrounding the panic, and instead, died.

Last night, while talking to a friend on the phone, he told me about a friend of his whose wife was feeling quite ill on the weekend but delayed a trip to the hospital because she was afraid of delays, disruptions, or refusal of care due to the CoronaPanic. Maybe her fears were exaggerated. Can you blame her?

She died on Sunday. Sixty-four years old.

My friend remarked, wryly, "They'll probably write her up as a victim of COVID-19."

"Never let a good virus go to waste."

Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....