Friday, January 14, 2022


Not that Prime Minister Let's Go Justin did not recently accuse people who were hesitant about having an experimental chemical injected into their bodies of being, racist misogynists, but,

Speaking of which, why, exactly, DID the CBC just censor my comments about the increasingly desperate circumstances of financially marginalized Canadians?

There's no point in asking the CBC why they censored my comments. If they answer at all, they will just say it somehow violated their (double) standards. The truth is, whoever is sitting behind the Trudeau-funded curtain and deciding what should, or should not be seen, just didn't like what I said. Power corrupts and all that.

[click on the image to see a larger image]

If the image is too small to read, try using control-+ to enlarge it.

Did I say something wrong? Or did I just say something the man behind the curtain at the CBC Ministry of Information - wait for it - it's coming. "The Ministry of Information." It has a certain Trudeau/Guilbeault stench to it, no?

Yeah. I am just waiting for the day that those two creeps have power to control what I am allowed to say.

One thing I have noticed, recently, is that, even if the headline suggests to me that the author is just another wing-nut, racist/misogynist science denier, I am more likely to click on that link and hear what the guy has to say. And even if it sounds absolutely tinfoil hat insane, at least I have some familiarity with what the guy said, and that, as I learn more, I can think back and, maybe say, that guy wasn't so wrong after all.

At the very least, I will be familiar enough with what the guy actually said, to know if some bozo on Twitter, or some news-reader on the Junk News distribution network is telling the truth when they pretend to know what [fill in the blank] actually - said.

Notice that CHCH Evening "News" usually deletes their broadcasts within about 24 hours of posting them. Why is that? I don't know. But I DO KNOW the problem it puts in front of me. I can't go back and reference any of the Bullshit they were spewing last week, or last month, or whenever. It's just gone. Sometimes I dowload their stream of BS for later use, but the volume of bovine feculence deters me from downloading them all.

That's why I bought a copy of "Mein Kampf," by you-know-who, so that I could know, first hand, assuming the translator was competent, what you-know-who, actually said. I find it a very boring book. That's why, after several years, I am only about 1/3 through it. I'll get back to you when I finish the book.

For almost fifty years now, I have heard people commenting on what people like Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman said. The ones that had actually made an attempt to read them could not think or read. The rest of the commenters were going by what other people had said. In other words, they were full of shit.

There is what people tell you,

and there is what is.

To be honest, I have never read anything other than a few snippets from Kark Marx.


Because every avowed Marxist I have ever met, spewed such a stream of horsesit that I concluded reading Karl Marx would be a waste of time, given other reading options.

So, when I sneeringly refer to Marxists, I am not necessarily referring to the real Karl Marx, I am just responding to what I percieve as the popular interpretation of Marx. You know, like people who claim that no one should have to expend effort to secure their own survival, that someone else should be forced to pay for their housing, food, medical care, and even their internet access, and that those who do work hard to get ahead owe something to those who did not. (the idiots who, ignorantly, flaunt their Che Guevera flags and T-sirts have, for the most part, never thought about these issues.)

That particular interpretation of Marxism, also, if you haven't already noticed, underpins almost 100% of political discussion these days.

Rand was right. Welfare state "democracy" invevitably devolves into pressure-group warfare.

Got your booster yet?

And then, there are the Mexican Jumping Beans.

There are now 4 myocarditis cases at Monte Vista

So it's likely that nearly 1 in 70 teenage boys are affected. That's not rare. Why isn't anyone speaking out about this? Is it fear? Of what?


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Mexican Jumping Beans

Update: January 15, 2022.

Today, it's back down to 8.

Update: January 14, 2022.

Now this is just getting fucking stupid.

Yesterday, was reporting 3 deaths with positive PCR tests in the under 20 age group, and today, they are reporting 12. How the heck are they coming up with these numbers? Do they just spin a wheel?

Hiding Under The Floorboards

What is going on with The numbers keep going up and down like a rollercoaster.

Today, January 13, 2022,, Ontario is reporting 3, yes, THREE deaths of people under the age of twenty with positive PCR tests. That is down from five on Tuesday, and nine a week ago. (btw: 3 deaths in that age group equals a 0.002% Case Fatality Rate)

According to the Ontario government's own numbers.

But that could change by tomorrow🤨

I know the “vaccines” are supposed to reduce the severity of the illness, but are they also reducing the severity of death? Numbers are bouncing around like Mexican jumping beans (yes, I know! But I don't give a fuck) for the other age brackets as well.

Covid infections and deaths SOAR after the first vaccine dose

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Professor Ehud Qimron: “Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure”

It's what I have been saying all along in my slow, plodding manner, if you've been reading my blog.

I have never heard of Professor Ehud Qimron. Is he even real?

I have learned to be reticent about posting stuff I read on the internet if it appears to be an info bombshell, so I did some checking around before I posted this. This bit of news is all over the wire. My DuckDuckGo search on "Ehud Qimron's Powerful Letter to the Israeli Ministry of Health," yields loads of results, but predictably, dead silence in the Junk News media. There was not even a "fact check," nor a smear job on Ehud Qimron on Wikipedia.

Here are the results I got on Google.

Here are the results of a search on his name on Twitler.

And here is a sample,

In case you didn't already click on one of the links above, here is the report on Professor Qimron's letter on the Brownstone Institute website.

I don't know anything about Professor Qimron, but here is the archived copy of his resume in case the one at should mysteriously disappear in the next few hours, as has his homepage at

Here is an archived copy of that missing homepage. I have a suspicious mind. I suspect the homepage may have been removed in response to the Professor's letter. This is, after all, what has been happening to anyone who dares criticize the official story on COVID-19 and the government responses.


Is the Junk News industry finally catching up?

Omicron wave prompts media to rethink which data to report

What I wrote on October 18, 2020.

Everything you need to know about masks

Monday, January 10, 2022

Censored mRNA Platform Inventor Tells All on Rogan Show


December 30, 2021, Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA gene transfer technology. YouTube and Twitter promptly deleted the interview

Google has also been caught red-handed manipulating search results such that Malone’s Rogan interview won’t show up when searching for “mass formation psychosis”

Malone was permanently banned from Twitter December 29, 2021, likely triggered by a post that included a video by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, which reviewed Pfizer data showing the COVID jab causes more illness than it prevents, and that the Pfizer trial was flawed both in design and construction

Alternatively, Malone may have been banned due to a post showing how the World Economic Forum controls the global media narrative A Physicians Declaration by the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, signed by more than 16,000 doctors and scientists, states that “healthy children shall not be subjected to forced vaccination” as their clinical risk from SARS-CoV-2 infection is negligible and long term safety of the shots cannot be determined prior to such policies being enacted

Click here to watch the interview.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Cab Story

"I'm Just Too Busy"

These days, I find myself being lectured to by sophisticated pro-mask, pro-lockdown, pro-vaccination, and now a growing number of haters of the Unvaccinated, when they patronizing feed me Junk News soundbites.

If I provide them with information that thoroughly demolishes that complex mixture of Junk News propaganda and prior beliefs - like the belief that if you get a vaccination you won't get infected and you won't spread the disease - they just clam up.

I know why this is. It's because they are just too busy to notice that our rights and freedoms have been almost completely abolished.

Too busy.

Doing what? I don't know. Maybe posting pictures of themselves on vacation? Or of their pets? Or their dinners?

You know, I wish I were busy enough to be doing stuff like that.

Instead, I have been fucking around, for almost two years now, trying to understand what is going on with COVID-19 and the attendant demolition of those few liberties we in the West have always taken for granted. Like how many people we will invite for Christmas dinner.

You know.


Too fucking busy, huh?

Back in December, I received a phone call from a life-long friend. And a very smart guy.

Of course, the discussion devolved into the vaccination debate.

Double-vaxxed at the time, and by now, probably boosted, he scoldingly told me that I should get vaccinated, not only to protect myself, but to protect him.

When I told him that the vaccinated can carry as high a viral load as the Unvaccinated, he replied, in a very polite and wisdomly fashion, "Well, that's just not true."

This is where the complex comes in. He, as I, before the scamdemic, believed that vaccinations prevent infection and transmission.

So if the "scientists," as chosen by the Junk News media, say that this product is a vaccination, then it must adhere to what we all used to believe was true until 2020, that vaccinations prevent people from getting and spreading certain diseases. Right?

Which would explain why the claim that vaccinated people could be spreading the disease would be met with the statement, "Well, that's just not true."

And I would have accepted that prior to 2020.

But c'mon. This is 2022, as Justin Trudeau would say.

With over 80% of the Canadian population having been vaxxed, the Omicron variant is burning through the country like a forest fire.


Right. It's that recalcitrant minorty of white supremacists and misogynists, according to that social policy genius, Justin Trudeau, who are super-duper spreading it, despite them having been excluded from a myriad of activities which only the anointed were given the privilege of participating in.

And not only that, don't ya know. The unvaxxed are making the vaxxed sick too.

And the way it's playing out, it doesn't matter if you are unvaxxed and not even carrying the virus. Just tell some random stranger in a supermarket that you have not been vaccinated and watch them recoil in terror.

But don't blame them for their naiveté and ignorance.

They have probably been "too busy," to inquire as to why their freedom has been cancelled.

Personally, I just can't imagine how someone would be "too busy" to notice that.

Then again, I actually can imagine how someone could be that busy.

This is where the cab story comes in.

About thirty years ago, I picked up this young broad. It was a good trip. We had some time to talk, but she did most of the talking.

She started telling me all about the problems she was having with her boyfriend. She was frustrated that he kept bugging her that she didn't pay enough attention to him. Then she exclaimed, "He just doesn't understand. I am just too busy."

Gawd. I wish I could have got this on tape.

Once she started to explain the problem, I was mesmerized. It was one of those rare occasions when I just sit back and let them do all the talking.

If she got up early, like around ten a.m., she had to watch Designing Women, followed by Family Feud.

At eleven, there was "The Price is Right."

I don't remember the exact list other than Judge Wapner was included.

Her afternoon schedule ran something like this,

  • The Young and the Restless
  • The Bold and the Beautiful
  • As the World Turns
  • Guiding Light

Plus there was, unsurprisingly, an evening schedule.

I started to experience deep sympathy for her plight as she repeated her initial complaint, "He just doesn't understand. I am just too busy."

In my view, when people are too busy focusing on the concretes, they totally miss the abstract.

Friday, January 7, 2022

On Being in Debt

I received a call this afternoon from a sales person.

We chatted, briefly, but when it came down to buying the product, I told her I couldn't afford it.

But of course, they have a payment plan.

I told her I have a pathological aversion to debt. She tried to get around that objection by telling me that paying it off over time was not a form of debt.

I replied that, to me, making a commitment to paying something off in installments was no different to me than being in debt.

She didn't really have an answer to that and the call ended politely.

I know I got some of this attitude from my old man. He didn't like being in debt, either, and when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, his contempt for people who borrowed money was obvious. For a brief time, when he was new to Canada, he even worked for a collection agency. The picture he painted was one of some very undesirable people, and much less even, if I might add, very undesirable friends.

It didn't really mean anything, to me, as a squirt. I had to live a while, meet more people, have some lived experience.

But not completely, I guess, because right from the start, I didn't like owing people money.

I'm talking about legitimate debts here, not taxes or towing storage fees.

Over time, I started to notice that, among my friends, some of them paid you back when you loaned them money, and others didn't.

The ones that paid you back were always grateful to you for giving them credit. Their gratitude gave them more credit, not in cash, but in character.

And then there were the ones who never paid you back and got very angry with you for reminding them that they owed. Or they insisted they had paid you back even though they had not.

I don't think I am alone in having had that experience.

And then, of course, I made the mistake of reading Ayn Rand, but I'm not going to get into that right now. No way.

Other than to say that Rand enhanced my ability to spot moral frauds.

Once you see it, you can't unsee it. Like the loudmouthed Liberal sitting at the table, with a group of guys, in a bar, who is always in the washroom when it's his turn to buy a round. (Or Archie's son-in-law in "all in the Family." Cruising through life on someone else's dime. And full of advice on how the rest of his benefactor's money should be spent.)

And then! I got into the taxi business. Wow! What an experience that was. If you want to understand why Canada keeps on electing left-wing politicians look no further than the taxi business. You will meet every conniving, virtue-signalling, mooching, moralizing, demanding, loving, compassionate, caring exponent of why the money you earn should benefit someone else - usually them.

One of their favourite lines, when they tell you that payment will be made at the other end, is "you can trust me," even though you have never met them before. Right away, you know they are either stupid, or they're lying. Trust is something you earn, not something some cab driver is supposed to give you. Right off the bat, you know something about this person. They want something for nothing, just like all Liberal and left-wing voters.

I hate these fuckers.

And to top it all off, no matter how careful you are about paying off what you owe in order to avoid going into debt, you have these cocksuckers whom your greedy taxi passengers voted for. And they have the power to go deep into debt for you and deep into your pocket. Deeper than a hundred of your low-life acquaintances. And not just for the duration of one taxi ride, but for your whole fucking life.

And even decent people vote for this shit!

And while they claim to be sincerely acting in your best interests, and that they have nothing but respect for you, and that they are all about "choice," and "diversity," they reserve the decision about how much debt you shall be encumbered with to themselves. When it comes down to them telling you how your money will be spent, there is no diversity. Sorry. You breathe, you pay.

Some choice.

As to the rising cost of borrowing, well considering who is spending all of our money, that should come as no surprise.

As far as I can remember, I have never had a flu shot. I considered my decades of driving a taxi and being exposed to every sneezing, snotting, coughing, sniffling, groping, bleeding, urinating, and defecating specimen of Liberal voters sufficient to beef up my immunities. Plus a gram of C per day.

About five years ago, my doctor asked me if I was interested in getting a flu shot. I told her, "not really, I don't think I really need one."

Her reply was not judgmental, not intimidating, not scary, not moralistic. She just said, "Well you seem to have pretty good immunities anyway."

And that was that.

I am having difficulty imagining a similar discussion with her today about a Coof shot. And I find it difficult to imagine that that would be her honest medical opinion, given what might happen to her if she dared have a different opinion. (And word got out.)

In other words, I don't really know if I can still trust my doctor.

That's sad.

Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....