Friday, January 14, 2022


Not that Prime Minister Let's Go Justin did not recently accuse people who were hesitant about having an experimental chemical injected into their bodies of being, racist misogynists, but,

Speaking of which, why, exactly, DID the CBC just censor my comments about the increasingly desperate circumstances of financially marginalized Canadians?

There's no point in asking the CBC why they censored my comments. If they answer at all, they will just say it somehow violated their (double) standards. The truth is, whoever is sitting behind the Trudeau-funded curtain and deciding what should, or should not be seen, just didn't like what I said. Power corrupts and all that.

[click on the image to see a larger image]

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Did I say something wrong? Or did I just say something the man behind the curtain at the CBC Ministry of Information - wait for it - it's coming. "The Ministry of Information." It has a certain Trudeau/Guilbeault stench to it, no?

Yeah. I am just waiting for the day that those two creeps have power to control what I am allowed to say.

One thing I have noticed, recently, is that, even if the headline suggests to me that the author is just another wing-nut, racist/misogynist science denier, I am more likely to click on that link and hear what the guy has to say. And even if it sounds absolutely tinfoil hat insane, at least I have some familiarity with what the guy said, and that, as I learn more, I can think back and, maybe say, that guy wasn't so wrong after all.

At the very least, I will be familiar enough with what the guy actually said, to know if some bozo on Twitter, or some news-reader on the Junk News distribution network is telling the truth when they pretend to know what [fill in the blank] actually - said.

Notice that CHCH Evening "News" usually deletes their broadcasts within about 24 hours of posting them. Why is that? I don't know. But I DO KNOW the problem it puts in front of me. I can't go back and reference any of the Bullshit they were spewing last week, or last month, or whenever. It's just gone. Sometimes I dowload their stream of BS for later use, but the volume of bovine feculence deters me from downloading them all.

That's why I bought a copy of "Mein Kampf," by you-know-who, so that I could know, first hand, assuming the translator was competent, what you-know-who, actually said. I find it a very boring book. That's why, after several years, I am only about 1/3 through it. I'll get back to you when I finish the book.

For almost fifty years now, I have heard people commenting on what people like Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman said. The ones that had actually made an attempt to read them could not think or read. The rest of the commenters were going by what other people had said. In other words, they were full of shit.

There is what people tell you,

and there is what is.

To be honest, I have never read anything other than a few snippets from Kark Marx.


Because every avowed Marxist I have ever met, spewed such a stream of horsesit that I concluded reading Karl Marx would be a waste of time, given other reading options.

So, when I sneeringly refer to Marxists, I am not necessarily referring to the real Karl Marx, I am just responding to what I percieve as the popular interpretation of Marx. You know, like people who claim that no one should have to expend effort to secure their own survival, that someone else should be forced to pay for their housing, food, medical care, and even their internet access, and that those who do work hard to get ahead owe something to those who did not. (the idiots who, ignorantly, flaunt their Che Guevera flags and T-sirts have, for the most part, never thought about these issues.)

That particular interpretation of Marxism, also, if you haven't already noticed, underpins almost 100% of political discussion these days.

Rand was right. Welfare state "democracy" invevitably devolves into pressure-group warfare.

Got your booster yet?

And then, there are the Mexican Jumping Beans.

There are now 4 myocarditis cases at Monte Vista

So it's likely that nearly 1 in 70 teenage boys are affected. That's not rare. Why isn't anyone speaking out about this? Is it fear? Of what?


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