Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How I Get Around Twitler's Iron Curtain

I embed the verboten content into one of my own blog pages and post the link on Twitler.

So far, it still works.

My understanding is that the reason Ivermectin is being demonized and censored is because the experimental vaccines would not qualify for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) IF effective treatments are already available.

The Criminalization of Dissent

The “Unvaccinated” Question


Even so, I still get dire warnings from time to time.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Friday, April 30, 2021

No More Fun For You!!!

If the stalinists on YouTube decide to erase this video, on the grounds ... well, they don't need to have any grounds, they are a private company.

What I mean to say is, if the Stalinist technique of "no man? No problem," should be applied to my video, you can watch it here.

Or here....

If you like my work, you can subscribe to one, or both, of my video channels on BITCHUTE or NEWTUBE.

Regarding the segment on the possibility that aliens might be probing our civilizations...

... or, judging by the way things have been shaping up lately,

... have already taken over,

I recently watched a couple of documentaries about the conquest of the Aztecs by AOC's ancestor, Hernán Cortés.

A seemingly stable power was, as it turns out, lethally vulnerable. It had an Achilles heel.

When AOC's ancestor arrested Montezuma, Montezuma exclaimed,

"You can't do that!"

Yet they did.

And when politicians told the people they could not visit their grandparents, or celebrate Christmas dinner with their families,

Some said, "You can't do that!"

But the majority went along with it. As they had been conditioned to do.

And in the end, about five-hundred guys with flintlocks conquered an entire empire.

An unidentified object is just an unidentified object, like Cortez' soldiers were when they set foot in Mexico. Word got around. The white Gods had returned.

The information was available. But no one interpreted it correctly. Oh, some people knew what was happening but, their voices were not heard. They were censored by YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

No one with collective decision-making power had access to the information. It had been deleted. Or "fact-checked" out of existence.

"Are you telling me the Sun doesn't rotate around the Earth! Who do you think you are? A doctor?"

The same thing happened on June 22, 1941.

There was hell to pay.

This Carl Tuckerson broadcast also contains a very interesting, to me, segment on race-based medicine, given that my own city has recently given priority to non-white citizens in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

Which might just come back and bite them in the ass if some of the warnings about the dangers of these experimental vaccines come out to be true.

It will be another example of the British distributing smallpox blankets to the non-favoured minorities of the day.

Diversity is not a strength when mixed with politics, especially when state paternalism is accepted as a fundamental principle. When politicians start picking winners and losers, the entire nation becomes nothing more that a dysfunctional family, bickering over parental favours.

"His cookie is bigger than mine! Waah! I am going to call the CBC, or the Toronto Star."

This is the "vision" of the commie inspired left.

When I use the word, "Marxism," I use it in the most fundamental sense, that need trumps ability, intelligence, and effort. If you earned it, it ain't yours. On the other hand, if you are a useless fuck, you have a right to all sorts of shit other people will be forced to pay for.

So long as "need" exists, no one has any rights.

Only obligations.

You owe.

And as markets go, this sets up a market where the most valuable commodity available for trade, albeit, politically skewed trade, hinges upon how little a person contributes to the welfare of other people, how well they can fake their misfortunes, or upon the colour of their skin.

If this bullshit continues, we will be at each other's throats for the next thousand years.

Marxism is a truly toxic ideology.

And there's alson this...

Monday, April 26, 2021

WuFlu Update for April 26, 2021

Last spring, when the first two-week lockdown came into effect to "flatten the curve," I had yet to form a strong opinion on the Coronavirus story. I had even done some "prepping" in February in case the WuFlu would turn out to be another round of Spanish Flu type sickness.

I imagined people, of all ages, dropping like flies, events being cancelled due to widespread illness, businesses closing their doors because too many of their employees had taken sick or died, supply chain disruptions for the same reason, and masses of people hunkering down in their homes out of fear.

But then, when I noticed how the media had latched on to the issue with its characteristic spin and exaggeration, I started to smell a rat.

As it turned out, events WERE cancelled, business WERE shut down, and masses of people WERE confined to their homes, but not because of WuFlu. It was because of panicked government edicts.

I had seen this type of phenomenon before. I had read about it too. One excellent book I read, when it first came out around 2007, was called "SCARED TO DEATH From BSE to Global Warming: Why Scares are Costing Us the Earth."

The book caught my eye mainly because of the chapters on Passive Smoking and Global Warming; issues I had been focusing on for some time already. I got more than I bargained for. I highly recommend it.

Here is part of the description from Amazon,

"Modern society has regularly, in recent years, been gripped by a series of headline making "scares" - from mad cow disease to SARS -- which have become one of the most conspicuous and damaging features of our modern world. This book is the first to tell the inside story of each of the major scares of the past two decades, showing how they have followed a remarkably consistent pattern. It analyzes the crucial role played in each case by scientists who have misread or manipulated the evidence; by media and lobbyists who eagerly promote the scare without regard to the facts; and finally by the politicians and officials who come up with an absurdly disproportionate response, leaving us all to pay the price, which may run into billions of dollars."

Does that sound familiar to anyone?

So, in a sense, I was already "prepped" for COVID-19.

So when I started seeing the body counts being screamed across the Junk News headlines, and noticed the ages of the people who were dying it was like a lightbulb turned on in my head.

"It's the fucking flu!" I thought, which isn't to say I thought it was an actual flu virus, but that statistically it looked a whole lot like a severe seasonal flu.

I started to do some digging.

One of the first sceptics I stumbled across on fuckYouTube, along with people like Woodard and Bahkdi, was the financial writer, Karl Denninger, a real numbers guy, when he noted that the data didn't fit the models.

Which isn't to say that he is the final word on this phenomenon, but he sure gave me some ideas about how to do my own analysis.

For example, early on, he was arguing that the disease was not being spread through the air but by fomites. And he provided very good reasons for saying that, but the jury is still out on that one in my mind.

Even so, I think it's worth the time to read some of this guy's stuff.

No Doctor, You're Wrong

Dr. Mark Trozzi: My Personal Testimony

I have never had much interest in local issues. If I had never driven a taxi in Hamilton, I would probably not have had any insight into just what a bunch of clueless fools most of the people elected to sit on the city council are.

Without the insights I acquired as a cab driver, I might have assumed that these councilors, and their staff members, knew what they were talking about when I heard them commenting on issues that I had zero knowledge of nor engagement with. However, given that this group of geniuses have their hands around the balls of every member of the cab business, I had strong reasons to attend several council meetings when critical issues relevent to my business were being discussed.

What I saw on vivid display was their utter ignorance of the business they were supposedly "regulating." What they thought they knew about the cab business was pure fantasy, much of which was probably derived from watching old ganster movies containing the line, "Follow that car!" That and their complete buy-in to the popular falacy that cab drivers always try to increase the fares by going "the long way around," which is utter horseshit.

I mean, if you live in, or are familiar with Hamilton, get this... as part of their brilliant mandatory taxi school idea, one of the components of the "course" was "tourism."

Fucking tourism? In my 40 year span in the business, do you how many "tourists" I had in my cab?


Unless you count that German wrestler who got me to drive him from the Sheraton Hotel to that strip club on Plains Rd. in Burlington.

Garbage in. Garbage out.

Those of us trying to eke out a living had to endure unnecessary, and endless suffering as a result of the crud that spewed forth from these prodigies.

Well, finally, these pocket rocket scientists have given us something that we can all see for the vacuous lunacy that permeates their "thinking."

Canadian City Offers COVID Shots to “Black and Other Racialized Populations”

Georgia Mother ANNIHILATES the Left’s Mask Narrative!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

These Brave Doctors are Upholding Their Hippocratic Oath & Putting Patients—Not Profits—First

Surprised to discover that this video has survived for five days on FuckYouTube, I downloaded it and re-uploaded it to my own BitChute channel.

"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...