Sunday, January 9, 2022

Cab Story

"I'm Just Too Busy"

These days, I find myself being lectured to by sophisticated pro-mask, pro-lockdown, pro-vaccination, and now a growing number of haters of the Unvaccinated, when they patronizing feed me Junk News soundbites.

If I provide them with information that thoroughly demolishes that complex mixture of Junk News propaganda and prior beliefs - like the belief that if you get a vaccination you won't get infected and you won't spread the disease - they just clam up.

I know why this is. It's because they are just too busy to notice that our rights and freedoms have been almost completely abolished.

Too busy.

Doing what? I don't know. Maybe posting pictures of themselves on vacation? Or of their pets? Or their dinners?

You know, I wish I were busy enough to be doing stuff like that.

Instead, I have been fucking around, for almost two years now, trying to understand what is going on with COVID-19 and the attendant demolition of those few liberties we in the West have always taken for granted. Like how many people we will invite for Christmas dinner.

You know.


Too fucking busy, huh?

Back in December, I received a phone call from a life-long friend. And a very smart guy.

Of course, the discussion devolved into the vaccination debate.

Double-vaxxed at the time, and by now, probably boosted, he scoldingly told me that I should get vaccinated, not only to protect myself, but to protect him.

When I told him that the vaccinated can carry as high a viral load as the Unvaccinated, he replied, in a very polite and wisdomly fashion, "Well, that's just not true."

This is where the complex comes in. He, as I, before the scamdemic, believed that vaccinations prevent infection and transmission.

So if the "scientists," as chosen by the Junk News media, say that this product is a vaccination, then it must adhere to what we all used to believe was true until 2020, that vaccinations prevent people from getting and spreading certain diseases. Right?

Which would explain why the claim that vaccinated people could be spreading the disease would be met with the statement, "Well, that's just not true."

And I would have accepted that prior to 2020.

But c'mon. This is 2022, as Justin Trudeau would say.

With over 80% of the Canadian population having been vaxxed, the Omicron variant is burning through the country like a forest fire.


Right. It's that recalcitrant minorty of white supremacists and misogynists, according to that social policy genius, Justin Trudeau, who are super-duper spreading it, despite them having been excluded from a myriad of activities which only the anointed were given the privilege of participating in.

And not only that, don't ya know. The unvaxxed are making the vaxxed sick too.

And the way it's playing out, it doesn't matter if you are unvaxxed and not even carrying the virus. Just tell some random stranger in a supermarket that you have not been vaccinated and watch them recoil in terror.

But don't blame them for their naiveté and ignorance.

They have probably been "too busy," to inquire as to why their freedom has been cancelled.

Personally, I just can't imagine how someone would be "too busy" to notice that.

Then again, I actually can imagine how someone could be that busy.

This is where the cab story comes in.

About thirty years ago, I picked up this young broad. It was a good trip. We had some time to talk, but she did most of the talking.

She started telling me all about the problems she was having with her boyfriend. She was frustrated that he kept bugging her that she didn't pay enough attention to him. Then she exclaimed, "He just doesn't understand. I am just too busy."

Gawd. I wish I could have got this on tape.

Once she started to explain the problem, I was mesmerized. It was one of those rare occasions when I just sit back and let them do all the talking.

If she got up early, like around ten a.m., she had to watch Designing Women, followed by Family Feud.

At eleven, there was "The Price is Right."

I don't remember the exact list other than Judge Wapner was included.

Her afternoon schedule ran something like this,

  • The Young and the Restless
  • The Bold and the Beautiful
  • As the World Turns
  • Guiding Light

Plus there was, unsurprisingly, an evening schedule.

I started to experience deep sympathy for her plight as she repeated her initial complaint, "He just doesn't understand. I am just too busy."

In my view, when people are too busy focusing on the concretes, they totally miss the abstract.

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"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...