Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Vanden Bossche

I have no idea whether Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche knows what he is talking about, but I think it's worth knowing what he is saying in case he turns out to be right. He hasn't been smeared on Wikipedia yet, which is not a good sign.

It seems that Wikipedia only goes after those whom it perceives to be a real threat to their informational hegemony. To wit, the hatchet job they did on Professor Sucharit Bhakdi when he rocked the boat on the dominant COVID-19 story, or the smear job they did on Stefan Molyneux. I am very familiar with Stefan Molyneux's work until a few years ago, and I am glad I was able to read this Wikipedia entry about him, not for anything it reveals about Molyneux, but for what it reveals about the depths extremist "wokists" will go to destroy anyone who threatens to reveal their truly misanthropic nature. In other words, nothing inflames wokists like the truth. It really hurts.

It also demonstrates why free speech is so important. As disgraceful as the authors of that article are, I would never advocate censoring them. Their kind of evil should be on display for the world to see.

Now on to Vanden Bossche.

Renowned Virologist Warns of ‘Collapse of Our Health System’ Due to Complications from COVID Vaccines

From the so-called "Fact CheckFact Check,"

"Vanden Bossche, who is trained in veterinary medicine,"

A quick glance at his resume suggests that the "fact-checker's" fact check is either dishonestly incomplete, or that Vanden Bossche is a stone-cold liar. These "fact checkers" look an awful lot like Wikipedia authors to me.

Note: when I first clicked on the link for Vanden Bossche's resume, I received a scary warning from the Malwarebytes browser guard extension in my Brave browser. It says,

Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocks pages that come from websites with relatively light traffic and have been reported to have malicious activity. If you trust this website, please click CONTINUE TO SITE. Otherwise, choose GO BACK.

We strongly recommend you do not continue.

I don't know about you, but I have been seeing a lot of these kinds of dire warnings over the last two years. They seem to have taken on a whole new meaning. They used to apply to malware, exclusively, but it seems they have now branched out into protecting users from malthink as well.

I clicked on "CONTINUE TO SITE" and a PDF file containing a resume loaded into my browser.

My computer did not explode.

More from the "fact check,"

“If we’re worried about the Covid-19 becoming some ‘super-virus,’ the best way to stop that is to stop it from replicating and the best way to do that is vaccines,” he added.

This was also confirmed by Scott Halperin, director of the Canadian Centre for Vaccinology.

“If we rapidly achieve high levels of population immunity through vaccination, the risk of variant emergence is decreased because there are insufficient numbers of susceptible individuals to continue the propagation of the virus and spread through the community,” he said.

Is this really a "fact check" or is it a differing opinion?

It was published on 31 March 2021.

In the Province of Ontario since that time, 87% of the residents 12 years old and up have been "fully vaccinated," yet is reporting 1,009 new "cases" of COVID-19 as of today, (Dec, 8, 2021.) If 87% is not a "high level of population immunity through vaccination," then what is? Has the virus stopped replicating as the "fact check" said it would?

Hospitalizations in Ontario are currently running at about 50-50. Superficially, it appears that the vaccines are currently effective at reducing the severity of outcomes, since the 50% of unvaxxed hospital patients represent only about 13% of the population. What happened to the protection this minority should be getting from the 87% "high level of population immunity through vaccination?"

If we are to believe the propaganda currently coming from those at the top, this failure to achieve population immunity can be blamed on the 13% who have not been double-jabbed.

Note that, if 100% of the population were fully "vaccinated," there would be no control group with which to compare outcomes.


This is not "news" to me.

Fourth Covid vaccine doses may be needed

Liberal gangsters.

Look at this spectacle. A room full of knowledgeable politicians, and NOT ONE OF THEM can answer a simple question that ALL OF THEM should know the answer to BEFORE spending $7 BILLION.


Before watching the video below, be warned that it may contain severe malthink.

... and ...

Update: December 9, 2021.

We're hurtling towards a Totalitarian Technocracy.

and remember.....

"There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster." -- Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

1 comment:

  1. As usual you have done a great job of summarizing the horseshit that is vomited onto the hungry bonvine masses that swallow up so eagerly.


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Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....