Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Racist Math

As I read through "Ontario’s new curriculum claims math 'normalizes racism,'" in The Post Millennial, I paused at this claim, 'The 2021 grade 9 curriculum for Ontario's math program depicts math as a subjective method that normalizes racism and reinforces "Eurocentric mathematical knowledge."'

I thought to myself that if this claim is true, then the Ontario Educational system has really hit the shitter. Most of my own formal education from Grade 13 on was concentrated on math and science. It is difficult to be certain of anything these days, but I am absolutely certain, having been immersed in the subject in the past, that math and science is NOT RACIST, in any way, shape, or form. Furthermore, if math is racist, then all of the STEM disciplines are racist. The attempt by psychotic leftists now at the top of Ontario's educational hierarchy to racialize math and science will end up destroying one of the most important foundations of human prosperity if this lunatic assault on science is not stopped dead in its tracks. Actually, it's not just an attack on math and science, it's an attack on humanity.

To confirm, I clicked on the "grade 9 curriculum" link. Using F3, I could not find a single occurrence of the word "Eurocentric."

Is the Post Millennial lying to its readers?

To double-check, I ran the URL. "https://www.dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/curriculum/secondary-mathematics/courses/mth1w/course-intro" through archive.today. It was no surprise to me to discover that the word, "Eurocentric" did, in fact, appear twice in the 10 Jul 2021 snapshot of that same page.

Just as Government of Ontario continues to change its presentation of the data on COVID-19 (see here, and here,) in suspicious temporal proximity to political edicts and SCREAMING HEADLINES, it appears the Ministry of Education is doing exactly the same thing.

If you can force yourself to read through the crud in the revised Ontario Grade 9 curriculum policy page it will become obvious to the critical reader that the authors have been absolutely marinated in racism. Hence, unconsciously, they reveal their own deeply-rooted belief in European intellectual superiority because, what they are really saying, is that those students who lack European ethnicity are not capable of mastering unadulterated math and science. Therefore, for example,

"All students bring their mathematical experiences from various contexts to school. Educators can value and build on these lived experiences so that mathematics classrooms become spaces that honour diverse mathematical ideas and thoughts, and incorporate multiple ways of knowing and doing. Such spaces allow all students to become flexible and adaptive learners in an ever-changing world."

What are the "multiple ways of knowing" what the sum of two plus two is? How does a2 plus b2 = c2 compare to "diverse mathematical ideas and thoughts?"

Or is this all just a con-job intended to give everyone a passing grade thus attesting to the "success" of Ontario Government schooling?

On the other hand, here is my personal contribution to the science of "lived experience" math.

If you call a cab and ask the driver to use the shortest distance to your destination, on a scale of one to ten, how happy will you be if he takes a more "flexible and adaptive" route that ends up costing you twice as much? Likewise, on a scale of one to ten, how happy do you think he will be if you offer to pay him, not the amount displayed on the meter, but a lesser amount, including possibly zero, that takes into account your "lived experiences?" (In my own "lived experience," this happened many times.)

The End.

6:00 p.m. - Not quite the end.

ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT RULES that non-whites are less intelligent than whites.

FULL REPORT: https://www.rebelnews.com/not_a_joke_ontario_superior_court_rules_that_math_tests_are_racist

1 comment:

  1. The infiltration of our education by wokeism is to ensure the leftist indoctrination is the only subject that is learned and critical thinking abolished. As Einstein stated: "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas."


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