Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Applied BS Detection

It will be interesting to see if the theories about ADE turn out to be correct. I think it will take a few more months before we get a signal. Keep in mind that the current crop of phase 3 trials for the Coof vaccines are not slated to end until 2023.

The much-ballyhooed Delta scariant looks like it's turned the corner and is now going away. Of course, the media hypnozombies, when they tire of milking it as the "fourth wave" will credit the vaccinations.

I was talking to someone whose mother had to go to the Nora (Nora Francis Henderson, A.K.A. the Jurivinsksy which is confusing because there is a Juravinsky on Charlton Ave., and a Jurivinsky on the site of the old hospital for "hopsy topsy people" as my father once described it) over the weekend because of heart failure. Her mom is okay (yes, she was double jabbed) but she told me the Nora was absolutely packed, with people waiting in the halls and others having to wait outside. I'm curious as to what the other Hamilton hospitals were like. I have a theory that a lot more people than usual have held off going to the hospital unless they are really fucking sick.

Remember Alvin Toffler's thesis in "Future Shock?" It was that massive changes in people's lives can have serious adverse consequences. I mean, it's been half a century since I read that book but, unless my memory is totally shot, there was something about how accelerating change can have a massive impact on people's lives and not necessarily in a good way. Just think about automation. Or Smartphones. (In my humble opinion, the smartphone addiction phenomenon will kill an order of magnitude more people than the Coof. If you've got kids - you already know this.) Instead of thinking about the number of people, past the age of normal life expectancy, and in a very short period of time, many under DNR orders died, (how did that happen?) think about the number of life years that will be lost as a result of the new authoritarian paradigm. Your rulers are not your friends. Let that sink in, FFS.

Future Shock

To back it up he cited examples of people dying, or becoming ill, shortly after a divorce, retirement or moving to a new home or city, or going to university, etc. (To say nothing about the impact on the immune system of prolonged isolation. Veterans of the American Civil War and WWI learned a thing or two about that.)

And Canada certainly changed in 2020. It went from a nation with a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to a nation with a Charter of Perks and Privileges - almost overnight - de facto if not de jure, by sleazy political stealth. We didn't have to move to China. We became China. We didn't even have to import half, or sixty million more people from the third world to accomplish that, though progress to date has certainly helped.

All it took was a cold virus, unprecedented reporting of "cases" and deaths from a single alleged cause, power hungry, cowardly, and opportunistic politicians, a zombified population, and voila! The "science is settled." Communism wins. (Actually, it was fascism that won, but how many drive-time radio listeners would ever make that distinction?) I note also that they delete their broadcasts within a few hours of posting them. Why? To erase the record so none of their BS can come back and bite them in the ass? Or, is there another reason? Ditto for their "live chat comments," most of which are from people who can seee through their bullshit.

I missed the vomit CHCH pukecast this evening. Well, I didn't really miss it, but I try to watch it daily to see what kind of horseshit they are spewing. Often you can infer actual "news" both from what they are reporting - largely half-truths - and what they are NOT reporting - lying by omission.

Canadian immigrants or refugees from former communist regimes know this well. They have "lived experience." That is why a disproportionate number of them attend pro-freedom rallies, voted PPC, and are suspicious of the allegedly prophylactic injections.

Even if, in the end, the c**ksucking Liberals get away with censoring ALL speech, those of us trained to read bullshit will still be able to get a picture of what is true because it will be the opposite of what the c**ksuckers are spreading on us. [1]

Was the situation at the Nora Francis Henderson Hospital reported on tonight's Junk News edition? And if not, was it because too few of the patients had positive PCR tests?

If you were educated in the 1960s, do the math.

Of not, whip out your smartphone.


[1] 1966

I remember when we all went up to that radio antenna just south of Limeridge and a little east of the apple orchard, to smoke some cigarettes.

Then, when we saw a cop driving along Limeridge slow down and pull a U-turn, tossed our lit smokes away, and stuffed the packs down our nuts. When we got to Limeridge the cop started asking us what we were up to at that tower.

I still can't imagine what his suspicions were unless he thought we were stealing bits of metal for our radio projects, were unvaccinated individuals exceeding the prescribed gathering limits, a group of homosexuals engaging in group sex, (a cop's gotta do what a cop's gotta do) or a bunch of pre-teens smoking cigarettes.

Dan Fordson (not his real name) told the cop we just went up there to take a leak.

I'll never forget the look on the cop's face as he looked at Dan and said, "Spread it on me, kid. Spread it on me."

Dan could have been a CHCH newsreader if he had wanted.

Tonight I broke my alcohol-free streak. I bought seven seltzers even though I only wanted to buy six. (Vizzo Hard Seltzer - 5% alc, zero-carb) I've had one, no two, so far, and a bit of spliff, but I already feel the juices "squirting through my capillaries," as Stephen King put it in "The Shining." Brilliant writer. Political moron.

Hence, this desultory rant.

Where are the Facebook censors when you need them?


Not that these guys really have clue about the manner in which they have absorbed the commie horseshit they have gobbled, they made great music,

1 comment:

  1. The deep state has won and the fools deserve what they get: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/the-deep-state-won-npw-deal-with-it/


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"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...