Thursday, June 24, 2021

Should Experimental Vaccines be Mandated for Children and Young People?

In order to answer that question, one requires access to information. Unfortunately, we have rapidly descended into an age where information that does not conform to the dominate narrative and, I suspect, not coincidentally, information that might impede the ambitions of a spectrum of special interests, is being viciously censored.

Even before I heard what Dr. Robert Malone and Prof. Byram Bridle have to say, I smelled a great big stinking rat with respect to the speed with which the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out. The fanatical zeal with which the politicians and information gatekeepers have been promoting its application to the entire population sets off screaming red warning signals in my mind.

It has become a natural reflex, after a lifetime of observation, to regard anything that comes out the mouth of a politician, or one of their hirelings, as diametrically opposite to the truth. I apply the same rule to most of what I hear or see on corporate, processed, junk news media. (For example, see here.)

Consistent application of these rules makes me right more often than I am wrong.

It's reassuring to me to learn that some of my own reservations regarding the fanatical effort, now in play, to cajole the population into accepting the injection of these experimental vaccines, even to the point of volunteering their own children, are shared by some highly credentialled individuals who know infinitely more about the subject of COVID-19 vaccinations than I ever will.

Click on this link to hear a Trish Wood Podcast about the concerns several experts, including Dr. Robert Malone and Prof. Byram Bridle have about the rollout of these experimental vaccines. It's a long podcast, but well worth hearing, especially for anyone considering having their children vaccinated.

Or not.


  1. I'll be 79 years of age in December, I've had the flu shot three times in my life the last time was around five years ago and it made me sick, I haven't been vaccinated against the Chinese virus nor do I plan to.

  2. What about the Delta variant....and soon the Epsilon and then the get the picture.


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"Per engaged hour."

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Per engaged hour&q...