Thursday, April 26, 2018

Does everyone have the right to loiter? Or does it just apply to black folks?

The nerve of Starbucks for kicking two black guys out of one of their shops. No matter what the actual circumstances are, many people think this is a prima facie case of racial discrimination.

I can see the day when some convenience store owner gets accused of anti-black discrimination because he insisted on being paid for the chocolate bar.

"We wasn't doin' nuthin'. We was just grabbin' a few chocolate bars and this shopkeeper called the cops!"

Desmond Cole, Matthew Green, Andray Domise, (all of whom have blocked me on Twitter,) and a raft of other race-obsessed "activists" will be emboldened enough to declare that expecting to be paid for goods and services is just another example of "white supremacy."

What I would like to know is this, is it Starbucks corporate policy that anyone can occupy space in their stores, and use the washrooms etc. even if they have no intention of purchasing any product?

If this is indeed their policy, then yes, denying two black men the right to loiter in one of their stores, while allowing everyone else to loiter there is compelling evidence of racial discrimination.

If not, it's pure BULLSHIT!

It occurs to me, that the more the malevolent left accuses conservatives and libertarians of being racists, the more liberty there will be in honest discussion about racism.

At some point, those on the "right" will have to make a critical decision. Having been accused of being "racists" for every opinion they have, upon any topic under the sun, the libertarians & conservatives will come face to face with a crucial choice.

They will either have to abandon their advocacy of free markets, free speech, freedom of association, property rights, equal rights, and keeping one's earnings from the maws of the likes of Kathleen Wynne,


They will have to yield to the left, shrug their shoulders, and confess.

"Yes. I guess I am a racist."


"I still believe in free markets, free speech, freedom of association, property rights, equal rights, and keeping one's earnings from the maws of the likes of Kathleen Wynne."


1 comment:

  1. Someone rang my door bell the other day and asked the use my washroom. I told the person to get the fuck off my property. He happened to be black.


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