Sunday, April 16, 2017

A Non-Uber Rant

The petty crimes of local politicians, manifest by their obvious collusion with the Uber corportion, pale in comparison to the colossal crimes being committed by national governments.

Uber collusion merely eliminates lifetime investments. Military-Industrial collusion eliminates flesh and blood.

Okay. So, Trump's Tomahawk missile attack on the Syrian air base is said to have killed 15 people. How do we know that any of those 15 people were, in any way, responsible for the *alleged* chemical attack?

How do we know they weren't just, for example, janitorial and kitchen staff?

Even if the 15 casualties were military personnel, how does that really "hit back" at Assad any more than taking someone's pawn in a game of chess?

And how can such an action possibly make Ivanka Trump feel better about the ten dead children?

And if 59 cruise missiles can be fired into a nation with which the United States is NOT at war, what if Ivanka had been shown pictures of Ebba Akerlund, the 11 year old school girl who was killed in the Stockholm truck attack? Should Ivanka's father then launch a proportionate number of cruise missiles ( 6 ) into Stockholm?

My enthusiasm for Trump has taken a big hit over the last week or so, because of his insane (IMHO) decision to launch the attack.

And this tweet from his daughter makes me absolutely puke,

"The times we are living in call for difficult decisions - Proud of my father for refusing to accept these horrendous crimes against humanity."

As if detonating 59 missiles, at $1.4 million a piece = $82 million taxpayer dollars, has ANY significance as to whether or not one "accepts" these specific horrendous crimes, as opposed to countless other horrendous crimes, happening every day., all over the globe.

It might have been a better idea to just blow $89 million dollars on a great fireworks show over Washington, D.C. At least some American citizens would have received a good show for their tax dollars, and nobody would have died.

And Ivanka could point to the show as an example of her father "refusing to accept these horrendous crimes," without there being a single fatality, nor the possibility of nuclear war.

Instead of 100 dead children, think about 100 million dead children. How would Ivanka like to have that on her conscience if it had resulted from her father's "refusal to accept" horrendous crimes?

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but the tools of analysis I have developed over the years have served me well, given the impossibility of knowing whether anything is true, these days, outside of the limited range of your own eyes and ears.

That is why I concluded, right from the start, that Assad was NOT responsible for the gas attack. Whatever you are hearing on mainstream media is either gross distortion, or outright lies.

I had a couple of passengers in my cab the other night. They were, roughly, in my age range, those who demographically still skew toward reliance on mainstream media for their "understanding" of the world. The wife was definitely smarter than the husband because she was clearly concerned with the possible consequences of political miss-steps, not unlike the decision of the Austro-Hungarian empire to launch a limited war against Serbia in response to the assassination. The guy, I assume he was her husband, remained silent.... probably because the conversation did not involve sports scores.

And when I told her, that I did not for one second believe that Assad was behind the alleged chemical attack that sparked Trump's idiotic missile attack, I noticed that, even though she was shocked at my assertion, and physically recoiled, briefly, the wheels of thought were rotating in her mind.

(This is an example of how I try to sway people into my way of thinking. I try to make them think.)

I chalked it up as a minor victory in the infowar.

Is Assad guilty of using chemical weapons?

I fucking doubt it.

I am confident I will be proved right.

As Ron Paul says, in the following excellent video by Sargon of Akkad,

"It makes no sense for Assad to have done this."

Warning: The contents of this video may make your blood run cold.

How do I know, or think I know, that Sargon is not just a Russian or a Syrian spy? Because I was thinking along the same lines before I even watched this report.

On the one hand, it could be denigrated as "confirmation bias." On the other, other, hand, it could come down to thought, observation, and analysis.

When it comes right down to it, the claim that acceleration due to the force of gravity on earth is 9.8 meters per second, per second, is itself, a manifestation of confirmation bias. (and if the leftists get their way, this belief too will come under assault as a mere construct of "White Supremacy.)"

1 comment:

  1. The new boss same as the old boss. Like Donald says "The system is rigged" and the fools that promote him think that he is making monumental changes. Horse shit.


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"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...