Tuesday, January 4, 2022

"We Welcome And Encourage All Points Of View"

In his opinion piece in the Toronto Sun (Jan 4, 2021,) Lorrie Goldstein reports,

Chuck Thompson, head of public affairs for CBC services, said: “We respectfully disagree with Ms. Henley’s perspective on what happens in our newsrooms. Right across the service, we welcome and encourage all points of view to ensure the public broadcaster is relevant to an ever-changing Canada. And that’s not just a priority, it’s our responsibility.”

Oh, Really?

Mon Kampf

Monday, January 3, 2021

Tuesday, January 4. 2021

The Path to Nazi Genocide, Chapter 3/4: From Citizens to Outcasts, 1933–1938

Saturday, January 1, 2022

My Informal Bibliography

When I finish "The Truth About COVID-19" by Mercola, I intend to buy Kennedy's book.

It seems I have reached an age where I am lucky if I absorb 1% of everything I read, and that's probably an overestimate. Half the time, I am not even aware of the name of the author I am reading.

Even if you can't remember everything you read, it gives you a general "knowledge" of whom you can and cannot trust.

I compare it to some people I have known for a lifetime. Some of them were born assholes. These are the people whom you end up not liking even half a century later, even though it would be difficult to recall any specific reasons you now feel this way. But you KNOW they're assholes even if you can't provide data supporting your reasons in the moment. In some cases, you realize that the source of your enmity was just childish nonsense, but in others, you know some people never change.

On to my informal bibliography:

Corona, False Alarm?: Facts and Figures by Karina Reiss Ph.D. and Sucharit Bhakdi MD

Autopsy of a Pandemic: The Lies, the Gamble, and the Covid-Zero Con by Julius Ruechel

A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponized fear during the Covid-19 pandemic by Laura Dodsworth

The Great Covid Panic: What Happened, Why, and What To Do Next by Foster, Gigi

Covid: Why most of what you know is wrong by Sebastian Rushworth

I Do Not Consent: My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture by Simone Gold MD JD

Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe by Ferguson, Niall

Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History by Deace, Steve

When Politicians Panicked by John Tammy

The next two books on my list deal with the Spanish Flu and the Black Death. I read them to get some perspective on what a real pandemic looks like. COVID-19 ain't it. You don't need a bunch of newsreaders spewing death stats all over you every night on the six o'clock Junk News when you are in a real pandemic. All you require is to see what is happening in your own neighbourhood and circle of friends. They were worthwhile reads.

The Great Influenza, Revised Edition by John Barry


The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time by John Kelly

So far, I have not heard of a single friend or acquaintance who I went to high school with who has died "with" a positive PCR test. On the other hand, there have been about four cancer deaths and one from heart disease since the beginning of the scamdemic.

I found that some of the books I read in the past, like "Scared to Death - From BSE to Global Warming: Why Scares are Costing Us the Earth," by Christopher Booker and Richard North contributed to my early skepticism of the Coof narrative.

"Green Hell," by Stephen Milloy, explains why the misanthropic climate brigades were creaming in their jeans in support of the cruel and destructive government responses to the deluge of positive PCR tests.

"Unhinged: The Trouble with Psychiatry - A Doctor's Revelations about a Profession in Crisis" by Daniel Carlat M.D. who, along with authors like Peter Breggin and Abram Hoffer, provide insights into how the pharmaceutical giants operate in a mixed economy.

Plus almost fifty years of reading conservative and libertarian material that gave me an excellent feel for how capitalism operates in an interventionist state when the government, as opposed to the consumer, becomes the most lucrative customer.

All of that acted as a kind of prep allowing me to recognize the scamdemic for what it was very early on. All the pieces came together like a very easy jigsaw puzzle.

Thanks also to Alex Jones, who really opened my eyes about how the infowar is being conducted.

And that is also one reason I am in no great rush to get "vaccinated."

Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Normal!

Note re: embedded video.

I slammed this one together a while back, before YouTube started censoring all of its content producers. Then, when YouTube obviously started to take sides in the political debate, I looked for another place to post my thoughts. So far, BitChute has been a pretty good alternative, so much so that my consumption of BitChute content has almost completely replaced the time I spend on YouTube when it comes to serious content.

YouTube is still a great resource if you are looking for information that does not impact the political message YouTube is now actively promoting. I have downloaded some great documentaries in the last while. One reason I download the really interesting ones is because, these days, you just never know when they, too, will be flushed down the memory hole. A very good one I recently downloaded was about the Black Death in the fourteenth century - Yersinia pestis. I wanted to get some perspective on what a real pandemic looks like as opposed to the hyped-up scamdemic we have all been exposed to, and had our lives turned upside-down by for the last two years. Yersinia pestis, at the time, was powerful enough to change the population's world view. In 2020, Yersinia pestis had been replaced by CHCH "News," and other Junk News purveyors.

YouTube also remains a great source for music. You can download full albums and watch all kinds of great live performances from the days when people were not scared shitless about gathering together in large crowds.

And while there is still some excellent analysis of the scamdemic available on YouTube, if you really want to drill down, you will have to look elsewhere. And since you have no way of knowing whether these channels will be de-platformed at any time, it gives you a heads-up on what to look for on the free speech video platforms.

Anyway, I originally published the video embedded below on YouTube and I can't remember the exact date I posted it. After I saw the YouTube trajectory, as the Jews who got out of Europe early enough to avoid Nazi persecution saw, I figured it was a good idea to find another host for my stuff. The video below was posted on March 4th, 2018. It is actually older than that. I deleted most of my serious stuff from YouTube and just left, mostly, less radical material. If I were to do Acclimation over again, I would make a lot of changes but, I am satisfied that I made the point I was trying to make and that it has become even more relevant since the scamdemic grabbed the attention of the masses.

I'm thinking of re-doing it though, to bring it up to date with the New Normal in the age of COVID. I could see where,

"Two weeks to flatten the curve, (so we're shutting your business down,)

and a

"STAY HOME, - (you will be safe,)


"wear a mask, (it's just a mask)"


"stand six feet apart, (save lives)"


"don't have Christmas with your family or visit your loved ones in nursing homes, (you might kill granny)"

or ....

"get vaccinated, (it's just a poke,)" And keep on getting poked as long as necessary for the rest of your life,

and so on, and so on .... might fit in.

It's the New Normal.

Actually, it's not that new. In fact, it is as old as history.

Be happy to die for King and Country, etc. "Daddy, did you get vaccinated during the Great Pandemic?"

And then I will top it off with a message.

"Trust what the politicians, the media, Facebook, and YouTube tell you the 'SCIENCE' is." And trust their so-called "fact-checkers." They don't have an agenda. They care about you."

"But we care about you. We love you." Just like that guy that beats up his wife every day, knowing she will never leave him so long as he keeps telling her how much he "loves" her.

The best thing of all is you don't have to know anything about science to confidently repeat it. Just like you no longer need to know how to add and subtract to use a calculator. Just say, "I follow the science," and people will automatically know what you mean. Even though the "science" has been constantly changing over the last two years. Oh, but I forgot, science changes... almost every day. It's called "science change," but this kind of change is good for you, because it's based on science.


"We're all in this together,"

When they tell you what the science is, you KNOW what the science is. And you can repeat the mantra to your recalcitrant friends. Show them who is informed.

Seriously though. All you are really doing is trusting the very same people whom you FUCKING KNOW lie to you all the time.

Happy New Normal!


Posted on BitChute March 4th, 2018.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Facebook Would Not Let Me Post This

I was able to post it to the #EndTheLockdown group but NOT to the main feed. In an effort to circumvent Facebook's Nazi-style interference with the flow of information and expert opinion, I have decided to post the link here and then post THIS page to the Facebook feed. At some point, it would not surprise me if Facebook outright blocks posts from openprison.ca as well.

While, personally, I am not ready to buy into the idea that what has been going on is a deliberate attempt to depopulate the world, even though I know there are many, especially in the deep-Green community of open misanthropes, who would like nothing better than to see mass human extermination, I find the rest of Dr. Yeadon's presentation to be right on target.

Video: Ex-Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon: Mass Murder with Vaccine Passports/Top Up Vaccines

There is one big mistake in the following video. It assumes that cash will still be an option in the Orwellian future. It won't be. Once cash has been eliminated, the central computer will be programmed to determine what you can and cannot buy with your money. You won't be able to argue with the cashier, if there even is one, either. That T-bone you just picked up for dinner? "Sorry, you've already hit your quota of red meat. Your digital transaction cannot be completed at this time. You are saving the planet. We all win! <smiley face>"

An excellent summary of 2021,

2021 Year in Review: Madness, Mayhem and Tyranny

Friday, December 24, 2021

UPDATE: 8:03 p.m.

This post is an update to something I wrote this afternoon, Dec. 24, 2021.

Well, it looks like I was wrong about the way CHCH Evening "News" was going to spin the story this evening. Could it be they are finally realizing that their credibility is in the dumpster? Even their "experts" were, more or less, admitting that Omicron is looking more and more like the common cold. And McMaster's Martha Fullford knocks another one out of the park with her admission that many of the "cases" in the hospital are "incidental." In other words, someone could be admitted for injuries sustained in a car accident, who tests positive is recorded as a "case," and that this should be changed. Martha must read my rants because she said the same thing I have been saying forever now, "It's a pandemic of positive PCR tests." Are you telling me she just found out about this? Or maybe, she has been given the nod that it's okay to publicly state this, even though many of us "Nazis, Deplorables, Q anon supporters(?), white supremacists, and anti-vaxxers," have known this for ages.

If the embedded video does not play, click here.

"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...