Saturday, May 22, 2021

72% of Canadians support mandatory coronavirus vaccine

72% of Canadians support mandatory coronavirus vaccine

I think that, maybe, they realize that too many people are getting wise to the PCR fraud, so they are going to segue into a different standard. A vaccine mandate enforced through the back door via vaccine passports.

What will it look like, if after ordering so many doses of the vaccine, not enough people take them up on it?

After all, what is the meaning of "government intervention," if not to alter the otherwise spontaneous equilibrium of voluntary buyers and sellers, in favour of some political preference, ideology, promise, or some other fraudulent economic sleight of hand?

More wasted $millions. Net losses to society. Less wealth to "share."

That would be egg on their faces.

When a genius like Justin Trudeau decides to order $2 billion worth of "testing, ventilators, (yeah, ventilators) and personal protective equipment," what would it look like if it turned out all of that stuff was not needed? The solution from the point of view of politicians is quite simple. Mandate its use. "We god damned guarantee that it will be needed." It also provides some insight into what Trudeau means when he says he admires China because their communist system allows them to "turn their economy around on a dime." And control the planet's temperature.

No demand for wasted resources? Mandate the demand. Either directly, or via typical liberal sleaze.

If in-your-face mandates can be avoided because it doesn't look good,

enact a sleazy new standard, where our freedoms are linked to the number of people who get jabbed.

It's a smart plan. After all, it will save some $ in their propaganda efforts. The population will be split between those who salivate for the jab, and those who are a little bit more suspicious of political motives, reserved, or are "vaccine hesitant." (A.K.A. "anti-vaxxers" in most Junk News reports.)

Instead of wasting $millions on government-funded PSAs, this new policy will inspire unpaid propaganda volunteers to exert pressure upon their friends and family members to get the jab - JUST SO THEY CAN BE GRANTED - some measure of freedom, and some peace from the nagging relatives. By the way, the lost friends, and tension, and acrimony should also be accounted for in any tally of the collateral damage caused by NPIs. (Non Pharmaceutical Interventions.)

No controversial mandates required. Just link personal liberty, or Charter rights, to vax stats. Canadians have already been almost thoroughly acclimated to collectivized decision-making. And don't worry about that worrisome "reasonable limits" limitation.

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Thanks to COVID-19 we have ALL been given a demonstration of what Section 1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms really means for Canadians. It means Canadians SQUAT all rights. I have always known this. The meaning is quite clear. You have these rights, but you don't have them. They are all subservient to the opinions of whomever gets to decide what "reasonable limits" are, and whether they have been demonstrably justified by whomever has the decision-making power to demonstrably justify them, like bureaucrats who have been crowned as the "top doctors," even though some of the non-top-doctors might disagree.

It's so easy to understand, unless you are suffering from Nth stage dementia, or in an induced coma on a ventilator.

It's brilliant!

Get the population to fight it out among themselves, just like they have done with the CoofRag mandates. And it won't cost a penny in tax dollars.

"The vaccine is safe because I want it to be safe."

Will This Sleazy Psy-Op Work?

Of course, it will.

As a boomer, I can think back to a time when it would not have worked at all. Like back in 1969 when the Woodstock generation would have responded, "Masks and lockdowns? Screw you!"

But this is a different age. Fifty plus years separates us now. A lot of voters today weren't even alive back in '69. They've had half a century of collectivist brainwashing in the public schools, on TV, and in the "news." You don't need physical chains if you can get hold of kids at the tender age of four or five. By the time the public school system grants their parole, their minds have been completely bound.

Look at the pictures of the BLM and Antifa rioters. At first glance you might think, "Well, these people haven't been brainwashed! Look at how they are rebelling against the system!"

And then look at how many of these "rebels" are wearing masks.

Marx inspired public education has got them EXACTLY where they wanted them. And they don't even know it.

Are COVID-19 immunization passports coming?



Behind one mask or another.

Some people I talk to think this system will soon experience a dramatic collapse.

Others think it will be a slow and creeping demise, in the manner of the boiling frogs aphorism. By the time it has reached the point of no return, it will be too late.

I tend to the slow and creeping demise scenario. One or two millenia from now, scholars will study us to gain insight into how civilizations rise and fall, and reach a point of stasis that can last for - millenia.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Still Haven't Received the Jab?

May, 21, 2021

Ontario Covid-19 Statistics

From yesterday's (May 20) report.

Note the number of "resolved" cases.

485,512 cases have been reported as resolved, I.E. “recovered,” in Ontario’s Case and Contact Management system (CCM). [Source]

Most of these 485,512 people (assuming, for the sake of argument, the 45 cycle PCR tests are actually measuring COVID-19 infections) will have naturally acquired immunity from COVID-19, and possibly, many or most of its variants.

Why, given all of the debate about immunuty passports, is there scant discussion about granting said passports to those who have recovered?

I have spoken to two friends who have taken the jab. I asked both of them if they were tested for COVID-19 antibodies prior to getting the needle, just in case they have already caught the virus, and like most people not burdened by obesity, multiple comorbidities, or advanced age, had symptoms similar to the common cold. "Why should I?" was the response. This, despite an absolute deluge of "information" from the Junk News media, politicians, medical and other authorities. Too many mice in the attic?

Is this due to simple oversight, or sloppiness? Or something more sinister?

Still Haven't Received the Jab?

In the end, you might be one of the lucky ones.

Covid-19 Symposium 2021: Dr Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist, University of Guelph

New York Times Best Selling Author Michael Capuzzo Issues a Plea to Fellow Journalists

Informed Consent: The Vaccine Safety Data You Need

Mice plague worsens in New South Wales

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

People are Noticing You

I have to laugh.

I have been retired now for almost three years, and, though I have occasionally posted some of my "extreme far right views," all of which entails, these days, accusations of being a racist, and a White Supremacist (As Jagmit said the other day,), and that I am an "anti-vaxer" and a tinfoil hat "conspiracy theorist." I find it really odd that LinkedIn is informing me that recruiters have been looking at my resume.

And, I have noticed an increase in the amount of traffic in my inbox that I have been getting from LinkedIn.

"Who's looking at you?"

As if I give a fuck.

And this most recent one,

"You appeared in 4 searches this week

You were found by people from these companies."

Oh, really?

Either "these companies" are getting really desperate for new candidates, or the whole process is a crock of shit.

I mean, here is what came in today,

The people who were searching for a viable candidate, and viewed my resume, came from,


Non-profit Organization Management

501-1,000 employees


Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing

Durham Catholic District School Board

Education Management

1,001-5,000 employees


I am sure that anyone who has viewed my profile could see me as working for the ZIESS Group for my vast expertise in Electrical and Electronic manufacturing,

or my glowing credentials in the field of Education Management that might be of some use to the Durham Catholic District School Board.

The one that caught my eye, (can eye say that?) was the one from the CNIB.

I think I speak for most people here in that most people know nothing more about the CNIB than it is a charity for blind people.

How could I be of use to such an organization?

Well, for one thing, I fully understand that blindness is not just declining eyesight. It is almost ubiquitous. And it has nothing to do with the cornea, or the retina, or the lense, ... it is an affliction of the brain.

But, seriously, it is not because of my, perhaps overactive, immagination that the LinkedIn search algorithm sent the CNIB to my page.

It's because,

A - recruiters are getting desperate


B - it ain't worth a shit.

I'll tell you what,

I'll take that job at the Durham Catholic District School Board, so long as they give me a $20,000 signing bonus, and another $50,000 when they fire me.

None of this is really funny, but it IS fucking hilarious.

Ivor Cummins and Sebastion Rushworth

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

"Coded" with COVID

I have a question I would like to throw out there.

The answer might add some perspective to whether the application of Jackboot medicine was appropriate for Ontario.

Ages ago, while listening to one of Ivor Cummins' podcasts on the scamdemic, he mentioned a shocking statistic on the number of Irish Covid deaths occurring in people who were "coded" or under DNR (Do-Not-Resuscitate) orders. The number was shockingly high and, I think, highly significant in terms of the insane response to the WuFlu.

I tried looking it up just now because I wanted to know the exact percentage. I couldn't find it by doing a site specific search on Ivor's website, but I did find this interesting report (Published:November 28, 2020) which stated,

"640 patients died (570 (89.1 percent) WITH and 70 (10.9 percent) WITHOUT a DNR order at the time of admission." (CAPS - mine)

Question: is this report from two New Jersey hospitals an isolated case? Or would other jurisdictions be in the same ballpark?

Of the 3,319,644 reported deaths, globaly, from COVID-19, what if 89.1% of them are people with an equivalent medical status? That would mean that 2,957,803 were going to die very soon, anyway, and that a more honest global death toll from COVID would be lowered by an order of magnitude.

Now about that CDC statistic that only 6% of the reported deaths from WuFLU had no co-morbidities.

I would LOVE to know what the corresponding number is for Ontario. Anyone?


“Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR)” Status Determines Mortality in Patients with COVID-19

The Fat Emperor

Do these graphs look credible to you?


The rest of the world, for comparision.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How I Get Around Twitler's Iron Curtain

I embed the verboten content into one of my own blog pages and post the link on Twitler.

So far, it still works.

My understanding is that the reason Ivermectin is being demonized and censored is because the experimental vaccines would not qualify for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) IF effective treatments are already available.

The Criminalization of Dissent

The “Unvaccinated” Question


Even so, I still get dire warnings from time to time.

Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....