Friday, December 6, 2019

Holocaust Denial?

I've just finished reading a very interesting article that came to my inbox today from Paul Craig Roberts.

As a climate emergency skeptic, I have been aware of the efforts by the alarmists to denigrate people like myself as "deniers." It's a crass utilization of the argument from intimidation which is intended, not to counter one's views but rather, but to shame one into silence instead. (and when this doesn't work they resort to the now widespread practice of censorship, and when that doesn't work - incarceration and death.)

When you are called a "denier" you are being compared to anyone who dares question the OFFICIAL holocaust story. This has never worked for me because I don't like being told what to believe.

It has actually backfired and led me down a very different path. While I previously never doubted the OFFICAL holocaust story, now I do.

Also, here's part of a paragraph from the article linked below that PERFECTLY describes the evolution of my own thinking on the question,

"Meanwhile, the concurrent collapse of my belief in our official American Pravda narrative on so many other controversial topics played a major role as well. Once I realized to my dismay that I couldn’t believe a word of what our media and political leaders said about major events in the here and now, their credibility on controversial happenings so long ago and far away entirely disappeared. For these reasons, I had grown quite suspicious and held a very open mind on Holocaust matters..."

The very last paragraph says,

"Until thirty years ago, Communist rule over the USSR and its Warsaw Pact allies seemed absolutely permanent and unshakeable, but the roots of that belief had totally rotted away, leaving behind nothing more than a hollow facade. Then one day, a gust of wind came along, and the entire gigantic structure collapsed. I wouldn’t be surprised if our current Holocaust narrative eventually suffers that same fate, perhaps with unfortunate consequences for those too closely associated with having maintained it."

Perhaps I am being overly optimistic but dare I hope that the same fate will beset the Climate Change hoax as well in my lifetime?

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial
by Ron Unz

They are still inviting me to sign their bogus Climate Emergency list!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

They are still inviting me to sign their bogus Climate Emergency list!

Can you believe this?

They are still inviting me to sign their bogus Climate Emergency list! This message came this afternoon.

I was reluctant to forward this communication at first but then I noticed the appeal in paragraph 3 which says, "To help get this message to COP25 negotiators, other world leaders, and the public, please share on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn."

So that is what I am doing. And I hope all of you will sign it too. Or at least click "like." In fact, I am kind of hoping that every internet joker on the planet will jump on board and sign up. How about this one? Dr.s Fine, Fine, and Fine, of the Los Arms Hospital in Tierra Del Fuego?

Why leave it at just Mickey Mouse? Let's get Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Quickdraw McGraw and Fred Flintstone on that list. And Professor what's his name from "Back to the Future," and oh, of course, the Professor from Gilligan's Island.

This could be more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Get Mr. Stubbs to sign it too!


Dear scientist, our paper “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency” is now in BioScience magazine and here is the link which is open access

The paper is being widely reported on by the mass media. We are now collecting more scientist signatures on the paper. Therefore, please sign if you have not already done so, and contact your colleagues about signing the paper too. Scientists can sign the paper at

The COP25 UN climate meetings are now taking place in Madrid, Spain, and we need your assistance to spread this declaration of a climate emergency. To help get this message to COP25 negotiators, other world leaders, and the public, please share on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. A few sample tweets are shown below.

Thanks, Bill,
William J. Ripple, Distinguished Professor, Oregon State University

Sample tweets:

“We declare, with more than 11,000 scientist signatories from around the world, clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency."


Someone should tell these people that AOC has publicly admitted that she was just joking about the world ending in twelve years.

Future Schlock

Alvin Toffler reputedly said, “A library is a hospital for the mind.” The Fake News media is starting to look more and more like the contents of a mind that is in a mental hospital. (Just check out the Schiff Show and the Nadler Circus currently playing in Washington.)

In Future Shock (1970,) Toffler wrote about people developing gills and webbed feet.

Some of Toffler's ideas were then recycled in 2015 and published as science news in The Telegraph.

Read the article here.

Back in 1976, I submitted an article to Mohawk College's student newspaper. I think the paper was called the "Phoenix" but I'm not sure. Anyway. It was a completely ridiculous joke article and I didn't expect it to be printed. To my surprise, they did print it.

At the time, I figured that the editor must have had a sense of humor. These days, who knows?

Then in 2019 I added my name to an online list of fake scientists......

Other Schlock

Here's a good one from Shree Paradkar's Twitter feed yesterday, "Intentions in racism don’t matter."

That sample of intellectual scintillation motivated me to pay her what was, perhaps the one and only complement she will ever get from me, "Excellent point, Shree. After all, I never intended to be born white but I'm guilty anyway." Of course, I do not suffer from one iota of guilt over that fact.

I don't have any particular bone to pick with Shree, any more than I have a bone to pick with that poor abused child, Greta Thunburg. She is just such an easy target as a resource for examples of the kind of inane nonsense that some children will come up with when given a sandbox to play in and encouraged to build fantastical structures with their fertile imaginations. And the thing about Shree, unlike her other race-baiting clones on Twitter like Desmond Cole, Andray Domise, Matthew Green, and others, Shree hasn't crawled under a Twitter rock by blocking me from seeing her creative work, though I'm quite certain she has "muted" me. ("I know nutting, I see nutting. I didn't even get up today.")

The whole Greta/Shree phenomenon reminds me of something I read in "A Primer on Freudian Psychology" back in Grade 11 about toilet training. When a child is being potty trained, you don't want to give them a guilt complex by scolding them when they have an accident. That could lead to problems like constipation. On the other hand, you must avoid going overboard with praise whenever they successfully complete a bowel movement or they might mistakenly conclude that they have created something of value. The problem only gets worse when it goes beyond childhood to be reinforced by school teachers, legacy "news" media, and politicians - all of whom were the victims of similar abuse.

In the cases of Greta and Shree, it's hard to speculate as to which errors their parents made since, despite their creative outputs, both appear also to suffer from severe constipation.

Let's face it, without a platform, funding, and promoters, both Greta and Shree would probably be wandering the streets wearing signs that say, "I Hate White People" and "The world is going to end in twelve years."

By the way, I just learned that AOC said she was only "joking" about the world ending in twelve years but here's the really funny part, she claims she didn't really think that people were actually stupid enough to believe her. Yeah, right.

Greta also created a stir the other day when she let the cat out of the bag and said,

"After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all."

Yesterday, and with Greta's declaration in mind, I commented on a CBC report about Hamilton's "blueprint" to tackle its "climate change emergency."

I wrote a comment.

This is how it ended up.

In the Works

White Like Me: A Different Perspective

Monday, December 2, 2019

Now Greta says it's NOT just about the Environment

So Greta continues to stagger across the globe with her clattering collection of caliginous horseshit. If only the media, the politicians, and the public had a brain!

The Greta story is the twenty-first-century version of the Emperor with no clothes except this time it's not about strutting around naked and having everyone go Ooo! and Ahhh! at the amazing wardrobe, it's about strutting around stupid and having your sycophants pretend you're some kind of second coming.

And now there's this. After having to tolerate her pissing and moaning about how news reports about really bad weather in the future have stolen her childhood, she turns around and says this!

"After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all."

Really? So she finally admits it's "not just about the environment," and I totally agree with her there. It NEVER WAS just about the environment, if it was about the environment at all. It was all part of an intellectual package deal intended to usher in world socialism. And since the rest of the BS they use to sell socialism to the public generally requires a sub 80 IQ to buy into, "climate change" has supposedly been sanctified by "science."

Since it NEVER WAS just about the environment then it is much more likely to have been a classic bait-and-switch sales con. You think you're being sold climate stasis but what they really intend to deliver is socialism. Duh!

I would like to see her extract and quantize those various components of her "problem" to see the exact percentage of her life that was ruined by government and media brainwashing. I hope she includes the nightmare scenarios her loving parents filled her young mind with when they should have been reading "The Cat in the Hat" to her at bedtime instead of Stephen King and Al Gore novels.

Why We Strike Again

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ep. 516: Be Thankful for Capitalism

Well that didn't take long.

Do you know what REALLY PISSES ME OFF about censorship? It deprives the audience of any opportunity to determine FOR THEMSELVES whether or not the prohibited material does, in fact, contain so-called hate speech. It reflects the colossal arrogance of the gatekeepers in arrogating to themselves the RIGHT and the POWER to be the final judges of the information to which the public should have access.

In this time of rampant fake news, one cannot help but develop the very strong impression that so-called "hate speech" is ANYTHING that the self-appointed gatekeepers of THE TRUTH say it is, even if it ISN'T.

And that it could, in fact, even be the truth, or at least, contain elements of the truth as well as references to other material that would help any TRUTH SEEKER to further investigate the validity of any of the claims made.

That is just downright manipulation of information. It's pure brainwashing. It's downright dishonest.

Perhaps, worst of all, to anyone possessing half a neuron, is that it's all so FUCKING OBVIOUS!


Also worth noting. It took less than four days for the offending material to be scrubbed from Youtube after I posted the link.


Call me paranoid but this is the first time I have had THIS problem in Blogger. All of a sudden, I can't embed images in my blogs. The image I wanted to upload was the screenshot of what you will see when you click on THIS LINK.

Oh! Now it's working.

The above rant applies to the link entry I posted on Friday, November 22, 2019.

Here it is again.

Having had plenty of time now to study how bullshit is spread, from the ETS scam to global warming and now the hysterical attempts to depose the lawfully elected president of the united states, it has motivated me to examine other areas of seemingly immutable "truth." You wouldn't believe the directions in which this process is taking me.

The title of the video is "Setting the Record Straight with Ernst Zundel."

Oops! Censored! Imagine that?

Let it be known that, at this point, I have no opinion on the validity of the officially sanctioned and legally enforced holocaust story. Again, given what I have learned over the years I can be certain of only one thing. There is a lot of BS, fake history, hidden history, and fake news in the world today. You really can't believe anything you see or hear.

With this experience, I have growing confidence in my ability to sniff out BS at a much faster rate than I used to. For example, when the Fake News was spewing its reports about Assad gassing his own people I knew that THAT was a crock of shit from the get-go. A very handy tool in BS detection is to employ the old standby question, "cui bono?"

According to the notorious hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, BitChute site hosts "hate-fueled material". They don't want people to use BitChute.

The video that YouTube erased, unsurprisingly, can still be watched on BitChute. For now.

"Setting the Record Straight with Ernst Zundel."

History as most Canadians learned it.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Questioning "Truth."

Having had plenty of time now to study how bullshit is spread, from the ETS scam to global warming and now the hysterical attempts to depose the lawfully elected president of the united states, it has motivated me to examine other areas of seemingly immutable "truth." You wouldn't believe the directions in which this process is taking me.


Do you know what REALLY PISSES ME OFF about censorship? It deprives the audience of any opportunity to determine FOR THEMSELVES whether or not the prohibited material does, in fact, contain so-called hate speech. It reflects the colossal arrogance of the gatekeepers in arrogating to themselves the RIGHT and the POWER to be the final judges of the information to which the public should have access.

In this time of rampant fake news, one cannot help but develop the very strong impression that so-called "hate speech" is ANYTHING that the self-appointed gatekeepers of THE TRUTH say it is, even if it ISN'T.

And that it could, in fact, even be the truth, or at least, contain elements of the truth as well as references to other material that would help any TRUTH SEEKER to further investigate the validity of any of the claims made.

That is just downright manipulation of information. It's pure brainwashing. It's downright dishonest.

Perhaps, worst of all, to anyone possessing half a neuron, is that it's all so FUCKING OBVIOUS!


Also worth noting. It took less than four days for the offending material to be scrubbed from Youtube after I posted the link.


Call me paranoid but this is the first time I have had THIS problem in Blogger. All of a sudden, I can't embed images in my blogs. The image I wanted to upload was the screenshot of what you will see when you click on THIS LINK.

Oh! Now it's working.

The above rant applies to the link entry I posted on Friday, November 22, 2019.

Here it is again.

Having had plenty of time now to study how bullshit is spread, from the ETS scam to global warming and now the hysterical attempts to depose the lawfully elected president of the united states, it has motivated me to examine other areas of seemingly immutable "truth." You wouldn't believe the directions in which this process is taking me.

The title of the video is "Setting the Record Straight with Ernst Zundel."

Oops! Censored! Imagine that?

Let it be known that, at this point, I have no opinion on the validity of the officially sanctioned and legally enforced holocaust story. Again, given what I have learned over the years I can be certain of only one thing. There is a lot of BS, fake history, hidden history, and fake news in the world today. You really can't believe anything you see or hear.

With this experience, I have growing confidence in my ability to sniff out BS at a much faster rate than I used to. For example, when the Fake News was spewing its reports about Assad gassing his own people I knew that THAT was a crock of shit from the get-go. A very handy tool in BS detection is to employ the old standby question, "cui bono?"

According to the notorious hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, BitChute site hosts "hate-fueled material". They don't want people to use BitChute.

The video that YouTube erased, unsurprisingly, can still be watched on BitChute. For now.

"Setting the Record Straight with Ernst Zundel."

History as most Canadians learned it.

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Milloy talks Biden climate agenda with Stuart Varney on FOX Business From the April 19, 2024 episode.