Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ep. 516: Be Thankful for Capitalism

Well that didn't take long.

Do you know what REALLY PISSES ME OFF about censorship? It deprives the audience of any opportunity to determine FOR THEMSELVES whether or not the prohibited material does, in fact, contain so-called hate speech. It reflects the colossal arrogance of the gatekeepers in arrogating to themselves the RIGHT and the POWER to be the final judges of the information to which the public should have access.

In this time of rampant fake news, one cannot help but develop the very strong impression that so-called "hate speech" is ANYTHING that the self-appointed gatekeepers of THE TRUTH say it is, even if it ISN'T.

And that it could, in fact, even be the truth, or at least, contain elements of the truth as well as references to other material that would help any TRUTH SEEKER to further investigate the validity of any of the claims made.

That is just downright manipulation of information. It's pure brainwashing. It's downright dishonest.

Perhaps, worst of all, to anyone possessing half a neuron, is that it's all so FUCKING OBVIOUS!


Also worth noting. It took less than four days for the offending material to be scrubbed from Youtube after I posted the link.


Call me paranoid but this is the first time I have had THIS problem in Blogger. All of a sudden, I can't embed images in my blogs. The image I wanted to upload was the screenshot of what you will see when you click on THIS LINK.

Oh! Now it's working.

The above rant applies to the link entry I posted on Friday, November 22, 2019.

Here it is again.

Having had plenty of time now to study how bullshit is spread, from the ETS scam to global warming and now the hysterical attempts to depose the lawfully elected president of the united states, it has motivated me to examine other areas of seemingly immutable "truth." You wouldn't believe the directions in which this process is taking me.

The title of the video is "Setting the Record Straight with Ernst Zundel."

Oops! Censored! Imagine that?

Let it be known that, at this point, I have no opinion on the validity of the officially sanctioned and legally enforced holocaust story. Again, given what I have learned over the years I can be certain of only one thing. There is a lot of BS, fake history, hidden history, and fake news in the world today. You really can't believe anything you see or hear.

With this experience, I have growing confidence in my ability to sniff out BS at a much faster rate than I used to. For example, when the Fake News was spewing its reports about Assad gassing his own people I knew that THAT was a crock of shit from the get-go. A very handy tool in BS detection is to employ the old standby question, "cui bono?"

According to the notorious hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, BitChute site hosts "hate-fueled material". They don't want people to use BitChute.

The video that YouTube erased, unsurprisingly, can still be watched on BitChute. For now.

"Setting the Record Straight with Ernst Zundel."

History as most Canadians learned it.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Questioning "Truth."

Having had plenty of time now to study how bullshit is spread, from the ETS scam to global warming and now the hysterical attempts to depose the lawfully elected president of the united states, it has motivated me to examine other areas of seemingly immutable "truth." You wouldn't believe the directions in which this process is taking me.


Do you know what REALLY PISSES ME OFF about censorship? It deprives the audience of any opportunity to determine FOR THEMSELVES whether or not the prohibited material does, in fact, contain so-called hate speech. It reflects the colossal arrogance of the gatekeepers in arrogating to themselves the RIGHT and the POWER to be the final judges of the information to which the public should have access.

In this time of rampant fake news, one cannot help but develop the very strong impression that so-called "hate speech" is ANYTHING that the self-appointed gatekeepers of THE TRUTH say it is, even if it ISN'T.

And that it could, in fact, even be the truth, or at least, contain elements of the truth as well as references to other material that would help any TRUTH SEEKER to further investigate the validity of any of the claims made.

That is just downright manipulation of information. It's pure brainwashing. It's downright dishonest.

Perhaps, worst of all, to anyone possessing half a neuron, is that it's all so FUCKING OBVIOUS!


Also worth noting. It took less than four days for the offending material to be scrubbed from Youtube after I posted the link.


Call me paranoid but this is the first time I have had THIS problem in Blogger. All of a sudden, I can't embed images in my blogs. The image I wanted to upload was the screenshot of what you will see when you click on THIS LINK.

Oh! Now it's working.

The above rant applies to the link entry I posted on Friday, November 22, 2019.

Here it is again.

Having had plenty of time now to study how bullshit is spread, from the ETS scam to global warming and now the hysterical attempts to depose the lawfully elected president of the united states, it has motivated me to examine other areas of seemingly immutable "truth." You wouldn't believe the directions in which this process is taking me.

The title of the video is "Setting the Record Straight with Ernst Zundel."

Oops! Censored! Imagine that?

Let it be known that, at this point, I have no opinion on the validity of the officially sanctioned and legally enforced holocaust story. Again, given what I have learned over the years I can be certain of only one thing. There is a lot of BS, fake history, hidden history, and fake news in the world today. You really can't believe anything you see or hear.

With this experience, I have growing confidence in my ability to sniff out BS at a much faster rate than I used to. For example, when the Fake News was spewing its reports about Assad gassing his own people I knew that THAT was a crock of shit from the get-go. A very handy tool in BS detection is to employ the old standby question, "cui bono?"

According to the notorious hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, BitChute site hosts "hate-fueled material". They don't want people to use BitChute.

The video that YouTube erased, unsurprisingly, can still be watched on BitChute. For now.

"Setting the Record Straight with Ernst Zundel."

History as most Canadians learned it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Update on the Climate Fraudster List

View on BitChute

BS Detection and Analysis of the 11,000 signatures - Update.

Can we find out if there is any truth to the BS CBC claim that there are still 11,000 signatures on the "study?"

As I review the issue and roll things over in my mind, the whole shoddy process looks less and less like the work of people exercising scientific integrity and more and more like an impeachment farce driven by members of the American Democratic Party.






Sunday, November 10, 2019

List of fake scientists declaring climate emergency followup

List of fake scientists declaring climate emergency followup

On Saturday, Nov 9, 2019, the Spectator published a BS piece on it's opinion page in an effort demonize the BS detectors who contributed to exposing the "List of fake scientists declaring [a] climate emergency."

This is another shining example of the arrogant attitude of the people who dominate the fake news media.

"Within hours of The Spectator’s Joanna Frketich reporting on the fake, the internet lit up with trolls, climate change deniers, flat earthers and libertarian conspiracy theorists all seizing on the fakes to discredit the petition."

Do you see how this works?

To emphasize my point, tell me seriously, how many "flat earthers" do you think were lighting up the internet in response to this report? I am actually surprised they didn't also choose to bundle Nazis, fascists, racists, and Trump supporters in with the libertarian knuckle draggers! This is how they sleaze-spin words to manipulate a sleepy public mind.

Also, was it Joanna Frketich's reporting that sparked this fire "within hours?" Their Youtube intro report has 178 views as of just now, or was it a result of the 80,526 views (Nov 10, 2019, 06:25) on Ezra Levant's Youtube report?

"To the 34 people — including a handful in Hamilton — who fraudulently signed a climate crisis warning,"

They are telling us that only 34 people fraudulently signed the *global* petition. Really?

And out of that 34 people, a "handful" came from Hamilton? Those estimates sound fishy right off the bat. I smell BS.

Does that 34 number include the,

"Social scientists [that] are also very much involved in climate change discussion because of the impact of climate change on our society. It's not necessarily the scientist that's working in a lab and doing that environmental work, but they could be doing work about how populations are going to need to adjust or respond to climate change."

and who, therefore, according to Bruce Newbold, from the advisory board of the McMaster University Centre for Climate Change, could have non-fraudulently signed on to that list?

That might include people like Professor Dan McKinnon, the city's public works manager, who is quoted in a CBC article (Apr 16, 2018) saying "as climate change worsens, road conditions will too." (Before long, they will be blaming ingrown toenails on climate change.) Certainly, he is supposed to be "doing work about how populations are going to need to adjust or respond to climate change," because of all the potholes on Hamilton streets. (How convenient!)

Or Professor Sam Sidawi, the city's head of asset management in 2018 who says in the same article, "Certainly, this is a climate change issue." (Not one of government incompetence.)

And let's not forget about Professor Justin Trudeau ("babies are scientists") and his colleague, Professor Catherine McKenna who are both doing a great job (more like con job,) "doing work about how populations are going to need to adjust or respond to climate change."

No wonder these clowns need a $600 million bailout from Professor Justin Trudeau.

Signed on November 20, 2019, by Professor Hans Wienhold, an expert in the science of BS detection and analysis, not currently affiliated with Mohawk College.

“But you know, I actually gave them some real advice. I said that if you actually say it louder, we’ve learned in the House of Commons, if you repeat it, if you say it louder, if that is your talking point, people will totally believe it,” Catherine McKenna.


editorial climate fakers do serious harm

Retired Hamilton cabbie gets himself on list of fake scientists declaring climate emergency

Climate Fraudsters

The exact text of my interview with Joanna Frketich

Why did you do it?

I did it because I was already aware that the claim that 97% of all climate scientists agree with the climate alarm was bogus, that many of them were not climate scientists but were rather activists and government hacks. I was curious about whether there would be any attempt to verify my credentials on this list before any publication touting the list of signatories.

I think I made my point.

What message would you like people to get from it?

The message is not to believe anything you are being told by the legacy corporate media. Their function is not to inform but rather to manipulate opinion in pursuit of a political agenda.

Were you surprised your name made it on the published list? Why or why not?

I was not surprised my name made it to that list because it has become all too obvious that "news," even if accurate, is distributed or withheld depending upon whether or not it promotes certain interests. Just take a look at the Amy Robach revelations that were recently publicized by Project Veritas.

Update: November 11, 2019

I am not satisfied with my answer to this question upon review because it doesn't really answer the question. This was not a deliberate attempt on my part to mislead.

What I should have said was that I was not surprised my name made it to that list because I believed the priority of the people generating the list was to inflate the numbers as much as possible to generate scary headlines. It seemed unlikely they would devote much effort toward quality control. Therefore, I was not surprised at the outcome.

What do you think this says about the BioScience article?

I haven't read the article.

Is it still accurate to call you a Hamilton cab driver?

The best description would be "Retired cab driver."

Do 97% of scientists actually agree on climate change?

My Halloween message.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Shower Dissidence

Shower Dissidence

I am always looking for a way to give my middle finger to the government.

Some people would say I am obsessed.

Back in the 1980s in Ontario, prepared meals totaling less than $4.00 were exempt from sales tax. So for years I almost never bought a meal for more than $4.00. The health food franchises I patronized were very helpful at first. You could get a 1/4 lb. combo at McD's for $3.99 and the other restaurants, like Harvey's and Wendy's, had similar deals.

If I wanted to spend a bit more, I would often order the items separately and ask for separate bills.

Inflation finally eliminated most of those combo deals, unfortunately.

Then the "progressives" at Hamilton City Hall prohibited smoking in cabs some time back in the 1990s. Prior to that, the rule was sensible and tolerant. Smoking was by mutual consent. I just ignored that bylaw without consequence for the next twenty years. Sometime around 2014 one of the city's Antifa type Gestapo employees snuck up on me and issued a fine for about $300. I figured that was worth it. $300 worked out to about $15 for each year I ignored the intrusion. I would have happily paid $15 a year for a smoking license anyway if I had to.

So I paid the fine and continued to ignore the mandate until I quit the business.

I don't like to be pushed around by the worms who wriggle their way into political power and then self-righteously tell me how I am to live my life.

Fuck them.

95% of what the government does is a net loss to society. The legitimate 5% of what they do, they do poorly, as in protecting people from criminals, or repairing roads. (And these are the same idiots who would have us believe they can control the climate.)

One thing I liked about living in a highrise apartment building was the garbage chute. I found garbage anonymity to be a plus.

The other thing I liked about living in the highrise was the shower. It was great. The pressure was strong and the temperature was consistent. It was pure luxury.

Then the building was sold and the new owners came around and installed these low-flow nozzles that delivered what could be best described as a mist rather than a shower and which, for some reason, caused wild temperature variations from freezing cold to scalding hot.

I sure as fuck didn't put up with that for very long. I started researching solutions to the problem. I got the idea of hacking showerheads from Jeffrey Tucker but within a very short time I purchased a cheap shower head from Canadian Tire and gouged out the flow restricting O-ring. It provided me with a tolerably decent shower for the next ten years.

I even took it with me when I moved and re-installed the fraudulent device in my old unit. Too bad about the new tenants who would be paying about 65% more in rent than I was paying.

Then a short while ago, that trusty old nozzle cracked. I expected it would be harder to find a new hackable shower head by now as manufacturers scramble to appease the Greta Thunburgs of the world by making their products hack-proof.

I reread Tucker's article about shower dissidence and he recommended a perfect solution. It is an easily hackable unit that sells for $1.97 (U.S. I assume.)

I found something that looks identical online so I ordered it, from China, apparently. It cost $1.80 (CDN) plus $5.54 for shipping.

I immediately noticed three things about it when it arrived.

It was stamped with a flow rate of 2.5 GPM.,

There was no washer or O-ring to extract,

And it was made in the U.S.A. (I guess it's legal to make them in the U.S. and ship them to China. And then back here. Nyuk, nyuk.)

Slightly disappointed at the 2.5 GPM. flow spec since that was mandated in the U.S. in 1992, I installed it anyway and tried it out.

Damned if that was not the BEST FUCKING SHOWER I've had in over a decade!

I thought I might be imagining things so I took a pitcher and a stopwatch and measured the actual flow rate.

It was a staggering 3.6 USG per minute.

I just ordered another one in case this one ever breaks and by then the government has figured out a way to stamp out this brazen act of political dissent.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blocked by Alicia Elliott

Blocked by Alicia Elliott

Another communist sympathizer hides from me on Twitter.

Alicia Elliott


I don't know anything about this person. She is reputed to be an author.

I tripped across one of her Tweets which had been approvingly re-tweeted by Toronto Star race propagandist, @ShreeParadkar. It said,

"Two authors and I have decided we will not be participating in any events at the Toronto Public Library moving forward if they allow the Meghan Murphy event to take place in their facilities. We would appreciate if you would sign this letter in solidarity."

<Links: mine>

I am not familiar with Meghan Murphy so I don't have a dog in this fight other than to say that if Meghan Murphy has an opinion then she has every right to express it. If that's just proof of my "white supremacy" then so be it.

Ms. Elliott is obviously another in that growing army of left-wing authoritarians for whom "free speech" is a form of "white supremacy" unless it happens to be something they agree with, and then they are all for it.

People like Alicia Elliott have plainly announced that unless you agree with them they will try to silence you, therefore, I see no particular reason to be nice to them. If they want to silence Meghan Murphy, then they also want to silence me, and you, and anyone else who does not at least pretend that the Alicia Elliott's of the world have a monopoly on truth and wisdom.

So I replied to her Tweet,


By the sound of it

I would be happy if you were to announce that you will never be participating in any event


for the rest of your life

especially anything that involves discussion of different opinions

since you obviously can't handle that kind of "trauma"


I guess she couldn't handle that either because she went ahead and blocked me.

It strikes me as being more than a coincidence that this tendency to censor and block people resonates so beautifully with the saying attributed to Joseph Stalin - "No man? No problem."

And he wasn't just talking about censoring people.

Be forewarned about what our world will look like if people like Alicia Elliott ever get a grip on the kind of power they seek.

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Milloy talks Biden climate agenda with Stuart Varney on FOX Business From the April 19, 2024 episode.