Sunday, December 16, 2018

These guys are obviously a couple of jack-asses. But some of their techniques are interesting. I like the "gravity bong." I use a similar technology, though mine doesn't require a jug full of water, and it gives the user some measure of latitude as to the desired rate of consumption.

Friday, December 14, 2018

China’s "Social Credit System" Has Caused More Than Just Public Shaming ...

Isn't this just fucking great? Cashless society, anyone? Uber? Self-driving cars? Are you shitting me? Global Migration pact? Global warming?

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

What I would do if I were boss of the world?

If I actually had a choice, being that I live in Canada, and so far as I know, if I wish to subscribe to just one cable TV channel, that choice remains unavailable to me, even though I don't doubt that the satisfaction of my desire is entirely, technically possible, I know it is politically impossible.

I leave it to more detail-oriented people to correct me if I am wrong, but my impression is that all cable TV subscription packages in Canada are subject to CRTC regulations. Therefore, FOX NEWS NETWORK is off the table, unless I wish to also pay for a package... well a basic package full of crap, after which I can choose one or more other crap packages, in the hope that one of these crap packages will contain the aforementioned network.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a complainer. But the idea that I should pay for twenty or thirty absolutely boring, or useless, or offensive government-backed propaganda channels (like the CBC) before I am allowed to watch FOX NEWS strikes me as being absolute BULLSHIT.

And the irony is, I am not even a big fan of FOX NEWS. When it comes right down to it, there is only one nightly program on FOX NEWS that I regularly watch. And I watch it on YouTube.

There is nothing I like better than asking questions. Well, actually there is one thing I like better than asking questions.

Getting answers.

And if I can't get answers, I'm more than happy to settle for the kinds of people that are, at least, asking the same questions.

So, of course, I develop respect for those who come up with the same questions as I ask. And by paying attention the people who are asking the same questions as me, I have come to discover that the odds of finding, at least, some of the answers to my questions, greatly increases if I follow those people who are asking the same types of questions. (Duh!)

I have to admit that it rather freaks me out, when the Table of the Contents, for the thoughts that flow through my mind during each day, ends up being the same series of matters that are addressed at the end of each of those days, by my favourite pundits!

It's almost as if we are all a bunch of mind-controlled robots, being switched on and off at the whims of a bunch of KKK members and "far-right" extremists.

Or it could be that we are thinking human beings following the circuitry of logic.

Anyone who is familiar with the type of stuff I blog about, or "share," or Tweet, already knows exactly how my mind works. (As do Google and Facebook, etc. And they are making great strides, or so I hear, in knowing exactly what I think before I actually think it! Just look at the ads they serve up. The circuitry of logic. A double-edged sword.)

Fuck me.

So back to my original question. What would I do if I were the boss of the world?

I would allow the public to subscribe to as little as ONE CABLE channel if that is all they really desire. And I would charge them ONLY the relevant costs for that channel. Say, $10.00 a month for "basic cable" (I.E. - infrastucture) service, and an additional $2.00 per month for each channel they choose to subscribe to.

And if such a regime were, in fact, in place at this time, my monthly cable TV bill would be only $12.00. That would include the basic $10.00 infrastructure charge, and the $2.00 for the FOX NEWS channel.

I would even pay the $2.00 fee just for the Tucker Carlson show, for reasons stated above.

It would sure beat my nightly searches for the latest Tucker episode. In its entirety.

And I don't know about you, but if I had any choice into how $600 million dollars of my money were going to be spent upon media outlets that espouse my point of view I would certainly allocate some of those funds to the Tucker Carlson Show.

The fact that the version of Tucker I have included below appears to be incomplete only adds to my confidence that, if given a choice by my Gov. Inc. overmasters, I would be gladly willing to pay the $12.00 monthly fee to get the whole product without having to fish around for it every night.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lincoln Didn't Give a Shit about Slavery

I've never been a big fan of Lincoln. From what I know of him he was an opportunistic monster. (Like most politicians.) One thing is hardly controversial. Lincoln didn't care, one way or the other, about slavery.

He said so.

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery."

And to save the Union, he was willing to engage in a struggle that would cause the deaths of 600,000 Americans.

And ever since I came across the notion that U.S. intervention in WWI set the stage for Hitler and WWII, I have often wondered if the outcome might have been different had the South won their independence and the corresponding diminution of U.S. power had prevented Versailles.

Think about it. What would the world look like today if there were both the United States of America and the Confederate States of America?

And no. I don't believe the Confederacy would still have race-based slavery. But it would probably have income tax slavery, a peculiar institution that has yet to be purged.

Read this,

How Europeans Viewed the War

In Other News

I don't buy into Greg's biblical references, but then again, I have to confess that I have read very little of the Bible. I don't know much about Islam either, but from what I can see, I'm kind of leaning toward the Bible. I felt a lot more comfortable living in Canada when the Bible, notwithstanding my skepticism, was the dominant religious and cultural influence. My casual observations of life in the Islamic world, driven by a religious philosophy that we in the West are no longer permitted to criticize, is far less sanguine.

One final comment as it pertains to Greg's observation regarding the propaganda nudging us all into the abandonment of cash. It reminds me of the aggravation I felt last night at the grocery checkout line, as some trendy asshole delayed the progresss of the line because his fucking smartphone now had a role to play in the transaction, as he and the cashier looked at each other confusedly, so that he could pay for his cucumbers. What fucking horse-shit.

This is how it was done in the old days. "That will be $18.77. You give me a $20 bill, and I will give you $1.23 in change. Do we really need a fucking computer to make this any easier? What's next? Will you need to consult your smartphone before you wipe your ass?"

Tucker Carlson Tonight Fox News [12AM] 11/29/18 Breaking News Today November 29 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

That Ain't Bullshit, It's Dogshit!



SJWs 'Skinny Shame' Victoria's Secret Models

The Ethical State

Report: Actress Mareli Miniutti Claims Michael Avenatti Dragged Her on Floor, Yelled ‘Ungrateful F*cking B*tch’


Assange Under Siege... Where is Justice? With Lew Rockwell

Monday, November 19, 2018

Professor Calls Cops on Black Student

Back when I was a rookie cab driver in the late 70s, I picked up this drunk from some shithole bar. I was driving a Chevy Impala ex-cop car with a bench seat in the front. The guy sat directly behind me, then put his feet on the backrest in front of him, right beside my head.

I asked him a couple of times to put his feet down and he refused. Not wishing a physical confrontation with the guy, I took him to the central police station and asked them to remove the guy. A paddy wagon showed up. He was arrested for being drunk and shipped off in the wagon.

Big Fucking Deal!

Are you saying that if the guy were black I should have put up with it for fear of being called a "racist?"

By the way, you learn a hell of a lot about racism when you drive a cab. There are reasons for disparate outcomes that correlate with race.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Mass Shootings

When I hitch-hiked across the American south back in 1976, from Florida to California, mostly along Highway 10, it seemed that every vehicle that drove by was either a transport truck or a pickup truck. And every pickup truck had a gun rack in the cab and many of those contained rifles. It was definitely a gun culture.

Was I worried? Not in the least.

I was thumbing with Ed. We got a ride from these two guys from Arkansas. Talk about your country boy stereotypes. They had a car, a beat up old Caddy or something, and when we got into the back seat, our feet were resting on the two rifles that were just sitting on the floor. But I wasn't nervous. They were just a couple of good ol' boys, with a pronounced southern drawl, probably farmers or ranchers. The trip was uneventful.

And of course, I grew up across the street from a guy whose father was a hunter and who had a small, deadly arsenal in his basement. It never bothered me. Nor, as far as I know, did it bother anyone else who lived in the neighborhood at the time. Mass shootings were extremely rare.

When I stayed at the farmhouse near Bel Aire MD around 1966, where my father had been a guest as a German POW from about 1945 to 48, there was a double-barrel shotgun leaning in the corner by the kitchen door. (And a neato Civil War saber in the living room sitting with the point in a spitoon by the fireplace. I picked it up. Man, it was heavy.)

Gun culture was obviously integral to American history. But you hardly ever had mass shootings in those days. The one exception that stands out in my mind was the Texas bell tower sniper, who had a brain tumor.

"Gun culture," has been a part of U.S. history since the beginning. The elevated frequency of mass shootings seems to be a relatively new phenomenon. A lot of it is fueled by mass media. Most recent mass shootings seem to involve the use of SSRI's (anti-depressants.) I think the epidemic of depression and social isolation wrought by excessive digital distraction via smartphones and social media can only make the problem worse.

Oh, Ed and I did meet one potentially homicidal maniac in Galveston TX during that trip. We spent three days drinking with him at his stilted house. He was a Viet Nam veteran, Navy Recon he told us. If he wasn't full of shit, he had been through some serious stuff over there. He had a small arsenal, including a Tommy Gun, an M1, and a 9mm automatic pistol. And a BB gun. While Ed and I were out on the balcony shooting "love bugs" with the BB gun, he burst out of the house with his M1 and fired a live round into the ground. That, and some of the political conversations we had with him made me leary of the guy.

Now we have another vet, highly decorated it seems, whose vocation involved the skill of killing people. Frustrated with life and suffering from PTSD he acted out in the way he had been trained to do.

It's not gun ownership, per se, that is at the root of these mass shootings, IMHO. It's the result of a confluence of negative influences stemming from the welfare/warfare state, mass media broadcasts of these acts, along with an apparent epidemic of mental illness exacerbated by pharmaceuticals and digital media dependence.

Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....