Tuesday, November 6, 2018

You are right. Socialism will ultimately prevail.

Actually, it already has prevailed. In the west, it started to gain steam in the 1960's. In Germany and Russia, it started about 50 years earlier than that. If you take academia into account, it probably started a further hundred years back. In the early 1800's, Frederic Bastiat was already debating the communists. In one form or another, it goes all the way back to the caveman, as Kubrick suggested in the opening scene of "A Space Odyssey."

Popular music and popular entertainment were the first signals that culture had fully adopted all the premises of socialism, along with a burning hatred of capitalism and everything that symbolized capitalism. (The United States, Western Civilization, cheeseburgers, central heating and the automobile.)

The protest songs of the 60's and 70's smeared capitalism for creating too much wealth. Wealth was hated because it resulted in disparities. Producers tended to get rich while everyone else tended to get richer too, but at a slower pace.

"You paved paradise and put up a parking lot."

"We got the aeroplane, we got the automobile
We got skyscraper buildings made of glass and steel
We've got synthetic food that nearly tastes real
And a little white pill that makes you feel
Hey, A whole lot better when you get out of bed
You take one in the morning for the lovelier head
We got everything everybody needs to survive
Surely the good life has arrived

I think your atmosphere is hurting my eyes
And your concrete mountains are blacking the skies
Now I don't say that you've been telling me lies
But why do I hear those children's cries "

"Sign, sign, everywhere a sign." remember that song? It was a protest against private property and negotiated exchange. I.E. - Capitalism.

"He said 'you look like a fine young man, I think you'll do.' So I took off my hat and said, 'imagine that! Me working for you!'" -- or working for anyone for that matter. It was obvious that, since this guy hated private property, didn't want to cut his hair for a job, and didn't have a penny to contribute to the collection plate when he went into the church, that he was a born liberal. (A.K.A. - socialist.) He knew that eventually, there would be a guaranteed basic income.

How much you wanna bet he was also the guy that was always in the washroom when it was his turn to pay for a round?

Archie Bunker the Republican, made out to be a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, insensitive, CO2 spewing buffoon, was contrasted with Michael Stivik - the visionary SJW Democrat who "cared" about everything and everyone, though never enough, it seemed, to actually find himself a job and contribute a drop of his own blood or sweat into solving any problems.

Stivik became a role model for aspiring presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders.

Yep. The fix was in.

The Moody Blues,

"Men's mighty mine-machines digging in the ground,
Stealing rare minerals where they can be found.
Concrete caves with iron doors, bury it again,
While a starving frightened world fills the sea with grain.


As if the earth could give a rat's ass about capitalists penetrating its crust to find the stuff that improves the human standard of living.

Then they pull a typical socialistic bait and switch by conflating Roosevelt's socialistic farm policies with laissez-faire capitalism.

"It was a bitter pill for farmers to swallow. They had worked hard to raise those crops and livestock, and they absolutely hated to see them killed and the meat go to waste. Critics charged that the AAA was pushing a "policy of scarcity," killing little pigs simply to increase prices when many people were going hungry." -- source

Musicians should stick to music. I think there is some truth to the right hemisphere-left hemisphere thinker theory. Musicians, though creative, tend to be complete idiots when they try to pretend they are analytical thinkers.

And non-analytical thinkers tend to be attracted to socialism. The age-old idea about getting something for nothing is extremely seductive, especially for those with lower IQ's, or government jobs.

I visited the McMaster University bookstore sometime back in the 1980s. I was interested in finding materials written by free-market economists whose names I had become familiar with. I was wondering if I could save a few bucks by buying books there instead of going through the rigamarole of ordering from those few places in the U.S., like Laissez-Faire Books and The Fee Foundation, and paying the exchange rate plus postage.

I was disappointed. Most, and I mean most, of the books for sale in the political science and economics sections, were written by leftists. I don't think I bought a single book. Oh wait, I might have bought Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" there, though I'll admit, that was one book I never read all the way through. I found it rather tedious. I think he lost me with the part about the pin makers.

It's not important.

But whenever I hear some leftist MSM pundit smarmily mention that Democrats and Liberals tend to get more electoral support from people with "higher educations," I laugh, because what they really mean is that they've had more leftist brainwashing than the so-called, "deplorables" who voted for Trump. They tend to vote left because they have "degrees in worthlessness" as Gerald Celente might say.

Fuck me.

So when it comes down to the question, will the last bastion of hope for those who believe in capitalism, equal rights, private property, voluntary exchange, and now, even, freedom of speech, go down the historical sink-hole of socialism? The answer is inescapable.

"But Trump? If he wins the house!"

"Trump buys you time, but minutes only."

"But this ship can't sink!"

"She's made of capitalism, sir. I assure you, she can. And she will. It is a mathematical certainty."

Friday, November 2, 2018

Political Rock Concert

I know I am getting old when I get as much of a thrill from watching a political debate, as I used to get going to a rock concert.

Keep in mind, this is the debate those of the leftist persuasion, including NDP leader, what's her name? And that Toronto Star purveyor of anti-western hatred and demonization, Shree, wanted to shut down because, they claim, Steve Bannon is a "racist."

And then watch the debate. And then ask yourself, are you willing to let people like Andrea Horwath and Shree Paradkar decide what you should see?

Or would you rather be given the dignity, and the RIGHT to make that decision for yourself?

Censorship isn't just about shutting down the speakers. It's about deafening the listeners.

Just ask any current Gab subscriber. Or any potential subscriber .... like YOU.

Encore! Encore!

The Murder of Gab & the End of Internet Freedom

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Endorsement of Jagmeet Singh for the Federal NDP Leadership

I commented on Matthew Green's latest video. He'll probably delete it as soon as he sees it.

I said,

"Instead of trying to turn Canada into another Venezuela, why don't you form a Canadian socialist migrant caravan and march down there? I'm sure you and Jagmit will be able to fix things in no time. All they need is "real socialism." Right?"

Let me know if my comment is still there.

The Terrible Truth About Birthright Citizenship

Monday, October 29, 2018

John Taylor Gatto (1935-2018)

I read his book, "The Underground History of American Education," about ten years ago. It was a real page-turner. It was then that I REALLY realized that calling public schools, "child prisons" was not an exaggeration.

To this day I cringe when I see adult voters demand MORE government involvement in raising their kids, including "free" universal daycare. It's like watching someone eat glass.

I don't think it would be a stretch to imagine that if the government "education" system were to get hold of children the instant they emerged from the womb they would never learn to walk and talk. (With the insanity coming out of left field these days, it wouldn't even be that much of a stretch to imagine that the faster learners were making the other students "feel bad," and that therefore, they should be held back. To hell with the "white supremacist" meritocracy. Let's all just crawl and grunt. A true socialist utopia.)

My suspicion of public ed grew before I had much familiarity with Gatto, as my own kids served out their mandatory sentences in that system.

One thing I noticed was how tired they always looked when they got home with those zombie eyes. These were the same kids I had watched learn to walk, run, jump, and talk, and rip their fingers across a computer keyboard faster than I. All without a single hour of government instruction. (To them, keyboarding was just the "next level" in the game of learning.) Up until JK, they had already learned series of highly complex skills. And they had done so joyfully, which lead me to believe that the desire to learn is as natural as the desire to breathe.

After exposing them to the public school prisons for a few years and that joy in learning had been almost completely extinguished. Only the strongest survive. (Maybe that's the actual reason I got the strap almost every year and never won a "Citizenship Ward.")

I also remember the time when my son was in grade 8. I asked him what he was taking in science. I expected him to tell me about basic stuff, like precipitation, evaporation, and sublimation.

When he answered, "global warming" I almost blew a gasket. Those slimy Liberals were using their power over their young captive's minds to push political propaganda. They were cultivating little Liberals. Around the same time, I had a similar experience with my daughter. We were in the car and Al Gore's name was mentioned on the radio. I asked her if she'd ever heard of him. "Yes, we saw his movie in school."

OMFG! Public money was being used to enrich that climate shyster Al Gore.

It's time to turf this destructive notion that Government Inc. ought to play a key role in the business of education. Phase it out.

John Taylor Gatto (1935-2018): Remembering America's Most Courageous Teacher

The Underground History Of American Education

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Phony "education."

Now that I am no longer "working," (Like driving a cab could ever be considered a serious form of work,) I spend most of my time learning.

Learning is something you choose to do. No one can just give it to you.

I first realized this when I was a student at Mohawk College. (1981-83) I noticed many of my classmates complaining about some of the teachers. Those teachers could not teach.

And they were right.

Some of the teachers could barely speak English. Of course, they couldn't teach. I knew even then that their presence, and their salaries, depended more upon politics than economics.

But I decided I would not let that stop me. So I stopped attending the classes of the politically selected teachers, and instead, started reading the textbooks and doing the exercises.

It worked!

Instead of being confused by faltering attempts, in broken Engish, to explain subjects like physics and organic chemistry, I decided I would learn the shit on my own. (Diversity ISN'T our strength.)

It wasn't easy. Some of the texts were almost as fucked up as the teachers. But by using my own brain, I managed to figure things out and did quite well on the exams.

There is an old western saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

And that is one reason why I am not impressed with the anti-Ford commie zealots who are currently freaking out over his cutbacks to the public indoctrination system.

Especially today, with cheap computers and internet connections, people don't need commie politicians funneling their money through phony government programs to get an education.

That old, anti-libertarian argument, that without "government-run schools," poor people could not get an education, has been revealed to be complete bullshit, on a par with the notion that Justin Trudeau can control the climate.

Ford should initiate MORE CUTS to the phony "Higher Education" cartel.

This Just In

"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...