Wednesday, January 26, 2022


I didn't scan this one for spelling errors, so pardome me <sic> if it's a little rough around the edges. It can't be much worse than what I've been reading in the Hamilton Spectator and its affiliates, lately.

Schmoo respondent, when asked about how he liked being fondled by TSA checkpoint agents,

"I let my doctor stick his finger up my ass. Why wouldn't I let my government do it? It's all about keeping people safe, right?"


That's what the email from Food Basics said.

It's trying to bullshit me into thinking that $3.88 is a real bargain for butter.

I'm not much of a sophisticated shopper, but I do keep a close eye on a few items. One of them is butter.

Every pound of butter I have in my freezer cost me $2.99. I wait for the sales, and then I stock up.

Of course, after two years of watching what that sleazy c*cks*cker, Justin Trudeau, was up to, I knew the days of $2.99 butter were coming to an end.

So just now, I got this insulting ad from Food Basics telling me that $3.88 is a "WOWZAAA!" price for butter.

Like fuck, it is.

I don't blame Food Basics, but I don't like being lied to. I know Food Basics are just as sleazy and greedy as the average Liberal. That's just capitalism in a mixed economy, where government coercion is mixed with private businesses to achieve "equity," where sleazy politicians decide what "equity," is and arrange "partnerships" with private companies to "help" the marginalized population.

Again, I don't blame Food Basics for the price increase. I know exactly who is behind it. It's their god-damned dishonesty that rankles me. Why don't they just admit that they are a bunch of whores and that, the price is the price, and if you don't want to pay it, then you can just go and jerk off. Just like if you don't want to take the shot, it's your choice. Take the shot or get fired. They can afford to lose you. Justin just bragged about importing 400,000 replacements last year.

As if, like the typical Canadian sheeple, I have the memory of a gnat.

$3,88 for a pound of butter is not "WOWZAAA!." It is, effectively, a fucking 30% INCREASE in the price of butter.

I could be jumping the gun here. Maybe butter will come back on sale at $2.99 a pound. But I doubt it.

And the sheeple just guzzle the horseshit. COVID-19 caused this, and a bunch of white supremacist truck drivers are to blame, and a snowstorm - like we've never had one of those before the climate started to change. Government policy has nothing to do with it, if you believe Taz Boga and Marvin Rider. Suddenly, one snowstorm explains the empty shelves. How far does it have to go before you idiots realize that they are fucking you up the ass? They are stealing the value of your dollars and telling you it's raining.


I'm almost 68 years old and I have seen a few doozer snowstorms, but I don't EVER remember one that was so bad that it caused supply chain disruptions serious enough to warrant coverage in the Junk News media.

Not that anyone will see my complaint. It's too obvious by now that Facebook's switchboard operators are listening in on everyone's conversations, and if the "woke" operators don't like what is being said, they just disconnect the lines.

And there is nothing you can do about it, other than squawk about it to a few friends on your email list.

Those without historical knowledge will not realize that this is Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union in hyperdrive. Firing squads and ovens are no longer needed to suppress opposition. Just cancel the guy's bank, social media, PayPal, and GoFundMe accounts.

"No man, no problem," as Stalin is reputed to have said.

And when the currency is fully digitized, there WILL BE NO ESCAPE. And you can forget about having a cash stash. It will be as worthless as a Hamilton taxi plate.

And by the way. This is how they stole the 2020 election. No ballot box stuffing was required.

1 comment:

  1. This son of a commie BASTURD is drooling at the thought of having his very own "JUST WATCH ME" moment ...........


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"Per engaged hour."

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Per engaged hour&q...