Saturday, November 13, 2021

They Used to Burn Witches

Who is dying in Canada?

"Healthy young adults, adolescents and children who contracted the virus have been the least likely to develop severe complications from COVID-19, including death. In fact, 100% of the COVID-involved deaths of Canadians under the age of 45 as of July 31 had at least one other disease or condition certified on the medical certificate of death. The proportion of those with at least one other disease or condition decreases with age, ranging from 93% for those aged 45 to 64 to 89% for those aged 85 years or older." -- [Source]

Check out the following graph showing all cause mortality for Canadians of all ages since 2014. The pink line shows deaths in 2020. The incomplete dotted line shows deaths in 2021. It's easy to see that the pink line indicates excess mortality in Canada beginning at about the same time the Junk News media mounted it's terror campaign to induce panic in the population and spur cowardly politicians to overreact while giving ambitious health bureaucrats the opportunity to expand their scope and power. (Which is exactly what Milton Friedman said bureaucrats do.) Their primary ambition is to increase their own power and influence. Solving actual problems is a direct disincentive to problem solving.

Take just one example. How many government "jobs" in Canada are ostensibly aimed at the elimination of poverty? And how many of them would still have jobs if they were successful? Ditto for the climate warriors. These people need insoluble problems for their own comfort and prosperity. And if there isn't a problem in the first place, they will create one. (See climate warriors - big money in that artifical "job" - and that's why they slyly renamed the problem "climate change" instead of "global warming." They couldn't lose. If every molecule of human generated CO2 were terminated tomorrow, how much of your own money would you be willing to bet that the climate would just stop changing? Don't answer if you buy lottery tickets.)

Here is a screenshot of the numbers, by age for deaths in Ontario of people dying with positive PCR tests.

Out of a total of 9926 deaths in Ontario of people whose ages are known, 282 or 2.8% occurred in that group under the age of 50. The remaining 97.2% of deaths occurred in people 50 and older with positive PCR tests.

"Some deaths may have involved COVID-19 but were ultimately attributable to another disease such as ischemic heart disease, or an accidental injury such as a fall. These deaths do not consider COVID-19 as the underlying cause, but the virus was reported as being present on the medical certificate of death, either as a contributing cause or condition." -- [Source] [Italics mine]

Are these deaths being included in the overall body count? The six COVID deaths for people under the age of 20 reported in Ontario says they are.

"but the virus was reported as being present on the medical certificate of death"

Here is the Statcan chart for mortality in people aged 85 and over. There is a spike in deaths during the first wave. There is also a visible second wave corresponding to the 2020-2021 fall/winter flu season. If you compare this second wave to the fall winter lines for 2017-2018 flu season (red and purple,) they are almost identical. The peak in deaths for people in this age cohort occurs in week 17 (April) of 2020.)

Here is the same chart for Canadians aged 0 to 44.

The peak in deaths for people in this age cohort doesn't occur until week 29 (July,) well after the mandates and lockdowns exposed the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a total fraud.

"During the fall of 2020, younger people under the age of 65 accounted for 35 per cent of excess deaths — an increase from 14 per cent in the spring. About 95 per cent of deaths from COVID-19 during that time period involved people aged 65 and older." -- [Source] [Italics mine]


"However, more recently, the number of excess deaths has been higher than the number of deaths due to COVID-19, and these deaths are affecting younger populations, suggesting that other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic, are now at play." -- [Source] [Italics mine]

What does "other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic," mean? Junk News purveyor Global doesn't say. But it's not difficult to figure out what those "other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic," are.

Those other effects are the catastrophic, kneejerk, and ultimately inneffective response people in government imposed to externalize the cost of care for those hospitalized with positive PCR tests atributed to the virus and to pretend they were "doing something." Symbolism over substance is what we saw. "When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."

Jurisdictions like Sweden, South Dakota, and later Florida, chose not to kill the younger members of their populations with these "other factors."

I saw this happening at least as early as May, 2020. If a retired cab driver/climate scientist could see what was going to happen as a result of Jackboot medicine, how come the so-called "experts" did NOT see it? Did they even think about it? For one millisecond?

With the enthusiastic approval of crazed mobs, they used to burn witches too.

Not satisfied with the harm they have already done, they now want to vaccinate defenseless children. This is classic medieval stuff.

Explosive! Dr. Robert Malone: They’re Rushing Into Killing Children

Nov 11, 2021

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"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...