Monday, August 16, 2021

Fact Check: Censored by Facebook

August 16, 2021

When I tried to post this to my home feed,

I got this....

And it just stuck there.

I had better luck posting to the "No More Lockdowns Hamilton" Facebook group, but it was immediately flagged.

I don't respond well to bullying, so I shared it anyway and got this,

What is the establishment so afraid of?

It's this,

I did some additional checking. Here is the epicurve for India from the WHO with my comments.

No data available, to suggest a link between India's reduction of COVID-19 cases and the use of ivermectin, ey?

Yeah, especially if you're not even allowed to see it.

For comparison purposes, I downloaded data from the

The Ontario data implies that the vaccinations are responsible for the so-called "Fourth Wave" resurgence in Ontario.

It looks like the URL has been changed on the Ontario government COVID data website so that those using the old one will now be sent directly to the COVID-19 vaccinations data page instead of the Case numbers and spread page. I hate when they do that because it renders any of my old hyperlinks and references obsolete.



India revises COVID treatment guidelines to incluse consideration of Ivermectin for treatment of mild /asymptomatic COVID-19 cases on April 28, 2021.

Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of mild /asymptomatic COVID-19 cases

1 comment:

  1. And you wonder why people who have actually been doing their homework are anti-vaxers.


Please feel free to leave your comments, insults, or threats.

Without Liberty, the Brain is a Dungeon

We should all be aware by now of the dirty tricks Facebook has been using for years now, to stifle certain opinions and information....