Thursday, February 9, 2017

What a couple of haughty clowns these two fools are. I've never heard of Professor Giroux, (should I have?) but as a cab driver, I have met thousands of McMaster students over the last several decades. When it comes to politics, economics, history, social policy, racial and ethnic politics, they are the dumbest bunch of brainwashed idiots of all of my passengers. People who have real jobs tend to be much more connected to the REAL WORLD. They have real problems to solve in their own lives. They are getting a REAL EDUCATION. The knowledge they accumulate has actual APPLICATIONS.

Which is not to say that I have not actually met one or two Mac students who surprised the hell out of me by their comprehension of the real issues. They were obviously not Prof. Geroux's students, or, if they were, they were probably getting real shitty grades. One young person told me he feels the need to keep his opinions to himself, for fear of the overwhelming backlash. I guess he was one of the "Owellians" Professor Geroux disrespects.

And yes, *I* would have voted for Donald Trump enthusiastically, but NOT for any of the reasons this bozo "Professor" lists. He's talking out of his asshole. (Reminds me of a "so-called" judge.)

I was so impressed by Prof. Geroux's ability to be completely wrong, about everything, that I almost launched into one of my famous rants (famous to my one fan) but, nobody reads them. And judging from the number of hits this youtube conversation has received (25 so far,) even less would read them here. (Although, I intend to cross-post this video along with my comments to facebook and twitter to see if it gives them more traffic.)

In the sidebar, I see a 10 minute talk by Prof. Geroux, entitled, "Neoliberalism, Youth, and Social Justice," but, if he is as clueless as this interview clearly demonstrates, then it would be a complete waste of time. Still, it beckons. What other nonsense does he spout? It reminds me of another alleged "fascist's" admonition,

"Don't bother to examine a folly? Just ask yourself what it accomplishes."

It's a shame, really. Professor Geroux might have found a calling in life that was actually useful. Instead, he gets paid for spewing nothing but formulaic, crypto-commie horseshit. But, my guess would be that his "higher education" was subsidized by taxpayers. Go figger.

"Orwell would be rolling over in his grave." My ass.

Orwell predicted this shite.

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