Thursday, July 13, 2017

Do Bike Lanes Save the Planet?

Cannon St. Bike Lanes Analysis


To examine whether the theory that reducing the efficiency of traffic flow can be reasonably expected to have an impact upon the Earth's changing climate.


These are estimates derived from quick Google searches. They are designed to generate some ball-park numbers to determine whether the vehicle exclusion lanes along Cannon St. E., from Sherman Ave to Hess St., are actually saving the planet, (Assuming the AGW hypothesis is not a hoax.)

Traffic volume on Cannon St. East: minimum 9,000 vehicles per day
Excessive vehicular idling as a result of bike lanes: 1 minute per vehicle per trip (derived from experience)
Amount of CO2 emitted during politically induced idling: 69 g/min
Length of bike lanes (Sherman to Hess): 3 Km
Number of crack-head bicycle trips per day: 550
Total number of bicycle trips per day: 600
Average CO2 emitted by cyclist: 21 g/Km
Average CO2 emitted by moving vehicle: 185 g/Km


For the purposes of this discussion, it will be assumed that the vehicles and the crack-heads cover the entire 3 Km distance of the route.


The 600 daily crack-head bicycle trips along Cannon St. generate about 600 trips X 3 Km/trip X 21 g CO2/Km = 37,800 g CO2.

If these trips had been by automobile, the total amount of CO2 emitted would be about 600 X 3 Km/trip X 185g CO2/Km = 333,000 g CO2.

CO2 reduction as a result of cycling instead of driving: 333,000 g CO2 - 37,000 g CO2 = 295,000 g CO2.

The bicycle lanes thus reduce carbon emissions along Cannon St. E. by an impressive 295 kilograms per day.

On the other hand, the unnecessary idling caused by the vehicle exclusion lanes result in a total of 9,000 trips X 1 minute idling per trip X 69 g/min idling = 621,000 g of CO2. (621 Kg.)

Therefore, the politically sexy, but environmentally indefensible, congestion caused by bike lanes along Cannon St. E. results in an increase of 621 Kg - 295 Kg = 326 Kg. of CO2.


The bicycle lanes along Cannon St. from Sherman Ave. to Hess St. result in increased CO2 emissions of about 326 Kg per day. Multiplied by 365 days, that yields an additional 118,990 Kg of totally unnecessary carbon "pollution" per year.

It appears that the claim by politicians, that they have the power to influence the Earth's climate, by screwing up traffic flow, is no more credible than their demonstrated expertise when it comes to road maintenance, or taxicab regulation, even if we assume that the AGM hoax is actually correct.

Were you expecting something different?

Video: Driving West on Cannon St. Pre-Vehicle Exclusion Lanes (A.K.A. - Bike Lanes.)

Note: Zero idling. Zero politically induced CO2 generation.

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