Thursday, March 24, 2016

Freedom is Slavery



March 6, 2010
I got that idea from Orwell.
But, as I look around me these days, I think the words should be reversed.... Slavery is Freedom.
Yes, that seems to more accurately predict the attitudes I see around me.
I remember someone once trying to convince me that "free enterprise was neither."
I could never figure out what he was trying to tell me. It kinda struck me as being equivalent to saying, "football is neither."
Maybe my logic is impaired.... (where is my disability check????) so I figure what he was trying to tell me was that "free enterprise," is neither free nor enterprise.
In the movie, I noticed a sign... it said, "Regulation Meal."
Sound remotely familiar?
In another segment I noted, "Ignorance is strength."
All I could think of at the moment was the person I heard asking, "Where is my Obama money." Yes, ignorance is strength... but not to the person who asked that question.... would it be too much for me to conjecture that ignorance is indeed the strength of those who wish to rule the ignorant?
The sheep, the cattle.... the livestock.
I went into a Tim Horton restaurant recently and I saw this guy come in with a ring around his nose.
Being who I am, I could not help but interpret his self immolation as an open invitation to those who would govern to grab that nose ring and lead him on down to the pastures of socialism. Was he a product of government education? How could he so willingly advertise that he was willing to be treated as nothing more than livestock?
Thought Crime
We are not there yet. We don't have the technology. Just wait until the government has come up with a way of expropriating technology, skewing it to it's own ends... to the point where every citizen will be required by law to have a "thought chip," implanted in their mind.
The "Human Rights Commissions," will have a field day!
No longer will they have to rely upon interpretations of things you said, or are alleged to have said, or things you said which might be subject to various interpretations.
Nope, once those state mandated electrodes are implanted in your brain..... there will be no escape for anyone who has an opinion outside the parameters prescribed by the state.
They will have you squarely by the balls.

If you doubt this, just consider what happens to some people if they dare to volunteer what it is they may be thinking.... they could have avoided being skewerd by the HRC's if only they had shut the fuck up!
But they foolishly opened their mouths and revealed the contents of their minds.
When individuals are perscuted for speaking their minds, is it such a stretch to imagine that, given the technology, they not be persecuted for using their minds?
The government of the City of Hamilton has, by virtue of it's coercive power to permit or deny the right to earn a living, imposed a new mandate upon the local taxi industry. As of May, 1st, 2010.... all taxicabs will be required to have in car cameras.
I noticed a sign or something in the movie... about the "Ministry of Nice." It instantly reminded me of Dagwood McGoofball's mandatory.... yes, MANDATORY, holiday.... "Family Day," which mostly benefits public sector union members, who get yet another day off with pay... at the expense of the rest of us. Now isn't "family day," just NICE?
I think of how NICE it is... when I go to work on that day. It's so NICE i have to double up on my beer purchase the day before because I am such a NICE guy. And because the nice people who work for the government have a right to enjoy quality time with their families while I am expected to keep on working to make it happen.
You know, I am getting tired of being NICE.

March 6, 2010
I got that idea from Orwell.
But, as I look around me these days, I think the words should be reversed.... Slavery is Freedom.
Yes, that seems to more accurately predict the attitudes I see around me.
HI remember someone once trying to convince me that "free enterprise was neither."
I could never figure out what he was trying to tell me. It kinda struck me as being equivalent to saying, "football is neither."
Maybe my logic is impaired.... (where is my disability check????) so I figure what he was trying to tell me was that "free enterprise," is neither free nor enterprise.
In the movie, I noticed a sign... it said, "Regulation Meal."
Sound remotely familiar?
In another segment I noted, "Ignorance is strength."
All I could think of at the moment was the person I heard asking, "Where is my Obama money." Yes, ignorance is strength... but not to the person who asked that question.... would it be too much for me to conjecture that ignorance is indeed the strength of those who wish to rule the ignorant?
The sheep, the cattle.... the livestock.
I went into a Tim Horton restaurant recently and I saw this guy come in with a ring around his nose.
Being who I am, I could not help but interpret his self immolation as an open invitation to those who would govern to grab that nose ring and lead him on down to the pastures of socialism. Was he a product of government education? How could he so willingly advertise that he was willing to be treated as nothing more than livestock?
Thought Crime
We are not there yet. We don't have the technology. Just wait until the government has come up with a way of expropriating technology, skewing it to it's own ends... to the point where every citizen will be required by law to have a "thought chip," implanted in their mind.
The "Human Rights Commissions," will have a field day!
No longer will they have to rely upon interpretations of things you said, or are alleged to have said, or things you said which might be subject to various interpretations.
Nope, once those state mandated electrodes are implanted in your brain..... there will be no escape for anyone who has an opinion outside the parameters prescribed by the state.
They will have you squarely by the balls.

If you doubt this, just consider what happens to some people if they dare to volunteer what it is they may be thinking.... they could have avoided being skewerd by the HRC's if only they had shut the fuck up!
But they foolishly opened their mouths and revealed the contents of their minds.
When individuals are perscuted for speaking their minds, is it such a stretch to imagine that, given the technology, they not be persecuted for using their minds?
The government of the City of Hamilton has, by virtue of it's coercive power to permit or deny the right to earn a living, imposed a new mandate upon the local taxi industry. As of May, 1st, 2010.... all taxicabs will be required to have in car cameras.
I noticed a sign or something in the movie... about the "Ministry of Nice." It instantly reminded me of Dagwood McGoofball's mandatory.... yes, MANDATORY, holiday.... "Family Day," which mostly benefits public sector union members, who get yet another day off with pay... at the expense of the rest of us. Now isn't "family day," just NICE?
I think of how NICE it is... when I go to work on that day. It's so NICE i have to double up on my beer purchase the day before because I am such a NICE guy. And because the nice people who work for the government have a right to enjoy quality time with their families while I am expected to keep on working to make it happen.
You know, I am getting tired of being NICE.

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