Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 17, 2020 Scamdemic Update

Instead of focusing on the number of COVID-19 cases in on Ontario and hiding under my coffee table, I download the data from the Ontario government's website ( and used an Open Source spreadsheet to calculate and plot the Case fatality rates for COVID-19 in Ontario.

The result was considerably less frightening than the screaming headlines in the Fake News media would have their audiences believe.


Recommended resources for a more balanced view of the COVID-19 phenomenon.

Ivor Cummins

Tony Heller on YouTube

Tony Heller for when he gets erased from YouTube, or StalinTube.

"This Is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public"

UnHerd with Freddie Sayers

The Market Ticker

The Highwire

Friday, November 13, 2020

Fun with acronyms.

March 10, 2017

Is anyone else losing track of the revisions to the LGBT acronym?

I found LGBTQQIP2SAA. I expect the list to keep on growing.

The Burlington pig lady says, “This is the fight of my life. I am going to spend the rest of my life fighting for the rights of animals ’til they are considered equal just like the rest of us.”

What letter will they use to cover pigs?

They can't use "P" for "pig," or "porker," because that letter is already taken. "B" for "boar," is already taken. So is "S" for "swine."

Oh, I've got it! "H" for "hog."


There is a lot of potential, right there, for a massive expansion of the acronym.

There is no "C" in there, so cows are easily included. But that leaves out cats. Let's use "F" for felines. There is no "D" for dog, but what about donkeys? (I forget, is "donkey" synonymous with "mule?") We can still use "M" for "mouse."

I don't want to get too wrapped up in the details right now so let's just temporarily adopt the convention that the letter represents all of the animals in that class. Throw in an "E" for elephants and eels and we are already up to LGBTQQIP2SAAHCFDME. Oh, and an "R" for reptiles - LGBTQQIP2SAAHCFDMER.

Then you will have to separate all of these groups depending upon whether they are cis, gay, or questioning, etc. You'll need a book of regulations the size of the Toronto telephone directory (if it still exists) just to sort out all of the bathroom protocols, not to mention the allocations of publicly funded surgeries and hormone replacement therapies.

An army of interpreters will be required when worms (LGBTQQIP2SAAHCFDMERW) start running for public office. (as if that would change anything.)

Then there is the thorny issue of plant's rights. According to one report, "living organisms should be considered morally for their own sake because they are alive."

Whew! This whole issue of assigning rights in accordance with identity politics could start to seem rather crazy to some people. Politicians, on the other hand, can be counted upon to enthusiatically embrace the challenge. There is no better profession than politics because it allows its practitioners to create their own "jobs" while drawing a guaranteed salary from the public purse.

Imagine the quandaries that would evolve in the field of medical ethics. Picture this in comic format,

A potato is lying in a bed in the intensive care ward. A doctor stands nearby talking to a bushel full of close family members. The caption reads,

"I think we should pull the plug."

Is it time to pull the plug on the whole damned thing?


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I'm not saying that Biden cheated.

I'm not saying that Biden cheated.

That would be ridiculous. Biden didn't even run. Seriously, the guy spent most of the campaign time hiding in his basement. Someone had told him, "Just keep your mouth shut. We'll take care of this." You don't think this election was between Biden and Trump, do you?

If you do, what percentage of Biden voters do you think voted for him because of anything he did or said? My guess would be that it's in about the same ballpark as the people who end up dying WITH COVID-19.


All of a fuckin' sudden, Biden is some kind of new messiah. (Give me a fucking break.)

And his partner there. I mean, what a duo. Biden/Harris. That's the product American bought? They must be fucking stupid. Maybe people should pay a fee for a ballot. That might motivate them to indulge in some fleeting consideration as to what they were paying for.

Look at it this way. If you had to pay $5 to vote for Trump, would you? (I would)

And if you had to pay $5 to vote for ... Biden/Harris.... would you? (I wouldn't give them the sweat off my balls)

I guess that would depend, in part, upon who is promising to pay for your vote.

No. This election wasn't between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. (The idea just makes me want to laugh) It was between Trump, and every other asshole who has a way of getting attention - from the talking heads on radio and TV, to the lunatics looting and burning down cities last summer, to the politically, and economically clueless entertainment celebrities.

When the whole issue of mail-in-ballots first came up as a result of the virus, that was NOT going to be allowed to go to waste, I smelled a rat. (BS Detection.)

Mail-in balloting.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Who couldn't see the angle behind that scam?

Not enough people, it seems.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

That's how Democrats (meaning: communists, or crypto-communists, or "liberals," or greens, or leftists, or "social democrats" (YUK) think. They're not about building or creation, they are about redistribution of other people's money - the stuff OTHER PEOPLE create, all the while tying them into a straight-jacket as to what and how they can do what they do, so long as there is no lockdown, in which case - even singing is frowned upon, if not outright prohibited..

They thrive on crisis. And if there is no crisis, they will manufacture one. The demand for their skills must be maintained, else they might have to find real jobs.

Never let a good crisis go to waste turned into never let a good virus go to waste.

Mail-in balloting.

"social distancing" of scrutineers.

The parameters are all being defined with a certain result in mind. (Just like the speech parameters on the CBC, academia, and in social media.)

Not for a Biden win, but for a Trump loss.

This is becoming increasingly obvious as time goes on.

Second World War vet turns 100 with a socially distanced party — and a parade

I'm happy for Mr. Robert Spencer and especially for the fact that he survived the massive crimes committed by the various governments in WWII. I hope he has a happy birthday.

There is a lot of cognitive dissonance in this comments section, though.

Consider this comment,

"Pretty cool !! A special thx for your many sacrifices, from my grandchildren, children & especially myself. We live free & enjoy life because of people like you."

Live free?

... even though the report clearly states, "This year's Remembrance Day will be difficult for Spencer. Thanks to COVID-19 (not COVID-19 - government lockdowns, I.E. health fascism,) he won't be able to share the moment in person with other veterans."

So, remind me, what was all of the fighting about?

Second World War vet turns 100 with a socially distanced party — and a parade

Wow! Is this a miracle? My overlords have graciously allowed this one to see the light of day! It's almost like... living free.

Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Not News

Given all the stink going on right now respecting the claim that Donald Trump has lost the 2020 presidential election against an old man who, for all intents and purposes, didn't even run, it should not surprise anyone that the Democrats cheated their asses off. It's to be expected.

I won't list all of the obvious tip-offs indicating the election was stolen. There's plenty of information about that on the internet in spite of the gargantuan efforts of the Fake News media to cover it all up, along with the congenital criminal mentality of most of those who call themselves Democrats.

I will just give you a broad outline of why I know that they cheated in this election.

First of all, the vast majority of Democrats are leftists. Regardless of whatever else leftists may call themselves, from "liberal," to "socialist," to "democratic socialist," etc. the common thread in their ideology is the idea that some people are born to work and produce, while another group have the right to benefit from that production. Hence their angry demands for evermore free stuff, like free money (INCLUDING Basic Income,) education, health care, and so on. In other words, they believe in slavery.

It cannot be denied, not for a millisecond that leftists are strong defenders of property rights. Superficially, this makes no sense, since they are also the ones who so adamantly attack property rights. "Property is theft," is one of their sayings. But when you get right down to the nitty-gritty and examine their demands what do you find? They are all about wanting something for nothing. While no leftist will admit it openly their basic credo is, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine."

Though I am no saint, I have never supported this leftist model of social organization for the simple reason that I cannot see it working in the long run. It's unsustainable, to use a fashionable term. It's simple economics. People respond to incentives. If prices go up, people buy less and vice-versa. And in a society organized in accordance with leftist "principles" productive activity is disincentivized, while sloth and irresponsibility are rewarded. The trajectory of this upside-down incentive system is too easy to see. To each according to his need, regardless of whether that beneficiary lifts one finger to satisfy his own needs.

Theft is baked right into the leftist cake.

And since those who are being deprived of that which they earned tend to resist such an indignity, the left must devise ways of extracting those things of value they believe they have a right to.

And as every taxi driver soon learns, those who want something for nothing will lie, cheat, and steal to get it.

From the COVID-19 File

Panicked COVID Man

Thursday, October 29, 2020

News? Or Propaganda?

More Evidence on how the Fast News media deceives its audience through omission.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Gorge until you Puke

Life was a lot easier back when I thought I knew everything, or at least, everything one needed to know.

I try to visualize the info-blast, and its impact on the brain.

I got the idea just now, after checking my emails, and finding a deluge of information and opinion, and suddenly,

I felt totally overwhelmed.

Books I had read as a teenager by Alvin Toffler and Marshall McLuhan, though I NEVER understood McLuhan, other than to deduce that the medium is, somehow, the message, that the thought of Western Man is linear and sequential (White Supremacy?) and that the impact of electronic media was going to be GIGANTIC.

The wheel is an extension of the foot.

The hammer is an extension of the hand.

Electronic media is an extension of the nervous system.

"Global Village."

And just now, after deleting all of those emails, I thought of this:

So much tantalizing material, yet so little energy and time.

Back in the day, as we Boomers like to say, you had to really dig for information.

Oh, yeah, you could buy a newspaper for "information" for a quarter and get some "information."

It was good for some things, like the classified ads, if you were looking for a job or an apartment, or an available product you were sure to find what you needed.

But if you had an interest in politics or economics, you would have to look elsewhere. Of course, most newspaper readers never realized that.

Though I didn't realize it at the time, I had developed a taste for "alternate news" way back in the 1970s. I had to buy money orders and mail my subscriptions into the U.S. to get subscriptions to publications like "The Freeman" from FEE and Liberty and Reason magazines.

I was always hungry for the news behind the "news." And I still am but WOW! I think it is coming to a point where I am starting to get sick of it.

Like the time my parents had a bag full of mini Oh Henry bars left over after Halloween. That was back when wearing masks was a kind of a joke, (get it?) So they left it on the top shelf in the kitchen cupboard, thinking it was too high for us kids to get at them. Parents are so dumb sometimes.

So, of course, I pilfered a whole shitload of them. And I got so fucking sick that I couldn't eat another Oh Henry for the next forty years, and I think I have not had more than one since then.

And now I am starting to, well, think of that experience, and associate it with the deluge of information now in front of me, and feel a little bit sick.

I can't honestly say, right at this moment, whether a sudden nauseating reaction to more information would be a good thing or a bad thing.

But knowing myself as I do, I will probably ignore my own advice and continue to gorge, until I puke, as I did this evening.

"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...