Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I'm not saying that Biden cheated.

I'm not saying that Biden cheated.

That would be ridiculous. Biden didn't even run. Seriously, the guy spent most of the campaign time hiding in his basement. Someone had told him, "Just keep your mouth shut. We'll take care of this." You don't think this election was between Biden and Trump, do you?

If you do, what percentage of Biden voters do you think voted for him because of anything he did or said? My guess would be that it's in about the same ballpark as the people who end up dying WITH COVID-19.


All of a fuckin' sudden, Biden is some kind of new messiah. (Give me a fucking break.)

And his partner there. I mean, what a duo. Biden/Harris. That's the product American bought? They must be fucking stupid. Maybe people should pay a fee for a ballot. That might motivate them to indulge in some fleeting consideration as to what they were paying for.

Look at it this way. If you had to pay $5 to vote for Trump, would you? (I would)

And if you had to pay $5 to vote for ... Biden/Harris.... would you? (I wouldn't give them the sweat off my balls)

I guess that would depend, in part, upon who is promising to pay for your vote.

No. This election wasn't between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. (The idea just makes me want to laugh) It was between Trump, and every other asshole who has a way of getting attention - from the talking heads on radio and TV, to the lunatics looting and burning down cities last summer, to the politically, and economically clueless entertainment celebrities.

When the whole issue of mail-in-ballots first came up as a result of the virus, that was NOT going to be allowed to go to waste, I smelled a rat. (BS Detection.)

Mail-in balloting.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Who couldn't see the angle behind that scam?

Not enough people, it seems.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

That's how Democrats (meaning: communists, or crypto-communists, or "liberals," or greens, or leftists, or "social democrats" (YUK) think. They're not about building or creation, they are about redistribution of other people's money - the stuff OTHER PEOPLE create, all the while tying them into a straight-jacket as to what and how they can do what they do, so long as there is no lockdown, in which case - even singing is frowned upon, if not outright prohibited..

They thrive on crisis. And if there is no crisis, they will manufacture one. The demand for their skills must be maintained, else they might have to find real jobs.

Never let a good crisis go to waste turned into never let a good virus go to waste.

Mail-in balloting.

"social distancing" of scrutineers.

The parameters are all being defined with a certain result in mind. (Just like the speech parameters on the CBC, academia, and in social media.)

Not for a Biden win, but for a Trump loss.

This is becoming increasingly obvious as time goes on.

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"During Engaged Time per Hour"

That's funny. Uber is just as adept with language sleaze as the Trudeau Liberals. Let me demonstrate what "Engaged time per h...