Friday, September 28, 2018

This is not News

It's my opinion.

One of Tucker's best shows yet.

As usual, Tucker invites a couple of crypto-commies onto the show. Sometimes, these segments can be a bit cacophonous as they talk all over each other, but I love that he has them on the show because, ultimately he is able to expose them for the utter fools, or dishonest slimeballs they are.

Even though I can't stand them, I value being given the opportunity to watch and study them in action.

By the way, this is why I am 100% opposed to censorship. If, for example, two of tonight's guests, Chris Hahn and Jason Nichols had been silenced or de-platformed, (like Alex Jones or Faith Goldy and many others have been,) as someone who almost never finds their opinions have any merit, I still value the opportunity to hear what they have to say. And to study and familiarize myself with their sophistic techniques.

Censorship does a disservice, not only to the fans and supporters of the affected pundits but to their opponents as well.

You cannot intelligently criticize anyone unless you have knowledge of what they actually say.

From my "Who the Fuck are You Jivin' with that Cosmic Debris?" File

Since we're all playing this game....

Here's a thought, just off the top of my head. Four witnesses were cited by Christine Ford - Kavanaugh, Leland Keiser, Patrick Smith, and Mark Judge.

Now, if Chris Garrett, her reputed boyfriend at the time (Squi,) was also there, why did she not include him in her list of witnesses? Was her recollection of the events so bad that she couldn't remember her own boyfriend being there?

Some asshole journalist has to dig up the "fact", from Kavanagh's calendar, that Ford's boyfriend *might* have been at the party?

Give me a break.

Of course, it will be interesting to see if they dig up Mr. Squi to see what he has to say on the matter. I hope he's not a Democrat.

Kavanaugh is pressed on the key July 1 entry in his calendar. But only to a point.

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