Sunday, August 20, 2023

This Post Can't be Shared Aug 20, 2023

Why San Francisco is dying and what it has to do with George Soros. (click here)

I read Silverglate's book when it first came out.

It contains shocking accounts of innocent people being railroaded by the corrupt US justice system. It's enough to make you sick. It's also why I am absolutely fucking amazed the cocksuckers haven't already successfully prosecuted Trump for .... something, anything! God! Trump must be the squeaky cleanest American in history if they haven't got him yet.

Paul Craig Roberts mentions it in his latest essay, From the Rule of Law to Weaponized Law. I could not post the link on Facebook due to their absolutly moronic decisions about what constitutes "news."

1 comment:

  1. Anarchy is the next phase; and then tyranny.


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Milloy talks Biden climate agenda with Stuart Varney on FOX Business From the April 19, 2024 episode.