Sunday, January 16, 2022

Justin's Twarts

I have just invented a new portmanteau word. It is a combination of the words "Tweet," and "Fart." I call it a "Twart."

If you have a nose for this sort of thing, then I recommend you sign up on Twitter and follow Canada's Prime Minister.

They say that, because he was a vegetarian, Hitler suffered from uncontrollable flatulence. It must have been hell in that bunker. And get this, smokers had to go outside. Even when the Red Army was only meters away.

Field marshal: Do you mind if I smoke?

Hitler: Do you mind if I fart?

As of this writing, here is the contents of Mr. Turdeau's latest Twart.

Update: It is now illegal to intimidate doctors, nurses, and patients – or to obstruct them from providing care or seeking treatment – as our government’s legislation to criminalize this behaviour comes into force today. We’ll continue to have the backs of health care workers.

I replied,

Does this law include protection for Canadian doctors who have been intimidated, censored, fired, & smeared for daring to have a different medical opinion on early treatments, lockdowns, mask mandates, & vaccine safety/efficacy?

Or is it just for those who kiss your & Tam's ass?

Here is my embedded tweet.

In the unlikely event that my comment will be shoved down the memory hole, here is a screenshot.

Earlier, I commented on another one of his Twarts,

Haha! What a fucking hypocrite you are.

To do it so openly takes either a huge set of balls, or a dangerous case of megalomania. It is a sight to behold.

Let's Go Justin!

In response to,

Antisemitism is not acceptable. Not in Texas, here at home, or anywhere. While I’m relieved the hostages are now safe, the situation at Congregation Beth Israel is a reminder that each and every one of us must remain vigilant and work together to combat hatred in all its forms.

The embedded Tweet,

And the screenshot,

Did he really Twart that?

While I’m relieved the hostages are now safe, the situation at Congregation Beth Israel is a reminder that each and every one of us must remain vigilant and work together to combat hatred in all its forms. [italics: mine]

Remember, this is the guy who was recently exposed equating the unvaccinated to racists and misogynists and saying that they are "taking up space." Yes, the same guy. (See my video, "Do We Tolerate These People?", below.)

And yet, this man continues to be very popular amongst Canadian voters. They think his Twarts smell like roses.



Okay. That's enough. Besides, surprisingly, the Trudeau twart-sniffers are outnumbered more than ten to one by those who understand exactly what kind of a pompous charlatan the Honourable Prime Minister is. Check it out.

I just heard a rumour that Justin has ordered 60 million empty jars. I wonder what that is all about?

Sabotage: With Vaccine Mandates For Truckers

Today's Cartoon.

Got VAIDS Yet?

Have you at least heard about it?

Is it real? Is is plausible?

Facebook does not want you to know about it.

Go Figger!

Here is what Facebook doesn't want you to see.

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