Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Lay of the Land - "SISSY-MEN" and More

Health Canada exaggerating the risks of smoking and second-hand smoke was also a lie.

See Health Canada says Arsenic in Cigarettes, Bad - Arsenic in Water Okay

Looking back.

Something I wrote years ago about the unmasking of the sleazy crypto communists driving our country into the dirt. "It may be a good thing to quit smoking but it is not a good thing to get used to having the government dictate your behaviour. I would rather have smoke billowing out of every doorway than live in a socialist ant-hill." At the bottom, you will see a link to an article about what Australia was doing at the time to acclimate its citizens to mandates, lockdowns, and other forms of social control.

It's one reason I am not in the least bit surprised by Australia's hysterical response to a virus for which there is an almost 100% survival rate. It's also why, in many conversations with people over the years who saw Canada's slide into statist oblivion, were fishing around for a country of refuge, and suggested Australia as a viable option, I would advise them that going to Australia would be a mistake. Australia was obviously already deep into the straightjacket of collectivist thinking.

I read something years ago about Adolf Hitler. I can't remember where but it described Hitler's decision to quit smoking, From memory, "as he threw his last cigarette butt into the Danube he made a decision. What was not good for Hitler was not good for Deutschland." (On the other hand, it was okay to pump Wehrmacht soldiers up with methamphetamine to boost their fighting abilities.)

And once he gained power he implemented draconic tobacco restrictions more than half a century before the "democracies" of the West adopted the same policies.

September 7, 2021

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